Commercial plot units
Top sales list commercial plot units

Dastgir Engineering offers a full selection of new commercial kitchen equipment from nationally known food service manufacturers at best prices. Dastgir Engineering can provide the commercial kitchen equipment you need, at prices you can afford. Find everything to outfit a commercial kitchen, including: • Restaurant ranges, convection ovens, • Flat grills & broilers • Bakery & dough equipment • Cookware & kitchen tools • Commercial sinks & dishwashers • Food processors & dough mixers • Wire shelving units • Food storage containers • Cold Storage Machinery • Hotel Equipment & Supplies • HVACR Engineers & Contractors • Kitchen Equipment & Supplies • Commercial Bakery Equipments. • Super Market Equipment. • Meat Shops For detail contact: Dastgir Engineering Co. Lahore.
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Badin (Sindh)
Khas Trading is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of qualitative water treatment equipment’s. We are a designer and manufacturer of water treatment equipment including reverse osmosis, ion exchange and filtration systems for residential, commercial and industrial applications. As a full line manufacturer of water treatment equipment we specialize in reverse osmosis, Nano-filtration, sea water units and their support processes. Solving our customer problems and addressing their concerns are priority one and we utilize all known water treatment processes assuring the customer of the most economical and environmentally friendly solution. We have achieved specialization in the manufacturing of Water Management System, Sewage Treatment Plant and Drinking Water Softener etc. Water Treatment sector is undergoing a rapid change on account of the entry barrier in the global market. In competitive and quality environment international level recognition has become need for every company for the longer-term growth. Every component of the quality system in the plant that meets the National and International standards has become necessity for today. Therefore every step of the project delivery from conceptualization detailed engineering to documentation have to be prepared to comply with the stringent regulatory requirements. The foundation stone of KHAS TRADING was laid in the year of 1995 in Karachi. By a veteran Muhammad Asif is the main Director of the company who guided the company to touch the height of success. Due to the continuous efforts of our director towards excellence KHAS TRADING has become an unrivaled manufacturer of RO Water Systems; especially Reverse Osmosis Systems. We have carved a niche as one of the supreme Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers and Suppliers, based in Pakistan. Today our Reverse Osmosis Systems are considered as the best in the market. Some of the attributes that play significant role in our uniqueness are as follows and we provide complete range of solution like packaged system turn key projects. In addition to this, we also offer water treatment plant maintenance services to the market. Cell: 0092-300-8999847 Email: Website:
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Faisalabad (Punjab)
Dastgir Engineering offers a full selection of new commercial kitchen equipment from nationally known foodservice manufacturers at best prices. Dastgir Engineering can provide the commercial kitchen equipment you need, at prices you can afford. Find everything to outfit a commercial kitchen, including: Restaurant ranges, convection ovens, Flat grills & broilers Bakery & dough equipment Cookware & kitchen tools Commercial sinks & dishwashers Food processors & dough mixers Wire shelving units Food storage containers Cold Storage Machinery Hotel Equipment & Supplies HVACR Engineers & Contractors Kitchen Equipment & Supplies Commercial Bakery Equipments. Super Market Equipment. Meat Shops For details contact: Kainat Nabi Assistant Marketing Manager Mobile Number: - Dastgir Engineering Co. Lahore.
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Lahore (Punjab)
Green Palms Gwadar Plot for sale - Approved by GDA, Low Cost Investment Opportunity in Gwadar. Offering Classy Residential & Commercial Plots, Book with 20% Down Payment. Contact Us Now. Visit us:
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Lahore (Punjab)
property in lahore lahore real estate house for sale in lahore houses for sale in lahore real estate lahore lahore property plots for sale in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore house for rent in lahore property for sale in lahore plot for sale in lahore property prices in lahore lahore property prices home for sale in lahore lahore house for sale house for sale in lahore pakistan houses for rent in lahore house for sale lahore lahore real estate prices homes for sale in lahore lahore property for sale property rates in lahore house on rent in lahore lahore property rates dha lahore plot prices lahore properties rent a house in lahore lahore houses for sale house in lahore real estate in lahore property sale in lahore property lahore properties in lahore houses for sale in lahore pakistan house sale in lahore buy property in lahore real estate lahore pakistan rent house in lahore buy house in lahore house for sale in pakistan lahore properties for sale in lahore house prices in lahore property dealers in lahore property in lahore for sale house for sale in dha lahore apartments for rent in lahore house for sale lahore pakistan flats for rent in lahore flats for sale in lahore house for sale in lahore cantt property for sale lahore lahore real estate ads dha properties 3 marla house for sale in lahore house for sale lahore property updates lahore estate homes for sale in lahore pakistan flat for sale in lahore land for sale in lahore home sale in lahore lahore real estate rates flat for rent in lahore plots in lahore property for sale in lahore pakistan plot prices in lahore lahore real estate plot prices houses on rent in lahore property in lahore pakistan dha real estate house for rent in dha lahore lahore homes for sale house rent in lahore houses for sale lahore house for rent in lahore cantt houses for sale real estate in lahore pakistan pakistan lahore house for sale dha lahore house for sale commercial property for sale in lahore property in pakistan lahore dha lahore prices lahore house real estate pakistan lahore commercial plots for sale in lahore lahore properties for sale best property investment in lahore house sale lahore house for rent lahore home for sale in lahore pakistan houses in lahore dha property house in lahore for sale cheap property in lahore 10 marla house for sale in lahore 5 marla plot for sale in lahore houses for sale in dha lahore dha lahore property prices dha lahore plots for sale property in lahore on installment pakistan real estate lahore apartments in lahore apartments for sale in lahore lahore real estate property discussion dha properties for sale lahore plots for sale plots for sale in dha lahore real estate in pakistan lahore houses for sale in pakistan lahore buy a house in lahore property for sale commercial plot for sale in lahore lahore housing schemes prices bahria town lahore house for sale for sale in lahore homes in lahore property for sale in pakistan lahore pakistan property for sale lahore flats in lahore lahore estate prices property sale purchase in lahore real estate prices in lahore dha property for sale houses in lahore for sale dha lhr apartment for sale in lahore property sites in lahore houses for sale in lahore cantt hose for sale in lahore cheap houses for sale in lahore property prices lahore house for rent in lahore dha rent houses in lahore plot for sale lahore property in islamabad lahore property sale house for sales in lahore house for rent in lahore pakistan bahria town lahore property dealers islamabad property small house for sale in lahore plot in lahore dha lahore real estate low price house for sale in lahore property for rent in lahore homes for sale in pakistan lahore plot for sale in dha lahore property in lahore dha buy home in lahore property prices of houses in lahore property in lahore prices apartments for sale in lahore pakistan property for sale in lahore cantt property in pakistan lahore for sale dha real estate lahore cheap plots for sale in lahore buying house in lahore real estate dha lahore cheap plots in lahore bahria town lahore houses for sale property rates in lahore pakistan plots for sale in bahria town lahore defence lahore houses for sale pakistan lahore property for sale rented houses in lahore house for sale in lahore dha houses for rent in dha lahore lahore homes homes for sale lahore pakistan dha lahore property buy house in lahore pakistan 5 marla house for sale in bahria town lahore buy property in pakistan lahore lahore property dealers real estate lahore cantt house for sale lahore houses dha houses for sale flats for sale in lahore pakistan lahore defence house for sale estate agents in lahore dha lahore property discussion 3 marla plot for sale in lahore 5 marla house for sale in johar town lahore room on rent in lahore bahria town lahore house prices lahore home for sale houses for sale in lahore dha dha lahore real estate prices homes for rent in lahore 1 kanal house for sale in lahore latest property prices in lahore houses for sale in pakistan lahore defence lahore plot for sale lahore rent house house purchase in lahore flats on rent in lahore cheap house for sale in lahore real estate lahore prices house for sale in lahore defence home in lahore dha lahore property dealers bahria town lahore plot prices commercial shops for sale in lahore house for sale in defence lahore house for sale in dha lahore pakistan dha lahore houses for sale sale house in lahore 5 marla house for rent in lahore lahore real estate property prices plot prices in dha lahore house rent lahore dha housing scheme lahore property sale in lahore pakistan lahore sale house prices of plots in lahore plots in dha lahore houses for sale lahore pakistan lahore house for rent house for rent in johar town lahore lahore defence houses for sale dha lahore house for rent 10 marla plot for sale in lahore houses for sale in defence lahore dha prices lahore property discussion bahria town lahore rent a home in lahore plot sale in lahore pakistan real estate dha lahore plots rent home in lahore pakistan property property dealers in bahria town lahore house for sale dha lahore rented house in lahore plot rates in lahore bahria town property dealers lahore houses for sale in lahore on installments home prices in lahore prices of plots in dha lahore real estate pakistan dha phase 5 lahore house for sale property dealers in dha lahore bahria town lahore houses furnished apartments for rent in lahore dha lahore phase 6 house for sale house in bahria town lahore plots for sale in lahore pakistan real estate agents in lahore property on rent in lahore furnished house for rent in lahore property investment in lahore house for rent in lahore township house for girvi in lahore land prices in lahore lahore property website property in pakistan bahria town lahore property for sale 2 kanal plot for sale in lahore sale in lahore housing scheme lahore dha house for sale lahore property in dha lahore low cost house for sale in lahore bahria town islamabad house for rent in bahria town lahore property in lahore for rent country homes lahore residential plots for sale in lahore property dealer in lahore plots for sale in lahore on installments property in lahore bahria town dha lahore website property business in lahore house for rent in defence lahore 2 marla house for sale in lahore 10 marla house for sale in dha lahore bahria homes lahore for sale new developments in lahore flat on rent in lahore lahore house rent apartments in lahore for rent room rent in lahore dha city lahore plot prices lahore housing scheme dha plots for sale lahore new homes in lahore pakistan list of property dealers in lahore dha lahore lahore plot prices property in dha small houses for sale in lahore dha plot prices house on rent lahore home for sale lahore property in lahore cantt houses in lahore defence cheap houses for sale in lahore pakistan buy house lahore dha lahore plot for sale homes pakistan . com for sale plot for sale in lahore pakistan houses for rent in lahore defence plots for sale in lahore cantt lahore flats for sale new homes for sale in lahore houses for rent in lahore pakistan houses for rent lahore lahore dha house for sale home rent in lahore plot for sale in lahore cantt karachi property 10 marla house for sale in bahria town lahore rent a flat in lahore prices of houses in bahria town lahore flats in lahore for rent dha lahore phase 7 prices lahore apartments for rent buy plot in lahore property in lahore johar town 4 marla house for sale in lahore rent house lahore dha property lahore property in bahria town lahore dha lahore property rates bahria town lahore property dealers contacts house on sale in lahore apartment for sale in lahore pakistan property dha lahore house 4 sale in lahore cheap houses in lahore for sale bed for sale in lahore new house for sale in lahore new houses for sale in lahore bahria town lahore houses prices new houses for sale in lahore pakistan bahria town lahore 5 marla house for sale house for sale in lahore township dha property dealers lahore dha lahore phase 6 plot prices plots in lahore for sale bahria town lahore estate agents lahore home commercial plots in lahore 5 marla house for sale in dha lahore lahore houses for rent lahore real estates dha plot for sale lahore houses in dha lahore house available for rent in lahore plots for sale in lahore dha house for rent dha lahore plots for sale lahore houses for sale in lahore defence 7 marla house for sale in lahore bahria town lahore prices of plots dha villas for sale commercial property for sale in lahore pakistan house for rent in lahore johar town real estate in pakistan rent in lahore dha plots lahore bahria town lahore property rates pakistani homes for sale buy house in bahria town lahore property prices in lahore dha land for sale lahore lahore pakistan farm house for sale in lahore real estate lahore dha dha phase 7 lahore prices lahore rent a house bahria town lahore plot for sale dha lahore property for sale small house for rent in lahore lahore property dealers list lahore defence houses dha lahore plots prices business in lahore for sale for rent in lahore township lahore house for sale property for sale in lahore dha bahria town lahore home prices lahore plots plots rates in lahore rent homes in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore cantt house on rent in dha lahore home on rent in lahore houses for rent in lahore dha dha houses for sale lahore rent apartment in lahore property for sale in pakistan 2.5 marla house for sale in lahore dha property dealers sale of plot in lahore dha lahore phase 6 prices 5 marla houses for sale in lahore dha house for sale in lahore home lahore lahore dha house sale in lahore cantt flat for sale in lahore pakistan low price plots in lahore house prices in bahria town lahore dha housing lahore new lahore properties flat for sale lahore dha plots for sale property dealers in lahore dha 2 bedroom house for rent in lahore upcoming housing schemes in lahore lahore apartments for sale houses in defence lahore lahore estate agents flats in lahore for sale defence lahore house for sale agriculture land for sale in lahore dha lahore houses defence houses for sale in lahore lahore flats for rent property for sale in dha lahore pakistan housing schemes lahore land in lahore for sale gulberg lahore house for sale plots sale in lahore property dealers in lahore cantt property advisor in lahore house in dha lahore dha lahore house prices house for sale in pakistan lahore new housing projects flats for sale in lahore on installments housing societies in lahore pakistan 5 marla plots for sale in lahore dha rates dha plots for sale in lahore lhr homes dha lahore rates 3.5 marla house for sale in lahore house for sale lahore cantt dha city lahore plot for sale flats for rent in johar town lahore house for girvi in lahore today plots prices in lahore 5 marla house for rent in johar town lahore bahria town cheap houses in lahore house lahore lahorerealestate lahore rent rent lahore plot for sale in dha phase 5 lahore property prices in dha lahore 5 marla house on rent in lahore 3 marla house for rent in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore 2013 houses in pakistan lahore 10 marla plot for sale in bahria town lahore property dealer lahore dha plot prices in lahore plot for sale in dha city lahore lahore housing plots for sale in defence lahore apartments in lahore for sale dha lahore homes for sale house for rent in garden town lahore plot for sale in lahore on installments houses for rent in lahore cantt 10 marla houses for sale in lahore houses in lahore pakistan 2 kanal house for sale in lahore house for sale in lahore 5 marla lahore dha prices beautiful houses in pakistan lahore property prices updates dha phase 1 lahore house for sale houses for sale in pakistan lahore real state rent room in lahore bahria town lahore plots bahria town lahore commercial plots for sale house for sale in lahore bahria town latest plot price in dha phase 7 lahore property trend in lahore dha lahore phase 5 plots for sale cheap housing societies in lahore defence lahore plot prices room for rent in lahore plot for sale bahria town lahore bahria town lahore plots prices 1 kanal plot for sale in lahore plots for sale in dha phase 5 lahore dha lahore plot prices phase 6 house for sale bahria town lahore plot sale lahore aviemore property for sale property pakistan defence lahore houses bahria town lahore homes for sale lahore for sale farmhouse for sale in lahore real estate websites in pakistan lahore real estate dha houses for sale in lahore cantt pakistan pakistan lahore defence city for sale in lahore 5 marla house in lahore dha plot prices lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore on installments dha lahore latest prices 8 marla house for sale in lahore islamabad property for sale 5 marla house for rent in dha lahore 2 kanal house for sale in dha lahore property for sale in bahria town lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore dha 10 marla plots for sale in lahore offices for rent in lahore lahore property schemes house on rent in johar town lahore dha phase 7 lahore plot prices dha defence lahore lahore real estate plots for sale 10 marla house for rent in lahore house for sale township lahore dha in lahore dha lahore 10 marla house for sale chohan real estate lahore lahore bahria town houses for sale 3 marla house for sale in lahore 2013 city estate lahore johar town lahore rent houses houses for rent in johar town lahore plot lahore plot prices in dha lahore phase 7 3 marla houses for sale in lahore property websites in pakistan valencia lahore house for sale plots for sale in lahore bahria town 5 marla plot for sale in dha lahore dha phase 6 plot prices lahore house on rent in lahore johar town furnished apartments in lahore for rent dha phase 6 lahore plots for sale dha lahore upcoming projects real estate in islamabad dha phase 8 lahore plot prices dha lahore plot prices phase 7 10 marla house for rent in johar town lahore dha website lahore rent house in lahore johar town property to rent whitby dha 9 10 files lahore dha lahore plot 5 marla house for rent in bahria town lahore dha 7 lahore prices houses for sale in lahore bahria town dhalahore house for sale in lahore wapda town prices of plots in bahria town lahore dha lahore file prices bahria town lahore house lahore defence skiathos property for sale dha phase 7 plot prices lahore properties in pakistan dha phase 6 lahore plot prices house on rent in lahore cantt plot prices in bahria town lahore rental property in aberdeen cheapest plots in lahore bahria town lahore plot rates rent a house in lahore johar town farm houses for sale in lahore lahore house for sale 10 marla dha lahore phase 6 marla house for sale in lahore bahria town plots for sale lahore dha lahore phase 5 plot prices plots for sale on installments in lahore apartment for rent in lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore johar town plot prices in dha phase 5 lahore house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore 3 marla house for sale in johar town lahore flat for rent in lahore johar town dha lahore phase 11 file price properties in islamabad 12 marla house for sale in lahore defence housing lahore 5 marla house for sale commercial property in newcastle bahria town lahore 5 marla house pakistan houses for sale house for rent in cantt lahore dha pakistan 4 kanal house for sale in lahore plot for sale in dha phase 9 lahore house for sale in lahore on installments phase 7 dha lahore prices bahria town lahore for sale phase 6 dha lahore prices dha plots property for sale in st austell cornwall one kanal house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore house for sale in cantt lahore pakistan house for sale 5 marlas house for sale in lahore latest plot prices in dha phase 7 lahore pakistan property for sale 5 marla house in dha lahore house for sale in lahore installment properties in karachi eme dha lahore plot prices plots for sale in dha phase 6 lahore plot rates in bahria town lahore house for sale on installment in lahore 5 marla house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore house for rent in lahore garden town 5 marla house for rent in wapda town lahore dha lahore phase 7 current prices lahore estate dha 10 marla house for sale in lahore dha eme lahore house for sale lahore realestate 10 marla house for sale in dha phase 5 lahore eden houses for sale in lahore eden homes for sale in lahore rent a house in lahore cantt plot for sale on installment in lahore 10 marla plot for sale in dha lahore lahore dha phase 8 plot prices lahore bahria town plot for sale house on rent in bahria town lahore lahore dha phase 7 plot prices 3 marla house for sale in lahore cantt bahria town plot prices lahore 10 marla house for sale in lahore cantt 1 kanal house for rent in dha lahore house for sale in lahore on installment furnished houses for rent in lahore dha lahore phase 5 house for sale buy property in pakistan rental houses in lahore bahria town plots for sale in lahore prices of plots in phase 6 dha lahore dha estate 3 marla plots for sale in lahore bahria town lahore 1 kanal plot price commercial plots for sale in bahria town lahore 4 marla plot for sale in lahore houses for rent in lahore johar town dha phase 9 5 marla file price rent a house in johar town lahore 10 marla house in dha lahore house for sale pakistan house for sale in lahore sabzazar pakistan real estate websites dha lahore phase 9 plots for sale one kanal house for sale in lahore flat for rent in lahore cantt home for rent in lahore find a instalment property for sale in lahore 5 marla plot for sale in lahore on installments homes for sale in pakistan lahore plot for sale on installment plots for sale in lahore dha phase 6 5 marla house for sale in lahore pakistan lahore real estate discussion homes in pakistan bahria town lahore houses for rent 2 marla plot for sale in lahore 1 kanal plot in bahria town lahore rent house in bahria town lahore 5 marla house in lahore for sale 5 marla houses for sale in bahria town lahore lahore real estate dha phase 9 prices bahria town house for sale in lahore rent house in johar town lahore pakistan property websites farm house land for sale in lahore homes for sale in bahria town lahore lahore dha phase 9 plot prices pakistan property portal 2 kanal house for sale in bahria town lahore plot bahria town lahore dha phase 6 house for sale dha files rates lahore instalment plot in lahore plots for sale in dha phase 9 lahore 5 marla plot in lahore 1 kanal houses for sale in dha lahore farm houses for rent in lahore dha phase 9 lahore plot prices lahore bahria town plot prices defence lahore dha 8 lahore prices plot prices in dha lahore phase 6 5 marla house for sale in garden town lahore furnished house in lahore for rent forres property property sites in pakistan pakistan properties dha 5 lahore property for sale in lahore on installments plot for sale in dha lahore phase 5 home for sale in bahria town lahore property in pakistan islamabad 5 marla plots in lahore price of 5 marla house in bahria town lahore defence phase 8 lahore plots for sale 5 marla house for sale in lahore 2014 pakistani houses for sale 10 marla houses for sale in dha lahore property for sale porto portugal 5 marla housing schemes in lahore 5 marla house for sale lahore property for sale in limoges 5 marla plot for sale in lahore 2013 lahorereal 1.5 marla house for sale in lahore lahore house for sale 5 marla 1 kanal house in dha lahore 3 marla plot in lahore 5 marla home for sale in lahore commercial property for sale in yorkshire 5 marla house sale in lahore plot price in bahria town lahore lahore estates lahore defence phase 6 prices property guide sheffield real estate websites pakistan one kanal plot for sale in dha phase 5 lahore dha lahore plot prices phase 8 pakistan real estate market rental homes in lahore properties for sale in pakistan dha lahore discussion 5 marla plot for sale in park view lahore property for sale pakistan buy property in islamabad pakistan property news house for sale in dha phase 8 lahore bahria town plot for sale lahore 1 kanal houses for sale in lahore 10 marla house for sale in gulberg lahore dha lahore phase 3 plots for sale 3 marla house for sale in lahore 2014 dha phase 6 lahore prices 5 marla houses in lahore bahria town lahore plot lahore cantt houses for sale commercial plot for sale in dha lahore plot prices in lahore housing societies low cost plots in lahore price of 5 marla plot in dha lahore 5 marla house for sale in lahore bahria town buying property in pakistan dha lahore phase 6 10 marla plot prices house for sale in lahore 10 marla dha phase 5 lahore plots for sale pakistan property sites spannish property dha phase 1 house for sale mall of lahore apartments for sale dha plot houses for sale in lahore with pictures lahore real estate maps dha homes lahore plot on sales in bahria town lahore southern property consultants plots for sale in lahore dha phase 9 plot prices in dha phase 7 lahore property sale in pakistan property website in pakistan dha phase 6 prices dha phase 5 lahore prices sales in lahore property for sale chagford 15 marla house for sale lahore lahore property news property prices in pakistan houses in pakistan for sale 3 marla house for rent in johar town lahore property for sale in lahore with pictures pakistan property market house for sale in dha phase 6 lahore pakistan property for sale in islamabad 3 marla house in lahore find a property purley cheapest plot in lahore 1 kanal plot for sale in dha phase 9 lahore pakistan real estate islamabad dha phase 5 lahore plot prices pakistan homes for sale houses for sale pakistan plots in dha phase 7 lahore
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Mianwali (Punjab)
Heating ,Ventilation And Air Conditioning Diploma course in Mainwali ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 HVAC Diploma Course Dina Jhelum Heating ,Ventilation And Air Conditioning Diploma course in Mainwali The Heating and Air Conditioning certificate program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive knowledge of air-conditioning, heating, and refrigeration systems, both residential and commercial, in terms of mastering installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance practices. The heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration programs prepare the individual for a technical service career in residential or light commercial/industrial environmental systems. The student will study the mechanical and electrical/ electronic systems involved in contemporary environmental controls. There are four main types of HVAC systems. There are split systems, hybrid systems, duct-free systems, and packaged heating and air systems. Each of these types of HVAC units have pro's and con's, and knowing these factors can help you decide which is best for you. In the air conditioning industry, the term HVAC is often used instead of AC. HVAC refers to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, whereas AC simply refers to air conditioning. The full form of HVAC is Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. HVAC is a sequence of technologies often used for room temperature, humidity & ventilation management within a given region. It is designed to provide a comfort level and an acceptable standard of indoor air to be used. The design of HVAC systems is the subject of mechanical engineering. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) is an advanced technique ensuring vehicular and indoor environmental comfort. HVAC systems are designed to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. HVAC is an important consideration in residential as well as industrial and official structures. The HVAC-R course will provide students with a basic understanding of the theories of heating, ventilation, A/C ,refrigeration and plumbing. The course includes specific training in the individual components of heating and cooling systems, and instruction in electrical, controls and wiring schematics. The HVAC-R program at SST includes: safety, fittings, soldering, brazing, piping, valves, pumps, electrical circuits, refrigeration, air conditioning, and heating principles and theory. The program will also include the introduction to the theory, design and installation of plumbing. Heating ,Ventilation And Air Conditioning Diploma course in Mainwali HVAC Diploma Course Dina Jhelum Course syllabus: Air conditioning, classification based on construction and operations, Air, Water, Refrigeration, and Heating Systems Design documentation, codes and standards, CADD basics, Thermodynamics, Mathematical calculations, formulas Psycrometrics, air temperature, humidity, Heat Balance of an Ideal Adiabatic Saturation Process heat transfer fundamentals, condensation, thermal insulation, heat radiation and shades, Building envelop Indore and outdoor design considerations, Energy management and control, Load calculations Water Systems, Heating Systems, Furnaces, and Boilers, Refrigerants, Refrigeration Cycles, and Refrigeration Systems and components, Reciprocating, Rotary, Scroll, and Screw Heat Pumps, Heat Recovery, Gas Cooling, and Co-generation Systems Centrifugal, Absorption models of Refrigeration Systems, Sound Control systems Air Conditioning Systems: System Classification, Selection, and Individual Systems Fans, Coils, Filters, and Humidifiers, Air-Handling Units and Packaged Units, Air Duct Design, Air Systems: Basics and Constant-Volume Systems, Variable-Air-Volume Systems, Air Systems: Equipment—Air-Handling Units and Packaged Units Evaporative Cooling Systems and Evaporative Coolers, Space Conditioning Systems Air Conditioning Systems, Thermal Storage Systems HVAC Maintenance Safety engineering, Codes, Standards, Specifications, Compliance, rules and regulations HVAC system is composed of components and equipment arranged in sequence to condition the air, to transport it to the conditioned space, and to control the indoor environmental parameters of a specific space within required limits. In this course, we cover complete scope of HVAC technologies. Heating ,Ventilation And Air Conditioning Diploma course in Mainwali HVAC Diploma Course Dina Jhelum
Rs 123
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Bhimber (Azad Kashmir)
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Course in Muzaffarabad Kashmir AJK 2023 HVAC COURSE IN BHIMBAR KASHMIR AJK Although becoming an HVAC Technician may be challenging for some, it is not too difficult for motivated individuals to learn and train to become HVAC technicians. If you’re good with your hands and are able to dedicate the time to study and learn HVAC principles, you will find training to become an HVAC technician quite achievable. 2023 HVAC COURSE IN BHIMBAR KASHMIR AJK HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Course in Muzaffarabad Kashmir AJK HVAC Training Program description The Heating and Air Conditioning certificate program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive knowledge of air-conditioning, heating, and refrigeration systems, both residential and commercial, in terms of mastering installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance practices. The heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration programs prepare the individual for a technical service career in residential or light commercial/industrial environmental systems. The student will study the mechanical and electrical/ electronic systems involved in contemporary environmental controls. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the systems that regulate and move heated and cooled air throughout residential and commercial buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums. There are pros and cons to every career, and the same goes for an HVAC career. Some of the pros include job security, increased earnings potential, and improved career prospects. However, some of the cons include long hours, on-call work, and difficult working conditions. The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning program prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to install, repair, and maintain commercial and domestic heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems. Instruction includes theory and application of basic principles involved in the conditioning of air (cooling and heating); filtering and controlling humidity; operating characteristics of various units and parts; blueprint reading; use of technical reference manuals; the diagnosis of malfunctions; overhaul, repair, and adjustment of units and parts such as pumps, compressors, valves, springs and connections; and repair of electric, electronic and pneumatic control systems. The use of books, catalogs, and electronic resources are an important component of instruction. HVAC Technician responsibilities: Installing, maintaining, and repairing ventilation and air conditioning systems and equipment. Identifying maintenance risks on equipment. Diagnosing electrical and mechanical faults for HVAC systems. Cleaning, adjusting, and repairing systems, and performing warranty services. HVAC training is not hard to complete. In fact, HVAC is no more difficult to learn than any other trade, but you should be prepared to learn in various ways. Some people assume because HVAC is very hands-on work that, it's possible to learn just by taking a system apart and putting it back together again. Primary HVAC equipment includes heating equipment, ventilation equipment, and cooling or air-conditioning equipment. Central HVAC systems locate away from buildings in a central equipment room and deliver the conditioned air by a delivery ductwork system. The HVAC-R course will provide students with a basic understanding of the theories of heating, ventilation, A/C ,refrigeration and plumbing. The course includes specific training in the individual components of heating and cooling systems, and instruction in electrical, controls and wiring schematics. The HVAC-R program at SST includes: safety, fittings, soldering, brazing, piping, valves, pumps, electrical circuits, refrigeration, air conditioning, and heating principles and theory. The program will also include the introduction to the theory, design and installation of plumbing. 2023 HVAC COURSE IN BHIMBAR KASHMIR AJK HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Course in Muzaffarabad Kashmir AJK Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology, commonly called HVAC-R, is the service and installation of heating and cooling equipment. The main emphasis is on domestic, with some instruction on light commercial. When finished, students will have the EPA's Section 608 Clean Air Act Certification. In addition to these core concepts, the General Education courses required will help ensure individuals have the necessary oral, written, and critical thinking skills to help them with their professional responsibilities. Program Objectives After completing the Heating and Air Conditioning program, you’ll be able to do the following: Identify the common tools and work procedures required to work safely and effectively as heating and air conditioning technicians. Describe the basic theory of the refrigeration cycle and explain the basic scientific principles that apply to the refrigeration cycle. Identify standard refrigerants used in common commercial applications and outline the accepted procedures for safe handling and disposal of common refrigerants. Describe the basic components present in heating and cooling systems and outline the standard techniques used to troubleshoot systems and identify faulty components. Identify the standard forms and functions of popular residential heating systems and describe the basic troubleshooting and repair procedures used for each. 2023 HVAC COURSE IN BHIMBAR KASHMIR AJK HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Course in Muzaffarabad Kashmir AJK Address Detail: ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. For Registration: Email : Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Websites: , , https://icollegete.
Rs 123
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Sadiqabad (Punjab)
A Practical Course in Air Conditioning and Maintenance trains and prepares individuals for entry level positions as service and maintenance technicians in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration. Learning outcomes include: Understand the fundamentals of refrigeration and thermodynamics Understand how to size and select units for different applications Identify and understand the functions of the various components Understand safety requirements during installation and servicing of air conditioning systems, as well as troubleshoot and carry out maintenance of systems A Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic journeyperson fabricates, installs, alters, repairs/services any system used for cooling and/or heating (e.g. heat pumps) in closed systems that contain a refrigerant or a brine and thermoelectric cooling. This includes piping, controls and electrical work. These workers also connect rooftop units to gas and test and balance systems. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician program develop the ability to size, install and maintain building environmental systems for the residential and light commercial sectors. You will gain solid skills and knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of environmental systems in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R). In the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician program students will: Develop the ability to size, install and maintain building environmental systems for the residential and light commercial sectors. Gain solid skills and knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of environmental systems, in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R). Develop practical skills through hands-on experience, working on a wide range of furnaces, air conditioners, refrigeration equipment and other appliances in our labs. Gain competency with industry-ready skills in soldering, wiring and electric control circuitry and troubleshooting for HVAC and gas installations. Use computer-aided design software to assess building heating and cooling requirements, select appropriate equipment and develop HVAC system drawings and specifications for the residential market. Refrigeration and AC Technician Course frameworks are utilized to various purposes. These gadgets are utilized both locally and economically. Here’s a case of homegrown RAC apparatuses – cooler and climate control system that we use at home. Here is a case of business use – Refrigeration and AC Technician Course units utilized in cool stockpiling and labs. On the off chance that you need to turn into a fridge or forced air system specialist, the preparation programs recorded in this post will be of help to you! In this post, you will discover the names of significant Refrigeration and AC Technician Course instructional classes. Aside from the names of courses, you will likewise discover extra subtleties, for example, – qualification, term, expenses and affirmation measure. AC Technician Course is a very important domain of building HVAC service which is having huge demand throughout the world. The following to be applied in a manner consistent with its purpose: Basic concepts of HVAC system, Knowledge about AC components and their working functions, Understanding of refrigeration cycle, Basic knowledge in electrical field. Based upon the precaution checklist one should be capable of installing and also supervising the ease of handling and maintaining of tools. International College of Technical Education. Main office: Office No. 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46,000. Email: Contact: 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949
Rs 123
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Bhakkar (Punjab)
The Air Conditioning and Maintenance Practical Course trains and prepares individuals for entry-level positions as service and maintenance technicians in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. Learning outcomes include: Understand the basics of refrigeration and thermodynamics Understand how to size and select units for different applications Identify and understand the functions of different components Understand the safety requirements during installation and servicing of air conditioning systems, as well as troubleshooting and performing system maintenance A Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic manufactures, installs, modifies, repairs/services any system used for cooling and/or heating (eg heat pumps) in closed systems that contain refrigerant or brine and thermoelectric cooling. This includes piping, controls and electrical work. These workers also connect rooftop units to gas and test and balance systems. The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician program develops the ability to design, install and maintain green building systems for the residential and light commercial sectors. You will gain solid skills and knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of environmentally friendly heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Technician program, students: Develop the ability to design, install and maintain green building systems for the residential and light commercial sectors. Gain solid skills and knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of green heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. Develop practical skills through hands-on experience, working on a wide range of furnaces, air conditioning, refrigeration and other equipment in our laboratories. Get qualified with industry-ready skills in soldering, wiring and electrical control circuits and troubleshooting for HVAC and gas installations. Use computer-aided design software to assess building heating and cooling requirements,select appropriate equipment, and develop HVAC system drawings and specifications for the residential market. Refrigeration and air conditioning course frameworks are used for a variety of purposes. These gadgets are used locally and economically. Here is the case of domestic RAC appliances - refrigeration and air conditioning that we use at home. Here is a business use case - refrigeration and air conditioning technician training units used in cold warehouses and laboratories. In case you need to turn into a refrigerator or air conditioning expert, the preparation programs recorded in this post will help you! In this post, you will discover the names of the significant instructional courses of refrigeration technician and air conditioning technician courses. In addition to the names of the courses, you will also discover other subtleties, for example – qualification, deadline, costs and affirmation measures. Air conditioning technician course is a very important domain of building HVAC services which s in huge demand all over the world. The following must be applied in a manner appropriate to its purpose: Basic concepts of the HVAC system, Knowledge of AC components and their working functions, Understanding of the refrigeration cycle, Basic knowledge in electrical engineering. Based on a checklist of precautions, one should be able to install and also supervise the easy handling and maintenance of tools. International College of Technical Education. Main office: Office No. 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46,000. Email: Contact: 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949
Rs 123
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Muzaffargarth (Punjab)
The Air Conditioning and Maintenance Practical Course trains and prepares individuals for entry-level positions as service and maintenance technicians in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. Learning outcomes include: Understand the basics of refrigeration and thermodynamics Understand how to size and select units for different applications Identify and understand the functions of different components Understand the safety requirements during installation and servicing of air conditioning systems, as well as troubleshooting and performing system maintenance A Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic manufactures, installs, modifies, repairs/services any system used for cooling and/or heating (eg heat pumps) in closed systems that contain refrigerant or brine and thermoelectric cooling. This includes piping, controls and electrical work. These workers also connect rooftop units to gas and test and balance systems. The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician program develops the ability to design, install and maintain green building systems for the residential and light commercial sectors. You will gain solid skills and knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of environmentally friendly heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. In the Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Technician program, students: Develop the ability to design, install and maintain green building systems for the residential and light commercial sectors. Gain solid skills and knowledge in the design, operation and maintenance of green heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. Develop practical skills through hands-on experience, working on a wide range of furnaces, air conditioning, refrigeration and other equipment in our laboratories. Get qualified with industry-ready skills in soldering, wiring and electrical control circuits and troubleshooting for HVAC and gas installations. Use computer-aided design software to assess building heating and cooling requirements, select appropriate equipment, and develop HVAC system drawings and specifications for the residential market. Refrigeration and air conditioning course frameworks are used for a variety of purposes. These gadgets are used locally and economically. Here is the case of domestic RAC appliances - refrigeration and air conditioning that we use at home. Here is a business use case - refrigeration and air conditioning technician training units used in cold warehouses and laboratories. In case you need to turn into a refrigerator or air conditioning expert, the preparation programs recorded in this post will help you! In this post, you will discover the names of the significant instructional courses of refrigeration technician and air conditioning technician courses. In addition to the names of the courses, you will also discover other subtleties, for example – qualification, deadline, costs and affirmation measures. Air conditioning technician course is a very important domain of building HVAC services which is in huge demand all over the world. The following must be applied in a manner appropriate to its purpose: Basic concepts of the HVAC system, Knowledge of AC components and their working functions, Understanding of the refrigeration cycle, Basic knowledge in electrical engineering. Based on a checklist of precautions, one should be able to install and also supervise the easy handling and maintenance of tools. International College of Technical Education. Main office: Office No. 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46,000. Email: Contact: 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949
Rs 123
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Abbottabad (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
ICTE International College of Technical Education. Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : Contact : 051-8736681, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Air conditioning technicians may sometimes be referred to as HVACR technicians and are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. These professionals work in industrial, residential and commercial settings.Air conditioning (AC) technology diploma programs teach students about the function and design of air conditioning systems. These programs discuss the internal workings of AC systems and the different components involved in AC design.Air conditioning technology diploma programs teach students practical skills through hands-on work with actual AC systems. Students learn how to pinpoint problems in these systems and determine the best ways to fix them. They gain an understanding of how to safely work on AC systems, including the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of these systems.Potential students seeking admission to air conditioning technology diploma programs will need a high school diploma or its equivalent. Central AC Technician Course Contents: 1:Heating 2:Refrigeration 3:Sheet Metal 4:Electrical 5:Industrial Safety 6:Communication Across Cultures 7:Gas 8:General Education Elective 9:Computer Applications I 10:Mechanical System I 11:HRAC Welding 12:Industrial Environment Awarness Central air conditioners circulate cool air through a system of supply and return ducts. Supply ducts and registers (i.e., openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings covered by grills) carry cooled air from the air conditioner to the home. This cooled air becomes warmer as it circulates through the home; then it flows back to the central air conditioner through return ducts and registers. To learn how central air conditioners compare to other cooling systems.Air conditioners often use a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied space such as a building or a car to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Electric refrigerant-based AC units range from small units that can cool a small bedroom, which can be carried by a single adult, to massive units installed on the roof of office towers that can cool an entire building. The cooling is typically achieved through a refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation or free cooling is used. Air conditioning systems can also be made based on desiccants (chemicals which remove moisture from the air) and subterraneous pipes that can distribute the heated refrigerant to the ground for cooling. The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Course has been designed to impart skills concerning repair and maintenance of domestic systems.It incorporates the knowledge and skills required to handle present day’s technological advances in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. This diploma course provides the basic information and skills related to servicing, repairing and executing other maintenance tasks on latest and modern domestic refrigerators and a/c systems. AC technician Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan AC Technician Diploma Course in Rawalpindi AC Technician Course in Rawalpindi DAE Three Year Diploma Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan Competency Experience Based Diploma Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Rs 123
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
ICTE International College of Technical Education Pvt. Ltd Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : Contact : 051-6122937, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Air conditioning technicians may sometimes be referred to as HVACR technicians and are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. These professionals work in industrial, residential and commercial settings.Air conditioning (AC) technology diploma programs teach students about the function and design of air conditioning systems. These programs discuss the internal workings of AC systems and the different components involved in AC design.Air conditioning technology diploma programs teach students practical skills through hands-on work with actual AC systems. Students learn how to pinpoint problems in these systems and determine the best ways to fix them. They gain an understanding of how to safely work on AC systems, including the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of these systems.Potential students seeking admission to air conditioning technology diploma programs will need a high school diploma or its equivalent. Central AC Technician Course Contents: 1:Heating 2:Refrigeration 3:Sheet Metal 4:Electrical 5:Industrial Safety 6:Communication Across Cultures 7:Gas 8:General Education Elective 9:Computer Applications I 10:Mechanical System I 11:HRAC Welding 12:Industrial Environment Awarness Central air conditioners circulate cool air through a system of supply and return ducts. Supply ducts and registers (i.e., openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings covered by grills) carry cooled air from the air conditioner to the home. This cooled air becomes warmer as it circulates through the home; then it flows back to the central air conditioner through return ducts and registers. To learn how central air conditioners compare to other cooling systems.Air conditioners often use a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied space such as a building or a car to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Electric refrigerant-based AC units range from small units that can cool a small bedroom, which can be carried by a single adult, to massive units installed on the roof of office towers that can cool an entire building. The cooling is typically achieved through a refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation or free cooling is used. Air conditioning systems can also be made based on desiccants (chemicals which remove moisture from the air) and subterraneous pipes that can distribute the heated refrigerant to the ground for cooling. The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Course has been designed to impart skills concerning repair and maintenance of domestic systems.It incorporates the knowledge and skills required to handle present day’s technological advances in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. This diploma course provides the basic information and skills related to servicing, repairing and executing other maintenance tasks on latest and modern domestic refrigerators and a/c systems. Ac Technician & Refrigeration Course in Bagh Muzaffarabad AJK Central AC Technician Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan HVAC Diploma Certification Short Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan Refrigeration and AC Technician Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan AC technician Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan AC Technician Diploma Course in Rawalpindi AC Technician Course in Rawalpindi DAE Three Year Diploma Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan Competency Experience Based Diploma Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Rs 123
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Dastgir Engineering offers a full selection of new commercial kitchen equipment from nationally known foodservice manufacturers at best prices. Dastgir Engineering can provide the commercial kitchen equipment you need, at prices you can afford. Find everything to outfit a commercial kitchen, including: • Restaurant ranges, convection ovens, • Flat grills & broilers • Bakery & dough equipment • Cookware & kitchen tools • Commercial sinks & dishwashers • Food processors & dough mixers • Wire shelving units • Food storage containers • Cold Storage Machinery • Hotel Equipment & Supplies • HVACR Engineers & Contractors • Kitchen Equipment & Supplies • Commercial Bakery Equipments. • Super Market Equipment. • Meat Shops Dastgir Engineering Co. 12-A, Lahore Road, Saddar Cantt.
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Karachi (Sindh)
Dastgir Engineering offers a full selection of new commercial kitchen equipment from nationally known foodservice manufacturers at best prices. Dastgir Engineering can provide the commercial kitchen equipment you need, at prices you can afford. Find everything to outfit a commercial kitchen, including: • Restaurant ranges, convection ovens, • Flat grills & broilers • Bakery & dough equipment • Cookware & kitchen tools • Commercial sinks & dishwashers • Food processors & dough mixers • Wire shelving units • Food storage containers • Cold Storage Machinery • Hotel Equipment & Supplies • HVACR Engineers & Contractors • Kitchen Equipment & Supplies • Commercial Bakery Equipments. • Super Market Equipment. • Meat Shops Uzma Khan Assistant Marketing Manager Mobile Number: 0322-8628179 Dastgir Engineering Co. 12-A, Lahore Road, Saddar Cantt.
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
ICTE International College of Technical Education. Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 46000. Email : Contact : 051-8736681, 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics install, maintain, repair and overhaul residential central air conditioning systems, commercial and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and combined heating, ventilation and cooling systems.In refrigeration, there is a transfer of thermal energy from a place at a cold temperature to a place at a higher temperature. In AC, thermal energy is taken away to keep the air at a cool temperature. Parts. The refrigeration parts include a compressor, condenser, and evaporator in one unit.The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Course has been designed to impart skills concerning repair and maintenance of domestic systems.It incorporates the knowledge and skills required to handle present day’s technological advances in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Servicing NC III (Packaged-type air-conditioning unit / Commercial refrigeration equipment) is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in installing, servicing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing air-conditioning and refrigeration units in commercial.Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing. and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest branch of the engineering disciplines.HVAC/R can be an excellent career. HVAC/R technicians often enjoy substantial job growth, pay, and career advancement opportunities. They can also find satisfaction in keeping their customers comfortable and helping to fill the skills gap the country currently faces.The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) program provides students with the education and training to enter careers as climate control technicians. It is offered with a two-year or three-year track because of the large number of credits required.HVAC is in high demand. People and businesses depend on these systems and must keep them in good working order, regardless of economic conditions. As a result HVAC is a recession-proof career.This multi-disciplinary program includes heating, ventilation, refrigeration, air conditioning and electricity. Through problem solving, inquiry and analysis skills gained while in the HVAC program, students are prepared to become industry leaders. Upon satisfactory completion, the graduate is prepared to enter the field to design, install, service, maintain and troubleshoot residential and commercial HVAC systems.AC Technicians are concreted more in one area – Air Conditioning. AC Technicians are involved in repairing, installing and maintaining air conditioners in both residential and commercial settings. The AC Technician Resume lists core tasks such as – responding immediately to calls for repairs on Ac’s; asking customers and determining the exact problems, installing AC’s at both homes and offices, testing installed air conditioner functionalities and working, performing regular maintenance tasks, replacing old parts and educating customers on how to use Ac’s efficiently.Required skills and abilities to work as an AC Technician include – physical agility, problem-solving skills, strong customer-service orientation, a thorough knowledge of varying mechanical layout, electrical work knowledge and knowledge of handling complex AC systems. It is imperative for candidates to have a diploma in Electrical Engineering, and also hold relevant certification and licensure that may be required for this role. Diploma in Ac Technician Course in Peshawar Pakistan Ac Technician & Refrigeration Course in Bagh Muzaffarabad AJK Central AC Technician Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan HVAC Diploma Certification Short Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan Refrigeration and AC Technician Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan AC technician Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan AC Technician Diploma Course in Rawalpindi AC Technician Course in Rawalpindi DAE Three Year Diploma Course in Rawalpindi Pakistan Competency Experience Based Diploma Course In Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Rs 123
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