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Lahore (Punjab)
Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore Assalamo alykum to you all we are here to help you out and are alive with a spirit' aim and mission for specifically the parents whose beloved children are in some problems and are not showing an output result in their previous schools and as well as academies' we have more than 30 years teaching experience and do know how to inspire such children inner hidden natural mysterious talent and other social values and how to enable them to survive the life among others in the challenging world with excellence we solve their listening' understanding' studies base' subjects concepts since 1990 we provide result oriented and experienced' Pure Dedicated and professional Verified teaching Staff faculty to you all parents at your door step we have subjects specialist educationists psychologists and Expert Home Tutors for Mentally slow learning Special Retarded / epileptic / Cognitive / aggressive behavioral and the Children with iQ Skills Deficiencies or disorders Interested parents may contact us for more in details on below mentioned address they may discuss their beloved children problems on skype for as an advise with regards from' Oxfordcadets Team' Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore skype oxfordcadets whatsap 333 4/6 /3/3/ 9/9/ 0 0307 44 77 99 0 jaz 0333 434 9522 u phone 0342 37 25 129 u phone converted sms
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Respected Parents ! Visit us to Inspire your Slow learning child's mysterious willpower Our Dedicated Professionals’ Educationist / Specialists & Psychiatrist Explore them with scientific Educational Techniques' Enable them to learn more skills they need in life & by this way we Recover a Child's Deficiencies To see their Natural iQ Skills Talent' we work on their daily habits' adoptees' likes and disliking we observe your child or an individual who show less capabilities comparatively to other children and is not doing according we do think in their life routine' if you want us to perform them some higher mental functions as compared to the other Normal Children and wish us to show you a more outstanding result in days’ time duration' you will have to drop them for specific hours because it is considered as a slow learning or retarded there may be some reasons behind which you may be know better to us because the child is much attached to you or with one person of your family members there if the child's behave like a child due to mental retardation' it may due to some illnesses & other physical or before birth defects, facial features & body physique also changes depends up on the type & severity as well U may see in surrounding society usually special children r considered having mental retardation, however; as per the definition, there are various stages & types of it. Even a normal looking individual could be mentally retarded if examined on the criteria. Special Children are those who are unable to attain such activities being done by normal children' it’s meant that they may be having some problems in accomplishing that task and the possibilities are that such child's development may be disturbed before his birth' anyhow due to the deficiencies of certain things it’s not impossible to recover them But we must know it that all those people who are regarded as mentally retarded have iQ score less than seventy percent and their main Childish behavior show that they don't possess the ability to think like an adult and the lack of intellectual & learning functions they can’t even absorb a quiet new or things easily for the first time and sometimes they can't remember easy a normal name of the lessons so how you do think they will perform an easy task or will possess etiquette & manners in the time they meet new people or close relatives of their family members, they will get rid of to attend ceremonies & functions remain dirty & even have no sense to live clean like others, they ever hesitate to work in an organization, they do not want to communicate with others & have no interest to even earn money. they even have no issues in their thinking or mind for being in a poor educational status or other surrounding interest in schooling and if they are admitted in some streamline school they even remain unable to possess a good grade at school, to pass the exams, to solve even simple questions, to learn the Life-skill for to survive if you are facing such problems in your beloved child' you may contact us for their proper Studies recovery' other skills developing' tuition and schooling' we are committed and will show you an amazing output without delay we provide Result oriented Home Tutors for special' retarded' slow learning and normal children studies Recovery' Handwriting' English Spoken' Linguistics Skills' Play Group to O & A Levels For cadets colleges admission Test preparation Parents may contact on whatsap 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0 and skype oxfordcadets With regards from' Akhtar Hayat' Oxfordcadets' (since 1990) J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Contact: 307 44/ 77 / 990
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