Solar Street Lights:
Solar Power DC Street Lighting Systems
Solar Street Lighting Systems
The size of Off-Grid street lighting systems are comparable to the size of Solar Home Systems. A typical street lighting system consists of solar modules, MPPT charge controller, batteries and the DC street lamps. The common lamps are low pressure sodium or light emitting diodes (LED).
Solar Street Lights are raised light sources which are powered by photovoltaic panels generally mounted on the light structure. The photovoltaic panels charge a rechargeable battery, which powers a fluorescent or LED lamp during the night.
Features : Most solar panels turn on and turn off automatically by sensing outdoor light using a light source. Solar street lights are designed to work throughout the night. Many can stay lit for more than one night if the sun is not available for a couple of days. Older models included lamps that were not fluorescent or LED, Solar light installed in windy regions are generally equipped with flat panels to better cope with the winds.
Latest designs use wireless technology and fuzzy control theory for battery management. The street lights using the technology can operate as a network with each light having the capability of performing on or off the network.
• Modular linear installation along the street, each light unit is an independent entity.
• No costly expenditure for underground or above ground cables to be purchased and laid
• GSM programmability and monitoring
• Fully automatic operation
• Environmental benefits (clean energy)
Consisting of:
• Solar modules
• Battery
• Solar charge controller
• Sodium or LED Lamp
Mainly Used for :
• Street lighting
• Area illumination
It is the perfect way to illuminate streets, places, like housing colonies and parks.
Solar Power DC Street Lighting Systems
Solar Street Lighting Systems
The size of Off-Grid street lighting systems are comparable to the size of Solar Home Systems. A typical street lighting system consists of solar modules, MPPT charge controller, batteries and the DC street lamps. The common lamps are low pressure sodium or light emitting diodes (LED).
Solar Street Lights are raised light sources which are powered by photovoltaic panels generally mounted on the light structure. The photovoltaic panels charge a rechargeable battery, which powers a fluorescent or LED lamp during the night.
Features : Most solar panels turn on and turn off automatically by sensing outdoor light using a light source. Solar street lights are designed to work throughout the night. Many can stay lit for more than one night if the sun is not available for a couple of days. Older models included lamps that were not fluorescent or LED, Solar light installed in windy regions are generally equipped with flat panels to better cope with the winds.
Latest designs use wireless technology and fuzzy control theory for battery management. The street lights using the technology can operate as a network with each light having the capability of performing on or off the network.
• Modular linear installation along the street, each light unit is an independent entity.
• No costly expenditure for underground or above ground cables to be purchased and laid
• GSM programmability and monitoring
• Fully automatic operation
• Environmental benefits (clean energy)
Consisting of:
• Solar modules
• Battery
• Solar charge controller
• Sodium or LED Lamp
Mainly Used for :
• Street lighting
• Area illumination
It is the perfect way to illuminate streets, places, like housing colonies and parks.
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