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Pakistan (All cities)
Un-Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) drainage Pipes & Fittings discharge inside the building structure (Low and High Temperature). Un-Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) Fittings are used for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Popular Pipes produces a range of UPVC pipes for above and below ground use made from 100% virgin raw material. It has full range of fittings in solvent joint for all sizes. The pipes are produced as per standard BS EN 1329. Sizes Range from 56mm to 160mm. Popular Pipes can provide a range of fittings from its own brand. SIZE RANGE: Pipes & Fittings 56mm, 63mm, 82mm, 90mm, 110mm & 160mm COLOR: Grey
Rs 10.000
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Kandhura (Federally Administered Tribal Areas)
Afiliese a la salud (E.P.S) Riesgos Laborales (A.R.L) Fondo de Pensión (A.F.P) Caja de Compensación (C.C.F) solo con la fotocopia de la cédula, Llama ya al teléfono: 3127838 o celular: 3206145301. ASESORA: Sonia Correa.
Rs 183.000
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Pakistan (All cities)
Truvalast Avis France - Truvalast Male Enhancement est la puissante formule de soutien pour hommes conçue pour soutenir les hommes au gymnase et effectuer des entraînements rigoureux plus longtemps sans fatigue. Truvalast Avis est une vieille plante qui améliore la conduite et fait pousser un tas de vitalité. C'est l'autre ingrédient utile pour améliorer la progression du sang. Il éjecte les poisons et les radicaux libres du corps.Si vous voulez vraiment acheter ce supplément, vous pouvez le commander sur le site officiel. Il vous suffit de renseigner certains détails tels que le nom, les coordonnées et l'adresse de livraison pour passer une commande. Pour effectuer un paiement, vous pouvez choisir une carte de débit, une carte de crédit et d'autres options de paiement. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, visitez ici: http://www.francesupplements.fr/truvalast-avis/ https://truvalastfrancefr.tumblr.com/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Keto Fat Burner Shark Tank Reviews - First of all, as you have just seen, this is a product that benefits from a healthy composition, made from natural active ingredients which have no side effects or scam. Keto Fat Burner Shark Tank Price, Pills, Weight Loss Be that as it may, the more you pause, the more probable this amazing offer is to terminate or the stock is sold out before you get an opportunity to give it a shot. Along these lines, on the off chance that you are prepared to guarantee a Keto Fat Burner Shark Tank Price, Pills, Weight Loss NO RISK BOTTLE of the smash hit mix, click on any picture or catch on this page before it’s past the point where it is possible to bring back a definitive fiery weight misfortune results! To get more info visit here: https://www.ketofatburner.net/ https://www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/270193964/keto-fat-burner-shark-tank-reviews-pills-price-in-australia-nz-france--uk
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Pakistan (All cities)
Keto 360 Slim Opiniones de Keto 360 Slim Mexico - Hay muchos suplementos y fórmulas para bajar de peso disponibles en el mercado que siempre afirman muchas cosas sobre su suplemento, pero aquí queremos contarle sobre nuestro suplemento. Keto 360 Slim el VHB en los contenedores Keto 360 Slim Mexico generalmente se considera protegido. A fin de cuentas, las cetonas son entregadas normalmente por el cuerpo. En una dieta cetogénica, solo el 5-10% de su comida está compuesta de almidones. La dieta cetogénica es actualmente la dieta más común en el planeta. Es más, no es sin razón. Como indican los adeptos a este régimen alimenticio, los resultados que da son muy espectaculares ¿Es la dieta cetogénica el enfoque más ideal para estar más en forma? Como sabrá, las hormonas manejan una enorme pila de nuestra sencillez. Analiza que una de las preocupaciones monstruosas de los logros en estos días es la podredumbre del peso. Todo el mundo conoce el examen de un florecimiento razonable y que está en un nivel esencial, el esclarecimiento que permanece vivo y bien es extraordinariamente épico. En cualquier caso, pensando en expresar condiciones inevitables, bloqueas la articulación para mantenerte sólido. Como resultado, debe avanzar a través de diferentes problemas clínicos, Keto 360 Slim Mexico, por ejemplo, el desarrollo de peso y la fuerza. Trágicamente, debería frustrarlo con este tema. Si bien esta rutina de alimentación funciona admirablemente para algunas personas, también tiene algunas desventajas. Para obtener más información, visite aquí: http://mexicosuplementos.com.mx/keto-360-slim-mexico/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Slim 36 Sverige recensioner & hur man köper - De beställer helt enkelt en och önskar det trevliga, men det är praktiskt taget inte längre ett förstklassigt sätt att gå ungefär att få en. Slim 36 tillverkad i USA, är ett varumärke och förklarar att rutinen för översvämningar och säkra fettproblem i kroppen. Den använder 100 oförfalskade BHB som överbelastar vårt kontrollerande och skickligt rena begåvade monster för att leva oupphörligt, rimligt djurliv. Vem skulle inte vilja fortsätta med en frustrerande närhet med en solid kropp? För det måste du bidra med massor av kritiska nivåer och ha standard konsistens. Utanför det blåa, i detta klamrande liv, får du inte en Slim 36 grundläggande förmåga att betala en fantastisk hjärna till din blomstrande. Med tanke på att vissa ljudproblem utan en helt enorm sträcka kan förstöra dig verkligen och intellektuellt. Hur som helst, tänker du på att uttrycka oundvikliga förhållanden, blockerar du från att artikulera för att hålla dig solid. Som ett resultat måste du köra framåt genom olika kliniska problem, Slim 36 till exempel viktutveckling och kraft.Att vara överviktig har blivit särskilt svårt dessa dagar bland individer och för att minska kroppsvikten måste de utföra episkt upprörande arbete. Trots det är det acceptabelt att totalt sett inte många av varje udda vinner om förbättring än standard kroppsform. Slim 36 erbjuder oss en enastående struktur för att förbli i häpnadsväckande blomning och form konsekvent. Under alla omständigheter, om du funderar på uttrycker oundvikliga förhållanden, är du upprörd över att artikulera för att hålla dig stark.För mer information besök här: http://www.sverigetillskott.se/slim-36-sverige/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Keto Actives Norge erfaring - Jeg begynte å rusle i retning av det beste kurset til helse og kondisjon når jeg ser Keto Actives søyle på en utstilling. Dette var min avsløring minutt. Keto Actives dette laget i USA, er et merkenavn og klargjorde spise rutinen for flom og trygge fuktproblemer i kroppen. Den bruker 100 uforfalskede BHB som overbelaster vårt kontrollerende og behendig rene begavede uhyrlighet for å leve kontinuerlig, fornuftig monster liv. Hvem ville ikke ha noe ønske om å fortsette med en forvirrende nærhet med en sterk kropp? For det må du bidra med masse nivåer av kritikk og ha standard konsistens. Uventet, i dette klamrende livet, får du ikke en viktig Keto Actives-funksjon for å betale en fantastisk hjerne til din blomstring. Tatt i betraktning kan visse lydproblemer uten en helt enorm strekning ødelegge deg virkelig og mentalt. Overvekt har blitt spesielt vanskelig i disse dager blant mennesker, og for å redusere kroppsvekten, må de oppnå episk forstyrrende arbeid. Uansett, akseptabelt stort sett veldig få av hver merkelige en av dem vinner om forbedring enn standard kroppsform. Keto Actives Det gir oss et ekstraordinært rammeverk for å alltid være i fartsfylt blomstrende og form. For å få mer info besøk her: http://norgekosttilskudd.no/keto-actives/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Slim36 België ervaringen - Hun vele mensen gebruiken forskolin om vele redenen en doeleinden. Volgens een studie kan forskolin ons helpen om ons overvet te behouden en het ondersteunt 101% om binnen een paar dagen een sterke spier op te bouwen. Slim36 de BHB in Slim36 containers wordt doorgaans als beschut beschouwd. Alles bij elkaar genomen, worden ketonen normaal door het lichaam afgegeven. Op een ketogeen dieet bestaat slechts 5-10% van uw voedsel uit zetmeel. Het ketogeen dieet is momenteel het meest gangbare dieet ter wereld. Bovendien is het niet zonder reden. Zoals aangegeven door de aanhangers van dit eetregime, zijn de resultaten die het geeft erg spectaculair. Is het ketogene dieet de meest ideale benadering om fit te worden? Zoals u wellicht weet, beheersen hormonen een enorme stapel van onze rechtlijnigheid. analyseert een van de monsterlijke prestatieproblemen tegenwoordig is gewichtsverlies. Iedereen kent het onderzoek van een redelijke bloei en dat is op een essentieel niveau dat de opheldering die levend en wel blijft, ongewoon episch is. In ieder geval, als je denkt aan uitdrukkelijke onvermijdelijke voorwaarden, blokkeer je het articuleren om jezelf solide te houden. Het resultaat is dat je door verschillende klinische problemen heen moet rijden, Slim36 bijvoorbeeld, gewichtsontwikkeling en kracht. Traag zou ik je moeten frustreren over dit probleem. Hoewel deze eetroutine voor sommige mensen op bewonderenswaardige wijze werkt, heeft het ook enkele nadelen. Bezoek hier voor meer informatie: http://supplementenbelgie.be/slim36-belgie/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Keto 360 Slim Guatemala: al gastar las pastillas de Keto 360 Slim, reducirá la grasa de su cuerpo con el objetivo de obtener una figura acondicionada por todos lados y comenzará un sifón apropiado de su corazón y obtendrá lejos de cualquier enfermedad cardiovascular. Keto 360 Slim Guatemala La oferta, considera fijaciones es una mejora dietética deslumbrante que se hace para deshacerse de su peso corporal sin sentido con regularidad. Se ha protegido contra las cetonas y el proceso de cetosis, que es la última estructura en llevar el músculo al grado de grasa. El consuelo que obliga a los clientes es en un nivel fundamental inconcebible. No necesita sudar mucho, cambiar su estilo de vida o utilizar una rutina de menos calorías para adelgazar laboriosamente. La principal preocupación que debe hacer es configurar esta asombrosa actualización en su vida de un toque a la vez y ver los cambios positivos. Tiene la mezcla de fijaciones y sabores certificados que transmiten las cosas al ritmo de los paquetes. Dirigiendo Keto 360 Slim Guatemala Con el marco cetogénico, su cuerpo agota el músculo reservado frente a la grasa y amplía el grado de esencialidad en su cuerpo. Finalmente, te vuelves humilde con una monstruosa calidad y significado corporal. Para obtener más información, visite aquí: http://testoultraguatemala.com.gt/keto-360-slim-guatemala/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Biolife Keto Sverige recensioner - Människokroppens jobb, med fokus på mycket mer apotek energi och kalorier som hålls. Kan intag av kraft, Keto Biolife det räknar med fett. Hos kvinnor ansamlas fett Keto Biolife oftast i buken och i höftområdet. Biolife Keto består av naturliga element som vi kommer tillbaka senare och det är dessa komponenter som är förknippade med en hälsosam livstakt och en balanserad kost som gör att du kan få resultat. Det finns för närvarande inte många användarupplevelser angående Biolife Keto tillgängliga på internet. Biolife Keto är ett bantnings tillskott som kan hjälpa dig att uppnå en smalare kropp på ett antal sätt. Det hjälper till att minska hunger problem, stimulerar fettförbränning, kan blockera fettabsorptionen och påskyndar din ämnesomsättning. Detta kan lätt tillskrivas det faktum att denna produkt bara har funnits på marknaden nyligen. och deras huvudsakliga skillnader. Det skulle ha en aptitdämpande effekt som skulle få dig att äta mellanmål under dagen och skulle ge din kropp den energi som behövs Vid första anblicken är det få skillnader. Om effekterna är tillräckligt nära kommer det att noteras att Biolife Keto är mer komplett. Förutom att agera på din kropp, skulle det agera på din moral. För mer information besök här: http://www.sverigetillskott.se/biolife-keto/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Keto Compete Nederland Ervaringen- Als het al nuttig is voor je inspanningen om af te vallen, zullen we meer praten over het BHB-keton dat Keto Compete-dieetpillen gebruiken en. Voordat u iets koopt, moet u er echter voor zorgen dat u eerst lichaamsbeweging en een dieet toevoegt. Keto Complete pillen, biedt aan om een compartiment voor het ontbijt te vergroten. Neem bovendien de tweede portie voor het avondeten. Haar experts zeggen dat dit acceptabele uitkomsten zijn voor het nemen van deze normale pillen. Overdosering is vreselijk. Keto Complete obsessies, pillen, bieden dit verifieerbare verzoek. De juiste reactie is fundamenteel dat Keto Complete geen negatieve antwoorden heeft. Het is een beschermde, overtuigende en handelsmerkverbetering voor gewichtsvermindering. Het is afgewerkt met elke basis grendel. Het is eveneens bevrijd van gevaarlijke en smaakstoffen. Bezoek hier voor meer informatie: http://supplementsnetherlands.nl/keto-complete-ervaringen/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Biolife Keto anmeldelser av Biolife Keto Norge - Keto Biolife er et supplement som kan hjelpe mennesker i vekttap samt opprettholder en mental tilstand av likevekt med serotonin hormon. Biolife Keto består av naturlige elementer som vi kommer tilbake senere, og det er disse komponentene, assosiert med et sunt tempo i livet og et balansert kosthold som gjør at du kan få resultater. Det er for tiden ikke mange brukeropplevelser angående Biolife Keto tilgjengelig på internett. Biolife Keto er et slankende tilskudd som kan hjelpe deg med å oppnå en slankere kropp på flere måter. Det hjelper til med å redusere sultplager, stimulerer fettforbrenning, kan blokkere fettabsorpsjon og fremskynder stoffskiftet. Dette kan lett tilskrives det faktum at dette produktet bare har vært på markedet nylig. og deres viktigste forskjeller. Det ville ha en appetittundertrykkende effekt som ville få deg til å ønske å bite i løpet av dagen, og vil gi kroppen din den nødvendige energien Ved første øyekast er det få forskjeller. Hvis effekten er nær nok, vil det bemerkes at Biolife Keto er mer komplett. I tillegg til å handle på kroppen din, vil den handle på din moral. For å få mer info besøk her: http://norgekosttilskudd.no/biolife-keto/
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Capable of measuring earth voltage. Data hold function. Auto power off function: The timer operates automatically about 10 minutes when the “ Test Button Switch ”are pressed to keep the tester power on. 2mA measuring current permits earth resistance tests without tripping earth leakage current breakers in the circuit under test. In addition to the facility for precision measurement, test leads for simplified two wire measuring system also supplied as standard accessories. Automatic warning when resistance of auxiliary earth spike is in excess of tolerance. Designed to meet EN 61010-1/ / EN 61557 safety standard. Zero ohm adjustment.
Rs 19.000
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Pakistan (All cities)
Faktisk kan dette bruges Keto Actives af alle, men ikke for personer under 18 år. Personer med ethvert medicinsk behov for at rådgive deres primære læge. Hvad mere er, dette er ikke også for gravide og ammende mødre. En bruger deler sin oplevelse - ”Det var utroligt med min vægttab proces, fordi det gjorde noget ekstraordinært for mig som giver vitalitet og kvæler sult. På grund af disse fordele havde jeg desuden mulighed for at træne og desuden klar til at kontrollere din appetit niveau og opnåede en overlegen og slank kropsform inden for et par måneder. Besøg her for at få mere info: http://kosttilskuddanmark.dk/keto-actives/
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Pakistan (All cities)
ACV Burn Avis France - ACV Burn Keto est le pur composant local qui nous permet de rendre notre santé saine et en forme. Cela fonctionne vraiment sur votre graisse et c'est tellement bénéfique pour votre processus corporel. ACV Burn Avis Considérant que vous avez besoin d'une chose convaincante qui devrait être un nom de marque et pur comme ACV Burn Avis. et ACV Burn Avis, censé améliorer la capacité du corps à entrer plus rapidement dans la cétose. Ce rassemblement de cétones comprend BHB, qui est l'amélioration exogène la plus connue disponible aujourd'hui.La taurine combat l'irritation, est un complément révolutionnaire pour l'esprit et sécurise le cœur. À l'improviste, dans cette vie trépidante, vous n'obtenez pas une capacité fondamentale d'ACV Burn Avis à payer un superbe cerveau pour votre épanouissement. Considérant que certains problèmes de son peuvent sans un effort absolument énorme vous démolir vraiment et intellectuellement. Être en surpoids est devenu particulièrement difficile ces jours-ci chez les individus et pour réduire leur poids, ils doivent accomplir un travail épique et bouleversant. ACV Burn Avis est simple et avantageux à dévorer n'importe où, ce qui est l'une des circonstances favorables qui le sépare des autres suppléments de réduction de poids disponibles. ACV Burn Avis la chose bénéfique à ce sujet est que ACV Burn Avis peut être l'alternative la plus idéale pour vous. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, visitez ici: http://www.francesupplements.fr/acv-burn-avis/
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Pakistan (All cities)
Biolife Keto Danmark anmeldelse - du kan opleve anslået 5,4 kg fedtforbrænding. Enkeltpersoner på denne køb diæt plan, kan du spise færre kalorier uden at føle sig sulten. Biolife Keto som du vil forstå, fungerer dette produkt på stofskiftet for at fremme vægttab, i den forstand hjælper det dig med at opnå ketose. Bemærk dog, at for at opnå overbevisende resultater, skal du dog underkaste dig en diæt med lavt kulhydratindhold og højt indhold af lipider. Hvilket ikke altid er let. Men da produktet har en tilfredsstillende eller tilbagebetalt garanti, der forhindrer dig i at prøve det På markedet for vægttab tilskud er der to populære produkter: Biolife Keto, der blev annonceret som mirakel vægttab pille, da det blev frigivet, og den nyere Biolife Keto, der har vundet sine brugere. For at få mere info besøg her: http://kosttilskuddanmark.dk/biolife-keto/
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Lahore (Punjab)
we deal in exide batteries,narada dry battery. specifications of dry batteries(narada). The AcmeG range front access gel batteries is designed based on the Acme series, using the polymer gel electrolyte with real front access structure. The state-of the-art internal and external design ensures AcmeG the high reliability and makes the installation quite simple and safe when placed on a standard relay rack tray or in a closed cabinet. AcmeG range gel battery is designed with high energy density and suitable for 19". 23" rack or cabinet. Technical features Long life Using the polymer gel electrolyte 4BS paste technology Special paste formula Special patented grid alloy Wide operational temperature range Excellent charging and discharging ability at low temperature Decline the water-loss at high temperature special structure real front access structure makes the installation and maintenance squite simple and safe suitable for 19". 23" rack or cabinet The specially centralized venting system ensures the small gas be vented our of the closed cabinet Compliant standards Designed to be compliant with: IEC 60896-2 BS 6290 Part 4 Telcordia SR-4228 EUROBAT GUIDE UL Manufactured under system ISO9001 & ISO14001 by NARADA Battery installation compliant with: EN 50272-2 or local equivalents Main applications Telecom standby and cyclical applications UPS Power plant and power transfer system Solar energy system Emergency lighting system Products characteristics: float voltage: 2.25Vpc at 77oF(25oC) , Equalization charge voltage: 2.40Vpc at 77oF(25oC) Self discharge rate: 99% the Pressure at which the valve opens & reclose is Opened at 10 to 35kpa(1.45psi to 5.08psi) and closed at 3 to 15 kpa (0.44psi to 2.18psi) Temperature ranges: -40oC to 50oC Terminal Hardware Torque:10±0.1N m Container Material: ABS (V0 optional) MULTISOLUTIONS Arfat Ahmad 04235115572 04236135466 03034366123
Rs 10
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Learn "The Holy Quran Education" at Home through our Online Education Service. Courses Offered: Learn Basic Qaida Learn Tajweed (Pronunciation rules of Holy QUran) Learn Nazra Quran wtih Tajweed (Racitation of Holy Quran) Learn Hifz-e-Quran with Tajweed (Memorization of Holy Quran) Learn Complete Namaz and Basic Islamic Problems Learn Hadith and Dua'en Free 3 Days Trial. Timing: 8:30 to 9:30 PM (Pakistan Time) Skype: Saeediya_Alquran Email: support@saeediya.com Website: www.saeediya.com
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Constipation take places when bowel actions become tricky or fewer recurrent. The usual span of time between bowels progresses assortments extensively from person to person. A quantity of people has bowel progresses three times a day, additional, only one or two times a week........ http://cureherbals.com/en/general-diseases/38-constipation-herbal-supplements.html
Rs 7.800
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Lahore (Punjab)
SGS Pakistan (Private) Limited Launches IRCA Registered Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course on Food Safety System Certification (IRCA Certificated Course Number: A-17304) ISO 22000:2005 is the one universal food safety management system standard that works across all others. Food safety is a global concern. Food reaches consumers via food supply chain that may link different types of organization and that may stretch across multiple boarders. One weak link can result in unsafe food that is dangerous to health- and when this happens, the hazards to consumers can be serious and the cost to food chain suppliers impacts significantly. Past events have demonstrated that weak food controls can dramatically impact our day to day lives and turn the fortunes of successful companies around. Pressures from consumers and governmental agencies are now driving the whole food supply chain to implement safer food management systems. Successful organizations rely on the effectiveness of its people for assuring food safety. Individuals should understand how they can contribute and why every aspect of food safety is so important to their business and securing their own future. With SGS training services, your company will manage risks better, improve efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance. SGS have recognized the increasing demand food safety and continues to ensure that its clients achieve not just compliance but greater heights in customer satisfaction through improved food safety. Course Date: 14th to 18th September, 2015 Venue: Lahore Course Fee: USD 600/- Per Participant + 16% service tax (Course fee is also payable in equivalent to Pak Rupees) Last Date of Registration is 7th Sep, 2015 Please contact 0320-2070154 for registrations or go to below link: http://www.sgsgroup.pk/en/Local/Pakistan/Training/2015/09/FSSC-LAC.aspx
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Fluke Tl75-1 One pair (red, black) of comfort grip probes 48 inches (1.22 meter) PVC insulated test leads with right-angle shrouded banana plugs Recommended for general purpose measurements CAT II 1000 V, 10 A rating EN/IEC 61010-031:2002 +A1:2008 For Price Contact Us: Shipping All Across Pakistan COMPANY: MATRIX ELECTRONICS CONTACT PERSON: FAIZAN MUNIR Mobile:0 3002785860 Email : sales @ matrixelectronic . com w w w .matrixelectronic . com Address: Shop#2, Hassan Centre Near Passport Office Saddar karachi
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Read Smegoweb reviews on our website to get complete information about the services we offer to our clients. We are a leading digital marketing agency that specialise in offering online marketing services to effectively grow your business and reach targeted customers. https://www.woorank.com/en/www/smegoweb.com
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VENDE TUS REPORTAJES GRAFICOS En la prensa del color o más conocida como del corazón de España GPN P o Box 27064 08080 Barcelona Catalunya Cataluña España Spain Gracias
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Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan to Malaysia Singapore Thailand Sri Lanka Maldives Dubai Indonesia Turkey and Europe. Book Honeymoon Packages from Pakistan. Multi Countries Honeymoon Package from Pakistan. We Provide following Honeymoon Packages from Pakistan. Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Dubai Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Thailand Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Malaysia Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Sri Lanka Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Maldives Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Singapore Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Indonesia Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Turkey Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Honeymoon Honeymoon Package from Islamabad Pakistan Europe Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan All Inclusive Honeymoon from Islamabad Pakistan Dubai Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan 4 Days Dubai Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan:- Day 01 (Friday): DUBAI Arrive at Dubai. Meet, assist and transfer to the hotel. Day at leisure. Overnight at the hotel. (No meals) Day 02 (Saturday): DESERT SAFARI TOUR Morning free for shopping. Late afternoon, begins the desert safari tour. Drive over golden sand dunes, pass by Bedouin Villages before arriving at the tent site. Enjoy the evening under clear skies, a barbeque dinner and belly dance performance to complete the night. Overnight at the hotel. (Breakfast & Dinner) Day 03 (Sunday): DUBAI FREEDAY Day at leisure for shopping. Overnight at the hotel. (Breakfast only) Day 04 (Monday): DUBAI DEPARTURE Transfer to the airport for onward flight. Cost:- USD 400 Per Person on twin sharing basis. Price include visa also. || Book Now || 5 Days Dubai Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan. Total Cost Rs 85000 Per Person Dubai Tour Includes: Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan to Dubai Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan to Dubai Dubai Visa Air Line Tickets from Islamabad Lahore Peshawar Three Star Hotel Accommodation Airport Pick and Drop Dubai City Tour Desert Safari Tour Dhow Cruise Dinner 7 Days Dubai Cultural Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan:- Day 1:- Arrival at Dubai, Meet & Greet Services, Took at Hotel Day2:- From Dubai we travel north to the third largest of the emirates, Sharjah Overnight in Dubai. Al Khaleej Hotel or similar. Breakfast and dinner. Day 3:-From Dubai we travel south to enter the largest of the emirates, Abu Dhabi. Abu city tour. Overnight in Abu Dhabi. Mina Hotel or similar. Breakfast and dinner. Day 4:-Drive from Abu Dhabi to Dubai and Explore Dubai City the most futuristic city in the world. Overnight in Dubai. Al Khaleej Hotel or similar. Breakfast and dinner. Day 5:-Today we leave Dubai and travel east to the only one of the United Arab Emirates not located on the Arabian Gulf, Fujairah.Arriving in modern Fujairah late this afternoon the rest of the day is free to explore the town, visit the museum or enjoy the facilities of our hotel. Overnight in Fujairah. Sijl Hotel or similar. Breakfast and dinner. Day 6:-From Fujairah we head south to the Omani border. Once through the border procedures we enter a different world from the UAE. Overnight in Muscat. Al Falaj Hotel or similar. Breakfast and dinner. Day 7:- Drive Back to Dubai For cost & booking Please contact us. || Book Now || Singapore City Honeymoon :- SINGAPORE CITY SYNOPSIS (3 ½ hrs.) Cost US$ 80 SINGAPORE SANTOS ISLE OF TRANQUILITY (4 hours) Cost US$ 110 SINGAPORE NIGHT SAFARI ADVENTURE (3 ½ hours) Cost US$ 100 SINGAPORE JURONG BIRD PARK PARADISE (3 ½ hours) Cost US$ 100 Above rates are only applicable if prepayment is made thru gulzar travels and these are subject to change without prior notice. The above mentioned rates are per person not per tour. For Reservation and Booking please contact us. || Book Now|| Malaysia Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Malaysia Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Malaysia Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Exotic Langkawi 4 Days 3 Nights:- Day 1 : LANGKAWI:- Arrive Langkawi, an island of legends and myths. Langkawi has some of Asia’s best beaches and virgin rainforests thriving with wildlife. You will be met transferred to your hotel by private vehicle. In the afternoon enjoy tour of Langkawi Island, visiting Laman Padi, Tomb of Mahsuri, Eagle Square, the landmark of Langkawi, Kuah town with its many duty free shops and handicraft centers. Overnight in Langkawi. Day 2 : LANGKAWI:-The day is free for you to explore Langkawi on your own. Or choose from one of the many optional Honeymoon offered. Enjoy a half-day Island Hopping tour, which visits nearby islands and cruise along the beautiful Langkawi archipelago. Or enjoy a relaxing boat Mangrove Cruise on the Klim River. Overnight at Langkawi. Day 3 : LANGKAWI – KUALA LUMPUR:- First half at leisure. PM fly to Kualalumpur. Arrive and transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Kuala Lumpur. (B) Day 4 DEPART KUALA LUMPUR:- Breakfast at the hotel. AM: Half day city tour. PM: Transfer to Kuala Lumpur airport for onward flight. (B) For cost & booking Please contact us or Book Now Bangkok Pattaya Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Special 4 Days 3 Nights:- USD 200 Per Person Thailand Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Thailand Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan Day 01 (Friday): LAHORE – BANGKOK Arrive Bangkok and transfer to your hotel. Rest of the day at leisure. Overnight at the hotel. (No meals) 02nd Day (Saturday): BANGKOK – PATTAYA After breakfast take a tour of Bangkok concentrating on the great showcase, the Grand Palace. Stroll the sprawling courtyards and visit the reception rooms of the royal residence, a gem of Thai architecture. View the western style Chakri Palace, home of the mother-of-pearl throne and the former royal residence. Afternoon drive to Pattaya. Arrive and transfer to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel. (Breakfast only) Third Day (Sunday): PATTAYA Full day at leisure to enjoy the beach in the luxury of the sun . Overnight at the hotel. (Breakfast only) Fourth Day (Monday): PATTAYA – BANGKOK – LAHORE Drive back to Bangkok. In the afternoon last minute shopping trip and later transfer to the airport for flight to Lahore. (Breakfast only) Sri Lanka 4 Days Kandy Colombo Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan : USD 550 Per Person Airport/Kandy Day 1. On arrival at the Bandaranaike International Airport, you will get your first taste of warm Sri Lankan hospitality; Our representative will Welcome you and transfer to Kandy .En route visit the Pinnawaa Elephant Orphanage.Check in to the hotel in Kandy. Kandy Day 2: In the evening city tour of Kandy. Visit the Temple of the Holy Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha, the Gem Museum, and traditional batik-making factory. A stroll in the market place would also be interesting. Late evening experience a colourful cultural show where you can really taste the Sri Lankan culture. Over Night at Kandy. After breakfast proceed to Colombo on Day 03 & In the evening, go on a site seeing and a shopping trip around the busy cities of Colombo. You’ll be seeing the famous Bandaranaike international memorial hall, Valukarama temple, and the municipal council. You can enjoy fair bargain by shopping at some of the reputed shopping malls such as ODEL, Liberty plaza, Majestic city, Arena, etc. pay a visit to the “Pettah Bazaar”. Departure Flight on Day Fourth : After breakfast proceed to the Airport for the Departure Flight. MALDIVES MAGIC Honeymoon Packages from Islamabad Pakistan 4 Days 3 Nights:- Starts From USD 200 Per Person ARRIVE MALE, MALDIVES :- Welcome to Maldives! The “last paradise on earth”, is a virgin tropical island with white sands, blue skies, lovely palm trees, clear waters and brilliant turquoise lagoons. This tiny nation in the middle of the Indian ocean to the South west of India consisting of 1200 tiny coral islands. You will be met at the Male Airport and transferred to island resort hotel by Car / Speed Boat / Sea plane. MALDIVES:- The days are free to explore your island on your own. Go swimming, fishing, island hopping or simply enjoy various facilities of your resort. Enjoy meals and overnight in comfort of your island resort in Maldives. (B,L,D) Male MALDIVES:- The days are free to explore your island on your own. Go swimming, fishing, island hopping or simply enjoy various facilities of your resort. Enjoy meals and overnight in comfort of your island resort in Maldives. (B,L,D) Proceed to Airport MALDIVES:- Its time to say good-bye to your Maldives holiday, however you can extend your stay if you wish too!
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Pakistan (All cities)
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Pakistan (All cities)
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