Workshop tax
Top sales list workshop tax

Workshop on SALES TAX on Services (Withholding, Input adjustment, who is liable to pay, reduced rate services, Province‐wise Comparison of Taxable Services, New services taxed in Islamabad etc…) August 12, 2015 Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. Objectives: Alongwith understanding of general provisions of the provincial sales tax laws in Pakistan to handle day to day taxation matters of sales tax on services, now it is considered mandatory for a person dealing such matters to have updated knowledge and expertise in handling critical issues involved in sales tax on services to effectively manage the tax affairs of the organization. Looking at the need of the time and ongoing rapid changes in provincial sales tax laws of Punjab, Sindh, KPK and now ICT, rules and regulations. Softax arranged a full day workshop on “Sales Tax on Services Laws in Pakistan” This day‐long session aiming at to provide a way forward to alleviate challenges assailing from sales tax on services issues and also develop requisite skills among the participants, within an interactive environment for maximum learning through discussion, deep understanding of the updated knowledge of the provincial Sales Tax Laws in Pakistan, Case studies, Apex Courts' decisions and other Internal and External Aids. Further, the application of the specific provisions of tax statutes of Provincial sales tax laws on services is also applicable on businesses dealing in goods as being recipient of services i.e. cross boarder services, franchise services, advertisement and withholding of sales tax, etc. Henceforth, this is the time to have an interactive day‐long session on services taxed under relevant provincial sales tax laws to cater these issues. At the end of the session the participants will be able to deal issues relating to the services taxed under provincial sales tax laws especially Punjab, Sindh and KPK in a professional manner. Contents: 1. Introduction to Provincial Sales Tax on Services Laws 2. An overview and understanding of the important provisions of the Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012, Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011, KPK Finance Act, 2013 and ICT (Tax on Services) Ordinance 2001 alongwith prescribed rules and comparison of common provisions. 3. Registration requirements of the person providing / receiving services to/ from all the provinces 4. Who is liable to pay tax under the said Acts and with which Authority. (services provider or services recipient). 5. Dealing with reduced rate services. 6. Input adjustment Rules and restrictions on claim of input tax on services. 7. Credit and Debit Notes 8. Withholding tax on services under provincial sales tax laws 9. Time, manner and mode of payment ‐ To whom deposit the tax. 10. Procedure to file Monthly Sales Tax Return(s). 11. Record keeping requirements 12. Offences, penalties & Default Surcharge 13. All above with practical examples and case studies and APEXcourt’s judgments. Resource Person: Mr. Noman Iftikhar Khawaja (CEO at Softax (Pvt) Ltd.) Mr. Noman is a renowned facilitator & Trainer in the field of Taxation with his success track spanning over two decades. Moreover, he also heads “Softax Consulting” a firm dedicated for the past 24 years to joining Tax Advisory & Compliance together with real life practical problems. He is also heading “Softax (Pvt) Limited as CEO providing web based Online Taxation Support services and corporate training. Workshop Investment: Rs. 9,995/‐ (Inclusive of Course Material, Relevant Case Studies, Lunch, Tea, and Certificate of Participants.) For more information and registration, please contact: Mr. Mujtaba Qayyum (Workshop Coordinator) Cell: 0321 5596119 Email: Phone: 021‐34330828 Softax (Pvt) Limited Suite # 608, Kawish Crown, Shahra‐e‐Faisal Karachi.
Rs 9.995
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Objectives: Tax planning and managing tax affairs are desired to be integrated with overall corporate strategy and risk management of an organization. Along with understanding of general provisions of the law the advance learning is also considered mandatory for effective tax planning and managing complex tax affairs of an organization in a professional way. Basic and initial knowledge of sales tax Laws help to understand the advance aspect of Federal and Provincial sales tax laws quickly and confidently. Now it is considered mandatory for a person dealing tax matters to have up-to-date knowledge and expertise in handling critical issues involved in sales tax on goods & services to effectively manage the tax affairs of the organization. Looking at the need of the time and ongoing rapid changes in provincial sales tax laws of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan, Islamabad and Federal sales tax law, Softax arranged a full day workshop on “Advance Taxation under Federal and Provincial Sales Tax Laws”. This day-long session aiming to provide a way forward to alleviate challenges assailing from sales tax on goods and services issues and also develop requisite skills among the participants, within an interactive environment for maximum learning through discussion and deeply understanding of the up-to-date knowledge of the Federal & provincial Sales Tax Laws in Pakistan, Case studies, Apex Courts' decisions and other internal and External Aids. At the end of the session the participants will be able to deal issues relating to the goods and services taxed under Federal & Provincial sales tax laws. Contents: · Scope of Sales Tax on Goods and Services including transaction with unregistered person · Identification of exempted, zero-rated and reduce rate goods under Federal Sales Tax Law and VAT mode goods under Federal Excise Law. · Identification of taxable and exempt services under Provincial Sales Tax Laws and VAT mode services under Federal Excise Law · Adjustment of input tax Federal against provincial and vice versa · Circumstances where input taxes under Federal & Provincial Sales tax laws are not available for adjustment. · Withholding tax under Federal & provincial laws: 1. Identification as withholding agent 2. What to withheld and where to deposit. 3. Records to be maintained 4. Reporting requirement (to whom report) · Handling Departmental proceedings on account of 1. Audit 2. Investigation 3. Recovery 4. Access to premises, stock, accounts, records etc. 5. Posting of offices to monitor production, sales and stock position · Issues involved in e-filing of monthly returns/statements
Rs 9.995
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March 25, 2015 Mövenpick Hotel, Karachi Currently the submission of Annual Income Tax Return by salaried taxpayers is mandatory where salary income exceeds Rs. 400,000 similarly e‐filing is mandatory where income is Rs. 500,000 or more, alongwith return the Wealth statement should be filed by the salaried taxpayers having income of rupees one million or more. Furthermore, Deduction of tax from salary and submission of Monthly and Annual Withholding Statements are also mandatory for the Persons paying salary. Non compliance may attract penalty of Rs.2,500/‐ per day for single statement u/s 182 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Generally it seems that the personnel dealing with salary taxation of employees of an organization carries general understanding of taxation matters but facing problem in handling complex issues like adjustment of other taxes paid by the employees, tax credits, previous years' refundable amount of taxes, treatment of retirement benefits, loans to the employees, transfer of assets, handling different types of notices etc. Considering the fact that this is the high time for the employers and employees to review and plan their current year's tax profile to avoid extra payment of tax resultantly create refund and undue burden of penalties and default surcharge. This Day long workshop is being organized where COMPLEX SALARY TAXATION matters including retirement benefits shall be discussed in the light of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, Income Tax Rules, 2002 and Superior Courts' Judgments. Additionally techniques to prepare Wealth and Reconciliation Statements shall also be discussed in detail. At the end of the session, the participants will be able to prepare and file their own Income Tax Return, wealth statement and handle departmental proceedings in a professional manner. Additionally the personnel responsible for salary taxation of the employees will also professionally handle the withholding matters u/s 149, 161, 205 to save the company and their colleagues from payment of extra taxes.
Rs 10
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The workshop aims at to discuss and understand the important changes made by the Federal Government in Income Tax / Sales Tax Laws and the Provincial Governments in Sales Tax on Services Laws through Finance Acts and pertinent notifications. The emphasis should be on the practical application of important changes made by Finance Acts in: • Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 • Sales Tax Act, 1990 • Sales Tax on Services Acts of Punjab, Sindh , KPKand ICT
Rs 7.995
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July 27, 2015 Regent Plaza Karachi The workshop aims at to discuss and understand the important changes made by the Federal Government in Income Tax / Sales Tax Laws and the Provincial Governments in Sales Tax on Services Laws through Finance Acts and pertinent notifications. The emphasis should be on the practical application of important changes made by Finance Acts in:• Income Tax Ordinance, 2001• Sales Tax Act, 1990• Sales Tax on Services Acts of Punjab, Sindh , KPK and ICT
Rs 9.995
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Karachi (Sindh)
1 day workshop on Finance Act, 2014 Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 Sales Tax Act, 1990 Sales Tax on Services Acts of Punjab, Sindh & KPK Karachi 24th July 2014 Regent Plaza 10;00 AM to 02:00 PM
Rs 7
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Responsibilities of a Taxpayer under Federal & Provincial Sales Tax Laws April 08, 2015 | Mövenpick Hotel, Karachi Contents: • Understanding the scope and mechanism of: Federal Sales Tax Act, 1990 Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012 KPK Finance Act, 2013 • Responsibilities of a taxpayer as: Supplier of Goods Provider of services within or outside province • Responsibilities of a taxpayer as: Receiver of Goods Recipient of Services within or outside province • Responsibilities of a taxpayer as withholding agent under: Federal Sales Tax Act, 1990 Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012 KPK Finance Act, 2013 • Responsibilities of a taxpayer in the eyes of APEX Courts • All above with practical examples and case studies
Rs 9.995
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Karachi (Sindh)
Karachi September 11, 2014 Movenpick Hotel. (STEP BY STEP Understanding of Income Tax Return, Wealth Statement and Wealth Reconciliation) FBR Introduced New Income Tax Return and Wealth Statement for Tax Year 2014 requiring additional information as compared to previous years. Timely review and understanding of the return and wealth statement shall enable us to arrange the required information for preparation and filing of return within due time. This day-long session will provide step by step understanding of preparation, manual submission and e-filing of the income tax return, wealth statement and wealth reconciliation statement alongwith computation of taxable income under different heads of income. To avoid after filing inconveniences the understanding between the participants will be developed through review, discussion, practical examples and technical aspects of the return and wealth statement.
Rs 9
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The workshop aims to discuss and understand the changes proposed and made by the Federal Government through Finance Bill 2014-15 and subsequent notifications. The emphasis should be on the practical application of such changes in: o Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 o Sales Tax Act, 1990 and o Federal Excise Act, 2005
Rs 9
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Critical issues & their solution including rights of Withholding agent and jurisdiction of Inland Revenue Officers in the eyes of superior courts. January 22, 2014 Regent Plaza, Karachi
Rs 10
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19 - 20 May, 2015 Movenpick Hotel, Karachi. Few years ago Tax management was a term that was little used by the profit or non-profit organizations. The tax executives made their management aware of nasty surprises in their department or, preferably, dealt with anything before they developed that way. Now Tax Authorities are more and more aggressive and having been doing their best to make sure that business managers can have no excuses for ignorance about their tax functions. As the contents of the workshop show, there is a lot more to tax management in Profit or Non-Profit making Organizations than making sure that the right amount of tax is paid on time in the places where it should be paid. Stakeholder communication, the role of technology and the structure of the tax function are other topics that contribute to effective tax management in organizations. The participants of the workshop will learn how effective tax management can be possible. Gain critical insights, strategies and skills on tax essentials and tips to effectively manage their Organization's and group's tax affairs.
Rs 19.990
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Softax - Workshop “ADVANCE TAXATION” Federal & Provincial SALES TAX LAWS. Learn how to handle critical issues relevant to identification & input adjustment of taxable goods & services, withholding, e-filing etc. at Regent Plaza, Karachi on 28-01-2016. Contact Mr. Mujtaba Qayyum at 0333-3358711 or 021-32640313 Objectives: Tax planning and managing tax affairs are desired to be integrated with overall corporate strategy and risk management of an organization. Along with understanding of general provisions of the law the advance learning is also considered mandatory for effective tax planning and managing complex tax affairs of an organization in a professional way. Basic and initial knowledge of sales tax Laws help to understand the advance aspect of Federal and Provincial sales tax laws quickly and confidently. Now it is considered mandatory for a person dealing tax matters to have up-to-date knowledge and expertise in handling critical issues involved in sales tax on goods & services to effectively manage the tax affairs of the organization. Looking at the need of the time and ongoing rapid changes in provincial sales tax laws of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan, Islamabad and Federal sales tax law, Softax arranged a full day workshop on “Advance Taxation under Federal and Provincial Sales Tax Laws”. This day-long session aiming to provide a way forward to alleviate challenges assailing from sales tax on goods and services issues and also develop requisite skills among the participants, within an interactive environment for maximum learning through discussion and deeply understanding of the up-to-date knowledge of the Federal & provincial Sales Tax Laws in Pakistan, Case studies, Apex Courts' decisions and other internal and External Aids. At the end of the session the participants will be able to deal issues relating to the goods and services taxed under Federal & Provincial sales tax laws. Contents: · Scope of Sales Tax on Goods and Services including transaction with unregistered person · Identification of exempted, zero-rated and reduce rate goods under Federal Sales Tax Law and VAT mode goods under Federal Excise Law. · Identification of taxable and exempt services under Provincial Sales Tax Laws and VAT mode services under Federal Excise Law · Adjustment of input tax Federal against provincial and vice versa · Circumstances where input taxes under Federal & Provincial Sales tax laws are not available for adjustment. · Withholding tax under Federal & provincial laws: 1. Identification as withholding agent 2. What to withheld and where to deposit. 3. Records to be maintained 4. Reporting requirement (to whom report) · Handling Departmental proceedings on account of 1. Audit 2. Investigation 3. Recovery 4. Access to premises, stock, accounts, records etc. 5. Posting of offices to monitor production, sales and stock position · Issues involved in e-filing of monthly returns/statements
Rs 9.995
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Pakistan (All cities)
Career Counseling Webinar Taxation – Learn Income Tax with E-Filing start to end Free Workshop 29 SEP,24 at 05:00 PM (Location: ONLINE) 2 hours Click for course and fee detail https://bit. ly/2IXhFZk Join FREE Work
Rs 50
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Karachi (Sindh)
Income Tax, Federal and Provincial Sales Tax Laws (With special emphasis on Withholding Agent's day to day practical issues, handling departmental notices and Withholding Tax Audit) Programme Details Date: April 24, 2014 Venue: Mövenpick Hotel, Club Road, Karachi. Timing: 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Rs 8
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Date: August 20, 2014 Vemue: Regent Plaza, Karachi. This Day long workshop is being organized where SALARY TAXATION for Tax Years 2014 and 2015 along with preparation of Wealth Statement and Reconciliation will be discussed in detail. Understanding of important provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 relevant to Pay, Allowances, Perquisites, Retirement Benefits, Reductions, Credits and Other Common Components of the salary, property rental income and other common sources of income will also be the focused areas.
Rs 9
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3 Hours Training Workshop "E-FILING of Withholding Statement" under Income Tax Law (with special emphasis on handling complex issues involved in preparation of statement). Date: Feb 22, 2016 (2 PM to 5 PM) Venue: Softax Karachi. Contact Mr. Mujtaba Qayyum at 03333358711 or 02132640313 for more details.
Rs 9.995
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Karachi (Sindh)
Withholding, Input adjustment, Person liable for payment, reduced rate services, Case studies, Province‐wise Comparison of Taxable Services etc. Karachi December 23, 2014 Movenpick Hotel
Rs 9
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The workshop aims at to discuss and understand the important changes made by the Federal Government in Income Tax / Sales Tax Laws and the Provincial Governments in Sales Tax on Services Laws through Finance Acts and pertinent notifications. The emphasis should be on the prac
Rs 9
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
EFI Auto Electrician Diploma course in Attock, Taxila International college of technical education All type of courses and diplomas offered by international college of technical education is acceptable in international countries as well as in domestic country. Admission open and started the class, 03115193625. Auto electrician courses prepare students to use different types of computer-based repair tools to correct system malfunctions in a vehicle. Auto electricians, simply put, are electricians specializing in the electrical systems and components of all types of vehicles. Another key role of auto electricians is to make adjustments to the vehicle's engine systems so that the vehicle delivers top-notch performance. Mechanic Auto Electrical &Electronics, Installs, repairs replaces and overhauls wiring, starters, generators, distributors and other electrical equipment of motor vehicles. Examines vehicle. battery, checks voltage and specific gravity using special equipment such as voltmeter. hydrometer, heavy discharge tester, etc. For the work involved, automotive electricians make good money for the work they do. Before tax, the weekly earnings of an automotive electrician sit at about week, according to the Australian Government Job Outlook. As electricians work to improve their skillsets, they may be able to find even better wages. Diesel mechanics are in charge of maintenance, repair, and overall care for diesel vehicles such as buses, boats, trucks, and bulldozers. Most diesel mechanics repair, replace, recondition, dissemble, weld, and examine parts and engines. Electronics Mechanic; Electronic Equipment Mechanic repairs electronic equipment, such as computers, industrial controls, transmitters, and telemetering control systems following blueprints and manufacturer's specifications and using hand tools and test instruments. Aligns, adjusts and calibrates testing instruments. Job Description The trainee attending the course on 'Mechanic Motor Vehicle' shall be able to perform basic fitting , grinding, surface finishing, sheet metal, bending, and welding operations and carry out electrical/electronic, nondestructive, and battery tests, in an automobile workshop. Both of the mobile auto electricians and workshop auto electricians are equally qualified to do all automotive electrical work on today's vehicles with their intricate electrical systems. An electrician always carries a computer diagnostics device to run a check on vehicles. The main difference between electrical and electronic circuits is that electrical circuits have no decision making (processing) capability, whilst electronic circuits do. An electric circuit simply powers machines with electricity. ... Most modern appliances use a combination of electronic and electrical circuitry. noun. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine. Most people who become mechanics do it because they already know cars and perhaps have experience working on their own. ... Becoming a mechanic can be well worth the effort if you stick with it, and you can make good money doing it, but if you don't plan on doing it for a living, then just stick to your own car repairs. EFI Auto Electrician Diploma Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan.for further detail of all courses visit our the website
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