Distance education professional
Top sales list distance education professional

Banking Courses Business and Accounting Business Studies Combined Studies Entrepreneurship Development Cost and Management Accounting Business and Information Technology Banking and Finance Specialization in Finance Financial Accounting Financial Management General Banking Islamic Banking Commercial Banking International Banking and Finance Micro Financing Macro Financing Risk Management Personal Banking Consumer Lending Commercial Landing General Banking Financial Management Banking Management Commercial Banking and Stock Exchange Money, Banking and Finance Banking Courses Treasury S Investment Banking Syndicate Financing Islamic Syndicate Financing Corporate Finance Equality Financing Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Financial Management Income Tex and Sale Tex Business Feasibility Reports Financial Accounting Accounting and Finance Business Accounting and Finance Computerized Accounting System Corporate Auditing Managerial Accounting Managerial Finance Working Capital Management Management Courses Management Principles Communication Skills Mass Communication Business Administration Information and Operational Management Management Public Administration Business Communication Quality Management Total Quality Management Quality and Performance Management Development Support Communication Business Economics Communication Studies Communication Studies(Professional Track) Communication Studies(Development Journalisms) Human Resource Development Human Resource Management Human Resource Practitioner Managing Human Resources Professionalism in HRM Human Resource and Personal Management Humanities Humanities and Social Sciences Management Courses Project Planning and Control Management Project Management Project Management Professional Project Planning and Control Project Planning and Management Project Management Information System Project Implementation Management Project Resource Management Total Quality Management International Relations Local Government Diplomacy & Strategies Studies Criminology and Security Studies Criminology and Security Studies (Self-Supporting) Entrepreneurship Development International Affairs Political Science Philosophy Social and Cultural Studies Social Work Social Sciences Sport Science Sociology Sociology and Sociocultural Studies Fashion & Media Digital Media Fashion Designing Fashion Business Fashion Media and Communication Fashion Marketing Media & Cultural Studies Media Studies Multimedia Music Music Technology Performing Arts Fine Arts Theatre Arts Photography Art and Design Arts and Crafts Drawing Master Graphic Designing Graphic Arts Painting Master Textile Designing Interior Design Television Production Multimedia and Graphic Arts Hotel Industry International Hotel Management Executive Hotel Management Hospitality Management Fundamental of the Hotel and Catering House Keeping and Accommodation Front Office Operations and Administration Food and Beverage Management Hotel and Catering Law Accounting, Purchasing and Cost Control Human Resource in Hospitality Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Economics & Hospitality Organizational Behavior and Hospitality Management Environmental Management in Hospitality Industry Hotel Operational Management Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism
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lectrical Technology Electronics Technology Food Processing and Preservation Technology Food Technology Glass Ceramics and Pottery Development Technology Instrument Technology Leather Technology Mechanical Technology Information Technology Information Technology Software Engineering Computer Applications Operating System (Win XP/Linux) C ++ (OOP) Hardware Installation & Trouble Shooting Data Structure Graphics & Architecture Corel Draw & Adobe Photoshop 3D-Studio Max AutoCAD E-Commerce &Web Development HTML, FrontPage Dream Weaver ASP (JavaScript) Databases Management Systems System Analysis & Design Database Concepts Networks & Communication Systems Data Communication Computer Networks Web Designing Web Design & Development Educational Diplomas Art & Design Education Studies Primety Teacher Certificate (PTC) Certificate Teacher (C.T) Teacher Training Arts in Women?s Studies Deaf Education and Hearing Science Special Education Business Education Elementary Education Early Childhood Education Science Education Technology Education Coal Technology Financial Decision-making in Educational Management Educational Marketing and Fundraising Leadership in Education Governance in Education Health & Physical Education (Advance) Health & Physical Education (Junior) Health & Physical Education (Senior) Education Planning Management Montessori Teachers Training Montessori Education International Montessori Education Library & Information Sciences Islamic Studies Population Sciences Applied Economics Applied Maths Theoretical Discipline Primary Teachingxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Day Care Center Management Early Childhood Care and Education School Management College Management University Management Office Administration Banking Courses Business and Accounting Business Studies Combined Studies Entrepreneurship Development Cost and Management Accounting Business and Information Technology Banking and Finance Specialization in Finance Financial Accounting Financial Management General Banking Islamic Banking Commercial Banking International Banking and Finance Micro Financing Macro Financing Risk Management Personal Banking Consumer Lending Commercial Landing General Banking Financial Management Banking Management Commercial Banking and Stock Exchange Money, Banking and Finance Banking Courses Treasury S Investment Banking Syndicate Financing Islamic Syndicate Financing Corporate Finance Equality Financing Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Financial Management Income Tex and Sale Tex Business Feasibility Reports Financial Accounting Accounting and Finance Business Accounting and Finance Computerized Accounting System Corporate Auditing
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Computer Applications Operating System (Win XP/Linux) C ++ (OOP) Hardware Installation & Trouble Shooting Data Structure Graphics & Architecture Corel Draw & Adobe Photoshop 3D-Studio Max AutoCAD E-Commerce &Web Development HTML, FrontPage Dream Weaver ASP (JavaScript) Databases Management Systems System Analysis & Design Database Concepts Networks & Communication Systems Data Communication Computer Networks Web Designing Web Design & Development Educational Diplomas Art & Design Education Studies Primety Teacher Certificate (PTC) Certificate Teacher (C.T) Teacher Training Arts in Women?s Studies Deaf Education and Hearing Science Special Education Business Education Elementary Education Early Childhood Education Science Education Technology Education Coal Technology Financial Decision-making in Educational Management Educational Marketing and Fundraising Leadership in Education Governance in Education Health & Physical Education (Advance) Health & Physical Education (Junior) Health & Physical Education (Senior) Education Planning Management Montessori Teachers Training Montessori Education International Montessori Education Library & Information Sciences Islamic Studies Population Sciences Applied Economics Applied Maths Theoretical Discipline Primary Teachingxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Day Care Center Management Early Childhood Care and Education School Management College Management University Management Office Administration Banking Courses Business and Accounting Business Studies Combined Studies Entrepreneurship Development Cost and Management Accounting Business and Information Technology Banking and Finance Specialization in Finance Financial Accounting Financial Management General Banking Islamic Banking Commercial Banking International Banking and Finance Micro Financing Macro Financing Risk Management Personal Banking Consumer Lending Commercial Landing General Banking Financial Management Banking Management Commercial Banking and Stock Exchange Money, Banking and Finance Banking Courses Treasury S Investment Banking Syndicate Financing Islamic Syndicate Financing Corporate Finance Equality Financing Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Financial Management Income Tex and Sale Tex Business Feasibility Reports Financial Accounting Accounting and Finance Business Accounting and Finance Computerized Accounting System Corporate Auditing Managerial Accounting Managerial Finance Working Capital Management Management Courses Management Principles Communication Skills Mass Communication Business Administration Information and Operational Management Management Public Administration Business Communication Quality Management Total Quality Management Quality and Performance Management Development Support Communication Business Economics Communication Studies Communication Studies(Professional Track) Communication Studies(Development Journalisms) Human Resource Development Human Resource Management Human Resource Practitioner Managing Human Resources Professionalism in HRM Human Resource and Personal Management Humanities Humanities and Social Sciences Management Courses Project Planning and Control Management Project Management Project Management Professional Project Planning and Control Project Planning and Management Project Management Information System Project Implementation Management Project Resource Management Total Quality Management International Relations Local Government Diplomacy & Strategies Studies Criminology and Security Studies Criminology and Security Studies (Self-Supporting) Entrepreneurship Development International Affairs Political Science Philosophy Social and Cultural Studies Social Work Social Sciences Sport Science Sociology Sociology and Sociocultural Studies Fashion & Media Digital Media Fashion Designing Fashion Business Fashion Media and Communication Fashion Marketing Media & Cultural Studies Media Studies Multimedia Music Music Technology Performing Arts Fine Arts Theatre Arts Photography Art and Design Arts and Crafts Drawing Master Graphic Designing Graphic Arts Painting Master Textile Designing Interior Design Television Production Multimedia and Graphic Arts Hotel Industry International Hotel Management Executive Hotel Management Hospitality Management Fundamental of the Hotel and Catering House Keeping and Accommodation Front Office Operations and Administration Food and Beverage Management Hotel and Catering Law Accounting, Purchasing and Cost Control Human Resource in Hospitality Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Economics & Hospitality Organizational Behavior and Hospitality Management Environmental Management in Hospitality Industry Hotel Operational Management
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for admission in on-line training program contact bccdinstitute.pk@gmail.com muneeb.qureshi.qureshi@gmail.com muneeb.aiou@yahoo.com mob 03360976180-03360976219-0514455999 rawalpindi islamabad Pakistan training procedure books and cds/dvds of lectures will be provided by institute .student will submit assignment .certificate after exam will be awarded Fee pkr =10,000 $=100 on line legal training and education Program distance learning course list ................. ADR alternative dispute resolution arbitration understanding FIDIC contract engineering contract management FIDIC construction claims Administrative Law Banking Law +++++++++++ Company Law +++++++ Constitutional Law Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence (Common) Criminology English Jurisprudence Environmental Law Equity Intellectual Property Laws International Law Islamic Jurisprudence Islamic Personal Law Labour and Taxation Laws (Common)++++++ Law of Civil Procedure (Common) Law of Contract+++++++ Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (Common) Law of Torts and Easement Law of Transfer of Property Legal Drafting & Interpretation of Statutes (Common) Mercantile Law +++++++++ Minor Acts (Common) Muslim Personal Law Private International Law or (Conflict of Law) Public International Law Special and Local Law International Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law ++++++++ Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Law Courses Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law
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for admission in on-line training program contact bccdinstitute.pk@gmail.com muneeb.qureshi.qureshi@gmail.com muneeb.aiou@yahoo.com mob 03360976180-03360976219-0514455999 rawalpindi islamabad Pakistan training procedure books and cds/dvds of lectures will be provided by institute .student will submit assignment .certificate after exam will be awarded Fee pkr =10,000 $=100 on line legal training and education Program distance learning course list ................. ADR alternative dispute resolution arbitration understanding FIDIC contract engineering contract management FIDIC construction claims Administrative Law Banking Law +++++++++++ Company Law +++++++ Constitutional Law Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence (Common) Criminology English Jurisprudence Environmental Law Equity Intellectual Property Laws International Law Islamic Jurisprudence Islamic Personal Law Labour and Taxation Laws (Common)++++++ Law of Civil Procedure (Common) Law of Contract+++++++ Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (Common) Law of Torts and Easement Law of Transfer of Property Legal Drafting & Interpretation of Statutes (Common) Mercantile Law +++++++++ Minor Acts (Common) Muslim Personal Law Private International Law or (Conflict of Law) Public International Law Special and Local Law International Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law ++++++++ Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Law Courses Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law pakistan rawalpindi islamabad
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for admission in on-line training program contact bccdinstitute.pk@gmail.com muneeb.qureshi.qureshi@gmail.com muneeb.aiou@yahoo.com mob 03360976180-03360976219-0514455999 rawalpindi islamabad Pakistan training procedure books and cds/dvds of lectures will be provided by institute .student will submit assignment .certificate after exam will be awarded Fee pkr =10,000 $=100 on line legal training and education Program distance learning course list ................. ADR alternative dispute resolution arbitration understanding FIDIC contract engineering contract management FIDIC construction claims Administrative Law Banking Law +++++++++++ Company Law +++++++ Constitutional Law Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence (Common) Criminology English Jurisprudence Environmental Law Equity Intellectual Property Laws International Law Islamic Jurisprudence Islamic Personal Law Labour and Taxation Laws (Common)++++++ Law of Civil Procedure (Common) Law of Contract+++++++ Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics (Common) Law of Torts and Easement Law of Transfer of Property Legal Drafting & Interpretation of Statutes (Common) Mercantile Law +++++++++ Minor Acts (Common) Muslim Personal Law Private International Law or (Conflict of Law) Public International Law Special and Local Law International Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law ++++++++ Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Law Courses Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Professional Shorthand Course in Rawalpindi murree road punjab pakistan 03354176949 Professional Shorthand Course in Rawalpindi murree road punjab pakistan 03354176949 We offers specialized and centralized fully equipped computer lab,various professional lecture rooms with multimedia for audio /video visual aid,Conference hall,We teach shorthand in so easy method that student can remember the story and by using their understanding skills they get perfection in short duration. We believe that professional success depends on personal integrity, dedication to a strong work ethic and a solid, continuing education in today's fast-paced world of rapid technological and social change.,hands-on supervisory experience in service and operations,Your good shorthand and typing speed can easily win a government job for you. Shortcut and typing are most requirement skill in government departments. Every year unlimited jobs are announced by different government requires skillful persons of shorthand and typing. ICTE offering diploma in shorthand to full fill the job requirements. Shorthand systems based on assigning a unique outline to a specific word and require a very considerable time to memorize tens of thousands of outlines. Second,a large number of shorthand outlines demands constant practice on a daily basis to remember all memorized symbols including the ones you haven't used but you might use them in the future.Third,depending on the form and thickness of symbols it might explain to you the rules of shorthand based on the NEW ERA EDITION of PITMAN's SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND and guide you through the practice at your convenience.The Pitman system is a unique phonetic alphabet and diacritical marks have to be added alongsideanslate to different meaning and transcription often represents a problem. Fourth, symbol-based shorthand systems cannot be used with a computer.This course is designed to the lines to indicate vowels increasing the system's complexity.Practicing and building up speed is difficult because Pitman system has a large number of rules and short-forms.It can be compared to mastering of a foreign language when you learn to read and write.Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing method that increases speed and brevity of writing as compared to a normal method of writing a language.The process of writing in shorthand is called stenography, from the Greek stenos (narrow) and grapha" or graphie (writing).It has also been called brachygraphy, from Greek brachys (short) and tachygraphy, from Greek tachys (swift, speedy), depending on whether compression or speed of writing is the goal. Many forms of shorthand exist. A typical shorthand system provides symbols or abbreviations for words and common phrases, which can allow someone well-trained in the system to write as quickly as people speak. Abbreviation methods are alphabet-based and use different abbreviating approaches. Several autocomplete programs, standalone or integrated in text editors, based on word lists, also include a shorthand function for frequently-used phrases.Many journalists use shorthand writing to quickly take notes at press conferences or other similar scenarios. Shorthand was used more widely in the past,before the invention of recording and dictation machines.Shorthand was considered an essential part of secretarial training as well as being useful for journalists. Although the primary use of shorthand has been to record oral dictation or discourse, some systems are used for compact expression.For example,health-care professionals may use shorthand notes in medical charts and correspondence.Shorthand notes are typically temporary, intended either for immediate use or for later transcription to longhand,although longer term uses do exist,diaries (like that of the famous Samuel Pepys) being a common example.ICTE is affiliated with Government. Shorthand Professional Course Contents: Introducing Teeline The Teeline alphabet Joining letters Removal of unnecessary letters Position of writing Punctuation Write shorthand using correct techniques Read and write shorthand notes Write shorthand at optimum speed (minimum 60 wpm) with minimum 98% accuracy Produce transcripts of shorthand notes. International College Of Technical Education Professional Shorthand Course in Rawalpindi murree road punjab pakistan 03354176949 Admission Open For Admission And Information Call 03115193625, 03354176949
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Sargodha (Punjab)
Professional English Language Course in Sohawa , 333-3300118 , Professional English Language Course in Sohawa , 333-3300118 , Inspire Institute Of Technologies Pakistan Rawalpindi . . . .inspire Institute Of Technologies Pakistan .smc . Pvt Ltd Established In 2009 As Ctc . The Inspire Institute Of Technologies Pakistan .smc . Pvt Ltd Itself Has Continued To Move Forward And Expand Its Own Horizons So That It Can Best Position Itself To Provide Quality Education And Training To Its Students And Satisfy Their Needs In The 21st Century . We Now Reach Out To Provide Individual And Focused Professional Trainings To A Wide Group Of Specialists And Fresh Students In A Broad Range Of Courses In Information Technology . Management . Technical . Vocational . Health And Safety . International And National Certificates . Distance Learning And Diplomas . The Inspire Institute Of Technologies Pakistan .smc . Private Ltd . Is Accredited With International Awarding Bodies Like Nebosh . Iosh . Osha Iasp . British Safety Council . Iso . Habc . Iadc . Iboehs And At National Level With Sda . Sdc . Ttb . Ttpc . Pssc . Bcci . Government Of Pakistan . Address . S-215 . Second Floor . Malikabad Plaza . Near 6th Road Flyover . Main Murree Road . Rawalpindi . Pakistan . .campus 2 . 203 . Second Floor . Dubai Plaza . 6th Road . Murree Road . Rawalpindi Pakistan . . .office3 Address . ..email . Asad .ceo .iitpakistan .com .pk . . . .inspire Training Institute . Inspire Courses Institute . Inspire Safety Institute . Inspire Diploma Courses Institute . Inspire Consultancy Institute . Inspire Safety Institute . Inspire Engineering Institute . Inspire Institute Of Technologies Pakistan Pvt Ltd . . . .all Courses Names .- . . . .we Offer All Kind Of Computer . It Course . Health And Safety Diploma Courses In Pakistan . Revit 3d Cad Computer Course . Software Engineering Course . Cit .certificate In Information Technology . Course . Petroleum Software Training Schlumberger Eclipse . Schlumberger Petrel . Kappa Ecrin . Geophysics Software Course . Civil 3d Professional Course . Gis .geographic Information Systems . Course . Video Animation Course . 3d Max Professional Course . Computer Language Course . Autocad Mechanical Course . Ccna .cisco Certified Network Associate . Course . Peachtree Course In Rawalpindi . Flash Animation Course . Wordpress Course . Computer Software Engineering Course . Cartoon Animation Course . Pgdit .post Graduate Diploma In Information Technology . Course . Web Designing Course . Advance Excel Computer Course . Ms Office . Basic It Course . Web Designing . Development Course . Computer Professional Networking Course . 3d Solidworks Cad Course . Graphic Design Course . Video Editing Professional Course . 3d Max V-ray Course . Adobe After Effect Course . Revit Mep Electrical Course . Primavera P6 . Ms Project Computer Course . Php Professional . Air Ticketing Course . Seo Professional Courses . Peachtree Course . Quickbooks Course . Tally Erp 9 .0 Course In Rawalpindi . Sap Professional Course . Computer Diploma . Tally Computerized Accounting Course .nebosh Igc Course Training . Iosh Ms Safety Officer Course . Osha Usa Hse Course .iasp .iboehs . . Icertosh Level 3 Safety Course Uk . Building Management System Course .bms . . Crane Safety . Rigger Course . Civil . Road . Land Surveyor Course . Idiposh Bsc Level 6 Safety Course . Ielts Spoken English Course . Irca Ohsas 18001 Lead Auditor Course . Hotel . Hospitality Management Course . Diploma In Quantity Surveyor .qs . Course . Logistics And Supply Chain Management Diploma . Cctv Camera Professional Course . Civil Architecture Diploma Course . Diploma Courses One . Two Years Govt . Distance Learning . Safety .hse . Officer Course Training . Lakki Marwat, Latamber, Lower Dir, Madyan, Malakand, Mansehra, Mardan, Mastuj, Mongora, Nowshera, Paharpur, NEBOSH IGC Course in Peshawar, Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Sakesar, Swabi, Swat, Tangi, Tank, Thall, Tordher, Upper Dir, NEBOSH Course in Punjab, Ahmedpur East, Ahmed Nager Chatha, Ali Pur, Arifwala, Attock, Basti Malook, Bhagalchur, Bhalwal, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Bhaipheru, Bhakkar, Burewala, Chailianwala, Chakwal, Chichawatni, Chiniot, Chowk Azam Chowk Sarwar Shaheed, Daska, Darya Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Derawar Fort, Dhaular, Dina City, Dinga,Dipalpur, Faisalabad, Fateh Jang, Gadar, Ghakhar Mandi, Gujranwala, Gujrat,Gujar Khan,Hafizabad,Haroonabad,Hasilpur, Haveli Lakha, Jampur, Jhang, Jhelum, Kalabagh, Karor Lal Esan, Kasur, Kamalia, Kamokey, Khanewal, Khanpur, Kharian, Khushab, Kot Addu, Jahania, Jalla Araain, Jauharabad, Laar, Lahore, Lalamusa, Layyah, Lodhran, Mamoori, Mandi Bahauddin, Makhdoom Aali, Mandi Warburton, Mailsi, Mian Channu, Minawala, Mianwali, Multan, Murree, Muridke, Muzaffargarh, Narowal, Okara, Renala Khurd, Rajan Pur, Pak Pattan,Panjgur, Pattoki, Pirmahal, Qila Didar Singh, Rabwah, Raiwind, Rajan Pur,Rahim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, Rohri,Sadiqabad, Safdar Abad – (Dhaban Singh)Sahiwal, Sangla Hill, Samberial, Sarai Alamgir, Sargodha, Shakargarh, Shafqat Shaheed Chowk, Sheikhupura Sialkot, Sohawa, Sooianwala, Sundar (city), Talagang, Tarbela, Takhtbai, Taxila, Toba Tek Singh, Vehari, Wah Cantonment, Wazirabad, Sindh, Ali Bandar, nebosh in Baden, Chachro, Dadu, Digri, Diplo, Dokri, Gadra, Ghanian, Ghauspur, Ghotki, Hala, Hyderabad,Islamkot, Jacobabad, Balochistan, Amir Chah, Bazdar, Bela, Bellpat, Bagh, Burj, Chagai, Chah Sandan, Chakku, Chaman, Chhatr, Dalbandin, Dera Bugti, Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Gandava, Garhi Khairo, Garruck, Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Gwash, Hab Chauki, Hameedabad, Harnai, Hinglaj, Hoshab, Ispikan, Jhal, Jhal Jhao, Jhatpat, Jiwani, Kalandi, Kalat, Kamararod, Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab,Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, pirMahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, NEBOSH course in Federally Administered Northern Areas/FANA, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Federally Administered Tribal Areas/FATA, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan,South Waziristan, NEBOSH IGC course in Wana, NWFP, Abbottabad,
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Professional Civil Surveyor Diploma Course In Gujrat Gujranwala . New session of civil surveyor diploma course will be started soon in international college of technical education . Admission are open in international college of technical education 923115193625.hen looking at the historical prospective of surveying, it was just started with the measurement of first plane line. However, today, the basics of land surveying are same but technologies and instruments have changed. Therefore, we use advance tools, methods and techniques to train our students. When looking at the competitive perspective, currently in Pakistan 98% of Government as well as private institutions are teaching an outdated course outline for chain survey and plan table survey which means that their students are less competitive and unemployed in the market. Whereas, studying this course in international college of technical education enables students to experience latest standards and techniques which are being used in Europe and Middle East. Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional positions of points and the distances and angles between them. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor. and surveyors establish boundaries of land, water and airspace to determine property ownership. Therefore, land surveying courses prepare students for professional surveying licensure exams. Classes or programs are often found in engineering, architecture or geography departments. Many land surveying classes are part of geomatics programs at colleges and universities, but there are also 1-year certificate and 2-year associate's degree programs in land surveying. In addition to a high school diploma or GED, land surveying programs may ask for related work experience, a certain GPA and the completion of prerequisite coursework.This first course in a land surveying program includes discussion of land ownership, property rights, laws governing property and definitions of land ownership and other surveying related terms. Students research property ownership through property records. Maps are used to establish property boundaries. Students may be introduced to primary tools for surveying and making maps, such as field equipment, mapping and GIS (geographic information systems) software, GPS (global positioning system) handhelds and computer aided design.Plane surveying introduces students to the skills and technological knowledge required for working in the field. Students learn how to measure, calculate and record direction, distance and elevation using standard field equipment; advanced skills are taught through projects in which students use GPS for data collection and geometric calculations to measure curves. Prerequisites for this technical course are beginning land surveying and trigonometry. Professional Civil Surveyor Diploma Course In Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan. For further details of this course visit our website www.icollegete.com,www.courses.com.pk
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Professional Chef & cooking experience based diploma in rawalpindi murree road shamsabad punjab pakistan 03115193625, Chef and cooking experience based diploma in rawalpindi murree road islamabad 03354176949 , Experience Based distance learning Cooking course for female and male in islamabad rawalpindi 03115193625, Admission open seperate classes for female, We offers specialized and centralized fully equipped computer lab,various professional lecture rooms with multimedia for audio /video visual aid,Conference hall,hands-on supervisory experience in service and operations, Admission open for admission and queries call 03115193625, 03354176949 INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Pakistan No.1 IT Training Institute, For More Information Visit Our Website www.courses.com.pk, www.icollegete.com. The course is suitable for anyone with an interest in cooking who wants to develop their existing skills and repertoire. The intensive structure will equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and confidence to go into catering, yacht or chalet cooking or work in professional kitchens. In the past we have had people who simply want to improve their home cooking to those who want to start their own cafes or work in the catering industry. A cook is a person who prepares food for consumption. A cook is sometimes referred to as a chef, although in the professional kitchen, the terms are not interchangeable. Chef is a trained and skilled professional cook who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation of a particular cuisine. The word "chef" is derived from the termchef de cuisine, the director or head of a kitchen. The term "cook" within a restaurant kitchen usually refers to a person with little to no creative influence on a menu and little to no command over others within the kitchen, such as a line cook. These are usually all members of a restaurant kitchen that are underneath the sous chefin the brigade de cuisine. Other establishments may have a relatively constant menu, often only having people that can prepare food quickly and consistently, having little need for an executive chef or sous chef. The kitchens in these particular restaurants would thus be entirely run by cooks intimately acquainted with the menu. This example would not include the short order cook, however, since they are capable and willing to cook items that are not on the menu. Cooking or cookery is the art, technology and craft of preparing food for consumption with or without the use of heat. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, from grilling food over an open fire to using electric stoves, to baking in various types of ovens, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions and trends. The ways or types of cooking also depend on the skill and type of training an individual cook has. Cooking is done both by people in their own dwellings and by professional cooks and chefs in restaurants and other food establishments. Cooking can also occur through chemical reactions without the presence of heat, such as in ceviche, a traditional South American dish where fish is cooked with the acids in lemon or lime juice. ICTE Chef & Cooking Course Contents: Interpretation of Terms Personal Hygiene Food Contamination Safe Food Handling Construction Standards Maintenance Standards Sanitation Codes Pakistani Cuisine. Professional chef and cooking course in rawalpindi shamsabad murree road punjab pakistan 03115193625, 03354176949 Professional Cooking Course in Rawalpindi Professional Cooking Course in Pakistan Admission open for admission and queries call 03115193625,03354176949 INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Pakistan No.1 IT Training Institute, For More Information Visit Our Website www.courses.com.pk, www.icollegete.com.for more call 03115193625, 03354176949
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Charsadda (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Professional Civil Surveyor Course in Charsadda Kohat, Professional Civil Surveyor Course in Rawalpindi Bagh Dubai, International College Of Technical Education Offer Professional Civil Surveyor Course in Rawalpindi Bagh Dubai 03115193625, Best Professional Civil Surveyor Course in Rawalpindi Bagh Dubai 03354176949, Admission Open For Boys and Girls New Session Started Coming Soon Certification Acceptable in Government Job and Worldwide UK USA Canada Japan China Saudia Dubai Muscat Oman Bahrain Kuwait, Admission Open In International College of Technical Education 03115193625, Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional positions of points and the distances and angles between them. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish maps and boundaries for ownership, locations, such as building corners or the surface location of subsurface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law, such as property sales.Surveying has been an element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history. The planning and execution of most forms of construction require it. It is also used in transport, communications, mapping, and the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership. It is an important tool for research in many other scientific disciplines.This course builds on the Introduction to Survey course, developing students ability to master surveying terminology and technique in compliance with Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying standards. This course is a requirement for both the Land Surveying Applied Associates degree and Land Surveying Certificate.Acts prohibited by the college for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, work, research or self-expression. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to, tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations; and homework. Students who violate the rules concerning scholastic dishonesty will be assessed an academic penalty that the instructor determines is in keeping with the seriousness of the offense.Diploma in Ac Technician HVAC Course in Bagh Muzaffarabad Lahore Sheikhupura Multan Okara Bahawalpur Bhakkar Rahimyar Khan Pakpattan Mandi Bahauddin Sargodha Muzaffargarh Gujranwala Gujrat Faisalabad Sialkot Jhelum Chakwal Attock Peshawar Bannu Mardan Charsadda Mardan Kohat Karak Swat Saudia Dubai Muscat Oman Bahrain Kuwait Qatar UK USA Canada Japan China Rawalpindi Punjab Karachi Balochistan Swabi Sibi Pakistan. Construction survey concepts (level loops, profiles, cross sections and traverses). Levelling, stadia, and topographic survey methods. Development of profiles, cross-sectioning for contour, the placing of grade stakes and batterboards, horizontal, vertical, and spiral curves. Units of measurement. Field notes. Measurements of distances, angles, and elevations. Construction control surveys (pipe and tunnel, culvert and bridge, building). Use of electronic distance measurement devices. Course Outline: Introduction to civil Technology Engineering Materials Building Structures Components of Buildings Water Supply & Drainage Highways Engineering Highway project surveys & alignment Engineering Drawing Geometrical Drawing Pictorial Drawing
Rs 25.000
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Attock (Punjab)
Professional 3D Studio Max Training Course in Attock , 333-3300118 , Professional 3D Studio Max Training Course in Attock , 333-3300118 , Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Pvt Ltd established in 2009 as CTC. The Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Pvt Ltd itself has continued to move forward and expand its own horizons so that it can best position itself to provide quality education and training to its students and satisfy their needs in the 21st century. We now reach out to provide individual and focused professional trainings to a wide group of specialists and fresh students in a broad range of courses in information technology, management, technical, vocational, health and safety; international and national certificates, distance learning and diplomas. The Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Private Ltd, is accredited with International awarding bodies like NEBOSH, IOSH, OSHA IASP, British Safety Council, ISO, HABC, IADC, IBOEHS and at national level with SDA, SDC, TTB, TTPC, PSSC, BCCI, Government of Pakistan. Address: S-215, Second Floor, Malikabad Plaza, Near 6th Road Flyover, Main Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan CAMPUS, Second Floor, Dubai Plaza, 6th Road, Murree Road, Rawalpindi Pakistan.Inspire training institute, inspire courses institute, inspire safety institute, inspire diploma courses institute, inspire consultancy institute, inspire safety institute, inspire engineering institute, Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan Pvt Ltd We offer all kind of computer , IT course, Health and Safety diploma courses in Pakistan. Revit 3D Cad Computer Course, Software Engineering Course, CIT (Certificate in information Technology) Course, Petroleum Software Training Schlumberger Eclipse, Schlumberger Petrel, Kappa Ecrin, Geophysics Software Course, Civil 3D Professional Course, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Course, Video Animation Course, 3D Max Professional Course, Computer Language Course, AutoCAD Mechanical Course, CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) Course , 2d vs 3d Animation • Time • Keyframeing • Auto Key and Set Key • Track View • Time • Ease in / Ease out • Arcs • Secondary Action • Anticipation • Follow-through & Overlapping • Squash & Stretch • Exaggeration LESSON 10 - Hierarchies • Mechanics of Movement • Linking Objects • Schematic View • Hierarchy LESSON 11 - Character Anim. • Biped • Skinning the Character • Motion Panel • The Mechanics of a Walk Cycle • Animation Principles LESSON 12 - Animation Lab • Planning the Animation • Attack of the Pawn • Animating the rook • Analysis the Rook LESSON 13 - Materials • Introduction to Materials • The Matrial Editor • Material Types LESSON 14 - Using Maps • Maps in Material Definitions • Map Types • Displating Maps in Viewpoint • Mixing Maps LESSON 15 - Mapping • Mapping • Unwrap UVW • Render to Texture Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Gandava, Garhi Khairo, Garruck, Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Gwash, Hab Chauki, Hameedabad, Harnai, Hinglaj, Hoshab, Ispikan, Jhal, Jhal Jhao, Jhatpat, Jiwani, Kalandi, Kalat, Kamararod, Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab,Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, pirMahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, NEBOSH course in Federally Administered Northern Areas/FANA, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Federally Administered Tribal Areas/FATA, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan,South Waziristan, NEBOSH IGC course in Wana, NWFP, Abbottabad, Ayubia, Adezai, Banda Daud Shah, Bannu, Batagram, Birote, Buner, Chakdara,Charsadda, Chitral, Dargai, Darya Khan, NEBOSH IGC Course in Peshawar, Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Sakesar, Swabi, Swat, Tangi, Tank, Thall, Tordher, Upper Dir, NEBOSH Course in Punjab, Ahmedpur East, Ahmed Nager Chatha, Ali Pur, Arifwala, Attock, Basti Malook, Bhagalchur, Bhalwal, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Bhaipheru, Bhakkar, Burewala, Chailianwala, Chakwal, Chichawatni, Chiniot, Chowk Azam Chowk Sarwar Shaheed, Daska, Darya Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Derawar Fort, Dhaular, Dina City, Dinga,Dipalpur, Faisalabad, Fateh Jang, Gadar, Ghakhar Mandi, Gujranwala, Gujrat,Gujar Khan,Hafizabad,Haroonabad,Hasilpur, Haveli Lakha, Jampur, Jhang, Jhelum, Kalabagh, Karor Lal Esan, Kasur, Kamalia, Kamokey, Khanewal, Khanpur, Kharian, Khushab, Kot Addu, Jahania, Jalla Araain, Jauharabad, Laar, Lahore, Lalamusa, Layyah, Lodhran, Mamoori, Mandi Bahauddin, Makhdoom Aali, Mandi Warburton, Mailsi, Mian Channu, Minawala, Mianwali, Multan, Murree, Muridke, Muzaffargarh, Narowal, Okara, Renala Khurd, Rajan Pur, Pak Pattan,Panjgur, Pattoki, Pirmahal, Qila Didar Singh, Rabwah, Raiwind, Rajan Pur,Rahim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, Rohri,Sadiqabad, Safdar Abad – (Dhaban Singh)Sahiwal, Sangla Hill, Samberial, Sarai Alamgir, Sargodha, Shakargarh, Shafqat Shaheed Chowk, Sheikhupura Sialkot, Sohawa, Sooianwala, Sundar (city), Talagang, Tarbela, Takhtbai, Taxila, Toba Tek Singh, Vehari, Wah Cantonment, Wazirabad, Sindh, Ali Bandar, nebosh in Baden, Chachro, Dadu, Digri, Diplo, Dokri, Gadra, Ghanian, Ghauspur, Ghotki, Hala, Hyderabad,Islamkot, Jacobabad, Jamesabad, Jamshoro, Janghar, Jati (Mughalbhin), Jhudo Jungshahi, Kandiaro, Karachi, nebosh course in Kashmor, Keti Bandar, Khairpur, Khora, Klupro, Khokhropur, Korangi, NEBOSH Course in Kotri, Kot Sarae, Larkana, Lund, Mathi, Matiari, Mehar, Mirpur Batoro,Mirpur Khas, Mirpur Sakro, Mithi, Mithani, Moro, Nagar Parkar, Naushara, Naudero, Noushero Feroz, Nawabshah, Nazimabad, Naokot, Pendoo, Pokran, Qambar, Qazi Ahmad, Ranipur, Ratodero, Rohri, Saidu Sharif, Sakrand, Sanghar, Shadadkhot, Shahbandar, Shahdadpur, Shahpur Chakar, Shikarpur, Sujawal,
Rs 15.000
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Swabi (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Professional Revit Training Course in Swabi , 333-3300118 , Professional Revit Training Course in Swabi , 333-3300118 , Peachtree Course in Rawalpindi, Quickbooks Course in Rawalpindi, Tally Course in Rawalpindi, CIT, DIT, PGDIT, Course in Rawalpindi, 3d Studio Max Vray Course in Rawalpindi, Web Development Course in Rawalpindi, Autocad Electrical Course in Rawalpindi, Autocad Mechanical Course in Rawalpindi, QC Inspector Course in Rawalpindi, NEBOSH IGC Certification Course in Rawalpindi, IOSH MS, H2S Certification Course in Rawalpindi, OSHA USA Certification Course in Rawalpindi, CCNA Course in Rawalpindi, MCSE Course in Rawalpindi, GIS Course in Rawalpindi, Shorthand Course in Rawalpindi, Air Ticketing Course in Rawalpindi, Korean Language Course in Rawalpindi, IELTS life skill Course in Rawalpindi, Computer Hardware Course in Rawalpindi, Corel Draw Course in Rawalpindi, Abobe illustrator Course in Rawalpindi, .NET Course in Rawalpindi, Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Pvt Ltd established in 2009 as CTC. The Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Pvt Ltd itself has continued to move forward and expand its own horizons so that it can best position itself to provide quality education and training to its students and satisfy their needs in the 21st century. We now reach out to provide individual and focused professional trainings to a wide group of specialists and fresh students in a broad range of courses in information technology, management, technical, vocational, health and safety; international and national certificates, distance learning and diplomas. The Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Private Ltd, is accredited with International awarding bodies like NEBOSH, IOSH, OSHA IASP, British Safety Council, ISO, HABC, IADC, IBOEHS and at national level with SDA, SDC, TTB, TTPC, PSSC, BCCI, Government of Pakistan. Address: S-215, Second Floor, Malikabad Plaza, Near 6th Road Flyover, Main Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan CAMPUS, Second Floor, Dubai Plaza, 6th Road, Murree Road, Rawalpindi Pakistan. Office3 Address Inspire training institute, inspire courses institute, inspire safety institute, inspire diploma courses institute, inspire consultancy institute, inspire safety institute, inspire engineering institute, Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan Pvt Ltd We offer all kind of computer , IT course, Health and Safety diploma courses in Pakistan. Revit 3D Cad Computer Course, Software Engineering Course, CIT (Certificate in information Technology) Course, Petroleum Software Training Schlumberger Eclipse, Schlumberger Petrel, Kappa Ecrin, Geophysics Software Course, Civil 3D Professional Course, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Course, Video Animation Course, 3D Max Professional Course, Computer Language Course, AutoCAD Mechanical Course, CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) , Lower Dir, Madyan, Malakand, Mansehra, Mardan, Mastuj, Mongora, Nowshera, Paharpur, NEBOSH IGC Course in Peshawar, Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Sakesar, Swabi, Swat, Tangi, Tank, Thall, Tordher, Upper Dir, NEBOSH Course in Punjab, Ahmedpur East, Ahmed Nager Chatha, Ali Pur, Arifwala, Attock, Basti Malook, Bhagalchur, Bhalwal, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Bhaipheru, Bhakkar, Burewala, Chailianwala, Chakwal, Chichawatni, Chiniot, Chowk Azam Chowk Sarwar Shaheed, Daska, Darya Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Derawar Fort, Dhaular, Dina City, Dinga,Dipalpur, Faisalabad, Fateh Jang, Gadar, Ghakhar Mandi, Gujranwala, Gujrat,Gujar Khan,Hafizabad,Haroonabad,Hasilpur, Haveli Lakha, Jampur, Jhang, Jhelum, Kalabagh, Karor Lal Esan, Kasur, Kamalia, Kamokey, Khanewal, Khanpur, Kharian, Khushab, Kot Addu, Jahania, Jalla Araain, Jauharabad, Laar, Lahore, Lalamusa, Layyah, Lodhran, Mamoori, Mandi Bahauddin, Makhdoom Aali, Mandi Warburton, Mailsi, Mian Channu, Minawala, Mianwali, Multan, Murree, Muridke, Muzaffargarh, Narowal, Okara, Renala Khurd, Rajan Pur, Pak Pattan,Panjgur, Pattoki, Pirmahal, Qila Didar Singh, Rabwah, Raiwind, Rajan Pur,Rahim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, Rohri,Sadiqabad, Safdar Abad – (Dhaban Singh)Sahiwal, Sangla Hill, Samberial, Sarai Alamgir, Sargodha, Shakargarh, Shafqat Shaheed Chowk, Sheikhupura Sialkot, Sohawa, Sooianwala, Sundar (city), Talagang, Tarbela, Takhtbai, Taxila, Toba Tek Singh, Vehari, Wah Cantonment, Wazirabad, Sindh, Ali Bandar, nebosh in Baden, Chachro, Dadu, Digri, Diplo, Dokri, Gadra, Ghanian, Ghauspur, Ghotki, Hala, Hyderabad,Islamkot, Jacobabad, Jamesabad, Jamshoro, Janghar, Jati (Mughalbhin), Jhudo Jungshahi, Kandiaro, Karachi, nebosh course in Kashmor, Keti Bandar, Khairpur, Khora, Klupro, Khokhropur, Korangi, NEBOSH Course in Kotri, Kot Sarae, Larkana, Lund, Mathi, Matiari, Mehar, Mirpur Batoro,Mirpur Khas, Mirpur Sakro, Mithi, Mithani, Moro, Nagar Parkar, Naushara, Naudero, Noushero Feroz, Nawabshah, Nazimabad, Naokot, Pendoo, Pokran, Qambar, Qazi Ahmad, Ranipur, Ratodero, Rohri, Saidu Sharif, Sakrand, Sanghar, Shadadkhot, Shahbandar, Shahdadpur, Shahpur Chakar, Shikarpur, Sujawal, Sukkur, Tando Adam, Tando Allahyar,
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Attock (Punjab)
Professional Peachtree Training Course in Attock , 333-3300118 , Professional Peachtree Training Course in Attock , 333-3300118 , Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Pvt Ltd established in 2009 as CTC. The Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Pvt Ltd itself has continued to move forward and expand its own horizons so that it can best position itself to provide quality education and training to its students and satisfy their needs in the 21st century. We now reach out to provide individual and focused professional trainings to a wide group of specialists and fresh students in a broad range of courses in information technology, management, technical, vocational, health and safety; international and national certificates, distance learning and diplomas. The Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan (SMC) Private Ltd, is accredited with International awarding bodies like NEBOSH, IOSH, OSHA IASP, British Safety Council, ISO, HABC, IADC, IBOEHS and at national level with SDA, SDC, TTB, TTPC, PSSC, BCCI, Government of Pakistan. Address: S-215, Second Floor, Malikabad Plaza, Near 6th Road Flyover, Main Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan CAMPUS, Second Floor, Dubai Plaza, 6th Road, Murree Road, Rawalpindi Pakistan. Office3 Address Inspire training institute, inspire courses institute, inspire safety institute, inspire diploma courses institute, inspire consultancy institute, inspire safety institute, inspire engineering institute, Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan Pvt Ltd We offer all kind of computer , IT course, Health and Safety diploma courses in Pakistan. Revit 3D Cad Computer Course, Software Engineering Course, CIT (Certificate in information Technology) Course, Petroleum Software Training Schlumberger Eclipse, Schlumberger Petrel, Kappa Ecrin, Geophysics Software Course, Civil 3D Professional Course, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Course, Video Animation Course, 3D Max Professional Course, Computer Language Course, AutoCAD Mechanical Course, CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) , Peachtree Course in Rawalpindi, Quickbooks Course in Rawalpindi, Tally Course in Rawalpindi, CIT, DIT, PGDIT, Course in Rawalpindi, 3d Studio Max Vray Course in Rawalpindi, Web Development Course in Rawalpindi, Autocad Electrical Course in Rawalpindi, Autocad Mechanical Course in Rawalpindi, QC Inspector Course in Rawalpindi, NEBOSH IGC Certification Course in Rawalpindi, IOSH MS, H2S Certification Course in Rawalpindi, OSHA USA Certification Course in Rawalpindi, CCNA Course in Rawalpindi, MCSE Course in Rawalpindi, GIS Course in Rawalpindi, Shorthand Course in Rawalpindi, Air Ticketing Course in Rawalpindi, Korean Language Course in Rawalpindi, IELTS life skill Course in Rawalpindi, Computer Hardware Course in Rawalpindi, Corel Draw Course in Rawalpindi, Abobe illustrator Course in Rawalpindi, .NET Course in Rawalpindi, Bazdar, Bela, Bellpat, Bagh, Burj, Chagai, Chah Sandan, Chakku, Chaman, Chhatr, Dalbandin, Dera Bugti, Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Gandava, Garhi Khairo, Garruck, Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Gwash, Hab Chauki, Hameedabad, Harnai, Hinglaj, Hoshab, Ispikan, Jhal, Jhal Jhao, Jhatpat, Jiwani, Kalandi, Kalat, Kamararod, Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab,Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, pirMahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, NEBOSH course in Federally Administered Northern Areas/FANA, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Federally Administered Tribal Areas/FATA, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan,South Waziristan, NEBOSH IGC course in Wana, NWFP, Abbottabad, Ayubia,
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Professional Chef and Cooking Diploma in rawalpindi pakistan chakwal jhelum gujrat 03115193625, World Wide Acceptable with UK/USA/Pak/U.A.E/KSA/China/ International Certifications in Rawalpindi,Islamabad, Professional Chef and Cooking Course in rawalpindi pakistan chakwal jhelum gujrat 03115193625, Professional Chef and Cooking Diploma for female and male in islamabad rawalpindi 03115193625, Admission open seperate classes for female,We offers specialized and centralized fully equipped computer lab,various professional lecture rooms with multimedia for audio /video visual aid,Conference hall,hands-on supervisory experience in service and operations, Admission open for admission and queries call 03115193625,03354176949 registered recognized, approved and authorized institute INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Pakistan No.1 IT Training Institute, registered recognized, approved and authorized institute For More Information Visit Our Website www.courses.com.pk, www.icollegete.com. The course is suitable for anyone with an interest in cooking who wants to develop their existing skills and repertoire. The intensive structure will equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and confidence to go into catering, yacht or chalet cooking or work in professional kitchens. In the past we have had people who simply want to improve their home cooking to those who want to start their own cafes or work in the catering industry. Cooking or cookery is the art, technology and craft of preparing food for consumption with or without the use of heat. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, from grilling food over an open fire to using electric stoves, to baking in various types of ovens, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions and trends. The ways or types of cooking also depend on the skill and type of training an individual cook has. Cooking is done both by people in their own dwellings and by professional cooks and chefs in restaurants and other food establishments. Cooking can also occur through chemical reactions without the presence of heat, such as in ceviche, a traditional South American dish where fish is cooked with the acids in lemon or lime juice. Chef Cooking Course Content: Introduction to Chef and Cooking Interpretation of Terms Personal Hygiene Food Contamination Safe Food Handling Construction Standards Maintenance Standards Sanitation Codes Pakistani Cuisine Continental Food. Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan.Experienced Based Diploma in Ac Technician ,Electronic , Mechanical , Plumbing , Auto Electrician , Efi Auto Electrician , Civil Surveyor , Quantity surveyor civil lab material testing , Best Institute in Rawalpindi islamabad Pakistan Lahore , Lowest fee course in pakistan , lowest fee professional practical training course in pakistan rawalpindi peshawar kashmir bagh lahore islamabad kahuta chakwal rahimyar khan gujarat gujarawala multan , attock Best institute in rawalpindi professional teacher and qualified staff.Dubai , Abu Dabi , Muscat , Oman , Doha , Qatar ,South Africa , Saudia Arabia , kawat , Behrain , Kotli Sattian , Murree , UK , UAE , Sharja,Civil Technology Courses Diploma in Civil Surveyor Diploma in Quantity Surveyor Diploma in Civil Draftman Diploma in Civil Lab Technician Diploma in Civil Architecture Diploma in Civil Engineering One Year Diploma in Civil Engineering Two Years OSHA Construction Civil Safety Electrical Technology Courses Diploma in Electrical Engineering one year Diploma in Optical Fiber Diploma in CCTV technician Mechanical Technology Courses Diploma in Mechanical Technology One Year Diploma in Mechanical Technology Two Years Diploma in Project Management (DPM) Diploma in Hotel Management Diploma in Hospitality Management Diploma in Quality Assurance (QA) Diploma in Quality Control (QC) Diploma in Total Quality Management (TQM) Diploma in Import & Export Management Diploma in College and University Management Diploma in Auditing Diploma in Accounts Management Diploma in Fast Food Management Diploma in Flood Risk Management Diploma in Guest House Management Diploma in International Tourism Management Diploma in Energy Management Diploma in Library Management Diploma in Education Planning and Management Diploma in Management Information System (MIS) Diploma in Software Project Management Diploma in Business Administration and Management Diploma in Office Administration & Management Diploma in Interior Designing Diploma in BMS (Building Management System) Hospitality Management Course in rawalpindi Hospitality Management Course in lahore Hospitality Management Course in peshawar Building Management System (BMS) Course in rawalpindi Building Management System (BMS) Course in lahore Building Management System (BMS) Course in peshawar Quality Assurance Quality Control Course in rawalpindi Quality Assurance Quality Control Course in lahore Quality Assurance Quality Control Course in peshawar Hotel Management Course in rawalpindi Hotel Management Course in lahore Hotel Management Course in peshawar Iosh MS OSHA 30 USA Safety Course IADC Rig Pass Icertosh (International Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health) Safety Officer IRCA, ISO Certifications Nebosh IGC Course in Rawalpindi Nebosh IGC Course in islamabad Nebosh IGC Course in peshawar Nebosh IGC Course in karachi Nebosh IGC Course in lahore Nebosh IGC Course in pakistan Basic IT Course (MS Office) Computer Hardware Course Computerized Accounting CIT (Certificate in information Technology) Web & Graphic Designing Computer languages Software Engineering AutoCAD (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) 3D Studio Max (Advanced) Computer Networking Web Development Information Technology (PG-DIT) Project Managment Professional (PMP) Prima Vera (Project Management) DIT (Diploma in information technology) Revit 3D Cad Course Microstation Cad Course Shorthand Professional Course in Islamabad Shorthand Professional Course in Rawalpindi Shorthand Professional Course in Pakistan IATA Air Ticketing & Reservation Course in Islamabad IATA Air Ticketing & Reservation Course in Rawalpindi IATA Air Ticketing & Reservation Course in Pakistan Professional Cooking Course in Islamabad Professional Cooking Course in Rawalpindi Professional Cooking Course in Pakistan EFI Auto Electrician Course in Rawalpindi EFI Auto Electrician Course in Islamabad EFI Auto Electrician Course in Pakistan Civil 3D Course in Islamabad Civil 3D Course in Rawalpindi Civil 3D Course in Pakistan GIS Geographic Information Systems Course in Islamabad GIS Geographic Information Systems Course in Rawalpindi GIS Geographic Information Systems Course in Pakistan Admission open for admission and queries call 03115193625,03354176949 registered recognized, approved and authorized institute INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Pakistan No.1 IT Training Institute, registered recognized, approved and authorized institute For More Information Visit Our Website www.courses.com.pk, www.icollegete.com.
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