Islamic international hajj services
Top sales list islamic international hajj services

Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
ii English Jurisprudence International Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation
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ii English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Jhelum (Punjab)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Ahmadpur East (Punjab)
Ramzaan Booking (Pehly Ain Pehly Painn) Hajj Umra Kaa Ba Itmad Idarah Govt. Lic No. 90167 Hajj Umra Kaa Ba Itmad Idara(Ulma-E-Ikram Ky Zere Nigrani) �Allah Ky Ghar Ki Ziyarat Karain Hamary Saath� 07,15,22,26 Day�s Ke Behtreen Packages Ky Saat 1,2,3,4 Or 5 Stars�s Hottel�s Ki Rehaish Is Ke Ilawa Premium,Economy Plus Or Economy Packages Nazdeek Tareen Rehaish Kam Tareen Fasla Note:- 1)Ramzaan Ki Booking Jari Hai Foori Toor Py Booking Karwain 2)Intahi Sassti Tareen Tickets �Some Facilities� (1)-Full And Complete Transpoard (JED-MAK-MAD-MAK-JED) (2)-Double & Tipple Umra (3)-Complete Ziyaraat On Makkah-Madina (Optional) (4)-Kisi Bhi Qisam Ki Problem Main Mukammal Sport(Phone/Services/Human) Tamaam Air Lines Ki Mulki, Ghair Mulki (Domestic & International) Ticket�s Intihay Sassty Tareen Rait Pr Conform�s And Book Karwain Ap Ki Khidmat Ky Liye Harwaqat Har Damm Hazir Complete Information Ky Liye Hara Office Visit Karain Office Time 11am/08pm Sunday Off
Rs 9
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Welcome to a2z Worldwide Travels and Tours, One of the largest and best travels and tours network in Lahore Pakistan, offering best services with reasonable packages for all travels and tours related deals since 2003. We at a2z worldwide travels and tours proudly announce our Hajj and Umrah Packages for 2014. A2Z Worldwide Travels and tours is top Hajj and Umrah operators in Pakistan and offering Exclusive packages, like Economy Hajj & Umrah Packages, 3 Star, 4 Star and 5 Star Hajj and Umrah Packages. We at a2z Worldwide travels & tours have the best selection of packages like - Leisure Tour - Corporate Tour - Honey moon tour - Umrah and Hajj Tours - International Air Tickets - Domestic Air Ticket - Hotels and Car booking - VISA arrangements - Meet and Assist - Airport transfers etc With the following add-on services that makes us best amongst the industry; - Personalized One-On-One Service - Doorstep deliveries - Professional Travel Consultancy - Last Minute Travel Arrangements - 24/7 (24 Hours / 7 days a week) - Newsletter (for International Travel News & Promotions) - Airlines Loyalty Programs etc. For More information and Booking any of your trip or travel tickets to any destination around the world, Please don’t hesitate to pick up your phone and dial us or leave us a message at ali at a2zworldwidetravels com, A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Address: Siddiq Trade Center, Main boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore Mobile1: 92 (324) 4275229 Local : 92 (423) 5817106
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Welcome to a2z Worldwide travels and tours, which is one of the top best travels and tours operating platform in Pakistan, for local and international airlines fares, for local and international Hotels Booking, and all other travels and tours related services at most reasonable and unique rates in market. We at a2z Worldwide do have best policies to cater your need of traveling and tours thirst around the world exploring. We are best travel companion, who can confidently provide you the best solutions for your all travels and tours solutions, Corporate, Business Endeavors, Leisure trip, or may by an Umrah/Hajj Performance. We are delivering the following services, which differs us from other agencies in market and getting our unique services packages on top. We deals in following Services like • Personalized One-On-One Service • Doorstep deliveries • Professional Travel Consultancy • Last Minute Travel Arrangements • 24/7 (24 Hours / 7 days a week) • Newsletter ( for International Travel News & Promotions ) • Airlines Loyalty Programme A2z Worldwide travels and tours is a family of unique standards, a travel agency with excellent services, a travels and tourism network of highest class services with fabulous tours packages. We at a2z worldwide travels and tours are one of the top best Tourism terminal where you will find best and most economical Hajj & Umra Packages at reasonable price We Offer Hajj Packages like • Economy Hajj packages for 40 days • Economy Hajj Packages for 34 days • Economy Hajj packages for short days 20 -22 days • We offer 3 Star, 4 Star and 5 Star Hajj Packages for full board services • We offer Exclusively 4-5 star Hajj packages for short terms • We offer Direct and Indirect Airlines Tickets • We offers Hotels booking services worldwide • We offer Rent a Car Services worldwide • We offer Luxury Cruise Packages • We offer Worldwide Travels and Tours Packages For More information and Booking any of your trip or travel tickets to any destination around the world, Please don’t hesitate to pick up your phone and dial us or leave us a message at ali at a2zworldwidetravels com, A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Address: Siddiq Trade Center, Main boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore Mobile: 92 (324) 4275229 Local : 92 (423) 5817106 www a2zworldwidetravels com
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Best Travel Agents, Cheapest Flights, Umrah, Hajj & Tours Packages, Visa & Immigration, Top Travel agents in Lahore Pakistan Dear Valued Customers, We at Worldwide Travel and Tours, One of the Best and Leading GSA Travel Agents, Operating around the world from Pakistan, Just say that “ There is no Limit in the Sky and Pursue of Excellence”. We are interested in presenting our services to you and your esteemed organizations. Worldwide Travel and Tours provides a wide range of domestic & International Traveling and Tourism Services and Solutions. We understand how customers appreciate commitment to good services and dedicated to extreme work while at Worldwide Travels we prioritize our valued clients highly. We provide full services selling airfares, travel and hotel Packages to all Countries around the world. Our Services begins from the moment you decide to let us be at your services. We Provide Leisure packages, family holiday’s packages, adventure travel packages, individual holiday packages with highly dedication and coordination of our Expert Consolidators. Our Services Includes • Domestic Air Tickets to all Cities • International Ticket to all Countries around the world • Hotel Packages • Family Holiday Packages • Adventure Packages • Individual holiday Packages • Hajj & Umra Services • Travel Insurance • Visit Visas Packages to Middle East, Fareast, Europe and other Countries • Student Counseling • Canadian Immigration • Visa Processing Services • UK Immigration • Europe Study & Immigration • Hotel and Rent a Car Services Locally and Internationally For More Information, Booking and Availabilities, A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Address: Siddiq Trade Center, Main boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore Mobile: 92 (324) 4275229 Local : 92 (423) 5817106 www a2zworldwidetravels com a2zeventssolutions
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Best Travel Agents, Cheapest Flights, Umrah, Hajj & Tours Packages, Visa & Immigration, Top Travel agents in Lahore Pakistan We at Worldwide Travel and Tours, One of the Best and Leading GSA Travel Agents, Operating around the world from Pakistan, Just say that “There is no Limit in the Sky and Pursue of Excellence”. We are interested in presenting our services to you and your esteemed organizations. Worldwide Travel and Tours provides a wide range of domestic & International Traveling and Tourism Services and Solutions. We understand how customers appreciate commitment to good services and dedicated to extreme work while at Worldwide Travels we prioritize our valued clients highly. We provide full services selling airfares, travel and hotel Packages to all Countries around the world. Our Services begins from the moment you decide to let us be at your services Our Services Includes • Domestic Air Tickets to all Cities • International Ticket to all Countries around the world • Hotel Packages • Family Holiday Packages • Adventure Packages • Individual holiday Packages • Hajj & Umra Services • Travel Insurance • Visit Visas Packages to Middle East, Fareast, Europe and other Countries • Student Counseling • Canadian Immigration • Visa Processing Services • UK Immigration • Europe Study & Immigration • Hotel and Rent a Car Services Locally and Internationally Call us today for updates and booking for any flight to any destination in the worldwide. Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020/ 0208-090-4486 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Page: -
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Lahore (Punjab)
Hamdan Touristik Services - The Best Travel Agent in Lahore and a Full Grid Travels & Tours Company in Lahore. We offer reliable Air Ticketing, Travels & Tours, Hajj, Umrah and a wide range of Services offered as Travel Agent in Lahore and Tour Operators in Lahore. Our mission is to explore new avenues for sight-seeing and cultural tourism for local and foreign tourists including trekking, camping, safari and picnic entertainments, long and short family tours, student group tours, honeymoon couples etc. in northern areas (Gilgit Baltistan), KPK Valleys, Punjab, Sindh,Baluchistan heritage, deserts and also beautiful Azad Kashmir. Hamdan Touristik Services offer customized Tourism Services in Magical Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. Guided excursion tours, Guided cultural tours, Guided Trekking, Honeymoon trip etc. Domestic and International Air Ticketing,Umrah packages and Hajj bookings.
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Lahore (Punjab)
Worldwide Travel and Tours provides a wide range of domestic & International Traveling and Tourism Services and Solutions. We understand how customers appreciate commitment to good services and dedicated to extreme work while at Worldwide Travels we prioritize our valued clients highly. We provide full services selling airfares, travel and hotel Packages to all Countries around the world. Our Services begins from the moment you decide to let us be at your services Our Services Includes • Domestic Air Tickets to all Cities • International Ticket to all Countries around the world • Hotel Packages • Family Holiday Packages • Adventure Packages • Individual holiday Packages • Hajj & Umra Services • Travel Insurance • Visit Visas Packages to Middle East, Fareast, Europe and other Countries • Student Counseling • Canadian Immigration • Visa Processing Services • UK Immigration • Europe Study & Immigration • Hotel and Rent a Car Services Locally and Internationally Call us today for updates and booking for any flight to any destination in the worldwide. Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020/ 0208-090-4486 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Page: -
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Dear A2Z Worldwide Travels & Tours Valued Clients, We at A2Z Worldwide Travel and Tours, One of the Best and Leading Travel Agents In Lahore Pakistan, Operating around the world Destinations, Just say that “ There is no Limit in the Sky and Pursue of Excellence”. We are interested in presenting our services to you and your esteemed organizations. A2Z Worldwide Travel and Tours provides a wide range of domestic & International Traveling and Tourism Services and Solutions. We understand how customers appreciate commitment to good services and dedicated to extreme work while at A2Z Worldwide Travels we prioritize our valued clients highly and Strive our best to bring valued Travels or Tours Packages for them. We provide full services selling airfares, travel and hotel Packages to all Countries around the world. Our Services begins from the moment you decide to let us be at your services. We Provide Leisure packages, family holiday’s packages, adventure travel packages, individual holiday packages with highly dedication and coordination of our Expert Consolidators. Our Services Includes • Domestic Air Tickets to all Cities • International Ticket to all Countries around the world • Hotel Packages • Family Holiday Packages • Adventure Packages • Individual holiday Packages • Hajj & Umra Services • Travel Insurance • Visit Visas Packages to Middle East, Fareast, Europe and other Countries • Student Counseling • Canadian Immigration • Visa Processing Services • UK Immigration • Europe Study & Immigration • Hotel and Rent a Car Services Locally and Internationally For More Information, Booking and Availabilities, Please Call at A2Z Worldwide Travel and Tours +92-324-4275229 / 042-35817106 www a2zworldwidetravels com
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At A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Invite you to experience the highest levels and standards of hospitality and services, We at a2z Worldwide Travels and Tours are one of the best and leading travels and tours operating company in Pakistan with top best ranking with quality services on economical rates & fares. Our aim is to provide the highest level of standards in hospitality to the pilgrims traveling to the Holy land of Islamic Center, with courtesy, dedication and professional expertise and continuously strive for improvements by streamlining, harmonizing and educating the staff for the benefits of the pilgrims, organization and the employees. At a2z Worldwide Travels and Tours we do operate in following lines: - • A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Packages • A2Z Worldwide Air Tickets and hotels booking • A2Z Worldwide Travels local/domestic Ticketing • A2Z Worldwide Travels international ticketing Services • A2z Worldwide Travels and tour’s Visa Assistance • A2Z Worldwide Travels Visit visa’s services for all Countries • A2Z Worldwide Travels Leisure and Business Tours • A2Z Worldwide Travels Hajj & Umra Packages of all types • A2Z Worldwide Travel’s last minute arrangement and tours deals • A2Z Worldwide Business, Honeymoon, family and Group Tours Call us today for updates and booking for any flight to any destination in the worldwide. A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Address: Siddiq Trade Center, Main boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore Mobile1: 92 (324) 4275229 Local : 92 (423) 5817106 www a2zworldwidetravels com
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A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours is one of the best and top trusted Hajj operators in Pakistan and offers exclusive Hajj & Umra packages including all other Travels & Tours related Services like; • A2Z Worldwide Leisure Tour Packages • A2Z Worldwide Corporate Tour • A2Z Worldwide Honey moon tour • A2Z Worldwide Umrah and Hajj Tours • A2Z Worldwide International Air Tickets • A2Z Worldwide Travel’s Domestic Air Tickets Packages • A2Z Worldwide Hotels and Car booking • A2z Worldwide Travel’s International VISA arrangements • A2Z Worldwide Travel’s Meet and Assist • A2Z Worldwide Travel’s Airport transfers etc With the following add-on services that makes us best amongst the industry; • Personalized One-On-One Service • Doorstep deliveries • Professional Travel Consultancy • Last Minute Travel Arrangements • 24/7 (24 Hours / 7 days a week) • Newsletter (for International Travel News & Promotions) - Airlines Loyalty Programs etc Call us today for updates and booking for any flight to any destination in the worldwide. A2Z Worldwide Travels and Tours Address: Siddiq Trade Center, Main boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore Mobile1: 92 (324) 4275229 Local : 92 (423) 5817106 www a2zworldwidetravels com
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Global Link Air Travels is a one stop travel company that offers the complete range of travel related services. Our superior knowledge, efficient planning and the ability to anticipate and resolve potential problems along the way are the reasons behind our success. We offer a number of travel packages for pilgrims wishing to perform Hajj & Umrah. Our experienced and courteous team takes care of all matter concerning traveling and accommodation, in order to allow pilgrims to focus completely on performing Hajj & Umrah. Our various Umrah packages are designed keeping in mind all your requirements for this spiritual trip. We make all effort to make your trip as comfortable and as peaceful as possible. We take special care in selecting the best hotels at Makkah and Madina. Our Special Services: Hajj & Umrah Packages Visit visa assistance Dubai, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Srilanka, International / Domestic Flights Arrange Travel Insurance Worldwide Hotel Reservations Online Booking / Ticket Charges may be transferred through I - Net Banking Provide 24/7 support - Monday to Sunday (No Holiday)
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