for admission in on-line training program contact
mob 03360976180-03360976219-0514455999
rawalpindi islamabad Pakistan
training procedure
books and cds/dvds of lectures will be provided by institute .student will submit assignment .certificate after exam will be awarded
Fee pkr =10,000 $=100
on line legal training and education Program distance learning
course list .................
ADR alternative dispute resolution arbitration
understanding FIDIC contract
engineering contract management FIDIC
construction claims
Administrative Law
Banking Law +++++++++++
Company Law +++++++
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence (Common)
English Jurisprudence
Environmental Law
Intellectual Property Laws
International Law
Islamic Jurisprudence
Islamic Personal Law
Labour and Taxation Laws (Common)++++++
Law of Civil Procedure (Common)
Law of Contract+++++++
Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (Common)
Law of Torts and Easement
Law of Transfer of Property
Legal Drafting & Interpretation of Statutes (Common)
Mercantile Law +++++++++
Minor Acts (Common)
Muslim Personal Law
Private International Law or (Conflict of Law)
Public International Law
Special and Local Law
International Trade Law
Taxation Law
Labour Law
Intellectual Property Law
Environmental Law ++++++++
Banking Laws
Marriage, Family and Family Laws
Banking Finance Law
Commercial and Corporate Law
Common Law
Comparative and Foreign Law
Competition Law
Computer and Communication Law
Corporate and Securities Law
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Economic Regulation Law Courses
Environmental and Natural Resources Law
Comparative and International Dispute Resolution
Trade Mark Law and Practice
Intellectual Property Law
Media Law
Public Law
Tax Law
Public International Law
Legal Theory and History
Law and Development
International Business Law
Human Rights Law
European Law
Economic Regulations
Equality and Trust
Family Law
Insurance Law
International Dispute Resolution
Maritime Law
Medicine Law
Procedural Law
Mercantile Law
International Immigration Law
Income and Sages Tax Law
mob 03360976180-03360976219-0514455999
rawalpindi islamabad Pakistan
training procedure
books and cds/dvds of lectures will be provided by institute .student will submit assignment .certificate after exam will be awarded
Fee pkr =10,000 $=100
on line legal training and education Program distance learning
course list .................
ADR alternative dispute resolution arbitration
understanding FIDIC contract
engineering contract management FIDIC
construction claims
Administrative Law
Banking Law +++++++++++
Company Law +++++++
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence (Common)
English Jurisprudence
Environmental Law
Intellectual Property Laws
International Law
Islamic Jurisprudence
Islamic Personal Law
Labour and Taxation Laws (Common)++++++
Law of Civil Procedure (Common)
Law of Contract+++++++
Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (Common)
Law of Torts and Easement
Law of Transfer of Property
Legal Drafting & Interpretation of Statutes (Common)
Mercantile Law +++++++++
Minor Acts (Common)
Muslim Personal Law
Private International Law or (Conflict of Law)
Public International Law
Special and Local Law
International Trade Law
Taxation Law
Labour Law
Intellectual Property Law
Environmental Law ++++++++
Banking Laws
Marriage, Family and Family Laws
Banking Finance Law
Commercial and Corporate Law
Common Law
Comparative and Foreign Law
Competition Law
Computer and Communication Law
Corporate and Securities Law
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Economic Regulation Law Courses
Environmental and Natural Resources Law
Comparative and International Dispute Resolution
Trade Mark Law and Practice
Intellectual Property Law
Media Law
Public Law
Tax Law
Public International Law
Legal Theory and History
Law and Development
International Business Law
Human Rights Law
European Law
Economic Regulations
Equality and Trust
Family Law
Insurance Law
International Dispute Resolution
Maritime Law
Medicine Law
Procedural Law
Mercantile Law
International Immigration Law
Income and Sages Tax Law
1 reviews