How to lose weight without becoming unhealthy
Be very careful with all diets that promise a rapid weight loss. Today we will give you some general advices about how a diet should be.
Your diet should minimize starch, added sugars and animal fats from meat and milk products. For a quick weight loss, it is recommended to focus on fruits, vegetables, boiled eggs, soy products, chicken breast without skin, fish, shellfish, fat-free foods, low fat milk products, 95% lean meat.
Here we leave some tips from Alba Jackson Blatner, author of The Flexitarian diet, that might help you further:
Eat plenty of vegetables to feel full.
Drink plenty of water.
Keep away all the foods that can lead you into temptation.
Keep busy, avoid eating because you are bored.
Eat using a plate, sit at the table. Do not go back and forth from the fridge.
Do not skip meals.
Keep a food diary, writing down everything you eat can help keep you focused.
In addition to write down what you eat, and when, you should also write how you felt before eating. Were you angry, sad, or bored? Sometimes we focus too much on calories without thinking that emotions are the main part of the diet.
If you realize that there is a common emotional thread in your eating habits, you should contact a specialist.
If you are looking for more advice on how to take care of yourself you can look at the links below:
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