Rental sales
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Audio Visual & Training Aid Equipment Rental Sales & Repair Ideal Projection Technology is the leading audio visual equipments in Pakistan and representing the high quality technical IT and Presentation related equipments. We have fully professional, qualified & technically expert staff providing complete solution of presentation equipments, Training aid equipments on rental, sales, repair& Installation etc. Our aims to providing latest audio visual equipments to our country according to the international standard and availability of the latest version of the presentation equipments to our clients as the global fastest IT & Marketing related solution. Contact us Rashid Mehmood 0321-2300204 021-35211011
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Multimedia Projectors, Projector Screens Available On Rental Basis In Rawalpindi, Islamabad. We are very pleased to introduce our firm M/S Technology Aids & Equipment. Established in 2005 and in past many years actively participate in numerous tenders and performed contact on highest satisfaction of different departments and defense sector. By momentum and established its credibility and has a leading Company specializing in Bio metric System, Multimedia Projectors, CCTV Camera, Interactive White board, Paper Shredder Machine, Projection Screens, Wireless Projector Server, Audio Conferencing, PA System, UPS Power System, Maintenance and Support with installation of all above equipment. Should you need any other information, kindly do not hesitate to contact us Thanks & Best regards. Muhammad Usman Sales Executive
Rs 3.000
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Ahmadpur East (Punjab)
We deals in all kind of industrial Generators. 25 kva to 1 MegaWatt Generators are available at Rent Wedding ceremoney. Mehfil-e-Millads Offices, Factories Home Use Night Functions
Rs 6.000
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Rental & Sales Services of Welding Diesel Generator of Miller, Lincoln, MC-Weld, Hobart, Big Blue 500, Big Blue 450, MC-500, Lincoln Ranger, Hobart Champion AS Per Oil & Gas Plants Standard with VRD or With Out VRD All Over the Pakistan
Rs 110
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Ideal Projection Technology: We are deal in all kinds of audio visual & training Aid equipments such as Multimedia Projector,SMD Screen Sound System,LCD Displays,Laptop, Video recording,Photography, Stage Lights & Cool Fair Works on Rental Sales & Repair in Karachi Lahore & Islamabad. Please contact us or visit our website for more detail. Thanks & best regards Rashid Mehmood 0321-2300204
Rs 2.500
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Hasilpur (Punjab)
We understand that creating a professional websites is a complex part, where the website developer and client has to work coordinatively. Keeping this in mind, we assigns a dedicated professional web designer to work directly with you to get brief about your business and requirement and develop your creative website to meet your needs. 1. Corporate Websites 2. E-commerce Websites 3. Commercial / Business Websites 4. Startups Website - with great look at cheaper price 5. Real Estate Websites 6. Taxi Websites 7. One page - long scroll website - for product / service promotions 8. Car Rental & Sales Websites 9. Restaurant website with online ordering and table booking functionality 10. Branding & Promotion Websites 11. Bespoke Websites 12. Job Recruitment Websites 13. Job Portal Websites 14. Personal Portfolio Websites 15. Online Learning Management System (LMS) - Offer online courses and get paid online 16. Moodle Websites In case of any requirements, please contact on +92-333-6156588 or contact on
Rs 10.000
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Lahore (Punjab)
property in lahore lahore real estate house for sale in lahore houses for sale in lahore real estate lahore lahore property plots for sale in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore house for rent in lahore property for sale in lahore plot for sale in lahore property prices in lahore lahore property prices home for sale in lahore lahore house for sale house for sale in lahore pakistan houses for rent in lahore house for sale lahore lahore real estate prices homes for sale in lahore lahore property for sale property rates in lahore house on rent in lahore lahore property rates dha lahore plot prices lahore properties rent a house in lahore lahore houses for sale house in lahore real estate in lahore property sale in lahore property lahore properties in lahore houses for sale in lahore pakistan house sale in lahore buy property in lahore real estate lahore pakistan rent house in lahore buy house in lahore house for sale in pakistan lahore properties for sale in lahore house prices in lahore property dealers in lahore property in lahore for sale house for sale in dha lahore apartments for rent in lahore house for sale lahore pakistan flats for rent in lahore flats for sale in lahore house for sale in lahore cantt property for sale lahore lahore real estate ads dha properties 3 marla house for sale in lahore house for sale lahore property updates lahore estate homes for sale in lahore pakistan flat for sale in lahore land for sale in lahore home sale in lahore lahore real estate rates flat for rent in lahore plots in lahore property for sale in lahore pakistan plot prices in lahore lahore real estate plot prices houses on rent in lahore property in lahore pakistan dha real estate house for rent in dha lahore lahore homes for sale house rent in lahore houses for sale lahore house for rent in lahore cantt houses for sale real estate in lahore pakistan pakistan lahore house for sale dha lahore house for sale commercial property for sale in lahore property in pakistan lahore dha lahore prices lahore house real estate pakistan lahore commercial plots for sale in lahore lahore properties for sale best property investment in lahore house sale lahore house for rent lahore home for sale in lahore pakistan houses in lahore dha property house in lahore for sale cheap property in lahore 10 marla house for sale in lahore 5 marla plot for sale in lahore houses for sale in dha lahore dha lahore property prices dha lahore plots for sale property in lahore on installment pakistan real estate lahore apartments in lahore apartments for sale in lahore lahore real estate property discussion dha properties for sale lahore plots for sale plots for sale in dha lahore real estate in pakistan lahore houses for sale in pakistan lahore buy a house in lahore property for sale commercial plot for sale in lahore lahore housing schemes prices bahria town lahore house for sale for sale in lahore homes in lahore property for sale in pakistan lahore pakistan property for sale lahore flats in lahore lahore estate prices property sale purchase in lahore real estate prices in lahore dha property for sale houses in lahore for sale dha lhr apartment for sale in lahore property sites in lahore houses for sale in lahore cantt hose for sale in lahore cheap houses for sale in lahore property prices lahore house for rent in lahore dha rent houses in lahore plot for sale lahore property in islamabad lahore property sale house for sales in lahore house for rent in lahore pakistan bahria town lahore property dealers islamabad property small house for sale in lahore plot in lahore dha lahore real estate low price house for sale in lahore property for rent in lahore homes for sale in pakistan lahore plot for sale in dha lahore property in lahore dha buy home in lahore property prices of houses in lahore property in lahore prices apartments for sale in lahore pakistan property for sale in lahore cantt property in pakistan lahore for sale dha real estate lahore cheap plots for sale in lahore buying house in lahore real estate dha lahore cheap plots in lahore bahria town lahore houses for sale property rates in lahore pakistan plots for sale in bahria town lahore defence lahore houses for sale pakistan lahore property for sale rented houses in lahore house for sale in lahore dha houses for rent in dha lahore lahore homes homes for sale lahore pakistan dha lahore property buy house in lahore pakistan 5 marla house for sale in bahria town lahore buy property in pakistan lahore lahore property dealers real estate lahore cantt house for sale lahore houses dha houses for sale flats for sale in lahore pakistan lahore defence house for sale estate agents in lahore dha lahore property discussion 3 marla plot for sale in lahore 5 marla house for sale in johar town lahore room on rent in lahore bahria town lahore house prices lahore home for sale houses for sale in lahore dha dha lahore real estate prices homes for rent in lahore 1 kanal house for sale in lahore latest property prices in lahore houses for sale in pakistan lahore defence lahore plot for sale lahore rent house house purchase in lahore flats on rent in lahore cheap house for sale in lahore real estate lahore prices house for sale in lahore defence home in lahore dha lahore property dealers bahria town lahore plot prices commercial shops for sale in lahore house for sale in defence lahore house for sale in dha lahore pakistan dha lahore houses for sale sale house in lahore 5 marla house for rent in lahore lahore real estate property prices plot prices in dha lahore house rent lahore dha housing scheme lahore property sale in lahore pakistan lahore sale house prices of plots in lahore plots in dha lahore houses for sale lahore pakistan lahore house for rent house for rent in johar town lahore lahore defence houses for sale dha lahore house for rent 10 marla plot for sale in lahore houses for sale in defence lahore dha prices lahore property discussion bahria town lahore rent a home in lahore plot sale in lahore pakistan real estate dha lahore plots rent home in lahore pakistan property property dealers in bahria town lahore house for sale dha lahore rented house in lahore plot rates in lahore bahria town property dealers lahore houses for sale in lahore on installments home prices in lahore prices of plots in dha lahore real estate pakistan dha phase 5 lahore house for sale property dealers in dha lahore bahria town lahore houses furnished apartments for rent in lahore dha lahore phase 6 house for sale house in bahria town lahore plots for sale in lahore pakistan real estate agents in lahore property on rent in lahore furnished house for rent in lahore property investment in lahore house for rent in lahore township house for girvi in lahore land prices in lahore lahore property website property in pakistan bahria town lahore property for sale 2 kanal plot for sale in lahore sale in lahore housing scheme lahore dha house for sale lahore property in dha lahore low cost house for sale in lahore bahria town islamabad house for rent in bahria town lahore property in lahore for rent country homes lahore residential plots for sale in lahore property dealer in lahore plots for sale in lahore on installments property in lahore bahria town dha lahore website property business in lahore house for rent in defence lahore 2 marla house for sale in lahore 10 marla house for sale in dha lahore bahria homes lahore for sale new developments in lahore flat on rent in lahore lahore house rent apartments in lahore for rent room rent in lahore dha city lahore plot prices lahore housing scheme dha plots for sale lahore new homes in lahore pakistan list of property dealers in lahore dha lahore lahore plot prices property in dha small houses for sale in lahore dha plot prices house on rent lahore home for sale lahore property in lahore cantt houses in lahore defence cheap houses for sale in lahore pakistan buy house lahore dha lahore plot for sale homes pakistan . com for sale plot for sale in lahore pakistan houses for rent in lahore defence plots for sale in lahore cantt lahore flats for sale new homes for sale in lahore houses for rent in lahore pakistan houses for rent lahore lahore dha house for sale home rent in lahore plot for sale in lahore cantt karachi property 10 marla house for sale in bahria town lahore rent a flat in lahore prices of houses in bahria town lahore flats in lahore for rent dha lahore phase 7 prices lahore apartments for rent buy plot in lahore property in lahore johar town 4 marla house for sale in lahore rent house lahore dha property lahore property in bahria town lahore dha lahore property rates bahria town lahore property dealers contacts house on sale in lahore apartment for sale in lahore pakistan property dha lahore house 4 sale in lahore cheap houses in lahore for sale bed for sale in lahore new house for sale in lahore new houses for sale in lahore bahria town lahore houses prices new houses for sale in lahore pakistan bahria town lahore 5 marla house for sale house for sale in lahore township dha property dealers lahore dha lahore phase 6 plot prices plots in lahore for sale bahria town lahore estate agents lahore home commercial plots in lahore 5 marla house for sale in dha lahore lahore houses for rent lahore real estates dha plot for sale lahore houses in dha lahore house available for rent in lahore plots for sale in lahore dha house for rent dha lahore plots for sale lahore houses for sale in lahore defence 7 marla house for sale in lahore bahria town lahore prices of plots dha villas for sale commercial property for sale in lahore pakistan house for rent in lahore johar town real estate in pakistan rent in lahore dha plots lahore bahria town lahore property rates pakistani homes for sale buy house in bahria town lahore property prices in lahore dha land for sale lahore lahore pakistan farm house for sale in lahore real estate lahore dha dha phase 7 lahore prices lahore rent a house bahria town lahore plot for sale dha lahore property for sale small house for rent in lahore lahore property dealers list lahore defence houses dha lahore plots prices business in lahore for sale for rent in lahore township lahore house for sale property for sale in lahore dha bahria town lahore home prices lahore plots plots rates in lahore rent homes in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore cantt house on rent in dha lahore home on rent in lahore houses for rent in lahore dha dha houses for sale lahore rent apartment in lahore property for sale in pakistan 2.5 marla house for sale in lahore dha property dealers sale of plot in lahore dha lahore phase 6 prices 5 marla houses for sale in lahore dha house for sale in lahore home lahore lahore dha house sale in lahore cantt flat for sale in lahore pakistan low price plots in lahore house prices in bahria town lahore dha housing lahore new lahore properties flat for sale lahore dha plots for sale property dealers in lahore dha 2 bedroom house for rent in lahore upcoming housing schemes in lahore lahore apartments for sale houses in defence lahore lahore estate agents flats in lahore for sale defence lahore house for sale agriculture land for sale in lahore dha lahore houses defence houses for sale in lahore lahore flats for rent property for sale in dha lahore pakistan housing schemes lahore land in lahore for sale gulberg lahore house for sale plots sale in lahore property dealers in lahore cantt property advisor in lahore house in dha lahore dha lahore house prices house for sale in pakistan lahore new housing projects flats for sale in lahore on installments housing societies in lahore pakistan 5 marla plots for sale in lahore dha rates dha plots for sale in lahore lhr homes dha lahore rates 3.5 marla house for sale in lahore house for sale lahore cantt dha city lahore plot for sale flats for rent in johar town lahore house for girvi in lahore today plots prices in lahore 5 marla house for rent in johar town lahore bahria town cheap houses in lahore house lahore lahorerealestate lahore rent rent lahore plot for sale in dha phase 5 lahore property prices in dha lahore 5 marla house on rent in lahore 3 marla house for rent in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore 2013 houses in pakistan lahore 10 marla plot for sale in bahria town lahore property dealer lahore dha plot prices in lahore plot for sale in dha city lahore lahore housing plots for sale in defence lahore apartments in lahore for sale dha lahore homes for sale house for rent in garden town lahore plot for sale in lahore on installments houses for rent in lahore cantt 10 marla houses for sale in lahore houses in lahore pakistan 2 kanal house for sale in lahore house for sale in lahore 5 marla lahore dha prices beautiful houses in pakistan lahore property prices updates dha phase 1 lahore house for sale houses for sale in pakistan lahore real state rent room in lahore bahria town lahore plots bahria town lahore commercial plots for sale house for sale in lahore bahria town latest plot price in dha phase 7 lahore property trend in lahore dha lahore phase 5 plots for sale cheap housing societies in lahore defence lahore plot prices room for rent in lahore plot for sale bahria town lahore bahria town lahore plots prices 1 kanal plot for sale in lahore plots for sale in dha phase 5 lahore dha lahore plot prices phase 6 house for sale bahria town lahore plot sale lahore aviemore property for sale property pakistan defence lahore houses bahria town lahore homes for sale lahore for sale farmhouse for sale in lahore real estate websites in pakistan lahore real estate dha houses for sale in lahore cantt pakistan pakistan lahore defence city for sale in lahore 5 marla house in lahore dha plot prices lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore on installments dha lahore latest prices 8 marla house for sale in lahore islamabad property for sale 5 marla house for rent in dha lahore 2 kanal house for sale in dha lahore property for sale in bahria town lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore dha 10 marla plots for sale in lahore offices for rent in lahore lahore property schemes house on rent in johar town lahore dha phase 7 lahore plot prices dha defence lahore lahore real estate plots for sale 10 marla house for rent in lahore house for sale township lahore dha in lahore dha lahore 10 marla house for sale chohan real estate lahore lahore bahria town houses for sale 3 marla house for sale in lahore 2013 city estate lahore johar town lahore rent houses houses for rent in johar town lahore plot lahore plot prices in dha lahore phase 7 3 marla houses for sale in lahore property websites in pakistan valencia lahore house for sale plots for sale in lahore bahria town 5 marla plot for sale in dha lahore dha phase 6 plot prices lahore house on rent in lahore johar town furnished apartments in lahore for rent dha phase 6 lahore plots for sale dha lahore upcoming projects real estate in islamabad dha phase 8 lahore plot prices dha lahore plot prices phase 7 10 marla house for rent in johar town lahore dha website lahore rent house in lahore johar town property to rent whitby dha 9 10 files lahore dha lahore plot 5 marla house for rent in bahria town lahore dha 7 lahore prices houses for sale in lahore bahria town dhalahore house for sale in lahore wapda town prices of plots in bahria town lahore dha lahore file prices bahria town lahore house lahore defence skiathos property for sale dha phase 7 plot prices lahore properties in pakistan dha phase 6 lahore plot prices house on rent in lahore cantt plot prices in bahria town lahore rental property in aberdeen cheapest plots in lahore bahria town lahore plot rates rent a house in lahore johar town farm houses for sale in lahore lahore house for sale 10 marla dha lahore phase 6 marla house for sale in lahore bahria town plots for sale lahore dha lahore phase 5 plot prices plots for sale on installments in lahore apartment for rent in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore johar town plot prices in dha phase 5 lahore house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore 3 marla house for sale in johar town lahore flat for rent in lahore johar town dha lahore phase 11 file price properties in islamabad 12 marla house for sale in lahore defence housing lahore 5 marla house for sale commercial property in newcastle bahria town lahore 5 marla house pakistan houses for sale house for rent in cantt lahore dha pakistan 4 kanal house for sale in lahore plot for sale in dha phase 9 lahore house for sale in lahore on installments phase 7 dha lahore prices bahria town lahore for sale phase 6 dha lahore prices dha plots property for sale in st austell cornwall one kanal house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore house for sale in cantt lahore pakistan house for sale 5 marlas house for sale in lahore latest plot prices in dha phase 7 lahore pakistan property for sale 5 marla house in dha lahore house for sale in lahore installment properties in karachi eme dha lahore plot prices plots for sale in dha phase 6 lahore plot rates in bahria town lahore house for sale on installment in lahore 5 marla house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore house for rent in lahore garden town 5 marla house for rent in wapda town lahore dha lahore phase 7 current prices lahore estate dha 10 marla house for sale in lahore dha eme lahore house for sale lahore realestate 10 marla house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore eden houses for sale in lahore eden homes for sale in lahore rent a house in lahore cantt plot for sale on installment in lahore 10 marla plot for sale in dha lahore lahore dha phase 8 plot prices lahore bahria town plot for sale house on rent in bahria town lahore lahore dha phase 7 plot prices 3 marla house for sale in lahore cantt bahria town plot prices lahore 10 marla house for sale in lahore cantt 1 kanal house for rent in dha lahore house for sale in lahore on installment furnished houses for rent in lahore dha lahore phase 5 house for sale buy property in pakistan rental houses in lahore bahria town plots for sale in lahore prices of plots in phase 6 dha lahore dha estate 3 marla plots for sale in lahore bahria town lahore 1 kanal plot price commercial plots for sale in bahria town lahore 4 marla plot for sale in lahore houses for rent in lahore johar town dha phase 9 5 marla file price rent a house in johar town lahore 10 marla house in dha lahore house for sale pakistan house for sale in lahore sabzazar pakistan real estate websites dha lahore phase 9 plots for sale one kanal house for sale in lahore flat for rent in lahore cantt home for rent in lahore find a instalment property for sale in lahore 5 marla plot for sale in lahore on installments homes for sale in pakistan lahore plot for sale on installment plots for sale in lahore dha phase 6 5 marla house for sale in lahore pakistan lahore real estate discussion homes in pakistan bahria town lahore houses for rent 2 marla plot for sale in lahore 1 kanal plot in bahria town lahore rent house in bahria town lahore 5 marla house in lahore for sale 5 marla houses for sale in bahria town lahore lahore real estate dha phase 9 prices bahria town house for sale in lahore rent house in johar town lahore pakistan property websites farm house land for sale in lahore homes for sale in bahria town lahore lahore dha phase 9 plot prices pakistan property portal 2 kanal house for sale in bahria town lahore plot bahria town lahore dha phase 6 house for sale dha files rates lahore instalment plot in lahore plots for sale in dha phase 9 lahore 5 marla plot in lahore 1 kanal houses for sale in dha lahore farm houses for rent in lahore dha phase 9 lahore plot prices lahore bahria town plot prices defence lahore dha 8 lahore prices plot prices in dha lahore phase 6 5 marla house for sale in garden town lahore furnished house in lahore for rent forres property property sites in pakistan pakistan properties dha 5 lahore property for sale in lahore on installments plot for sale in dha lahore phase 5 home for sale in bahria town lahore property in pakistan islamabad 5 marla plots in lahore price of 5 marla house in bahria town lahore defence phase 8 lahore plots for sale 5 marla house for sale in lahore 2014 pakistani houses for sale 10 marla houses for sale in dha lahore property for sale porto portugal 5 marla housing schemes in lahore 5 marla house for sale lahore property for sale in limoges 5 marla plot for sale in lahore 2013 lahorereal 1.5 marla house for sale in lahore lahore house for sale 5 marla 1 kanal house in dha lahore 3 marla plot in lahore 5 marla home for sale in lahore commercial property for sale in yorkshire 5 marla house sale in lahore plot price in bahria town lahore lahore estates lahore defence phase 6 prices property guide sheffield real estate websites pakistan one kanal plot for sale in dha phase 5 lahore dha lahore plot prices phase 8 pakistan real estate market rental homes in lahore properties for sale in pakistan dha lahore discussion 5 marla plot for sale in park view lahore property for sale pakistan buy property in islamabad pakistan property news house for sale in dha phase 8 lahore bahria town plot for sale lahore 1 kanal houses for sale in lahore 10 marla house for sale in gulberg lahore dha lahore phase 3 plots for sale 3 marla house for sale in lahore 2014 dha phase 6 lahore prices 5 marla houses in lahore bahria town lahore plot lahore cantt houses for sale commercial plot for sale in dha lahore plot prices in lahore housing societies low cost plots in lahore price of 5 marla plot in dha lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore bahria town buying property in pakistan dha lahore phase 6 10 marla plot prices house for sale in lahore 10 marla dha phase 5 lahore plots for sale pakistan property sites spannish property dha phase 1 house for sale mall of lahore apartments for sale dha plot houses for sale in lahore with pictures lahore real estate maps dha homes lahore plot on sales in bahria town lahore southern property consultants plots for sale in lahore dha phase 9 plot prices in dha phase 7 lahore property sale in pakistan property website in pakistan dha phase 6 prices dha phase 5 lahore prices sales in lahore property for sale chagford 15 marla house for sale lahore lahore property news property prices in pakistan houses in pakistan for sale 3 marla house for rent in johar town lahore property for sale in lahore with pictures pakistan property market house for sale in dha phase 6 lahore pakistan property for sale in islamabad 3 marla house in lahore find a property purley cheapest plot in lahore 1 kanal plot for sale in dha phase 9 lahore pakistan real estate islamabad dha phase 5 lahore plot prices pakistan homes for sale houses for sale pakistan plots in dha phase 7 lahore
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Lahore (Punjab)
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as DEAN POWER LINK. We have established ourselves in 2004 as a leading Supplier, Installer, and Service Provider for Industrial & Home Generators ranging from 5 KVA to 2000 KVA capacity throughout the Pakistan. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide unique power solutions, which reflect the mission-critical nature of the industry that we serve. Industrial / Home Generator Sales: DEAN POWER LINK offers product to meet the customer’s specifications in a wide range of applications including conventional Standby Generators, Base Load Power and Utility Paralleling Systems. Our standard range of Industrial Generators are powered by both Diesel and Gas Engines, ranging from 5 KVA to 2000 KVA capacity. Larger power requirements utilize digital multi-set paralleling control systems. For bespoke projects we are able to offer almost any engine, alternator, or control system brand to replicate or interface with equipment already installed at a clients existing location. Our solution will embrace the requirements of the end user, utilizing the wealth of experience that we have gained within the power generation industry. Installation, Maintenance and Rental Support: Our Service Division is staffed by a team of highly skilled individuals with a comprehensive electrical and mechanical knowledge of the Power Generation Industry. This experience enables us to provide a professional and efficient service to all customers regardless of whether we are supporting a single standby generator installation at various factories in Pakistan. We offered the diverse range of services includes: • Routine Servicing. • Maintenance & repair of Industrial Generators. • Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) with companies. • Resistive and Inductive Load bank Testing. • Generator Hiring. • 24 Hour Breakdown Support & Technician Call-Out Facility. • Supply, installation & maintenance of industrial generators. • Supply, design, upgrades & installation of control systems. • Supply of Spare parts of generators & components. • Generator, load bank & ancillary equipment rental solutions. • First-class technical consultancy & support etc. Our Technical Helpdesk is manned 24 hours each and every day and offers contract customers advice and technical support for their equipment. Due to our continued commitment to quality and training, our clients can be assured that they are being supported by one of the Power Generation Company’s leading After Sales Support organizations. Our main objective is to provide good service and strong backup support. We have dedicated professionals for providing customized services and products according to the customers’ requirements. Looking forward to receive your positive response. Thanking you, Sincerely yours
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Islamabad Generator Services,Generator on rent WebnWays Company in Islamabad offering various types of Power Generation solutions like Generators Hiring, Generators Servicing, annual maintenance Contracts and Buying & Selling of new and Used Generators. Our company is well known for its reliable, durable and customized services. WebnWays Company in Islamabad offers rental and sales services of renowned brands of generators Petrol/diesel/Gas Gen sets in Islamabad. We have earned the highest point of success for offering vast variety of generators and other alternate power equipment, which are suitable for various industrial applications. Our company offers Petrol/diesel/Gas generator sets of low, medium & high voltages and as per preference of customers. WebnWays Company in Islamabad never compromises with the quality. Our capital concern is clients’ satisfaction. We have appointed a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who stringently inspect all types of services that are provided by us to guarantee admirable and affordable services Diesel Generator rental from 10kva to 1000kva Diesel generator overhauling Annual maintenance contract of generators Diesel Generator sale Perkins, johndeer, Cummins, Caterpillar, Kipor, Denyo, airman and other Models Parts Sale of Fuel filter, air filter and oil filter NOTE: We claim 24-hrs after sale support to our customers, We deal Generators on rent in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
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Looking for the Corporate Events planners company that would help you in holding a successful party or event? Come to A2z Events Solutions Management, to get the most artistic and inventive service planning company that works with you, taking care of your needs of holding an event and to get an honest estimate of budget. A2z Events Solutions Management offers full service planning, which includes everything needed for the successful completion of events of any kind such as corporate parties, events and much more, everywhere in the Lahore. A2z Events Solutions Management Professional’s service planning includes the arrangement of party rental equipments like tables, lights, AV equipments and decorations. The service planning also includes the catering of fine delicacies and the responsibility of arranging transport facilities like hiring a limo. The logistics of rental equipments also comes under the service planning A2z Events Solutions Management undertake. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Introduction Letter Subject: Respected Sir/Madam, It would be a pleasure for us to introduce ourselves as one of the leading companies. Providing projector related services such as Sale, Repair, and Rental. At Multi Vision we provide SMD screen,Multimedia projector, OHP, Plasma, Screen LCD, Sound System, Conference System, and Laptop, on rental basis special setup for Official meetings, conference and Exhibition. And Trade Shows can be done according to your requirement. We have dedicated workshop for projector and Plasma, Screens, Carrying out repairs of every brand, Spare Parts for projectors such as Lamps’ LCD’s And power supply is also kept in stock for timely repairs. If you have any kind of inquiry for presentation and Audio Visuals Training Aid Equipment please feel free to contact us-our sales and technical staff can help you make a decision or guide you through our products so that you can make a batter choice. Thanks and Best Regards, Multi Vision Naveed Iqbal Cell #:+92302 5004486-84; +92345 8002973 Tel: +92 51 2603139;
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Dear Prospective Client: We are entering in to the world of Information Technology with a view to meet the industry demands, to serve our valued customers in the Computer field. Presently the application of Computer Technology with the help of all related Office Equipments in Pakistan is growing very rapidly. Our objective is to keep pace with the development in the technology by introducing the latest and state- of-the-art products and advanced concepts. We believe that each customer is a long term business partner and strive to meet their requirements swiftly and professionally we are deal in the following product. COMPLETE SERVICES OF EQUIPMENT: 1. Projectors 2. Audio Equipments 3. Office Equipments * Over Head Projector * PA system * Paper Shredder Machine * Slide Projector * Delegate Unite * Spiral Binding Machine * Multimedia Projector * Audio Conferencing * Lamination Machine * Wireless Projector Device * UPS 4. Training Aids 5. Projection Screen 6. Security Solution * Interactive White Board * Wall Mounted * CCTV Camera * Document Camera * Electric Operated * Walk through Gate * Rear Projection * Mattel Detector * Tripod 7. Rental of Equipment 8. Boards * Multimedia Projectors * Magi Board * Over Head Projectors * White Board * Sound System * Soft Board * Plasma TV * Pin Board TAE endeavor to always provide a complete solution, this outlook demands insight and intelligent Perception into the client needs. Thus TAE caters for customized needs and aims to provide a solution for specific requirement in the use of office equipment for each customer. If you need any other information, kindly do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks & Best regards. Muhammad Usman Sales Executive Mob: 0333-4747573
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Lahore (Punjab)
At A2z Events Solutions Management we have placed a lot of importance on the excellence of our food, which is prepared in the most hygiene conditions to guarantee the best quality. Today we have a capacity to service requirements of up to 5000 people / day. Our experience team will design a menu that meets your requirements and budgets while beyond your expectations. You have the option to go with our pre selected menus or tailor your own menu from our options. A2z Events Solutions Management also Offering portable luxury bathroom, A2z Events Solutions Management Rental offers luxury restrooms that provide an upscale environment for events such as concert tours, sports tournaments, corporate events, birthday parties, and weddings. These multi-user restrooms feature individual male and female suites, and porcelain sinks and toilets, chrome faucets, and luxurious trim and finish materials available in cherry wood and marble. Tasteful artwork, music, and full-length mirrors are also present in all restrooms, to make participants feel comfortable in their bathroom-away-from-home. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Lahore (Punjab)
All of our customers have their own unique set of needs for their events. That is why A2z Events Solutions Management offers a complete range of top-of-the-line mobile generator sets sized to meet the power challenges of any affair. Our rental generators -- small, medium and large -- supply constant, reliable power and can be customized for different applications. Whether you need a single generator or an intricate power web for your event, you are assured the right power product for the job, along with dedicated professionals who will keep things running smoothly. A2z Events Solutions Management generators are quiet, clean and easy to maneuver on location. Rugged, weatherproof sound-deadened housings withstand wear and tear and ensure a comfortable working environment. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Lahore (Punjab)
A2z events solutions management is offering the luxury tents & marquees A2z events solutions management rental offers luxury tents that provide an upscale environment for events such as weddings, corporate events, sports tournaments, charity balls, birthday parties, and special events. At A2z events solutions management we also have a wide variety of furniture to create the mood and environment that you require for your special event. We have enough inventory and variety to cater events up to 10,000 people in one day customized to your requirements & colors. - Tables - Chairs - Sofas - Accessories Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours is a well recognized and professionally staffed travel management company based in Lahore, providing travel and tourism services since 2005. A2Z Worldwide Holidays is a functional division of A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours, specializing in outbound holiday travel. We have been the pioneers in this aspect of business since inception and have built up an enviable reputation in the market for our expertise and access. A2Z Worldwide Holidays provides a comprehensive portfolio of Retail Leisure products, including - o Worldwide hotel reservations, both for corporate and holiday travel o Holiday packages for individuals and families o Worldwide Car Rental and Chauffeured Limousine services o Cruise bookings o Special Interest Tours o In addition we offer services as Professional Conference Organizers as a complete service provider o A separate section acts as wholesale agents for Disneyland Paris, Rail Europe, Train tours of Europe etc We are a knowledgeable, young and energetic team of consultants with the right attitude, who like nothing more than turning your dream vacations and holidays into reality. Not only do we have a range of holiday packages on offer but are more than happy to ´custom design´ your holiday packages exactly as per your requirements. Call us today for updates and booking for any flight to any destination in the worldwide. Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020/ 0208-090-4486 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Page: -
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A2z Events Solutions Management is expertise in organizing Corporate Events in Lahore. We operate according to the requirements of the clients, and as a corporate event organizers in Lahore, we ensure taking all the details about the event from the clients so that the arrangements could be made according to the specific requirements. Our Event Services in Lahore have been admired by the clients for the high precision maintained by us. From the furnishing, equipments, food, accommodation to other different arrangements, we undertake all the tasks effectively and complete the professionally. The complete process of event planning and organizing is done by our skilled professionals so as to derive accurate and best results for the clients. , we work on every aspect that makes a corporate event a huge success. Our Corporate Event service includes: • Brand / Product / Corporate Launches • Dealer / Trade / Retailers Meets • Customer / Dealer Interaction Programs • Promotions; Road shows; Canter Activities • Press Conferences • Outbound / Inbound Educational & Corporate Tours • Brand Extension Services • Merchandising & In shop promotions • Seminars; Conferences & Meetings • Staff Programs • Annual Day Celebrations • Exhibitions • Award Night • Success parties • Rental & Installation of Audio Video equipment • Team Building Activites • Get to Gather • Family day • Theme Parties • ATL & BTL Activites • Promotions Activites • Corporate workshop • Corporate Sports Tournaments • Business Dinners • High tea events • Trade shows • Showroom activities Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
We ca also provide Diesel generator sale, service rental repair parts Civil work Refueling Scrap buying Best Regards, Zubair Ahmad Lashari | Director Sales Damaan Engineering – An Engineering Services Company Islamabad | Lahore| Quetta | Peshawar | Muzaffarabad | Mob: +92.333.5085090| Tel: +92.51.4308810| Fax: +92.51.4440299 - Email: | Web: Office Address: 32, Street 689, G-13/3, Islamabad, Pakistan. 44000.
Rs 1.000
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OCT800 is the newest Mini Waterproof GPS tracking device,with4 I/O port,support to customize any festureas you want uses the imported GPS chips and GPS module,support more funtion extensions like Fule Monitoring,Voice Monotoring,Speed Limitation and ect. This device is highly recomended to use in fleet and logistic,security,car rental company and so on. Functions Tracking via SMS or GPRS (TCP/UDP) Living location report Tracking by time interval / distance Geo-fencing contrct106ol and alarm Speeding alert Get detail address via SMS directly External power cut alert GOOGLE MAP link for location via SMS & Call Remote engine / fuel cut ACC detection SOS panic button, emergency alarm Mileage calculation report Firmware updating OTA LBS Tracking mode External power status detecting Power saving mode (option) Fuel monitoring (option) Data recording (SD card, option) Specifications Power supply +6V - +35V / 1.5A Backup Battery 76mm x 50mm x 24mm Weight 76g Operating temperature -20° to 55° C Humidity 5% to 95% (Non-condensing) Frequency GSM 850/900/1800/1900Mhz GPS Chipset latest GPS SIRF-Star III chipset GPS Sensitivity -159Db GPS Frequency L1, 1575.42 MHz C/A Code 1.023 MHz chip rate Channels 20 channels all-in-view tracking Position Accuracy 10 m, 2D RMS Velocity Accuracy 0.1 m/s Time Accuracy 1 us synchronized to GPS time Default datum WGS-84 Reacquisition 0.1 sec., average Hot start 1 sec., average Warm start 36 sec., average Cold start 36 sec., average Altitude Limit 18,000 m (60,000 feet) max. Velocity Limit 515 m/second (1000 knots) max. Interface 4 input and 4 output LED 2 LED lights to show working status. FEATURES 1. Web-based GPS tracking platforms Several versions for choosing, also for sales: User can control all the vehicles in real time, include real time tracking, history play back, route setting, driver management, POI, details reports, alarm setting, etc. Customization and design service is available for the GPS tracking software. 1) (login: oner password: 123) 2) (login: onertest password: 1) 2. Android APP for Smart Phone For sending SMS commands easily when you monitor trackers via mobile. This APP software can make your mobilephone likes a remote, you can click the button to send out the SMS command directly instead of input the complicated SMS content, tracker users don't have to worry about fogetting the SMS control commands anymore.
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