SO 45001 is an International Standard establishing requirements for occupational health and safety management systems, including guidance for application of the standard. The standard defines methods for organizations to improve their Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) performance by taking proactive steps to prevent worker injuries and poor health and provide a safe and healthy workplace. The standard includes sections addressing the context of an organization, and for planning, supporting, operating and evaluating a robust OH&S management system. ISO 45001 methodology utilizes the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) process that has been used for decades to improve product and process quality. The standard explains how to use the same proactive approach towards managing and improving worker health and safety. Currently in many organizations the OH&S duties are the responsibility of a mere few or in some cases one individual. ISO 45001 sets itself apart from other health and safety standards in multiple ways: Company leaders are required to consult with non-managerial workers or their representatives. Leaders need to demonstrate that they are actively involved in the integration of the OH&S system. The ISO 45001 standard is more process-based rather than procedure-based. It incorporates the identification of risk and opportunities for improvement and includes participation and feedback from all interested parties. ISO 45001 allows for occupational health and safety to be easily integrated with other management systems throughout the organization, eventually becoming part of the company’s identity. Prevention is emphasized rather than reaction. Prevention must become a fundamental requirement of the OH&S management system. When incidents do occur, compliant organizations should determine why the incident occurred and act to assure it does not re-occur. The management system should drive and encourage a continual improvement cycle and culture within the organization. Views: 4
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