Taxation service
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Synergy Business Consulting …One place for all your business requirements! Synergy Business Consulting (SBC) was established over a decade ago. Today, we are Pakistan’s leading full service support and advisory firm for startups and existing businesses. At SBC, we provide Business Advisory, Registration and start up services, Company Formation/Incorporation, NGO/NPO establishment, Audit and Taxation services, Intellectual Property (Trademark, Copyright, Patents), HR Services and IT Solutions to businesses, NGOs and individuals—all under one roof. SBC encourages entrepreneurs and small business owners/SMEs to effectively identify goals and priorities and provides practical strategies to achieve those. SBC comprises of experienced, competent and dedicated professionals having education and expertise in diversified areas of business development. SBC associates include Waqas & Company, Chartered Accountants, Pakistan; Healy Consultants, Singapore; Adam Consulting, Dubai, UAE; and Verticle Limit Consulting SDN. BHD. (VLC), Malaysia. OUR SERVICES 1. Business Registration and Corporate Compliance Services: Sole proprietorship / Sole trader / One person business registration in Pakistan. Partnership Firm registration in Pakistan Company Registration in Pakistan: o Incorporation/ Formation of Private Limited Companies, Foreign Companies (Branch and Liaison Office) under Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Incorporation/ Formation of Single Member Company (SMC) Limited Companies under Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Incorporation/ Formation of Public Limited Companies under Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Applying and obtaining license and Incorporation/ Formation of Not For Profit Companies (NGOs, INGOs) under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Post registration matters of companies including Transfer of shares, change of Directors, Appointment of CEO/Auditor/Legal Advisor, Change of Company Status (Conversion from SMC to Multimember Pvt. Ltd. Company and vice versa), Company Regularization, CEES, Company Winding Up, Appearing before SECP Tribunals/Courts for adjudication and any matters pertaining to Company Law. 2. Business/Investment Advisory Services: This segment of SBC provides advisory services mainly in the following categories: (a) Business Advisory: Provide consultancy for the best feasible business option according to the expertise and resources available to each client; considering the required legal framework and the market conditions. Convert dream into a reality by translating the specific business needs of our valued clients into a comprehensive business plan or feasibility report. Conduct research and surveys on behalf of upcoming and growing NGOs/NPOs. Conduct industry surveys and research analysis for customized business needs of our clients. Content writing (SOPs, policies, manuals, internal Procedures) for organizations, their websites and any other purpose. (b) Investment Advisory: Provide consultancy for various investment options available in capital market, money market, fixed income securities, government securities and/or in mutual funds according to the clients’ specific cash-flow requirements and risk appetite. 3. Financial Audit and Control Services: Internal and External Audit Audit and preparation of financial statements for bank borrowing purposes. Income/ Sales Tax matters including e-filing. Development of internal control system for effective management. 4. Tax Services: (a) Income Tax: Applying for and obtaining National Tax Number (NTN) Certificate. Preparation and filing of Annual Income Tax Returns, Wealth Tax Statements and Annexures. Preparation and filing of periodic Withholding Tax Statements (WHT). Appeal filing and Adjudication at various forums under Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. (b) Sales Tax: Applying for and obtaining General Sales Tax (GST) registration. Advices and pursuing in claim for adjustment of input and output taxes, following up GST exemption(s) and GST audit. Representation on behalf of the clients before GST assessment authorities and appellate authorities on contentious GST issues and dispute resolution. Correspondence with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for removing fiscal anomalies and obtaining Ruling on GST related issues. Reviews of existing systems and monitoring to highlight possible areas of exposure to sales tax assessments and associated penalties. Appeal filing and Adjudication at various forums under Sales Tax Act 1990. 5. Intellectual Property (IP) Services: Our major services under IP laws are as under: Trademarks Registration Brand Name Registration Patents Registration Industrial Designs Registration Copyrights Unfair Competition Anti-Counterfeiting Licensing Franchising Trade Secrets Data Protection Domain Names Market Survey & Research Serving the Legal Notices and taking appropriate legal actions against third party on behalf of clients in case of Infringement of Trade Mark, Patent, Copyrights 6. Human Resource Services: HR Wing of SBC mainly provides services in following two broader categories of HR issues: (a) HR Consultancy: HR Shared Service Center Handling Employment Issues Managing Misconduct or Poor Performance Remunerations or Entitlements What’s happening in the Employment Market Employment / Independent Contractor Agreements Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedures Restructuring / Redundancy Processes HR Policies and Practices Labour laws/legal advice through legal experts High Performance Work Practices (b) Training for Professional Development: Customized training for professional developments of Human Resources for any Individual, Firm, Company and NGOs. These customized trainings may be provided in the following areas: Management Communication Skills Sales Customer Service Team Building Training for Professional Development 7. Information Technology (IT) Solutions: Internet Marketing Domain name registration. Website Hosting Services. Website development and designing. Website updating and webmaster services. Tailor-made IT solutions, Software, SEOs and other related activities. OUR TEAM SBC has specialist teams for each of its core areas. Some of our team members are as under; 1. Muhammad Abdul Hannan, CEO Corporate / Business Consultant M.Com, MBEcon, L.L.b, FPFA, AICS, former Assistant Director/ Registrar, SECP, Corporate Law Specialist having more than 13 years’ experience of working in private and public sector entities including business consultancy. 2. Waqas Khalid, Head- Audit and Taxation ACA , ACMA, FPA having more than 10 years’ experience of working in private and public sector entities including consultancy services. 3. Abdul Rauf, Advisor-Human Resource Development & Marketing MSc in Business Administration (HRM), MBA (Marketing Management) and Ph.D. Researcher, The Netherlands (Holland), having more than 8 years’ experience in providing HR and Marketing consultancy and HR and Marketing Trainings at National and International level. 4. Muhammad Amjad Farooq, Manager/Consultant MBA, more than three year’s experience as entrepreneur and working with a chartered accountancy firm. 5. Waseem Ahmed, Development Sector Trainer M.Com, M.S/M. Phil (Commerce), Ex-CEO Fatima Plastic LLC, Namibia, Africa, Ex-Director GBA Group of Companies, having more than 11 years’ experience of working in private sector entities including Professional Development Trainings, Development Sector Trainings, Camp Management and DRR. 6. Abdul Ghafoor, Internet Marketing Expert MCS, MBA, Microsoft and Google Advertising Accredited Professional, having more than 10 years’ experience of working in private sector entities including providing IT solutions and IT Consultancy. 7. Rana Kashif Saleem, Legal Counsel LLB, Advocate High Court, former Prosecutor, Government of Punjab, practicing Corporate, Civil, Criminal Laws, including Intellectual Property having more than ten years’ experience. Head Office: Suite No. 2, Block 15-C, Housing Foundation, G-11/3, Islamabad. PABX: +92-51-222 9 005 F: +92-51-222 9 320 M. Abdul Hannan C: +92-321-504 32 62 C: +92-321-537 99 04 E: Waqas Khalid Chartered Accountant Cost & Management Accountant E: M. Amjad Farooq C: +92-321-94 244 25 E: Other Office Locations: Karachi, Lahore, Multan, UAE, Holland, Malaysia, Singapore Thanks for reading. We assure you best professional, quality and ethical services! *****
Rs 30
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
iiInternational Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Lahore (Punjab)
ASIM & ASIM LAW FIRM PROFILE • Senior Partner: Ch. Muhammad Asim Gujjar Advocate High Court • Number of partners worldwide: 15 • Number of other lawyers worldwide: 5 • Languages: English, Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, ________________________________________ FIRM OVERVIEW: ASIM & ASIM LAW ASSOCIATES was founded in 2012 and is the largest firm in Pakistan. Having established ourselves as one of the largest and most respected law firms in Pakistan, we embarked on a strategic focus in our offerings specializing in Strategic Advice and Structuring as well as Litigation & Dispute Resolution It is one of the world’s foremost offshore law firms which combines an old world approach to client service with a new world approach to business and technology. It is professional and pragmatic, analytical and creative, rigorous and open to new ideas. ASIM & ASIM LAW ASSOCIATES are trusted advisers to clients both locally and overseas who seek legal guidance in a fast-moving, multi-jurisdictional world. Though rooted in Pakistan, the firm has an international clientele in key jurisdictions around the world, with many assignments involving cross-border advice. The extent of the firm’s expertise, combined with its worldwide network including major London, continental and UK law firm links, gives ASIM & ASIM LAW ASSOCIATES the reach to satisfy all of its clients’ needs. OUR VISION ASIM & ASIM LAW ASSOCIATES vision is to continue providing legal services to international standards in a commercial and responsive manner. Today, our market leading presence and experience makes us the first choice among the leading national and international corporates and financial institutions looking for Pakistani legal advice. Indeed our standards of professionalism have been commented on by leading international legal publications. We are proud to have attained this position and remain determined to maintain it. We remain committed to developing areas of legal services in Pakistan that have not reached the same standards as transactional practices. OUR VALUES AND MISSION STATEMENT ASIM & ASIM LAW ASSOCIATES mission statement reflects what we consider our raisson d’être and is based on the five core values, which are : Integrity, Diligence, Responsiveness, Care and Citizenship. We firmly believe that success in achieving our mission is only possible if we live by our core values and reflect these in all our interactions with our clients, our people and the community at large. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR CLIENTS • Maintaining excellent and high quality legal services to our clients. • Delivering the highest standards of integrity, efficiency and responsiveness in all our work. • Providing accurate, timely and effective legal advice to clients. • Attending hearing at court. • Presenting evidence in court to support client in legal proceeding. • Advising clients in their legal rights and obligations. • Getting to know clients developing and maintaining relationships with them. • Looking for evidence that will back up a client case. • Preparing arguments to be submitted in court. • Preparing question to ask witnesses. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR PEOPLE • We shall endeavour to provide opportunities, on-going training and guidance to all our people to help them reach their potential. • We shall endeavour to make the workplace a friendly environment. RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR COMMUNITY • We shall strive to be an outstanding corporate citizen. • We shall strive to lead the growth of the legal community and the community legal awareness. MAIN AREAS OF PRACTICE: Corporate & Commercial: The firm provides a full range of legal services for clients ranging from small businesses to major multinationals. It advises corporate clients working in or through Pakistan on a wide variety of cross-border transactions and financing structures. Other matters handled include international corporate restructures, joint ventures, M&A and corporate franchising, tax and e-commerce. Litigation: The department handles most aspects of litigation, with a niche focus on international commercial and trust litigation. The firm’s litigators practice as both barristers and solicitors, and provide a full range of litigation services at all levels for both local and international clients. International Finance & Banking: The firm has particular experience in banking and financial markets. The firm’s lawyers also advise in banking regulation and licensing work, including the establishment of offshore operations and regulatory advice, as well as the implementation of various legal and tax structures including repackaging and securitization. It is the only firm in Pakistan to combine specialist expertise in derivatives regulation with a substantial banking, tax and securitization practice. Telecommunications: The firm has advised on the privatization of the government of Pakistan telephone services and advises one of the main carriers. The firm advises on all aspects of telecommunications including broadcasting and wireless telegraphy, and was instructed by the International Telecommunications Union to report on the state of telecommunications legislation in various territories in the Pakistan region. Private Client: The firm has specialist lawyers who regularly advise on all aspects of private client matters including asset protection, trusts, domiciliation and taxation. Drafting: The firm advised the government on the transposition of EU directives into Pakistan law. Principally, this work has concerned legislation relating to financial services and telecommunications. Contacts have also been established with a number of other governments requiring assistance in this area. Trust & Company Administration: Through an associated company the firm provides administration services for both companies and trusts. Among the users of these services are international clients who the firm advises on the use of Pakistan trusts and offshore companies. Maritime: The firm has strong links with major English shipping firms and has been involved in a number of significant international admiralty cases. The firm also handles ship registration and finance. Property: The firm acts for most of the major local and international developers and builders. The firm advises in matters concerned with secured lending, mortgages and charges for most banks and building societies in Pakistan. Clients: The firm’s international clients predominantly come from the US, the UK, and continental Europe (in particular Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal). They include global corporations, private equity groups, international banks and insurance companies. AREAS OF PRACTICE • Constitutional Law • Administrative Law • Banking & Finance, including Islamic Banking • Corporate Law & Governance • Securitization Law • Securities Market Transactions • Commercial Transactions • Sale of Goods • Election Law • NAB Law • FIA • Criminal Law • Cyber Crimes • Family Laws • International Trade Law • Taxation • Energy (Oil, Gas & Electricity) • Public Procurement Law • Mergers and Acquisitions • Anti-Trust and Competition • Privatization • Employment, Labour & Service • Commercial Arbitration (Domestic & International) • Construction Arbitration • Legislative Drafting • Media and Telecommunications • Foreign Investment BRANCHES • Turner Road, Near Lahore High Court Lahore • Cell No. 00923416186958 • 351-A/1, Johar Town, Lahore • Cell No. 00923416186958 • Foot Ball Ground Block, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad • Cell No. 00923416186958 • District Courts of Sargodah, Punjab • Cell No. 00923416186958
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ii English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Jhelum (Punjab)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
ii English Jurisprudence International Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation
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Courses Contents Fundamental of Accounts, Adjustments, Final Accounts, VAT, CST, Service Tax, Pay Roll, Godown, Tally & Taxation Course with Advance Language Lab. Fundamental of Computer, Advance Accounting, Practical Taxation (Online, Offline, Practical), Tally ERP.9, English Speaking & PDP Classes (ITR Return, Tax Return, E-Filling, TDS, E-TDS, Payroll, Go down, ETC.) Youth Vision Institute & Academy Islamabad
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Okara (Punjab)
We are offering Computer courses & International IT certifications in Okara. Tally ERP9 financial accounting software that is currently used in 88 countries beyond its native India, including the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. Tally's software is mainly used for vouchers, financial statements, and taxation in many industries, and has specialised packages for retail businesses. Peachtree Peachtree Accouting software general ledger software using Peachtree accounting for windows. It covers both analysis and record of business transactions in the general and special journals. It also covers subsidiary and general ledger, adjusting entries, depreciation, payroll, petty cash, bank reconciliation and financial statements for service and merchandising enterprise. Male and Female Admission Open. Enjoy 25% discount on Admission.
Rs 13,5
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Bahawalpur (Punjab)
Law vision (Pakistan) is sole provider of Pak Based Laws on CDs. The project is a component of the Law resources and information database, basically for professional use of Lawyers. Laws i.e. Codes, Acts, Ordinances, Orders, Rules, Regulations, and Notifications with Case law in the fields of: nearly all areas of Pakistan Laws with special interest to the actual laws applicable in the Courts presented by Law vision (Pakistan) in CDs. The purpose of the project is to provide cost effective legal resources to our valued customers. Technology development effort being pursued in our Action plan. The project will mobilize the legal resources and approach in the concerned quarters. This will speed up the process of conceptualization and improve the quality of law resources For the time being Following 72 Law CDs being offered: 1. (All) Laws (Complete Law database of Pakistan) 2. (Civil ) Major Acts 3. (Constitutional) Laws 4. Major Acts (Criminal) 5. (Manual of) Agricultural Laws 6. (Manual of) Banking Laws 7. (Manual of) Civil servants Service Laws 8. (Manual of) Companies Laws 9. (Manual of) Family Laws 10. (Minor Acts) Other Laws 11. Admiralty And Maritime Laws 12. Anti-Corruption & Accountability Laws 13. Anti-Narcotics Laws 14. Anti-Terrorism Laws 15. Arbitration Laws 16. Business Laws 17. Cantonments Laws 18. Citizen-ship and Emigration 19. Co-operative Societies Law 20. Custom Laws 21. Drug and Medical Laws 22. Education and Universty Laws 23. Emigration Laws 24. Environmental Laws 25. Excise Laws 26. Factories and industries Laws 27. Finance Acts & Financial Laws 28. Foreign Exchange and Foreigners Laws 29. Forms under different Laws 30. Glossary of Legal Words 31. Health and Food 32. Housing & Development Laws 33. Import Export Laws 34. Incom Tax Laws 35. Information and Media Laws 36. Inheritance And Succession Laws 37. Interpretation of Statutes 38. Islamic Criminal Laws 39. Labour Laws 40. Land Acquisition Laws 41. Land Laws 42. Land Revenue Law 43. Legal Practitioners And Bar Councils Laws 44. Legal Terms 45. Local Government Laws 46. Marketing Laws 47. Maxims 48. Muhammodan Laws 49. Muslim Personal Law (Shariat Application) 50. Natural Resources Laws 51. Notifications Under Different Laws 52. Patent, Design and Copyright Laws 53. Police Establishment 54. Politics and Election Laws 55. Ports and shipping Laws 56. Pre-emption Laws 57. Procedural Laws with High Court Rules & Orders CD 58. Property And Real Estate Laws 59. Quanun-E-Shahadat 60. Railways and Roads Laws 61. Rent Laws 62. Sales Tax Laws 63. Science and Technology Relating Laws 64. Securities and Exchange Laws 65. Taxation Laws 66. Telecommunication Laws 67. Tenency Laws 68. Trade Marks Laws 69. Transport and Motor Vehicle Laws 70. Waqf Properties Laws 71. Water And Power Laws 72. Words & Phrases CDs Up-dating: As Changing Laws and Announcing New judgments by courts is a common practice in our society. Rules and Regulations are being Amended from time to time. That’s why we regularly up date our Law Files. As One time Purchasing Law CDs may not prove fruitful for Users/lawyer for all the times, That’s why Law vision (Pakistan) Started annual Updating Services for our CD Purchasers. Any User who are already using any of Our Law CDs, may get Latest version of that CD any time after purchasing the CD at the cost of only 20 % of the latest / current Price of the Specific CD. Call Now: 03024077416
Rs 70.000
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