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Rs 2.999
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Lahore (Punjab)
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Karachi (Sindh)
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Rs 40.000
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Lahore (Punjab)
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Rs 3.000
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Faisalabad (Punjab)
We are offering you designing services in discount rates. Spread your brand message with the high-quality brochure. We can design colorful brochure design to stand for your services at very low rates. Contact us for details.
Rs 5.000
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Karachi (Sindh)
Generally, the greater part of creating organizations have mind-boggling expense however low-quality administrations. We are giving you the ideal SEO and experienced web engineers and architects in shoddy rates. Particularly in the event that you are searching for the best SEO services in Karachi OR web designing companies in Pakistan then I am certain we are best for you. We will enable you to accomplish your objectives and help you make your online status more regarded and brimming with an expert. We will furnish you with the best administrations at low rates and we are certain you will get a decent ordeal subsequent to encountering our administrations. You can get in touch with us whenever to get our best SEO benefits in KARACHI. visit: http://www.businesstrends.com.pk/
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Karachi (Sindh)
Generally, the greater part of creating organizations have mind-boggling expense however low-quality administrations. We are giving you the ideal SEO and experienced web engineers and architects in shoddy rates. Particularly in the event that you are searching for the best SEO services in Karachi OR web designing companies in Pakistan then I am certain we are best for you. We will enable you to accomplish your objectives and help you make your online status more regarded and brimming with an expert. We will furnish you with the best administrations at low rates and we are certain you will get a decent ordeal subsequent to encountering our administrations. You can get in touch with us whenever to get our best SEO benefits in KARACHI.
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Latest New Google Adsense Account Approval Trick For any website & Blogger,, New Unique Genuine Google Adsense Account Approval Trick Only Take This Trick & Create Unlimited Google Adsense Accounts & Be A Master Of Creating Adsense Accounts. Adsense full approved account in very low rates with 100% guarantee Earn with Google.. skype:ahmad.farazkhan
Rs 5,5
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Harvey's offers best accomodation in low rates with european standards,once you ckecked in Harvey's you be come our Guest not Customer :) Harvey's have large number of satisfied international and local Guests,so if you are planing to stay in Islamabad try Harvey's. :)
Rs 4.000
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Karachi (Sindh)
INTRODUCTION: City Cargo Express (Forwarder, Exporter / Importer) the fast growing organization working at Pakistan station. It’s been a long time since we developed any new promotions for you, so I thought I’d update you on a few things .I’ve enclosed two new direct response kits that are not only innovative but have proven to be Air Cargo Experts from last several years. SERVICES: We provide low rates cargo export and import services , fuel, aircraft, air and sea service on different domestic & international destinations, imports & exports and world wide logistic services as soon and as possible. We forwarding our goods which include (machineries, general cargo, perishable “fruits, vegetables and meat” goods and mainly garments / apparel, oil, fuel etc.) through by air, sea and by road globally, we also providing private charter services. Our motive to makes your office capabilities beat the control with possible time. OUR AREA: Our main areas are aviation consultant, Sea forwarder, aircraft refueling, ground handling, flight permissions, chartering, logistics and freight forwarding, sale and purchase of the aircraft's, clearing and forwarding, import and export, lcl and fcl sea containers, petroleum sales. As we were also the GSA holder and operator’s of different airlines belong to Pakistan, Bangladesh & Europe. HISTORY: Our history of aircraft operations are AN-12, B737-200F, IL-76, B727-200F, Beech-1900cc. We worked mostly on cargo sector as operating these above mentioned aircraft on charterer, ACMI wet / dry lease basis also the Harbor for our sea export services. DESTINATIONS OF BUSINESS: Our destinations of operation are Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Iran(Tehran), Bangladesh(Dhaka), Dubai, U.A.E, Saudi Arab(Riyadh and Jeddah), England(Belgium), Canada(Toronto), China (Shanghai & Ningbo). We also working as a importer and exporter on above mentioned sectors and have tones of shipments monthly we also preparing all the documents from our side as per clients requests or if required and transporting with 100% surety with out any objections. For any querry about our services feel free to contact us. Regards, Usman City Cargo Express email: citycargoexpress@outlook.com Cell: 00923323071604 skype: usman.dealers
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Pakistan (All cities)
Welcome to our team of Professional online book composers. Our vision; on time delivery, low rates as compared to market & 99% Accuracy.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Turkey tour from Pakistan at low rates with best packages like turkey tour packages, turkey city tour, turkey tours, turkey packages, turkey travel packages, turkey honeymoon and much more. Get amazing deals by rehmantravel.com.
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Lahore (Punjab)
Digital Gallery is the one-stop solution for online mobile shopping. Holistic DG is the best online store in Lahore that includes all the latest updates, features and points of interest nearby the expenses of all mobiles, accessories, home appliances, etc. You can buy any product through the Lahore online shopping app of Holistic DG. We offer a wide scope of mobiles of all the well-known brands at extremely low rates. You can get the best online sale in Lahore on all the top-brand mobile phones, laptops, branded mobile accessories and much more! We give the user best online Lahore shopping experience. So, book your desired product by contacting us and get it at your doorstep. 03012782222 https://holisticdg.com/
Rs 1.234
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Lahore (Punjab)
Are you looking for Vivo mobile online in Lahore? Then, choose Holistic Digital Gallery. We’re here with a vast variety of mobile phones of all notable brands. We deal with genuine products. Holistic DG is the leading online store from where you can buy Vivo V series online in Lahore at extremely low rates. We deliver quality products. Holistic DG is the only platform in Lahore that provides 100% original mobile phones and mobile accessories. You can buy Vivo smartphone online in Lahore and get it at your doorstep. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your phone and make a call to book your favorite Vivo mobile as per budget. 03012782222 https://holisticdg.com/brand/vivo
Rs 53.720
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Abbottabad (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : info@icollegete.com Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Freelancing courses provide people with the skills and techniques they need to freelance, find their own job, set up a salary structure, pay taxes, and more. Freelance writers can be generalists writing content for various publications and channels such as websites and press releases. Blog posts, internal communications, emails, grant writing, proposals, or newsletters. Many freelance writers choose to specialize in a particular communication channel or industry. This Freelance Her Worker course is specially designed for those who enjoy working from home and want to be their own boss. He has more than 5 years of experience working as a freelancer in different countries around the world. Therefore, in this course, I will share all my experiences to help you realize your ultimate project around the world. This course will teach you various tricks and tips to win customers, meet all requirements and win projects easily in real time. And how to treat customers to maintain long-term business relationships instead of short-term deals. We will also discuss the power of our rating system and how you can appear as the top rated and best selling freelancer across all platforms. Whether you are new to freelancing or an expert in your freelancing career. You will feel stuck. So, if you want to stand out from the crowd of freelancers and stand out from the rest, you should take this course. Now a lot of Freelance buddies face problems of low hourly rates or getting very low income with tons of cheap work. And what about ruining your life with Repetitive Strain injuries (working too many hours). I am going to solve all the problems related to your Freelance Life and Career.Do you just want to Freelance with cheap rates or you want to build a Freelance career where you work less and earn more. Build life-long relationships with your clients and charge more to your Freelance clients. Learn about Freelance Pricing Strategies Become more productive in what you do Build confidence in your work Learn how to Deal with different types of clients Which types of clients pay more and which clients to avoid Use of Online project and design collaboration tools Learn to use Invoicing and Payment apps How to write effective job applications How to craft professional Project Proposal Cheats to bypass problems of Freelancing Websites Who should take this course? This course is open to all freelancers, but is primarily intended to: new freelancer Freelancers just starting their careers freelancer with low hourly wage designer UI designer graphic designer Web designer web developer mobile app developer programmer SEO person WordPress developer
Rs 123
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
‘Moon Car Rental’ has been providing car rental services for about ten years now. We are famous for our unprecedented rates as well as for providing high-quality car rental services. We are proud to provide state of the art rental car services to our customers and helping them cruising around the city without any worries. We have fulfilled the demand of many customers and converted them into our long term users. We have trusted by hundreds of customer countrywide. When it comes to car rental services, Moon Car Rental has a place of its own in the market. Our Aim We aim to provide you with the state of the art car rental service so we can add you to the list of our happy customers. You’ll feel at home with the Service we provide as if you are roaming around in your own car. We provide top-notch car rental services while keeping rental prices as low as possible. At ‘Moon Car Rental,’ our mission is to provide you with the Service you desire at the price you can afford. We have well- maintained and fully functional cars just so you get the quality service you deserve. The drivers at ‘Moon Car Rental’ are also trained well to take you around the city through the best route and in the most comfortable way possible. Features ‘Moon Car Rental’ stands out from the rest of the service providers because of the features we provide while keeping the rates as low as possible. This is one of the things why our one time customers convert into a long term customer, and you would too. We provide the features that benefit our customers and make their ride as good as possible
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Bahawalnagar (Punjab)
ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : info@icollegete.com Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Freelancing courses teach people the skills and techniques necessary to become freelancers, find their own work, determine their pay structures, pay taxes, and more. A good freelancing course is worth its weight in gold.To ensure success as a freelancer, you should possess excellent organizational, time management, and communication skills. Ultimately, a top-notch Freelancer will be able to complete assignments with minimal supervision.Freelancing provides many more opportunities for growth as you tackle a wider variety of project types.You may also wish to enhance your skill set on your own. As a freelancer, you can choose how and when you do this instead of waiting for annual corporate training. Many online courses and opportunities are out there, and you have the freedom to make time for these as you see fit.Freelancing offers an incredible opportunity to control the way that you work. As a freelancer, you have the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time. Appealing perks like these are leading to the growth of the freelancing industry. Freelancer Responsibilities: Formulating assignments in accordance with prescribed specifications. Editing assignments to ensure that they are accurate and well-presented. Liaising with the line manager to clarify assignment-related expectations, as needed. Submitting completed assignments in the stipulated format. Storing and filing copies of all completed assignments. Keeping an accurate record of hours worked and income received. Registering as a taxpayer and filing your own tax returns on time. Ensuring that your work equipment remains in excellent working condition at all times. Freelancing has very particular requirements like great time-management, client networking and financial planning (just to name a few). So even though you are pretty good in your creative field, you’ll quickly see you have to acquire additional skills to become successful. Learning how to balance your new roles will take time.Whether you are a newbie Freelancer or an expert one, in one time of your freelancing career; you will feel stuck. So if you want to get out the Freelance crowd and get ahead of other Freelancers, you should Take this course. Now a lot of Freelance buddies face problems of low hourly rates or getting very low income with tons of cheap work. And what about ruining your life with Repetitive Strain injuries (working too many hours). I am going to solve all the problems related to your Freelance Life and Career.Do you just want to Freelance with cheap rates or you want to build a Freelance career where you work less and earn more. Build life-long relationships with your clients and charge more to your Freelance clients.This course is meant to teach the tips and tricks of freelancing in the simplest and effective way. The do`s and don`ts are discussed, about which a freelancer must be aware of. Introduction of different types of freelance marketplaces is given in this course. Web portals like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer are introduced and discussed in detail so that a trainee could effectively make money by using these portals.
Rs 123
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Batagram (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
This course is meant to teach the tips and tricks of freelancing in the simplest and effective way. The do`s and don`ts are discussed, about which a freelancer must be aware of. Introduction of different types of freelance marketplaces is given in this course. Web portals like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer are introduced and discussed in detail so that a trainee could effectively make money by using these portals. Freelancing is like self-employment with the ability to work at your desired timing without any constraints. Freelancing is preferred, nowadays, by people who can’t find a right job due to high saturation in the market. Freelancing has quickly become a norm in the current era and every person, whether employed or unemployed, prefers it for earning additional money. There are dozens of freelancing websites where people can find freelance projects according to their expertise. The freelancer platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork have quickly become the popular platforms to offer freelance projects. The freelancers either bid on the projects or the people looking to get services to find them by the gigs offered by freelancers. Social networking websites like Facebook and Linked have also emerged as the source of freelance projects where people use groups and pages to find the freelancers and allocate their projects to the appropriate people. Whether you are a newbie Freelancer or an expert one, in one time of your freelancing career; you will feel stuck. So if you want to get out the Freelance crowd and get ahead of other Freelancers, you should Take this course. Now a lot of Freelance buddies face problems of low hourly rates or getting very low income with tons of cheap work. And what about ruining your life with Repetitive Strain injuries (working too many hours). I am going to solve all the problems related to your Freelance Life and Career. Do you just want to Freelance with cheap rates or you want to build a Freelance career where you work less and earn more. Build life-long relationships with your clients and charge more to your Freelance clients. Learn the secrets every Freelancer should early on in their career Learn about Freelance Pricing Strategies Become more productive in what you do Build confidence in your work Learn how to Deal with different types of clients Which types of clients pay more and which clients to avoid Use of Online project and design collaboration tools Learn to use Invoicing and Payment apps How to write effective job applications How to craft professional Project Proposal Cheats to bypass problems of Freelancing Websites Freelancing, or the gig economy, is a popular form of self-employment which enables individuals to work at their own pace. The services are often offered through sharing economy platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, etc. However, individuals can also work independently without any third-party resources. The importance of freelancing courses in Pakistan is rising immensely, and experts at Selecta Training are offering the best freelancing courses in rawalpindi to help you become an independent contractor. The course is made of nine sections which lead you through the entire process from introduction to freelancing and signing up in the online market place, through how to market yourself, calculate your hourly rate, communicate and interview with your clients professionally, ending with how to manage your time, workplace and your projects. Whatever freelance field you are in, this course will give you a clear understanding of these skills and a guidance on how to get them to start your career as freelancer. ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : info@icollegete.com Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 http://www.icollegete.com/course/freelancing-course-in-rawalpindi-islamabad-pakistan/
Rs 123
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Faisalabad (Punjab)
This course is meant to teach the tips and tricks of freelancing in the simplest and effective way. The do`s and don`ts are discussed, about which a freelancer must be aware of. Introduction of different types of freelance marketplaces is given in this course. Web portals like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer are introduced and discussed in detail so that a trainee could effectively make money by using these portals. Freelancing is like self-employment with the ability to work at your desired timing without any constraints. Freelancing is preferred, nowadays, by people who can’t find a right job due to high saturation in the market. Freelancing has quickly become a norm in the current era and every person, whether employed or unemployed, prefers it for earning additional money. There are dozens of freelancing websites where people can find freelance projects according to their expertise. The freelancer platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork have quickly become the popular platforms to offer freelance projects. The freelancers either bid on the projects or the people looking to get services to find them by the gigs offered by freelancers. Social networking websites like Facebook and Linked have also emerged as the source of freelance projects where people use groups and pages to find the freelancers and allocate their projects to the appropriate people. Whether you are a newbie Freelancer or an expert one, in one time of your freelancing career; you will feel stuck. So if you want to get out the Freelance crowd and get ahead of other Freelancers, you should Take this course. Now a lot of Freelance buddies face problems of low hourly rates or getting very low income with tons of cheap work. And what about ruining your life with Repetitive Strain injuries (working too many hours). I am going to solve all the problems related to your Freelance Life and Career. Do you just want to Freelance with cheap rates or you want to build a Freelance career where you work less and earn more. Build life-long relationships with your clients and charge more to your Freelance clients. Learn the secrets every Freelancer should early on in their career Learn about Freelance Pricing Strategies Become more productive in what you do Build confidence in your work Learn how to Deal with different types of clients Which types of clients pay more and which clients to avoid Use of Online project and design collaboration tools Learn to use Invoicing and Payment apps How to write effective job applications How to craft professional Project Proposal Cheats to bypass problems of Freelancing Websites Freelancing, or the gig economy, is a popular form of self-employment which enables individuals to work at their own pace. The services are often offered through sharing economy platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, etc. However, individuals can also work independently without any third-party resources. The importance of freelancing courses in Pakistan is rising immensely, and experts at Selecta Training are offering the best freelancing courses in rawalpindi to help you become an independent contractor. The course is made of nine sections which lead you through the entire process from introduction to freelancing and signing up in the online market place, through how to market yourself, calculate your hourly rate, communicate and interview with your clients professionally, ending with how to manage your time, workplace and your projects. Whatever freelance field you are in, this course will give you a clear understanding of these skills and a guidance on how to get them to start your career as freelancer. ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : info@icollegete.com Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 http://www.icollegete.com/course/freelancing-course-in-rawalpindi-islamabad-pakistan/
Rs 123
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Bhakkar (Punjab)
This course is designed to teach freelancing tips and tricks in the easiest and most effective way. The do's and don'ts that a freelancer needs to be aware of are discussed. This course provides an introduction to the different types of independent marketplaces. Online portals like Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer are introduced and discussed in detail so that the trainee can effectively earn money using these portals. Freelancing is like self-employment with the ability to work at your desired timing without any restrictions. Freelancing these days is preferred by people who cannot find a proper job due to the high saturation of the market. Freelancing has quickly become the norm these days and every person, whether employed or unemployed, prefers it for extra income. There are dozens of freelance websites where people can find freelance projects based on their expertise. Freelance platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork have quickly become popular platforms for offering freelance projects. Freelancers either offer projects or people who want to get services to find them on gigs offered by freelancers. Social networking sites like Facebook and Linked have also emerged as a source of freelance projects, where people use groups and sites to find freelancers and assign their projects to the right people. Whether you are a beginner freelancer or an expert, at one point in your freelancing career; you will feel stuck. So if you want to stand out from the freelance crowd and get ahead of other freelancers, you should take this course. Now many freelance friends are facing problems with low hourly rates or very low income and lots of cheap work. And what if you ruin your life with Repetitive Strain injuries (working too many hours). I will solve all the problems related to your life and career as a freelancer. Do you just want to freelance with cheap rates, or do you want to build a freelance career where you work less and earn more. Build lifelong relationships with your clients and charge more to your freelance clients. Learn the secrets every freelancer should have at the start of their career Read about freelance pricing strategies Become more productive in what you do Build confidence in your work Learn how to deal with different types of clients Which types of clients pay more and which clients to avoid Using online tools to collaborate on projects and proposals Learn how to use billing and payment apps How to write effective job applications How to create a professional project proposal Cheats to bypass problems with freelance sites Freelancing, or the gig economy, is a popular form of self-employment that allows individuals to work at their own pace. Services are often offered through sharing economy platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, etc. However, individuals can also work independently without any third-party resources. The importance of freelancing courses in Pakistan is growing tremendously and the experts at Selecta Training offer the best freelancing courses in rawalpindi to help you become an independent contractor. The course consists of nine sections that will guide you through the entire process from introduction to freelancing and registration in the online marketplace, to how to promote yourself, calculate your hourly rate, communicate and interview your clients professionally, to how to manage your time, your workplace and your projects. Whatever field you're in as a freelancer, this course will give you a clear picture of those skills and advice on how to bring them to life to launch your freelance career. ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : info@icollegete.com Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 http://www.icollegete.com/course/freelancing-course-in-rawalpindi-islamabad-pakistan/
Rs 123
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