How to lose weight easily
We all know how important it is to have a weight that makes us feel healthy and comfortable,that is why we would like to give you some important tips to gain an healthy lifestyle.
First of all wtrite down all you eat. Having a food diary will reduce the quantity of food you eat by 15%.
Do not drink sodas or juices. You can have orange juice for breakfast but never drink anything like that during the rest of the day, try to drink water or tea instead.
Always eat your salad or your soup before the main dish. Remember it is better to use plates and cutlery because this will make you eat less.
Excercise a bit every day. For example spend 10 minutes walking up and down the stairs each day or try to walk at least 7 minutes every 2 hours.
Do not buy frozen processed food! Always buy fresh and seasonal foods.
Try to eat slowly, put your fork down in between every bite, enjoy your meal and relax.
Never eat before going to bed. It is a big mistake to continue eating after dinner!
If you can, do some exercise before having dinner, because if you do you will cut down your appetite and calories.
Eat water-rich food as zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers and soups and salads in general.
Always brush your teeth after every meal. It will reduce your need of having something sweet after your meal and it is good for your oral health.
Have nuts as a snack. Drink skim milk and of course do a loooot of exercise.
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