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OXFORDCADETS Institute Gulberg iii Lahore Phones:3-4-2-3/7 2/5/1/2/9 --3 0 7 4 4 7 7 9 9 0 Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore ! We Prepare individual/Groups for all Online iQ Test Supli & Final Exam Papers ! Explore Unbelievable Natural Hidden i.Q Studies (skills) mysterious Talent & Base in Weak / Spoiled Base / Overage Nil Cognitive' Aggressive Behavioral' Epileptic' Mentally Weak' Slow Learning' Special & Retard Children ! Our subjects specialists inspire Brain Capabilities with individual attention & Quranic Verses Efforts, Develop Testing skill Counselling,s Base for any reputed School class Admission, Studies, Colleges' Prepare them for any Higher Level University Studies & Post Graduate RESEARCH levels' Enable them for their real practical Social Life activities & Business in the Light of Sunah and Quran, Awake their spirits for the betterment of our Society so that they may face the competitive world of challenges with Excellence ! One may JOIN FOR COMPETITIVE FEDERAL PROVINCIAL & PAK FORCES PMA LONG COURSE CLASS-8Th (Murree Jhelum Sargodha Hassan Abdal) A.F.N.S (Ladies Nurses) PAF GD Pilot/ AIRMEN PIA AIR-HOSTESS AIRCREW CHIEF CAA FIC MET DEPT. ASI FIA (Boys-Girls) Special Anti-Terrorist SELECTION TEST PREPARATION ON LINE CSS PMS & All local SEMI Government Jobs Test for PBS 11-16 Scales ! …………….Our Vision …………… Oxfordcadets provide a complete unique educational experience for the child, preparing him / her for a successful life in the contemporary society. The vision envisages: • To create an excellent educational institution synthesizing the human values with the highest quality of teaching–learning using modern technology-driven tools for preparing a well-rounded personality for our society. • To shape global minds on the Pakistan soil. To ensure these, we provide every student an access to world-class infrastructure, and an innovative curriculum that promotes the all-round development of the child imbibing traditional values. Our Philosophy About A Child's Development ! A child grows everyday which are the most formative years of his Mental Development. Parents may observe several changes, biological, physical, Physiological & Emotional. Naturally, a number of questions may arise or come to their minds, but there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Here, we provide you with all encompassing articles to solve all the queries you may have regarding Child Development Every child is unique: It is a well-known fact that no two thumbprints are alike. In the same way, we believe that every child is born unique. Each child has a unique brain network that shapes how she absorbs and responds to stimuli. One way of teaching does not work for every child. We need to teach the way they learn, not force them to learn the way we teach. Let well-equip an empty mind adult with an open mind & with a requisite knowledge, for life skills and values to lead them in the 21st century. Feel free for more at oxfordcadets g mail dot com & on Skype id oxfordcadets or Send message on above mentioned numbers Avail Online worldwide Quranic learning Subject Specialist Tutors & Local Home Tutors for lahore area for all subjects Recovery/ & For to learn Impressive Handwriting / Urdu Eng Linguistics Advance-Skills & English Spoken Admission Opened, Summer Camp For all Grades Classes Subjects Nursery to Masters (Morning Evening Late Night) (Separate Hostels available for Boys & Girls) For Students appearing in PMA GD Pilot Cadets Colleges Admission Test Class 8th Regards From: Oxfordcadets Team ! Skype :oxfordcadets whatsapp & Viber: 3/3/3/4/63/3/9/9/0 Gulberg-iii, Lahore Pakistan
Rs 15.000
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Respected Parents ! Visit us to Inspire your Slow learning child's mysterious willpower Our Dedicated Professionals’ Educationist / Specialists & Psychiatrist Explore them with scientific Educational Techniques' Enable them to learn more skills they need in life & by this way we Recover a Child's Deficiencies To see their Natural iQ Skills Talent' we work on their daily habits' adoptees' likes and disliking we observe your child or an individual who show less capabilities comparatively to other children and is not doing according we do think in their life routine' if you want us to perform them some higher mental functions as compared to the other Normal Children and wish us to show you a more outstanding result in days’ time duration' you will have to drop them for specific hours because it is considered as a slow learning or retarded there may be some reasons behind which you may be know better to us because the child is much attached to you or with one person of your family members there if the child's behave like a child due to mental retardation' it may due to some illnesses & other physical or before birth defects, facial features & body physique also changes depends up on the type & severity as well U may see in surrounding society usually special children r considered having mental retardation, however; as per the definition, there are various stages & types of it. Even a normal looking individual could be mentally retarded if examined on the criteria. Special Children are those who are unable to attain such activities being done by normal children' it’s meant that they may be having some problems in accomplishing that task and the possibilities are that such child's development may be disturbed before his birth' anyhow due to the deficiencies of certain things it’s not impossible to recover them But we must know it that all those people who are regarded as mentally retarded have iQ score less than seventy percent and their main Childish behavior show that they don't possess the ability to think like an adult and the lack of intellectual & learning functions they can’t even absorb a quiet new or things easily for the first time and sometimes they can't remember easy a normal name of the lessons so how you do think they will perform an easy task or will possess etiquette & manners in the time they meet new people or close relatives of their family members, they will get rid of to attend ceremonies & functions remain dirty & even have no sense to live clean like others, they ever hesitate to work in an organization, they do not want to communicate with others & have no interest to even earn money. they even have no issues in their thinking or mind for being in a poor educational status or other surrounding interest in schooling and if they are admitted in some streamline school they even remain unable to possess a good grade at school, to pass the exams, to solve even simple questions, to learn the Life-skill for to survive if you are facing such problems in your beloved child' you may contact us for their proper Studies recovery' other skills developing' tuition and schooling' we are committed and will show you an amazing output without delay we provide Result oriented Home Tutors for special' retarded' slow learning and normal children studies Recovery' Handwriting' English Spoken' Linguistics Skills' Play Group to O & A Levels For cadets colleges admission Test preparation Parents may contact on whatsap 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0 and skype oxfordcadets With regards from' Akhtar Hayat' Oxfordcadets' (since 1990) J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Contact: 307 44/ 77 / 990
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Jhelum (Punjab)
AKC-Jhelum: Ielts, Jhelum, toefl, tefl, it courses, development, marketing, ielts exam, ielts test, british council, Jhelum, kharian, gujrat, ielts courses, tefl courses, computer basic courses, ms office. The college works hard and consistently to help individuals looking assistance in the courses as follows: English Language Courses: UK Marriage/SpouseLife Skills A1 Classes: IELTS Life Skillsis a testing service designed to test and certify the English speaking and listening skills of the individuals trying to apply for UK Spouse visa. Levels: IELTS Life Skills is categorised into 2 levels: A1 Speaking and Listening: This level is designed for the applicants having a settled person in the UK such as a family member, relative, or Spouse. The duration for A1 Speaking and Listening is 16-18 minutes. Here at AKCJhelum, we provide all the necessary guidance required for A1 UK visa application and testing criteria. B1 Speaking and Listening: This level is designed for the applicants who are applying for an indefinite visa to stay in the UK and ask for citizenship. Its duration is 22 minutes. Who should apply for the test? 1. Spouse of a settled citizen 2. An applicant already living in the UK and looking for permanent residency (Indefinite) To test the everyday communication skills of the applicant, the test is comprised of small discussions on subjects like Background information, Relatives and friends, Work, Transportation, Training, Housing, Weather and Education. The focus for the A1 test level should be on: 1. Listening and responding to spoken language 2. It may include questions, instructions, statements, narrations, etc., 3. Opinion and knowledge on a certain topic 4. Communication with another person about a given topic IELTS: International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an international standard test for the analysis of adequate language proficiency required for survival in foreign countries. Testing rules include: 1. There is no minimum score to pass the IELTS 2. Test results are given to all candidates from 1 (Poor knowledge) to 9 (Expert candidates) 3. Each institution accept scores respective to their criteria Structure: The structure of the IELTS test is: Listening: The listening section has further 4 sections. It lasts for 40 minutes (The recording is played for 30 mins. And 10 minutes to deliver the answers) • In the break, the applicants can look through the remaining questions. • Each section can only be heard once Reading: In theacademic module, Reading has: • 3 sections • 3 tests • 13 or 14 questions While in the general test module: there are 3 sections, the tests are shorter, and 5 tests are conducted for reading. Reading section lasts for 60 minutes. Writing: Intheacademic module, there are two tasks to be completed. Applicants are given a diagram, graph, process, or chart to explain or they have to write a response to a given argument. Writing section of the test has the duration of 60 minutes Speaking: The speaking module contains 3 sections. In section 1, an interview is conducted to ask the candidate’s hobbies, interests, general topics, reasons fortaking IELTS etc. In section 2, a topic card is given to the candidate on which he/she has to speak about it after 1 minute of thinking. Section 3 involves a discussion between the candidate and the examiner, generally about section 2. Takes 11-14 minutes to complete. Duration: The first 3 modules are completed in their respective order within one day without any break. Speaking module may be takenbefore or after the completion of theother 3 modules. 2 hours and 45 minutes are divided as per mentioned above. Who should take the test? The test is designed into two different versions: Academic Version: This version is for: • University enrolment and higher education seekers • Medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, health coordinators to practice in a foreign country General Training Version: This version is designed for candidates who: • Seek professional work experience • Non-academic training • Immigration purposes TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a platform to teach the English language in foreign countries. TEFL is also referred to as: • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) • English Language Teaching (ELT) • English as a Second Language (ESL) TEFL/TESOL isoften confused as two different domains. However, both terms are interchangeable since Teaching English as a foreign language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages hold the same cause that is to teach English to non-native speakers. Leading professionals have made some standards for a TEFL certificate, these standards include: • At least 100 hours of coursework • At least 6-20 hours of practicum (live practice teaching and observation with actual non-native English speaker and NOT role-playing with fellow TEFL classmates) • An accredited curriculum from a recognised, independent organisation within the field • Instruction provided by a qualified instructor (who has an equivalent to a master’s degree in TESOL or related field) TOEFL: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the testing service required by many academic institutes when applying from a non-native country. It is certified proof that the candidate can speak/use proper English when they are in a foreign institute. Additionally, it may be required by: • Government agencies • Scholarship programs • Licensing bodies • Business Facts about TOEFL: • Only valid for two years • Most recent TOEFL scores are preferred by the institutes • TOEFL is registered under the trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) • Administered worldwide • Examiners teams have a committee including 12 specialists in language testing, linguistics, research, or teaching • Examiners ensure that test content is a proper measure to analyse the language proficiency of the applicant Structure of TOEFL: The 4 sections are categorised as: Reading: o Comprised of 34 passages o Each passage has 700 words o There are questions against each passage o Passages are mostly undergraduate academic level Listening: o Comprised of 6 passages with questions o 35 minutes long o Two conversations between student and examiners - Heard only once - Five related questions o Four academic lectures/discussions - Lecture may require participation from the student - Six related questions Speaking: o Comprised of 6 tasks o Two tasks involve the candidate’s opinion on different given topics o Remaining tasks involve reading a short passage course or a conversation about life atthecampus and answer accordingly o Digitally recorded responses sent to 3 to 6 examiners at ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN) for grading Writing: o Comprised of 2 tasks o In the integrated task, a passage is read by the candidate o Speaker discussesthe same topic o Candidate will have to write a composed summary of the main points of the passage they read relating to the points they heard from the speaker o The other task involves writing an essay showing their opinion, explained with valid reasoning and choices. o Responses examined by ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN) Course Content: For TOEFL, AKCJhelum has developed a special curriculum meeting all the test requirements. The content includes training to guide candidates of standard procedures. Online courses: AKC Jhelum provides following online courses: Spoken English: • Speaking English in public makes you nervous? • Unable to speak fluent English? • Want to present your opinion but do not know how to use proper words? Even if any one of these is your concern, you can rely on us. We will help you out with AKC Jhelum’s online English language course with thefollowing outline: • English for everyday situation • Basic Grammar • Proper use of functional English • Dialogues, conversations, and discussions • Listening Skills • Reading Skills • Writing Skills Urdu: Derived fromtheTurkish language and having a meaning of “Army”. Urdu was recognised as a separate language during the reign of the Mughals. With our field experts at AKC Jhelum, you can get all the guidance you need. It represents the culture and traditions of the sub-continent making it a great asset for the country and the people who speak it. Our comprehensive Urdu learning program comprises all genres of Urdu literature including poetry, novel, biographies, dramas, and the use of Urdu worksheets for effective learning. IT courses: Basic Fundamental of Computers: Taking this course, Basic fundamentals introduce you to learn: • Basics of Computers • Introducing material • Uses of Computers • Applications of Computers • Its advantages and disadvantages • How computers work • Answers to what, when, and why • How operating system works • Input-output learning • Internet and its benefits Basic Computer Repairing Every machine needs maintenance with specific repairing requirements. That is why it is important for computer, laptop, tablet users to learn about the basic repairing and up-gradation techniques. Such skills are: • Installation of Windows and other software • Antivirus installation and scanning. • Customisation of software • Replacement of RAM, hard disk, DVD drive, power supply Microsoft Word: The first professional computer application to learn is Microsoft Word. It is important because it will help you in creating, editing documents, live document sharing, and editing, etc. That is why almost 90% of businesses, educational institutes, companies, freelancers, writers, teachers, and students use Microsoft word for: • Writing documents • Editing works • Online collaboration, • Sharing and document management It is important that you learn this application software so that it will help you in document writing and editing personally and professionally. Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel application is another basic computer application that is used to perform mathematical, logical, functional, financial, and business calculations. Mostly it is used in Windows and MAC-OS but nowadays you can use it in Android and iOS as well. The Importance of Microsoft Excel for Students is that they understand how they can perform daily life calculations. Website Creation In this century, having your own website is like an ID or Identity proof. It can be a blog website, portfolio website, business website, or so on. If you can create content and are able to publish valuable content consistently on your website, then it will turn into a business and income source. And it is important to teach such skills as early as possible for students especially when they are doing a basic computer course or any kind of IT-related degree. So if you want to learn about website creating skills and build your own first website then we can help you out. Internet research and learning and earning skills: The use of the internet is not determined by an individual’s ability to use Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram. It is to learn about: • How a usercan reduce the cost of marketing using the internet • How students can use the internet to reduce the cost of offline tuition classes • How housewives can learn and work from home • How students can do online jobs, how anyone can start an online business. • How internet works, who is behind it, who controls, how it controlled etc • How the internet is beneficial for humans • What are its advantages and disadvantages of the internet s Practically, our tutors here at AKC Jhelum teach you how to research, how to use net banking, how to pay and buy on an eCommerce website to prevent frauds, how to operate various internet applications and how they can develop similar applications and most importantly, protect privacy and data. Online Security and Privacy The use of the internet is increasing day by day. The increment is in the use of the Internet forsocial media, ecommerce, online education, digital communication, digital banking, online business and digital marketing. It is providing lots of benefits for common people, organisations, governments, and businesses. We help individuals to learn and detect frauds, privacy leakages, data scraping, theft, corruption, humiliation, pornography, and many other things. That is why it is important to learn about online security and privacy. Visa Consultant Jhelum: Getting a visa can be a challenging task. There are special requirements and different forms of documentation needed to get a visa to enter the United Kingdom and one wrong move could cost you the entire application process, money, and valuable time. AKC specialises in securing visas and we understand that this process is so tricky that you might want to give up. Without the proper assistance, it can be a waste of money or even worse a refusal stamp on your passport. Now, to save you from that hassle AKC specialises in making this difficult task easy and stress-free. Whether you need a visitor/settlement/spouse/work permit visa or a Student visa, we will help you with the UK visa process. We have worked with several clients to provide the best services possible for them and their cases have successfully been retrieved making it an accomplishment for the AKC Visa consultancy portal. We work with experience and knowledge to deliver what is considered best in your regard. You are welcome to discuss any immigration-related problem confronting you. Appointments for initial discussions are not compulsory so you feel free to walk in for an informal chat with us at any time. Our team has expertise in providingthe client’spractical needs, efficient and systematic solutions to their legal queries. Our experts are multilingual that is all members can speak Urdu, English, and Punjabi so that whatever is easy for you can be the medium of conversation. We care about our client’s confidentiality and work in different ways not to compromise it. We respect and understand the outcome desired by our clients and we ensure that all the requirements for successful results are put into effect while ensuring that the quality is not compromised in the process.
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
AC Technician Diploma Course In Shams Abad, Saddar 03354176949 international college of technical education offers management courses, Safety Courses, technical courses, language courses and all types of different courses. the admission and started will be classes soon, 03115193625. Central air conditioners circulate cool air through a system of supply and return ducts. Supply ducts and registers (i.e., openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings covered by grills) carry cooled air from the air conditioner to the home. This cooled air becomes warmer as it circulates through the home; then it flows back to the central air conditioner through return ducts and registers.Professional courses otherwise known as VET (Vocational Education and Training), are training courses offered by accredited educational institutions that feature a strong practical content focusing on building specific skills.VET courses are the best choice for those who wish to find a job in specific industries. VET courses other that practical learning of a trade or “vocation” issue a certificate highly demanded from employers.The length of vocational courses can range from a few weeks to a few years, depending on the qualification and whether you study full time or part time.CPD studentsIn today's competitive career environment, distinguishing yourself isn’t optional – it's essential.We offer a variety of short, flexible Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accredited courses that will help enhance your professional development.A vocational-technical school, often called a voc-tech school, is a high school in the United States and Canada designed to bring vocational and technical training to its students. Career and technical programs—depending on their size, configuration, location, and mission—provide a wide range of learning experiences spanning many different career tracks, fields, and industries, from skilled trades such as automotive technology, construction, plumbing, or electrical contracting to fields as diverse as agriculture, architecture, culinary arts, fashion design, filmmaking, forestry, engineering, healthcare, personal training, robotics, or veterinary, medicine.Professional qualifications focus on improving your ability to succeed in a particular occupation, which is ideal if you have a clear career objective and want to gain valuable on-the-job experience through vocational training. Awarded by professional bodies within the relevant industry or sector, they often follow on from a degree or equivalent qualification, although this level of previous academic study isn't always required. Air conditioning technicians may sometimes be referred to as HVACR technicians and are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. These professionals work in industrial, residential and commercial settings. Central AC Technician Course Contents: 1:Heating 2:Refrigeration 3:Sheet Metal 4:Electrical 5:Industrial Safety 6:Communication Across Cultures 7:Gas 8:General Education Elective 9:Computer Applications I 10:Mechanical System I 11:HRAC Welding 12:Industrial Environment Awarness For Registration: 0092-311-5193625 / 0092-335-4176949
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Web Designing Course in Shams Abad, Kotli New session of course will be started soon in international college of technical education. Admission are open in international college of technical education for both boys and girls 923115193625. International college of technical offers Management courses, Technical courses, Safety courses and different type of courses and diplomas . All the courses and diplomas offered by international college of technical education is acceptable in whole world. Web Designing courses are part of the Computer Science and IT field that requires the students to learn server programming languages to create dynamic web pages. ... There are degree, diploma, postgraduate degree as well as certificate courses in the field of web designing. A web designer is an IT professional who is responsible for designing the layout, visual appearance and the usability of a website. ... They need to be able to visualise how a site will look (the graphical design of the site) and how it will function (conversion of a design into a working website). Web development and web design aren't inherently more or less challenging—your strengths and weaknesses will dictate which is the path of least resistance for you. The length of training for a web designer is two to four years. Individuals with a creative background find it easier to learn web design. Because web designers have to constantly keep abreast of new technology, learning never stops. Let's get the short answer out of the way first: web designers do not need to know how to code. It's entirely possible to have a successful web design career without having any expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ... For freelance designers in particular, knowing how to code is advantageous. If you want to know about how to learn the web design at home, above is all you have to know. Stop wasting your time on Facebook or Twitter to look for answers. You can build your design circle in there, but you can't be a web designer by tooling around. Take web design courses online to build your design skills and advance your career. Modern, responsive web design involves understanding the technology and platforms used to access web content as well as the accessibility needs of users. Enroll in online courses to develop your professional web designing abilities. To find an available web design job is actually pretty easy (getting it might be hard). ... It's a great job you can often do from home and telecommute. All you need a computer in most cases. To get a web design job online, there are a number of popular job boards you can check out. Web development isn't dying, it's fragmenting. ... Web development as we've always known it is, perhaps well and truly dead. Instead, it's fragmenting into specialized areas; design on the one hand, and full-stack on the other. This means your skill set needs to be unique. In other words, getting a job as a web developer is easy once you're actually a web developer. Getting to that point, however, is pretty difficult. If you want to get hired as a web developer, take it as a serious challenge, not as some get-rich-quick magic — everyone would be doing it if it was simple and easy. While JavaScript is a step up from the most fundamental web development skills (languages like HTML and CSS, which can be learned in under a month), you can still expect to learn JS basics in a matter of months, not years—and that's whether you learn through online classes or teach yourself through book study. In short, you can definitely find work using just HTML and CSS. And if those foundational skills aren't enough to get you your dream job, you can still use them to start making money while you're building other skills. The basic building blocks of a website are HTML and CSS codes. The more advanced coding languages used in websites are jQuery, JavaScript and PHP. Honestly, if you are using a drag & drop website builder, you really only need HTML and CSS to start. A web designer is a graphic artist who develops and styles objects for the Internet. Website designers are able to tap into their creative energy and design the overall layout and look for websites. A web developer is one that develops applications and functionality for the Internet. But without update your self its impossible. Agree with everyone else that if you are going to be a millionaire in the field you most likely are running your own web design firm and don't do much designing anymore. That said, almost anyone can become a millionaire in any field with savvy personal finance skills. No specific degree or educational path exists for careers in web development, and it's possible to become a web developer with or without a formal education. While it's certainly possible to learn coding languages independently, there is more to web development than coding. Web Designing Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan. for further detail of all courses our the website www.icollegete.com www.courses.com.pk
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Web Designing Course in Shams Abad, Sadiqabad New session of course will be started soon in international college of technical education. Admission are open in international college of technical education for both boys and girls 923115193625. International college of technical offers Management courses, Technical courses, Safety courses and different type of courses and diplomas . All the courses and diplomas offered by international college of technical education is acceptable in whole world. Web Designing courses are part of the Computer Science and IT field that requires the students to learn server programming languages to create dynamic web pages. ... There are degree, diploma, postgraduate degree as well as certificate courses in the field of web designing. A web designer is an IT professional who is responsible for designing the layout, visual appearance and the usability of a website. ... They need to be able to visualise how a site will look (the graphical design of the site) and how it will function (conversion of a design into a working website). Web development and web design aren't inherently more or less challenging—your strengths and weaknesses will dictate which is the path of least resistance for you. The length of training for a web designer is two to four years. Individuals with a creative background find it easier to learn web design. Because web designers have to constantly keep abreast of new technology, learning never stops. Let's get the short answer out of the way first: web designers do not need to know how to code. It's entirely possible to have a successful web design career without having any expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ... For freelance designers in particular, knowing how to code is advantageous. If you want to know about how to learn the web design at home, above is all you have to know. Stop wasting your time on Facebook or Twitter to look for answers. You can build your design circle in there, but you can't be a web designer by tooling around. Take web design courses online to build your design skills and advance your career. Modern, responsive web design involves understanding the technology and platforms used to access web content as well as the accessibility needs of users. Enroll in online courses to develop your professional web designing abilities. To find an available web design job is actually pretty easy (getting it might be hard). ... It's a great job you can often do from home and telecommute. All you need a computer in most cases. To get a web design job online, there are a number of popular job boards you can check out. Web development isn't dying, it's fragmenting. ... Web development as we've always known it is, perhaps well and truly dead. Instead, it's fragmenting into specialized areas; design on the one hand, and full-stack on the other. This means your skill set needs to be unique. In other words, getting a job as a web developer is easy once you're actually a web developer. Getting to that point, however, is pretty difficult. If you want to get hired as a web developer, take it as a serious challenge, not as some get-rich-quick magic — everyone would be doing it if it was simple and easy. While JavaScript is a step up from the most fundamental web development skills (languages like HTML and CSS, which can be learned in under a month), you can still expect to learn JS basics in a matter of months, not years—and that's whether you learn through online classes or teach yourself through book study. In short, you can definitely find work using just HTML and CSS. And if those foundational skills aren't enough to get you your dream job, you can still use them to start making money while you're building other skills. The basic building blocks of a website are HTML and CSS codes. The more advanced coding languages used in websites are jQuery, JavaScript and PHP. Honestly, if you are using a drag & drop website builder, you really only need HTML and CSS to start. A web designer is a graphic artist who develops and styles objects for the Internet. Website designers are able to tap into their creative energy and design the overall layout and look for websites. A web developer is one that develops applications and functionality for the Internet. But without update your self its impossible. Agree with everyone else that if you are going to be a millionaire in the field you most likely are running your own web design firm and don't do much designing anymore. That said, almost anyone can become a millionaire in any field with savvy personal finance skills. No specific degree or educational path exists for careers in web development, and it's possible to become a web developer with or without a formal education. While it's certainly possible to learn coding languages independently, there is more to web development than coding. Web Designing Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan. for further detail of all courses our the website www.icollegete.com www.courses.com.pk
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Experienced Based AC Technician Diploma Course In Bahawalpur Bahawalnagar Dubai Muscat.ir conditioning technology diploma programs teach students practical skills through hands-on work with actual AC systems. Students learn how to pinpoint problems in these systems and determine the best ways to fix them. They gain an understanding of how to safely work on AC systems, including the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of these systems. AC technology program may include some general education courses such as English and math. A course in professional development may be included to help students prepare to work directly with customers upon entering the workforce . conditioning technicians in the category of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics and installers. According to the BLS, job opportunities in this area were expected to increase by 13% between 2018 and 2028. Technical courses may include: Computer applications Principles of refrigeration Electric fundamentals Troubleshooting techniques Refrigerants Air conditioners technician installs, repairs, or maintains heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems that control the temperature and air quality in buildings. In some cases, an HVAC technician may specialize in installation, repair, or maintenance.Air Conditioning Technician Ontario College Diploma program delivered in a compressed format.This cooled air becomes warmer as it circulates through the home; then it flows back to the central air conditioner through return ducts and registers.Professional courses otherwise known as VET (Vocational Education and Training), are training courses offered by accredited educational institutions that feature a strong practical content focusing on building specific skills.VET courses are the best choice for those who wish to find a job in specific industries. VET courses other that practical learning of a trade or “vocation” issue a certificate highly demanded from employers.The length of vocational courses can range from a few weeks to a few years, depending on the qualification and whether you study full time or part time.CPD studentsIn today's competitive career environment, distinguishing yourself isn’t optional – it's essential.We offer a variety of short, flexible Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accredited courses that will help enhance your professional development.A vocational-technical school, often called a voc-tech school, is a high school in the United States and Canada designed to bring vocational and technical training to its students. Career and technical programs—depending on their size, configuration, location, and mission—provide a wide range of learning experiences spanning many different career tracks, fields, and industries, from skilled trades such as automotive technology, construction, plumbing, or electrical contracting to fields as diverse as agriculture, architecture, culinary arts, fashion design, filmmaking, forestry, engineering, healthcare, personal training, robotics, or veterinary, medicine.Professional qualifications focus on improving your ability to succeed in a particular occupation, which is ideal if you have a clear career objective and want to gain valuable on-the-job experience through vocational training. Awarded by professional bodies within the relevant industry or sector, they often follow on from a degree or equivalent qualification, although this level of previous academic study isn't always required. Air conditioning technicians may sometimes be referred to as HVACR technicians and are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. These professionals work in industrial, residential and commercial settings. Experienced Based AC Technician Diploma Course In Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan. For further details of this course visit our website www.icollegete.com,www.courses.com.pk
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Peshawar (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Electrical Technician Experienced Based Course in Peshawar Mardan,Electrical Technician Experienced Based Course in Rawalpindi Gujranwala Saudia,international college of technical education in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,best electrical technician course in rawalpindi,Electricians install, test, repair and maintain electrical systems. Knowledge of electricity, understanding blueprints and other technical documents, manual dexterity, color vision, good sense of smell, physical stamina are all required for this career. Electricians are the people who wire homes, offices, and factories for electricity. They route and connect electrical wires, install light fixtures and other electrical devices, and install and maintain all the electronic controls used for machines at both home and work. Some focus mainly on maintaining existing electrical systems. Others focus mainly on wiring new construction.This electrical and electronic engineering degree will provide you with a range of skills that will allow you to work with current and future engineering technologies, methods and standards. With modules in design and materials, mathematics for engineering systems and hardware systems applications, you will gain a breadth and depth of knowledge. This will enable you to discuss ideas with engineers from different disciplines, an invaluable skill for engineer technologists.The goal of the Electrical Power Engineering Technology program is to provide students with a high quality applications-oriented undergraduate education based on state-of-the-art technological equipment associated with electrical technology. This goal is achieved through several objectives such as continuing to update specific courses in the program to ensure relevance to the latest industrial changes, supporting the development of appropriate computer facilities, promoting the integration of advanced technology in all courses, and encouraging professional growth and development of the faculty. The program is designed to satisfy the educational needs of the urban Houston community by providing a climate that fosters self-awareness, personal growth, and a desire for lifelong learning.This course is an introductory engineering course exposing students to a cross section of topics in contemporary civil, electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines to assist them with their education career choices. Students are taught to work in teams, introduced to the design process, utilize math and computer programs to analyze raw data and properly display their results in a presentation to their peers. The history of the engineering profession and its relation to current national, social, industrial, ethical, and international issues and problems will be discussed.Students completing a major in Electrical Power Engineering Technology receive a strong foundation in measurement systems, analog and digital signal conditioning, microprocessor hardware and software, industrial electronics, and rotating machinery. Students have the opportunity to select additional coursework in either control systems, electrical power, or a combination of both. Although analog electronics remain important, one of the newest and fastest growing areas is in the application of computers for control; this may be control within some manufactured product or control of some manufacturing process. The manufacturers of electrical systems and machines need electrical power technologists who are familiar with machines and machine controls, both traditional and computer-controlled. The electrical industry provides and controls the transformers, motors, generators, switch gear, and protection equipment required to power homes, businesses, and industries. Electrical power technologists plan electrical systems and modifications to existing electrical systems that generate and use large amounts of electricity required for distribution networks that are economical, safe, and functional.
Rs 25.000
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