Company manual corporate
Top sales list company manual corporate

Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Corporate Bridge of Risk Management. Pakistani Employees background screening services provider. Corporate Bridge of Risk Management (Pvt.) Limited. Registered office at the Islamabad Capital of Pakistan. “Risk is like a fire if controlled it will help you if uncontrolled it will rise up and destroy you.” There may be many events and happenings in business life to take place in future, some good and some bad, which can affect your goals and objectives. Managing risk is the very essence of business survival and growth. We have a proactive approach that attempts to prioritize the risks that can be happen so that you can improve the likelihood of achieving your goals. Approximately 53% of resumes/CVs contain fabrications or lies. Find out if your job candidates really are all they claim to be. CBRM is a privately-held company providing leading services of pre and post-employment screening, background screening, due diligence investigation, national and international registrations, Public record documents verification, litigation matters and financial services indifferent countries. We Conduct highly competent investigative interviews and thoroughly versed and vetted in all types of workplace investigations concerning fraud, white-collar crimes, theft, substance abuse and other forms of workplace misconduct. This enables us to provide you, the employer, with comprehensive analysis. Our Management team is highly skilled in solving complex business problems, reducing risk and improving employee morale. CBRM is committed to providing long-term solutions with uncompromising ethics, trust, excellence, accuracy, and passion for protecting today’s building tomorrow’s.
Rs 20.000
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
We specialize in new business setup and its registration whether it�s run by a single person or more than one person to suit your specific requirements. SBC,s Professional services include: 1) Private Limited Company registration 2) Public Limited Company registration 3) Single Member Company (SMC) Private Limited Company registration 4) Association of Person (AOP)/Firm registration /Partnership Business Registration) 5) National Tax Number (NTN) Certificate 6) General Sales Tax (GST) 7) Income Tax Consultancy/Advisory Services by Chartered Accountant 8) Income Tax Returns Annual/Monthly withholding statements/Tax Exemptions 9) Sales Tax Returns 10) Audit Report & Financial Statements 11) Non Government Organization (NGO) /Not For Profit Organization registration. 12) Obtaining License for NGO/ INGO for working in Pakistan 13) Consultancy for ISO Certifications especially for ISO-9000 14) Membership for Chamber of Commerce as Associate and Corporate Member 15) Legal Services 16) Content Development, Manuals Development, SOPs 17) Comprehensive Internal Audit 18) Computerized and Manual Bookkeeping 19) Preparation Of Agreements, Deeds And Legal Documents 20) Trade Mark and Logo Registration 21) Copyright registration/Patent Registration 22) Travel And Tourism License 23) Internet Marketing, 24) Domain Registration and Domain Hosting 25) Website Design and Development For more detail contact us: Synergy Business Consulting Suite No. 2, Block 15-C, Housing Foundation, G-11/3, Ibn-e-sina Road Islamabad. Other Offices: in Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, UAE, The Netherlands (Holland), Singapore and Malaysia E Mail: info (at) sbconsulting (dot) com (dot) Pk Website: www (dot) sbconsulting (dot) com (dot) Pk
Rs 30.000
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USMAN REGISTRATION SERVICES Having a specialization in set up a new business and registration, either it’s run by a individual or group of person to suit your specific requirements, we are providing the following services:-. 1. Private Limited Company registration 2. Public Limited Company registration 3. Single Member Company (SMC) Private Limited Company registration 4. Association of Person (AOP)/Firm registration /Partnership Business registration 5. National Tax Number (NTN) Certificate 6. General Sales Tax (GST) 7. Income Tax Consultancy/Advisory Services by Chartered Accountant 8. Income Tax Returns Annual/Monthly withholding statements/Tax Exemptions 9. Sales Tax Returns 10. Audit Report & Financial Statements 11. Non Government Organization (NGO) /Not For Profit Organization registration. 12. Obtaining License for NGO/ INGO for working in Pakistan 13. Consultancy for ISO Certifications especially for ISO-9000 14. Membership for Chamber of Commerce as Associate and Corporate Member 15. Comprehensive Internal Audit 16. Computerized and Manual Bookkeeping 17. Preparation Of Agreements, Deeds And Legal Documents 18. Trade Mark and Logo Registration 19. Copyright registration/Patent Registration 20. Travel And Tourism License For more detail contact us: Usman Registration Services Iqbal Town, LAHORE, Pakistan Cell: 03214310268 E Mail: shergulg (at) gmail (dot) com
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Synergy Business Consulting …One place for all your business requirements! Synergy Business Consulting (SBC) was established over a decade ago. Today, we are Pakistan’s leading full service support and advisory firm for startups and existing businesses. At SBC, we provide Business Advisory, Registration and start up services, Company Formation/Incorporation, NGO/NPO establishment, Audit and Taxation services, Intellectual Property (Trademark, Copyright, Patents), HR Services and IT Solutions to businesses, NGOs and individuals—all under one roof. SBC encourages entrepreneurs and small business owners/SMEs to effectively identify goals and priorities and provides practical strategies to achieve those. SBC comprises of experienced, competent and dedicated professionals having education and expertise in diversified areas of business development. SBC associates include Waqas & Company, Chartered Accountants, Pakistan; Healy Consultants, Singapore; Adam Consulting, Dubai, UAE; and Verticle Limit Consulting SDN. BHD. (VLC), Malaysia. OUR SERVICES 1. Business Registration and Corporate Compliance Services: Sole proprietorship / Sole trader / One person business registration in Pakistan. Partnership Firm registration in Pakistan Company Registration in Pakistan: o Incorporation/ Formation of Private Limited Companies, Foreign Companies (Branch and Liaison Office) under Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Incorporation/ Formation of Single Member Company (SMC) Limited Companies under Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Incorporation/ Formation of Public Limited Companies under Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Applying and obtaining license and Incorporation/ Formation of Not For Profit Companies (NGOs, INGOs) under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 with Registrar of Companies, Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. o Post registration matters of companies including Transfer of shares, change of Directors, Appointment of CEO/Auditor/Legal Advisor, Change of Company Status (Conversion from SMC to Multimember Pvt. Ltd. Company and vice versa), Company Regularization, CEES, Company Winding Up, Appearing before SECP Tribunals/Courts for adjudication and any matters pertaining to Company Law. 2. Business/Investment Advisory Services: This segment of SBC provides advisory services mainly in the following categories: (a) Business Advisory: Provide consultancy for the best feasible business option according to the expertise and resources available to each client; considering the required legal framework and the market conditions. Convert dream into a reality by translating the specific business needs of our valued clients into a comprehensive business plan or feasibility report. Conduct research and surveys on behalf of upcoming and growing NGOs/NPOs. Conduct industry surveys and research analysis for customized business needs of our clients. Content writing (SOPs, policies, manuals, internal Procedures) for organizations, their websites and any other purpose. (b) Investment Advisory: Provide consultancy for various investment options available in capital market, money market, fixed income securities, government securities and/or in mutual funds according to the clients’ specific cash-flow requirements and risk appetite. 3. Financial Audit and Control Services: Internal and External Audit Audit and preparation of financial statements for bank borrowing purposes. Income/ Sales Tax matters including e-filing. Development of internal control system for effective management. 4. Tax Services: (a) Income Tax: Applying for and obtaining National Tax Number (NTN) Certificate. Preparation and filing of Annual Income Tax Returns, Wealth Tax Statements and Annexures. Preparation and filing of periodic Withholding Tax Statements (WHT). Appeal filing and Adjudication at various forums under Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. (b) Sales Tax: Applying for and obtaining General Sales Tax (GST) registration. Advices and pursuing in claim for adjustment of input and output taxes, following up GST exemption(s) and GST audit. Representation on behalf of the clients before GST assessment authorities and appellate authorities on contentious GST issues and dispute resolution. Correspondence with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for removing fiscal anomalies and obtaining Ruling on GST related issues. Reviews of existing systems and monitoring to highlight possible areas of exposure to sales tax assessments and associated penalties. Appeal filing and Adjudication at various forums under Sales Tax Act 1990. 5. Intellectual Property (IP) Services: Our major services under IP laws are as under: Trademarks Registration Brand Name Registration Patents Registration Industrial Designs Registration Copyrights Unfair Competition Anti-Counterfeiting Licensing Franchising Trade Secrets Data Protection Domain Names Market Survey & Research Serving the Legal Notices and taking appropriate legal actions against third party on behalf of clients in case of Infringement of Trade Mark, Patent, Copyrights 6. Human Resource Services: HR Wing of SBC mainly provides services in following two broader categories of HR issues: (a) HR Consultancy: HR Shared Service Center Handling Employment Issues Managing Misconduct or Poor Performance Remunerations or Entitlements What’s happening in the Employment Market Employment / Independent Contractor Agreements Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedures Restructuring / Redundancy Processes HR Policies and Practices Labour laws/legal advice through legal experts High Performance Work Practices (b) Training for Professional Development: Customized training for professional developments of Human Resources for any Individual, Firm, Company and NGOs. These customized trainings may be provided in the following areas: Management Communication Skills Sales Customer Service Team Building Training for Professional Development 7. Information Technology (IT) Solutions: Internet Marketing Domain name registration. Website Hosting Services. Website development and designing. Website updating and webmaster services. Tailor-made IT solutions, Software, SEOs and other related activities. OUR TEAM SBC has specialist teams for each of its core areas. Some of our team members are as under; 1. Muhammad Abdul Hannan, CEO Corporate / Business Consultant M.Com, MBEcon, L.L.b, FPFA, AICS, former Assistant Director/ Registrar, SECP, Corporate Law Specialist having more than 13 years’ experience of working in private and public sector entities including business consultancy. 2. Waqas Khalid, Head- Audit and Taxation ACA , ACMA, FPA having more than 10 years’ experience of working in private and public sector entities including consultancy services. 3. Abdul Rauf, Advisor-Human Resource Development & Marketing MSc in Business Administration (HRM), MBA (Marketing Management) and Ph.D. Researcher, The Netherlands (Holland), having more than 8 years’ experience in providing HR and Marketing consultancy and HR and Marketing Trainings at National and International level. 4. Muhammad Amjad Farooq, Manager/Consultant MBA, more than three year’s experience as entrepreneur and working with a chartered accountancy firm. 5. Waseem Ahmed, Development Sector Trainer M.Com, M.S/M. Phil (Commerce), Ex-CEO Fatima Plastic LLC, Namibia, Africa, Ex-Director GBA Group of Companies, having more than 11 years’ experience of working in private sector entities including Professional Development Trainings, Development Sector Trainings, Camp Management and DRR. 6. Abdul Ghafoor, Internet Marketing Expert MCS, MBA, Microsoft and Google Advertising Accredited Professional, having more than 10 years’ experience of working in private sector entities including providing IT solutions and IT Consultancy. 7. Rana Kashif Saleem, Legal Counsel LLB, Advocate High Court, former Prosecutor, Government of Punjab, practicing Corporate, Civil, Criminal Laws, including Intellectual Property having more than ten years’ experience. Head Office: Suite No. 2, Block 15-C, Housing Foundation, G-11/3, Islamabad. PABX: +92-51-222 9 005 F: +92-51-222 9 320 M. Abdul Hannan C: +92-321-504 32 62 C: +92-321-537 99 04 E: Waqas Khalid Chartered Accountant Cost & Management Accountant E: M. Amjad Farooq C: +92-321-94 244 25 E: Other Office Locations: Karachi, Lahore, Multan, UAE, Holland, Malaysia, Singapore Thanks for reading. We assure you best professional, quality and ethical services! *****
Rs 30
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
iiInternational Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Assistance in Legal & Tax structure. • Advice on tax • Social security • Pension & equity issues • Drafting of Employment Contracts • Payroll tax advice & Payroll assistance • Residential & Commercial Property Search • Filing local corporate tax return of EXPAT / Oversees Company or branch. • Administrative assistance (bookkeeping) & preparation Annual Accounts. Business consulting services that includes: • Accounting • Estate Planning • Corporate Finance • Assurance/Auditing • Succession Planning • Management Advisory • Local & International Tax
Rs 10.000
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Get a good start to open your own business with 100% ownership in tax free zone. We are Business Management Consultant Company in United Arab Emirates, specialized in all kind of documentation processes which may require to establish a new business or to maintain a running business in UAE. We support our customers to establish their businesses in UAE by providing them easy and professional solutions to their requirements. We are specialized in, * Business Plans * New Company Registrations * Documents Clearing * Ministry Approvals * HR Management * eManagement * All Type of Visas Documentation * Immigration Documentation * Emirates ID Documentation * Bank Accounts Documentation * Legal Translations * Embassy Attestation Services * Company Stamps * Driving License of UAE * Contracts & Agreements * Corporate Fines Settlements Contact us: +971-564691777
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Lahore (Punjab)
A2z Events Management Company provides all the facilities to customers A2z Events Management Company provides all the facilities to their customers according to their demands and also gives complementary services (free of cost) only for the honor of their customers. We work according to the demands of the customers and also provide our professional experience to make an Event better. When we say we take care of all your needs, we make sure to provide you with the right ingredients for your specific event, along with taking care of the food and ambiance, we provide you with certain other basic facilities on-demand basis such as: • Designing your Theme, Menu, Entertainment, Invitations, Accessories etc • Theme based venue Décor • Trained staff for specific Events • Music & Entertainment • Audio-visual Services • Tele-conferencing, Web-casting facility for corporate events Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents
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We are a Logo & Brand Design Company that focuses on logo design, graphic designs, and brand design. We creates identity that fit your branding strategy. Get a Free Quote Today! 24/7 Support · Fast Easy & Effective · Proposals in minutes Our Portfolio Feel Free to Contact us and Get A Free Quote. Do contact us now P: (92) 335-226-1471 S: mimran.k E: W:
Rs 1.000
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Karachi (Sindh)
Corporate Image STL: We are able to design and develop the products that solidify and market your corporate image. Outside of normal advertising, there are hundreds of ways to assert your place in your industry. Using your brand and our graphic designs, we can produce specific business items that do their own advertising for you: business cards, letterhead, envelopes, stationery, writing instruments and labels. These are items that you use every day, but when you expand from generic to professional design, you present a solid, corporate image of success. In other words, if you don't want to look like everyone else, if you want to separate yourself from the competition, everything about your company ought to express this. Developing your corporate image gives you color in otherwise white noise. About STL : We feel proud that "Syed Sanaullah Shah (Late) & Muhammad Ahmed Ghouri" is the pioneer of the STL and has been established business since 1964, after his long efforts and sincerity now we are the thirds generation to look after his business. We are Committed: • To provide world-class quality. • To ensure nearest targeted victory to our clients. • To have an everlasting relationship with clients. • Team’s spirit and trust. • Innovation, Creativity & Care. Sindh Trade Linkers-STL- Creative Solution for all your Business needs. Location: Clifton, Karachi-Pakistan. Tel: +9221 35640435-36, Cell: +92 314 2376148, +92 300 206 5223 Website: Email:
Rs 1
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lawyers legal advice advisers labour company corporate business arbitralawyers legal advice advisers labour company corporate business arbitralawyers legal advice advisers labour company corporate business arbitralawyers legal advice advisers labour company corporate business arbitralawyers legal advice advisers labour company corporate business arbitraGilgit Baltistan[edit] Gilgit Skardu Ghangche Shigar Astore Diamer Ghizer Kharmang Gultari Rondo Hunza Nagar Gupi Azad Jammu and Kashmir[edit] Muzaffarabad Mirpur Bhimber Kotli Rawlakot Bagh Federally Administered Tribal Areas[edit] Alizai Bara Darra Adam Khel Ghulam Khana mehrabpur Jamrud Khaar Landi Kotal Makeen Mir Ali Miranshah Parachinar Razmak Sadda Wana Abbottabad Adezai Alpuri Akora Khattak Ayubia Banda Daud Shah Bannu Batkhela Battagram Birote Chakdara Charsadda Chitral Daggar Dargai Dera Ismail Khan Doaba Dir Drosh Hangu Haripur Karak Kohat Kulachi Lakki Marwat Latamber Madyan Mansehra Mardan Mastuj Mingora Nowshera Paharpur Pabbi Peshawar Saidu Sharif Shewa Adda Swabi Swat Tangi Tank Thall Timergara Tordher Cherat Risalpur Rank City Population (2004) District Latitude Longitude 01 Quetta 6,533,500 Quetta District 30.21°N 67.02°E 02 Khuzdar 1,085,000 Khuzdar District 27.80°N 66.60°E 03 Turbat 792,000 Kech District 25.99°N 63.07° 04 Chaman 76,300 Qilla Abdullah District 30.92°N 66.44°E 05 Hub 174,300 Lasbela District 06 Sibi 256,200 Sibi District 29.55°N 67.87°E 07 Zhob 51,600 Zhob District 31.35°N 69.44°E 08 Gwadar 51,100 Gwadar District 25.14°N 62.33°E 09 Dera Murad Jamali 144,000 Nasirabad District 10 Dera Allah Yar 43,400 Jaffarabad District 11 Usta Mohammad 143,300 Jaffarabad District 28.18°N 68.05°E 12 Loralai 37,200 Loralai District 30.36°N 68.60°E 13 Pasni 32,600 Gwadar District 25.27°N 63.45°E 14 Kharan 130,400 Kharan District 28.57°N 65.42°E 15 Mastung 28,600 Mastung District 29.80°N 66.85°E 16 Nushki 127,300 Nushki District 29.56°N 66.01°E 17 Kalat 226,300 Kalat District 29.03°N 66.58°E Ahmadpur East Ahmed Nager Chatha Ali Khan Abad Alipur Arifwala Attock Bhera Bhalwal Bahawalnagar Bahawalpur Bhakkar Burewala Chillianwala Chakwal Chak Jhumra Chichawatni Chiniot Chishtian Chunian Dajkot Daska Davispur Darya Khan Dera Ghazi Khan Dhaular Dina Dinga Dipalpur Faisalabad Fateh Jang Ghakhar Mandi Gojra Gujranwala Gujrat Gujar Khan Harappa Hafizabad Haroonabad Hasilpur Haveli Lakha Jalalpur Jattan Jampur Jaranwala Jhang Jhelum Kalabagh Karor Lal Esan Kasur Kamalia Kamoke Khanewal Khanpur Khanqah Sharif Kharian Khushab Kot Adu Jauharabad Lahore Lalamusa Layyah Liaquat Pur Lodhran Malakwal Mamoori Mailsi Mandi Bahauddin Mian Channu Mianwali Multan Murree Muridke Mianwali Bangla Muzaffargarh Narowal Nankana Sahib Okara Renala Khurd Pakpattan Pattoki Pind Dadan Khan Pir Mahal Qaimpur Qila Didar Singh Rabwah Raiwind Rajanpur Rahim Yar Khan Rawalpindi Sadiqabad Safdarabad Sahiwal Sambrial samundri Sangla Hill Sarai Alamgir Sargodha Shakargarh Sheikhupura Sialkot Sohawa Soianwala Siranwali Tandlianwala Talagang Taxila Toba Tek Singh Vehari Wah Cantonment Wazirabad Yazman Zafarwal Badin Bhirkan Bhiria City Bhiria Road Rajo Khanani Chak Dadu Digri Diplo Dokri Ghotki Haala Hyderabad Islamkot Jacobabad Jamshoro Jungshahi Kandhkot Kandiaro Karachi Kashmore Keti Bandar Khadro Khairpur Khipro Kotri Larkana Matiari Mehar Mirpur Khas Mithani Mithi Mehrabpur Moro Nagarparkar Naudero Naushahro Feroze Naushara Nawabshah Qambar Qasimabad Ranipur Ratodero Rohri Sakrand Sanghar Shahbandar Shahdadkot Shahdadpur Shahpur Chakar Shikarpaur Sinjhoro Sukkur Tangwani Tando Adam Khan Tando Allahyar Tando Muhammad Khan Thatta Thari Mirwah Umerkot Warah
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Looking for the Corporate Events planners company that would help you in holding a successful party or event? Come to A2z Events Solutions Management, to get the most artistic and inventive service planning company that works with you, taking care of your needs of holding an event and to get an honest estimate of budget. A2z Events Solutions Management offers full service planning, which includes everything needed for the successful completion of events of any kind such as corporate parties, events and much more, everywhere in the Lahore. A2z Events Solutions Management Professional’s service planning includes the arrangement of party rental equipments like tables, lights, AV equipments and decorations. The service planning also includes the catering of fine delicacies and the responsibility of arranging transport facilities like hiring a limo. The logistics of rental equipments also comes under the service planning A2z Events Solutions Management undertake. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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As a well established and widely recognized event management company in Pakistan, A2z Events Solutions Management specializes in conceptualization and execution of premier corporate event management across the globe. For our ability to comprehend and successfully execute engaging conferences and meets we are the preferred Lahore based event management company of leading corporate houses across Pakistan. Our integrated offerings cover • Special events. • Launch events. • Gala events. • Awards ceremony. • Conferences. • Corporate Trade Shows. • Seminars. • Dealer Meets. • Sales Meets. • Product Launches. • Brand Promotion. • Award Functions. • Annual Get-Togethers. • Annual Days. • Founder Day. • Film Festivals and screening events. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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