Criminal trial
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Karachi (Sindh)
Offenses Promoting Civil Disorders!!! If You Want to Know the End, Look at the Beginning. The Nation's leading Forensic Psychology, Science Centered Jury Research, Trial Graphics, Litigation / Persuasion Technology Consulting and Forensic Animators @ Law Firm. Sophisticated Corporate Clients, as well as Government Agencies; Animators at Law has helped generate favorable decisions in cases having staff consists of Attorneys, Experts in Trial Graphic Design, Animation, Interactive Development and experienced Project Managers have worked at a major law firm. The design team at Animators specializes in the art of information design and trial graphics. Not just another "new media" firm, Animators at Law was founded by attorneys to serve the legal community in a way no other firm has in the past. By combining attorney management, traditional artists and new media artists under one roof, we create an unmatched talent pool perfectly suited to major law firms and corporations. Put simply, we know the law, and we know how to make complex and boring information interesting and understandable for a judge, jury or the general public. We are the experts in trial graphics. Implementing Family Inclusive Intervention Investigation within Forensic Advocacy. "Structured Foundation For Innocences" An Equal Opportunity Defenders Accredited MINDS Optimizing BRAINS Studying Attitudes & Mapping Violence. The Post-Conviction process is in place to protect Innocent individuals from inherent human error in the Criminal Justice System. MentalHealthPakistan.Org Accredited MINDS — Optimizing BRAINS For The Present Tense “Fetal Alcohol to Alcoholism Spectrum Disease, Narcotics Drug & Psychotropic Substances Abuse Inpatient / Intensive Outpatient Detox & Rehab House, Addiction Denial Behaviors Counseling For Change, Effects of Serious Psychiatric Illnesses On Felony / Misdemeanor Offenses, Forensic Mental illness Civil & Criminological Disorders Law Courts Family Inclusive Interventions in lieu of Convictions and A Centre for Peace in Health Care & Back Channel Diplomacy”. Integrated State-of-The Forensics Psycholegal Principles Attorney-Client Privilege Administration Board of Criminal Justice, Disciplinary and Malpractice Wing That Wins Statutory Draft Code of Practice to Empower Digital Natives. Clinical Negligence Solicitors, Medical Legal Consultants, Expert Witnesses & Reciprical Referral Relaters! Specializing in providing Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys with Medical-Legal Consulting and testifying Medical Expert witnesses; providing all services from medical record analysis to deposition and testifying. Working for both Plaintiff and Defense Attorneys and feel strongly about defending Physicians who have not breached standard of care and protecting those patients who are victims of legitimate malpractice. Additionally, we connect Attorneys with Physicians of all specialties to help them navigate and win their Medical Cases. We tried virtually every kind of lawsuit, from complex commercial cases to white collar defense. With our success in courts around the country, we have expanded our Practice Forensic Advocacy. Our experienced trial lawyers in both cities are ready to work with you on cases nationwide. Strategic Solutions in Clinical & Digital Forensics Psychometric Profiling in Legal framework within Criminal & Civil Cases Evaluations, An Equivocal Forensic Analysis Crime from a Scientific Perspective, Professionals in many fields from Law Enforcement to Nursing, Integration of materials from many sub-disciplines including Criminalistics, Victimology, Crime Reconstruction, Produce Succinct & Coherent Reports are submitted on time & comply with the forensic law during the course of an Investigation & Argumentation, Deposition / Preserve of Vital Physical & Potentially hazardous Forensic Evidences For Trial's and Experts Conveying Results with easily understood in Courtrooms / Boardrooms / Screening Rooms Eyewitness Testimony and Graphics. “We don’t seem to want to work with dirty Crime Sciences. The organic takes you to a much finer spatial scale of Resolution”. You'll never know what you never knew. Don't make that mistake because sometimes doing your best is not good enough; sometimes you must do what is required. "He who does not expect the unexpected will not detect it"- Contact us today. Professionally & Natively yours, INAMULLAH ANSARI Justice & Forensics Consultant. (An Innovative Adjunct To Innocences) Strict Forensic and Scientific Frontiers. "Truly Clinical Trial Lawyers. Not Settlement Lawyers” PTCL (+9221) 34388088 / 34388089 / 34200586 / 34200587. Cells +92320LAWYERS (5299377) / +923332244634 / +923002176393. Resolution & Regulation Forensics Advocate Sindh High Court Karachi. Projects Director Pakistan @ Khair For Families Organization Australia. Expert Witness, Back Channel Diplomat & Criminological Interventionist. Standing Counsel @ Treatment & Rehabilitation Centres for Victims of Torture. Google Verified Registered Corporate Headquarters and State-of-The Mental Health Arbitration Attorney-Prospect Privileges Structured Forensic Psychology & Medico-Legal Integrated Board Consulting Chambers Driving Directions @ Rehab Block-10, Gulshan-e-Iqbal; Suite # 1/6—A, Ground Floor b/w American Centre / Rangers Chowki & Nursery Fly Over, Commercial Area, Mohtarma Laeeq Begum Road, Off Main Shahrah—e—Faisal, Block—6, PECHS and Sindh High Court, Karachi—Pakistan.
Rs 10.000
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
ii English Jurisprudence International Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
iiInternational Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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ii English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Jhelum (Punjab)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Civil & criminal cases, bankruptcy and family law. Preparation of legal documents and proof reading. Dealing with matters related to Income Tax, Sales Tax & Corporate Law. Aiding clients in ensuring contract fulfillments in business transactions. Scheduling court appearances and appointments with clients. Attending court with partners of the client company. Researching on factual and legal matters in a trial and indexing of information during trials. Investigate the facts and determine the proper strategic legal options to protect the client and bring the offenders to justice. Keep abreast in intellectual property laws around the world. Confirm copyright infringement cases with actual experience and observation to verify the strength of the case. Check actual patent and copyright records in the appropriate government offices and obtain pertinent documents to build up cases.
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