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Miiat Group Of Colleges,,World Alternative Medical Council Pakistan offers following Alternative/ Complementary Medical Courses through distance learning for healthcare professionals & executive as a continuing education system.Competency BasedDiploma in Electro Homoeo Medicine -------(D.E.H.M) ------------------ /-Diploma in Electropathic Medical Science---(D.E.M.S) ------------------ /-Diploma in Herbal Spagyric Science --------(D.H.S.S) ------------------ /-Diploma in Electro Homoeo Pharmacy -----(D.E.H.P) ------------------ /-Diploma in Ayurvedic Medical Science------(D.A.M.S) ------------------ /-Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy -------------(D.A.Pharma) --------------- /-Diploma in Simple Orgon Law ---------------(D.S.O.L) ------------------ /-Diploma in Tajdeed-e-Tibb) -------------------(D. T. T) ------------------- /-Diploma in Nutritional Medicine ---------------(D.N.M) ------------------- /-Diploma in Naturopathy (Natural Medicine) --(D.N) --------------------- /-Diploma in Tibb-e-Nabvi ------------------------(D. T. N) ------------------ /-Diploma in Islamic Medical Science ---------(D.I.M.S) ------------------- /-Diploma in Spiritual Medical Science --------(D.S.M.S) ------------------ /-Diploma in Cupping Therapy ------------------(D.C.T) -------------------- /-Diploma in Chiropractor ------------------------ (D.C) --------------------- /-Diploma in Radisthesia --------------------------(Dip.Rad.) ---------------- /-
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Karachi (Sindh)
Gulshan Tutors 0313-2263338 Academy O/A levels all areas in karachi. Email : gulshan.tutor@yahoo.com We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0313-2263338, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com, B.com, BBA, MBA, ACCA, ICMA, ICAP, CSS, B.A, BSC, BCS, MCS, MIT, MS, MSC, L.L.B, L.L.M, PH.D, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. http://gulshan.tutors.over-blog.com/ We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0313-2263338, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0313-2263338, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0313-2263338, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0313-2263338, English, language, tutor Karachi, tution Karachi, dial +92313-2263338 pakistan tutors Inter tutor Karachi, Inter teacher Karachi, Inter tuition Karachi, Home, karachi tutors Matric tutor Karachi, Matric teacher Karachi, matric tuition Karachi, Home Bcom tutor karachi, Bcom teacher Karachi, Bcom tuition Karachi, Home Science tutor Karachi, weak students, house wives, language tutor 0313-2263338 commerce tutor karachi, commerce tuition karachi, commerce teacher karachi, home O-level tutor karachi, O-level tuition karachi, Dial 0313-2263338, O-level teacher karachi,home A-level tutor karachi, A-level teacher karachi,A-level tuition Karachi,dial 0313-2263338, home maths tutor karachi,maths teacher karachi,maths tuition karachi, shara e faisal tutors accounting tutor karachi, accouting teacher karachi, accouting tuition karachi, home Biology tutor karachi, Biology teacher karachi, biology tuition karachi, home Chemistry tutor karachi, chemistry teacher karachi, chemsitry tuition karachi, home stats tutor karachi, statistics tuition karachi, stats teacher karachi, home School tutor karachi, school tuition karachi, school teacher karachi, home College tutor karachi, college teacher karachi, college tuition karachi, home Title : home tutor, home tuition, home tutoring, Bcom, O level, A level, Karachi, tutor academy, tutor provider, tutor agency, johar ,federal b area, nipa, aladdin park, safari park, sindh board karachi, Titile: Home tuition, home tutor, home teacher, accounting, Statistics, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, GCSE, best tutor, Karachi, home tutor Karachi, online tutors, F.B area, dastagir tutors, Title : Home tutor, tuition, teacher, school, college, university, lecturer, gulshan iqbal, defence, clifton, nazimabad, johar, gulistan johar, O-level, A-level, language tutors, agha khan board tutors, Title : Home, tuition, tutor, teacher, academy, defence, school, college, expert, accounting, statistics, defence, clifton, bba, mba, inter, science, commerce, O/A Levels gulshan tutors 0313-2263338, Title :tutoring, tutor, home, tuition, o level, gcse, igcse, a level, notes, karachi, mba , bba, physics, teacher, tuition, defence, clifton, gulshan iqbal, tariq road, dhoraji colony, karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, tutoring, class, classes, language, english language, ielts , toefl, gmat, gre, maths, ad maths, karachi, defence, clifton, F.B area tutors, karachi tutors, federal board karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, school, college, pechs, smchs, kmchs, tariq road, a level, o level, cifton , defence, karachi, inter, science, commerce, a level, o level, gulshan tutors 0313-2263338 karachi,
Rs 100
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Karachi (Sindh)
JOHAR Tutors 0345-3284650 Academy O/A levels all areas in karachi. johar.tutors@gmail.com We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0345-3284650, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com, B.com, BBA, MBA, ACCA, ICMA, ICAP, CSS, B.A, BSC, BCS, MCS, MIT, MS, MSC, L.L.B, L.L.M, PH.D, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0345-3284650, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0345-3284650, Private Home Tutor in Karachi, Defence, Clifton, Johar, Pechs, North Nazimabad, Gulshan Iqbal, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels, 0345-3284650, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0345-3284650,
Rs 100
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Karachi (Sindh)
Gulshan Tutors 0313-2263338 Academy O/A levels all areas in karachi. Email : gulshan.tutor@yahoo.com We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0313-2263338, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com, B.com, BBA, MBA, ACCA, ICMA, ICAP, CSS, B.A, BSC, BCS, MCS, MIT, MS, MSC, L.L.B, L.L.M, PH.D, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. http://gulshan.tutors.over-blog.com/ We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0313-2263338, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0313-2263338, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0313-2263338, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0313-2263338, English, language, tutor Karachi, tution Karachi, dial +92313-2263338 pakistan tutors Inter tutor Karachi, Inter teacher Karachi, Inter tuition Karachi, Home, karachi tutors Matric tutor Karachi, Matric teacher Karachi, matric tuition Karachi, Home Bcom tutor karachi, Bcom teacher Karachi, Bcom tuition Karachi, Home Science tutor Karachi, weak students, house wives, language tutor 0313-2263338 commerce tutor karachi, commerce tuition karachi, commerce teacher karachi, home O-level tutor karachi, O-level tuition karachi, Dial 0313-2263338, O-level teacher karachi,home A-level tutor karachi, A-level teacher karachi,A-level tuition Karachi,dial 0313-2263338, home maths tutor karachi,maths teacher karachi,maths tuition karachi, shara e faisal tutors accounting tutor karachi, accouting teacher karachi, accouting tuition karachi, home Biology tutor karachi, Biology teacher karachi, biology tuition karachi, home Chemistry tutor karachi, chemistry teacher karachi, chemsitry tuition karachi, home stats tutor karachi, statistics tuition karachi, stats teacher karachi, home School tutor karachi, school tuition karachi, school teacher karachi, home College tutor karachi, college teacher karachi, college tuition karachi, home
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Karachi (Sindh)
Gulshan Tutors 0313-2263338 Academy O/A levels all areas in karachi. Email : gulshan.tutor@yahoo.com We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0313-2263338, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com, B.com, BBA, MBA, ACCA, ICMA, ICAP, CSS, B.A, BSC, BCS, MCS, MIT, MS, MSC, L.L.B, L.L.M, PH.D, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. http://gulshan.tutors.over-blog.com/ We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0313-2263338, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0313-2263338, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0313-2263338, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0313-2263338,
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Karachi (Sindh)
P.E.C.H.S Tutors 0333-1267655 Academy O/A levels karachi. We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0333-1267655, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com, B.com, BBA, MBA, ACCA, ICMA, ICAP, CSS, B.A, BSC, BCS, MCS, MIT, MS, MSC, L.L.B, L.L.M, PH.D, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0333-1267655, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, 0333-1267655, we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0333-1267655, Private Home Tutor in Karachi, Defence, Clifton, Johar, Pechs, North Nazimabad, Gulshan Iqbal, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0333-1267655, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0333-1267655,
Rs 100
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Lahore (Punjab)
Home Tuition GCSE A Level Accounting, A Level Economics, A Level Business Studies, A Level Sociology, A Level Law Group Study A Level Accounting, A Level Economics, A Level Business Studies, A Level Sociology, A Level Law Home Tuition GCSE O Level Accounting, O Level Economics, O Level Business Studies, O Level Sociology, O Level Law Group Study GCSE O Level Accounting, O level Economics, O Level Business Studies, O Level Sociology, O Level Law B.COM subjects Advance Accounting, Cost Accounting, Business Taxation, Income Tax, Sale Tax, Principles of Accounting, and Business Law I.COM subjects Accounting, Principles of Accounting, Business State, State, Business Math, Economics, and Principles of Economics M.Com subjects Financial Management, FM, Advance Accounting, Accounting, Performance Management, Taxation, Government Accounting, ACCA Subjects, F5, F6, F7, F9, Performance Management, Taxation, Financial Reporting, Financial Management, FM • International Teachers Academy PH# 03314873438, 03004315248 03
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Karachi (Sindh)
DIAL 0313-2263338 O/A LEVELS TUTORS ACADEMY GULSHAN, PECHS, DHA, JOHAR ALL AREAS IN KARACHI. We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0313-2263338, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com, B.com, BBA, MBA, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0313-2263338, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0313-2263338, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0313-2263338, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0313-2263338, English, language, tutor Karachi, tution Karachi, dial +92313-2263338 pakistan tutors Inter tutor Karachi, Inter teacher Karachi, Inter tuition Karachi, Home, karachi tutors Matric tutor Karachi, Matric teacher Karachi, matric tuition Karachi, Home Bcom tutor karachi, Bcom teacher Karachi, Bcom tuition Karachi, Home Science tutor Karachi, weak students, house wives, language tutor 0313-2263338 commerce tutor karachi, commerce tuition karachi, commerce teacher karachi, home O-level tutor karachi, O-level tuition karachi, Dial 0313-2263338, O-level teacher karachi,home A-level tutor karachi, A-level teacher karachi,A-level tuition Karachi,dial 0313-2263338, home maths tutor karachi,maths teacher karachi,maths tuition karachi, shara e faisal tutors accounting tutor karachi, accouting teacher karachi, accouting tuition karachi, home Biology tutor karachi, Biology teacher karachi, biology tuition karachi, home Chemistry tutor karachi, chemistry teacher karachi, chemsitry tuition karachi, home stats tutor karachi, statistics tuition karachi, stats teacher karachi, home School tutor karachi, school tuition karachi, school teacher karachi, home College tutor karachi, college teacher karachi, college tuition karachi, home Title : home tutor, home tuition, home tutoring, Bcom, O level, A level, Karachi, tutor academy, tutor provider, tutor agency, johar ,federal b area, nipa, aladdin park, safari park, sindh board karachi, Titile: Home tuition, home tutor, home teacher, accounting, Statistics, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, GCSE, best tutor, Karachi, home tutor Karachi, online tutors, F.B area, dastagir tutors, Title : Home tutor, tuition, teacher, school, college, university, lecturer, gulshan iqbal, defence, clifton, nazimabad, johar, gulistan johar, O-level, A-level, language tutors, agha khan board tutors, Title : Home, tuition, tutor, teacher, academy, defence, school, college, expert, accounting, statistics, defence, clifton, bba, mba, inter, science, commerce, O/A Levels gulshan tutors 0313-2263338, Title :tutoring, tutor, home, tuition, o level, gcse, igcse, a level, notes, karachi, mba , bba, physics, teacher, tuition, defence, clifton, gulshan iqbal, tariq road, dhoraji colony, karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, tutoring, class, classes, language, english language, ielts , toefl, gmat, gre, maths, ad maths, karachi, defence, clifton, F.B area tutors, karachi tutors, federal board karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, school, college, pechs, smchs, kmchs, tariq road, a level, o level, cifton , defence, karachi, inter, science, commerce, a level, o level, gulshan tutors 0313-2263338 karachi,
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Lahore (Punjab)
Persian,Korean,Norwegian,Russian, Turkish and Japanese languages. Learn multiple languages by the help of helping notes made by foreign institutions making you speak up in a couple of weeks. Admission open Different schedules available We offer ! Foreign experienced linguistic trainers to teach you perfectly Error free institutional notes 10 days sentence making A1-C2 visa language tests preparation for spouse and study visa Audio / video listening Conversation practices by dialogues / monologues Online lessons also available Small group classes Individual attention Grammatical learning by syntax, semantics, vocabulary, tences etc Kids short syllabus For study abroad in any country, and learning ESL or other languages, watch our videos in the following link. www://tune.pk/user/liverpoollingua Our classes Run! 10:00 a.m till 22:00 p.m Lets Get connected ! LIVERPOOL LINGUA Suite# TF-11 3rd floor ( use lift) lucky center Jail road Lahore. Ph#03009425446
Rs 111
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Karachi (Sindh)
Summary The principal aim of the training is to equip those pursuing a career with the knowledge and skills to be able to cope confidently and effectively in a Islamic Banking work environment. Through an understanding of Islamic banking concepts and practical experiences individuals are given the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired to financial situations they are likely to meet at work dealing with clients seeking Shari'ah-compliant products and services. Islamic Banking and Takaful The Main Principle Of Islamic Economics And Shariah Boundaries Basic Concepts And Philosophy Of Islamic Banking International Institutions Dealing With Islamic Banking And Finance Musawamah- Concept And Scope Shirkah And Musharaka Mudaraba Concept Of Ijarah (Leasing) Diminishing Musharakah Issues In Islamic Credit Cards Istisna’a And Istisna’a Based Infrastructure Group Work Regards, Syed Bilal Ali Operation officer MHSG Consulting - ERP Training Unit MHSG Consulting : www.mhsgconsulting.com Omni Academy | Oracle Partner : www.omni-academy.com M: 0312-2169325 | 0337-7222190 T: 021-366 76393 E: bilal.mhsg@gmail.com , mhsgconsulting@gmail.com MHSG Consulting | B-309, Block-L, Allama Rasheed Turrabi Road, Karachi, Pakistan facebook.com/erptrainings "When you know better you do better"
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Karachi (Sindh)
Summary The principal aim of the training is to equip those pursuing a career with the knowledge and skills to be able to cope confidently and effectively in a Islamic Banking work environment. Through an understanding of Islamic banking concepts and practical experiences individuals are given the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired to financial situations they are likely to meet at work dealing with clients seeking Shari'ah-compliant products and services. Islamic Banking and Takaful The Main Principle Of Islamic Economics And Shariah Boundaries Basic Concepts And Philosophy Of Islamic Banking International Institutions Dealing With Islamic Banking And Finance Musawamah- Concept And Scope Shirkah And Musharaka Mudaraba Concept Of Ijarah (Leasing) Diminishing Musharakah Issues In Islamic Credit Cards Istisna’a And Istisna’a Based Infrastructure Group Work Regards, Syed Bilal Ali Operation officer MHSG Consulting : www.mhsgconsulting.com Omni Academy | Oracle Partner : www.omni-academy.com M: 0312-2169325 | 0337-7222190 T: 021-366 76393 E: bilal.mhsg@gmail.com , mhsgconsulting@gmail.com MHSG Consulting | B-309, Block-L, Allama Rasheed Turrabi Road, Karachi, Pakistan facebook.com/erptrainings "When you know better you do better"
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TELECOM TRAININGS - 2G, 3G, 4G BSS, RAN, RF Planning, Optimization, DT, Microwave, Optical Fiber Commsolutions starting new batch of its trainings from 26-Dec-2015 and 1st Jan, 2016. Registrations open. Group discount available on all courses. Over 40 trainings to choose from, we provide the largest training platform available for students and Professional in the field of 2G, 3G & 4G Telecommunication. BSS / RNS / RADIO ACCESS NETWORKS 2G & 2.5G GSM, GPRS and EDGE Networks 3G WCDMA, HSPA and HSPA+ Networks 4G LTE & LTE-A Networks ADVANCED RADIO ACCESS NETWORKS Advanced BSS & RAN (Radio Access Networks) BTS Installation and Verification BTS Commissioning and Testing RF PLANNING & NETWORK OPTIMIZATION 2G & 2.5G GSM, GPRS and EDGE RF Planning & Network Optimization 3G WCDMA, HSPA and HSPA+ RF Planning & Network Optimization 4G LTE & LTE-A RF Planning & Network Optimization AVANCED RF NETWORK DESIGNING, PLANNING & TUNING Advance RF Network Optimization and Tuning Indoor RF Distributed Antenna System Planning, Deployment & Testing IBS Implementation (Indoor Building Solutions) RF Network Designing, Prediction and Analysis ADVANCED RF POST PROCESSING TEMS Discovery for RAN Optimization & Analysis Actix Analyzer for RAN Optimization & Analysis NEMO Analyze for RAN Optimization & Analysis Huawei Genex Assistant ADVANCED RF NETWORK TESTING TEMS Investigation for Network Testing Huawei Genex Probe NEMO Outdoor for RAN Testing XCEED Windcatcher Aircom ASSET TELECOM SURVEYING TSS (Technical Site Surveying) in RAN Networks LOS (Line-of-sight) Surveying in RAN Networks TELECOM SITE FAULT/SNAG RECTIFICATION Telecom Site CoC (Code of conduct) BTS Site Acceptance and Troubleshooting Fault Rectification & Site handover TELECOM SITE ACCEPTANCE BTS Site Verification and Acceptance (ATP/FAT) Microwave Links Verification and Acceptance (ATP/FAT) TELECOM SITE QUALITY ASSURANCE Telecom Site QA / QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control) MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION Microwave Transmission Network Planning Microwave Link Installation, Commissioning & Testing OPTICAL FIBER Optical Fiber Network Designing Optical Fiber Network Deployment and Testing Optical Fiber Splicing and Troubleshooting Optical Fiber OTDR Testing & Troubleshooting Structured Cabling in Optical Fiber Networks CCTV SECURITY SYSTEMS CCTV Installation, Testing and Troubleshooting TELECOM HEALTH AND SAFETY Telecom HSE (Health and Safety) TELECOM POWER MANAGEMENT BTS, Microwave & Rectifier Power System Installation Telecom Subsystem Power Management TELECOM PROJECT MANAGEMENT Telecom Project Management in RF Networks Telecom Project Management in Radio Access Network Deployment Telecom Project Management in Operations and Maintenance OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (O&M) Telecom Operations and Maintenance Visit us at GTC Building, Karachi Suite# 208, 2nd Floor, Gulshan Trade Center, Block 5, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi – 75300 Above Ufone Franchise, Near DHL/TCS/OCS Courier offices & adjacent to Sindh Bank Contact: (Ufone=0333) . 2 3 4 . 7 8 8 6 24/7 Whatsapp/Line Support Tel: +92 213 481 0563 Web: www.commsolutions.org Email: info@commsolutions.org Training: info@commsolutions.org FB/Skype: commsolutions.trainings
Rs 20.000
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Oxforcadets ! ( Located in Gulberg iii Lahore ) an online educational institute for worldwide students We don't have any concern where do you live or reside' if you are with some skills, let update us to update you with some new updates. we offer six to ten students group to a single tutor at their own place to teach them their specific single subject in daily fixed time routine for which we are working online experts and educationist who may come forward to fulfill the dream of those students who are waiting us to continue their studies class and they will have to appear in different online competitive exam or tests in their own countries. we need males/ females and subject specialists who have some experience in teaching before. We will detail them for the students of different grades subjects to teach them and students are of online schools / online colleges and as well as professional degree program holding worldwide universities. Oxfordcadets require the services of some professional tutors who are competent and have a grip on their subjects interested ladies and gents or she males may visit us for more on our web site help line and submit your cv there we need online professionals for our online educational institute. interested are required to send their cv. be heard we need only professional subject specialist for online worldwide universities students studies recovery. for more information and question visit our web site help leave your message and we will update you at the same moment there, looking online jobs students having M.Phil degrees with continued in uni may ad us on our skype id mentioned below' with best regards' Saba Noor' administrator' Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore whatsap 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 9 9 0 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 600
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Karachi (Sindh)
Experienced commerce teacher available for Inter commerce, B.com and O/Alevel Accounts, Business and EconomicsBBA, MBA and M.com...Complete past papers...Group or individual student Views: 2
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