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Jhelum (Punjab)
AKC-Jhelum: Ielts, Jhelum, toefl, tefl, it courses, development, marketing, ielts exam, ielts test, british council, Jhelum, kharian, gujrat, ielts courses, tefl courses, computer basic courses, ms office. The college works hard and consistently to help individuals looking assistance in the courses as follows: English Language Courses: UK Marriage/SpouseLife Skills A1 Classes: IELTS Life Skillsis a testing service designed to test and certify the English speaking and listening skills of the individuals trying to apply for UK Spouse visa. Levels: IELTS Life Skills is categorised into 2 levels: A1 Speaking and Listening: This level is designed for the applicants having a settled person in the UK such as a family member, relative, or Spouse. The duration for A1 Speaking and Listening is 16-18 minutes. Here at AKCJhelum, we provide all the necessary guidance required for A1 UK visa application and testing criteria. B1 Speaking and Listening: This level is designed for the applicants who are applying for an indefinite visa to stay in the UK and ask for citizenship. Its duration is 22 minutes. Who should apply for the test? 1. Spouse of a settled citizen 2. An applicant already living in the UK and looking for permanent residency (Indefinite) To test the everyday communication skills of the applicant, the test is comprised of small discussions on subjects like Background information, Relatives and friends, Work, Transportation, Training, Housing, Weather and Education. The focus for the A1 test level should be on: 1. Listening and responding to spoken language 2. It may include questions, instructions, statements, narrations, etc., 3. Opinion and knowledge on a certain topic 4. Communication with another person about a given topic IELTS: International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an international standard test for the analysis of adequate language proficiency required for survival in foreign countries. Testing rules include: 1. There is no minimum score to pass the IELTS 2. Test results are given to all candidates from 1 (Poor knowledge) to 9 (Expert candidates) 3. Each institution accept scores respective to their criteria Structure: The structure of the IELTS test is: Listening: The listening section has further 4 sections. It lasts for 40 minutes (The recording is played for 30 mins. And 10 minutes to deliver the answers) • In the break, the applicants can look through the remaining questions. • Each section can only be heard once Reading: In theacademic module, Reading has: • 3 sections • 3 tests • 13 or 14 questions While in the general test module: there are 3 sections, the tests are shorter, and 5 tests are conducted for reading. Reading section lasts for 60 minutes. Writing: Intheacademic module, there are two tasks to be completed. Applicants are given a diagram, graph, process, or chart to explain or they have to write a response to a given argument. Writing section of the test has the duration of 60 minutes Speaking: The speaking module contains 3 sections. In section 1, an interview is conducted to ask the candidate’s hobbies, interests, general topics, reasons fortaking IELTS etc. In section 2, a topic card is given to the candidate on which he/she has to speak about it after 1 minute of thinking. Section 3 involves a discussion between the candidate and the examiner, generally about section 2. Takes 11-14 minutes to complete. Duration: The first 3 modules are completed in their respective order within one day without any break. Speaking module may be takenbefore or after the completion of theother 3 modules. 2 hours and 45 minutes are divided as per mentioned above. Who should take the test? The test is designed into two different versions: Academic Version: This version is for: • University enrolment and higher education seekers • Medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, health coordinators to practice in a foreign country General Training Version: This version is designed for candidates who: • Seek professional work experience • Non-academic training • Immigration purposes TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a platform to teach the English language in foreign countries. TEFL is also referred to as: • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) • English Language Teaching (ELT) • English as a Second Language (ESL) TEFL/TESOL isoften confused as two different domains. However, both terms are interchangeable since Teaching English as a foreign language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages hold the same cause that is to teach English to non-native speakers. Leading professionals have made some standards for a TEFL certificate, these standards include: • At least 100 hours of coursework • At least 6-20 hours of practicum (live practice teaching and observation with actual non-native English speaker and NOT role-playing with fellow TEFL classmates) • An accredited curriculum from a recognised, independent organisation within the field • Instruction provided by a qualified instructor (who has an equivalent to a master’s degree in TESOL or related field) TOEFL: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the testing service required by many academic institutes when applying from a non-native country. It is certified proof that the candidate can speak/use proper English when they are in a foreign institute. Additionally, it may be required by: • Government agencies • Scholarship programs • Licensing bodies • Business Facts about TOEFL: • Only valid for two years • Most recent TOEFL scores are preferred by the institutes • TOEFL is registered under the trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) • Administered worldwide • Examiners teams have a committee including 12 specialists in language testing, linguistics, research, or teaching • Examiners ensure that test content is a proper measure to analyse the language proficiency of the applicant Structure of TOEFL: The 4 sections are categorised as: Reading: o Comprised of 34 passages o Each passage has 700 words o There are questions against each passage o Passages are mostly undergraduate academic level Listening: o Comprised of 6 passages with questions o 35 minutes long o Two conversations between student and examiners - Heard only once - Five related questions o Four academic lectures/discussions - Lecture may require participation from the student - Six related questions Speaking: o Comprised of 6 tasks o Two tasks involve the candidate’s opinion on different given topics o Remaining tasks involve reading a short passage course or a conversation about life atthecampus and answer accordingly o Digitally recorded responses sent to 3 to 6 examiners at ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN) for grading Writing: o Comprised of 2 tasks o In the integrated task, a passage is read by the candidate o Speaker discussesthe same topic o Candidate will have to write a composed summary of the main points of the passage they read relating to the points they heard from the speaker o The other task involves writing an essay showing their opinion, explained with valid reasoning and choices. o Responses examined by ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN) Course Content: For TOEFL, AKCJhelum has developed a special curriculum meeting all the test requirements. The content includes training to guide candidates of standard procedures. Online courses: AKC Jhelum provides following online courses: Spoken English: • Speaking English in public makes you nervous? • Unable to speak fluent English? • Want to present your opinion but do not know how to use proper words? Even if any one of these is your concern, you can rely on us. We will help you out with AKC Jhelum’s online English language course with thefollowing outline: • English for everyday situation • Basic Grammar • Proper use of functional English • Dialogues, conversations, and discussions • Listening Skills • Reading Skills • Writing Skills Urdu: Derived fromtheTurkish language and having a meaning of “Army”. Urdu was recognised as a separate language during the reign of the Mughals. With our field experts at AKC Jhelum, you can get all the guidance you need. It represents the culture and traditions of the sub-continent making it a great asset for the country and the people who speak it. Our comprehensive Urdu learning program comprises all genres of Urdu literature including poetry, novel, biographies, dramas, and the use of Urdu worksheets for effective learning. IT courses: Basic Fundamental of Computers: Taking this course, Basic fundamentals introduce you to learn: • Basics of Computers • Introducing material • Uses of Computers • Applications of Computers • Its advantages and disadvantages • How computers work • Answers to what, when, and why • How operating system works • Input-output learning • Internet and its benefits Basic Computer Repairing Every machine needs maintenance with specific repairing requirements. That is why it is important for computer, laptop, tablet users to learn about the basic repairing and up-gradation techniques. Such skills are: • Installation of Windows and other software • Antivirus installation and scanning. • Customisation of software • Replacement of RAM, hard disk, DVD drive, power supply Microsoft Word: The first professional computer application to learn is Microsoft Word. It is important because it will help you in creating, editing documents, live document sharing, and editing, etc. That is why almost 90% of businesses, educational institutes, companies, freelancers, writers, teachers, and students use Microsoft word for: • Writing documents • Editing works • Online collaboration, • Sharing and document management It is important that you learn this application software so that it will help you in document writing and editing personally and professionally. Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel application is another basic computer application that is used to perform mathematical, logical, functional, financial, and business calculations. Mostly it is used in Windows and MAC-OS but nowadays you can use it in Android and iOS as well. The Importance of Microsoft Excel for Students is that they understand how they can perform daily life calculations. Website Creation In this century, having your own website is like an ID or Identity proof. It can be a blog website, portfolio website, business website, or so on. If you can create content and are able to publish valuable content consistently on your website, then it will turn into a business and income source. And it is important to teach such skills as early as possible for students especially when they are doing a basic computer course or any kind of IT-related degree. So if you want to learn about website creating skills and build your own first website then we can help you out. Internet research and learning and earning skills: The use of the internet is not determined by an individual’s ability to use Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram. It is to learn about: • How a usercan reduce the cost of marketing using the internet • How students can use the internet to reduce the cost of offline tuition classes • How housewives can learn and work from home • How students can do online jobs, how anyone can start an online business. • How internet works, who is behind it, who controls, how it controlled etc • How the internet is beneficial for humans • What are its advantages and disadvantages of the internet s Practically, our tutors here at AKC Jhelum teach you how to research, how to use net banking, how to pay and buy on an eCommerce website to prevent frauds, how to operate various internet applications and how they can develop similar applications and most importantly, protect privacy and data. Online Security and Privacy The use of the internet is increasing day by day. The increment is in the use of the Internet forsocial media, ecommerce, online education, digital communication, digital banking, online business and digital marketing. It is providing lots of benefits for common people, organisations, governments, and businesses. We help individuals to learn and detect frauds, privacy leakages, data scraping, theft, corruption, humiliation, pornography, and many other things. That is why it is important to learn about online security and privacy. Visa Consultant Jhelum: Getting a visa can be a challenging task. There are special requirements and different forms of documentation needed to get a visa to enter the United Kingdom and one wrong move could cost you the entire application process, money, and valuable time. AKC specialises in securing visas and we understand that this process is so tricky that you might want to give up. Without the proper assistance, it can be a waste of money or even worse a refusal stamp on your passport. Now, to save you from that hassle AKC specialises in making this difficult task easy and stress-free. Whether you need a visitor/settlement/spouse/work permit visa or a Student visa, we will help you with the UK visa process. We have worked with several clients to provide the best services possible for them and their cases have successfully been retrieved making it an accomplishment for the AKC Visa consultancy portal. We work with experience and knowledge to deliver what is considered best in your regard. You are welcome to discuss any immigration-related problem confronting you. Appointments for initial discussions are not compulsory so you feel free to walk in for an informal chat with us at any time. Our team has expertise in providingthe client’spractical needs, efficient and systematic solutions to their legal queries. Our experts are multilingual that is all members can speak Urdu, English, and Punjabi so that whatever is easy for you can be the medium of conversation. We care about our client’s confidentiality and work in different ways not to compromise it. We respect and understand the outcome desired by our clients and we ensure that all the requirements for successful results are put into effect while ensuring that the quality is not compromised in the process.
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Lasbela (Balochistan)
Spouse visa test A1 for uk pass with 100% Guarantee German Spouse visa test A1 in pakistan 03214299028 04235914568 BELS COLLEGE of English Language is approved Training & Test Centre in Pakistan for Afghanistan and Licensed Conveyancer of UKBA for UK Marriage Visa, English A1 Level Test . TOEIC PTE ESOL TOFEL IBT Candidates who want to join their husbands/wives (spouses/partners/fiances) in UK must register for this UKBA and British High Commission approved A1 test and students & work permit holder can register for B1 & B2 / C1 & C2 from any city of Pakistan, even from neighboring countries Afghanistan/Tajikistan. Good News for Students: Our B1 & B2 Certificates acceptable by all UK Governmental and none-Governmental college & Universities and its very easy as compare to IELTS. These tests are registered by UK Border Agency as well. Candidates can register and prepare your test online. (Online Tuition/Preparation/training available) 100% Guaranteed successful result for A1 spouse visa English Test. Admission Requirements: To book your test Just e-mail us » Scan of Current Passport. » Scan of CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card), » Scan of Passport Size recent Photograph (with White Background). Our Features : » UKBA Registered Tests acceptable in British High Commission » Certificate valid for 2 years » Result announced just after 6 days of test » No Age Limit » No Prior Qualification Requirement » 100% Success Rates » Free Syllabus » Free Preparation » Lowest Fee in Pakistan » Registered Test & Training Center for Pakistan » Online Preparation for students of other cities Contact Details For Registration Of Test . Contact Musammad Yaseen BELS COLLEGE 1-A Faiz Road old Muslim Town Lahore 03214299028 04235914568
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Oxforcadets ! ( Located in Gulberg iii Lahore ) an online educational institute for worldwide students We don't have any concern where do you live or reside' if you are with some skills, let update us to update you with some new updates. we offer six to ten students group to a single tutor at their own place to teach them their specific single subject in daily fixed time routine for which we are working online experts and educationist who may come forward to fulfill the dream of those students who are waiting us to continue their studies class and they will have to appear in different online competitive exam or tests in their own countries. we need males/ females and subject specialists who have some experience in teaching before. We will detail them for the students of different grades subjects to teach them and students are of online schools / online colleges and as well as professional degree program holding worldwide universities. Oxfordcadets require the services of some professional tutors who are competent and have a grip on their subjects interested ladies and gents or she males may visit us for more on our web site help line and submit your cv there we need online professionals for our online educational institute. interested are required to send their cv. be heard we need only professional subject specialist for online worldwide universities students studies recovery. for more information and question visit our web site help leave your message and we will update you at the same moment there, looking online jobs students having M.Phil degrees with continued in uni may ad us on our skype id mentioned below' with best regards' Saba Noor' administrator' Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore whatsap 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 9 9 0 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 600
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Hotel & Hospitality Management Online Diploma Course in Islamabad Rawalpindi Lahore Faisalabad Multan O3165643400, O3119903317, Hotel & Hospitality Management Online Diploma Course in Islamabad Rawalpindi Lahore Faisalabad Multan O3165643400, O3119903317, Hotel & Hospitality Management Course in Islamabad Hospitality management is the study of the hospitality industry. A Diploma in the subject may be awarded either by a Institute or college dedicated to the studies of hospitality management or a business school with a relevant department. Diploma in hospitality management may also be referred to as hotel management, hotel and tourism management, or hotel administration. Degrees conferred in this academic field include BA, Bachelor of Business Administration, BS, BSc, MS, MBA, and PhD. Hospitality management covers hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, amusement parks, destination marketing organizations, convention centers, and country clubs. Course Outline: 1. Food & Beverage Operations 2. Accommodations 3. Restaurant Operations 4. Human Resource Management 5. Tourism 6. Sales and Marketing Hotel & Hospitality Management Course in Islamabad Hospitality management is the study of the hospitality industry. A Diploma in the subject may be awarded either by a Institute or college dedicated to the studies of hospitality management or a business school with a relevant department. Diploma in hospitality management may also be referred to as hotel management, hotel and tourism management, or hotel administration. Degrees conferred in this academic field include BA, Bachelor of Business Administration, BS, BSc, MS, MBA, and PhD. Hospitality management covers hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, amusement parks, destination marketing organizations, convention centers, and country clubs. Course Outline: 1. Food & Beverage Operations 2. Accommodations 3. Restaurant Operations 4. Human Resource Management 5. Tourism 6. Sales and Marketing
Rs 30.000
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9 photos

Karachi (Sindh)
Saints Bookstore online is your place for Seward County Community College textbooks, gear and supplies. Buy or sell used and new textbooks (
Rs 100
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Karachi (Sindh)
Computerized accounting software Peachtree, Quick books, Tallt ERP, Online ERP, Advance Excel. I am offering all type of Accounting Software training / Consultancy at your Office, Factory & Home. A Professional Accountant, MBA Qualified, Certified, Awarded & 12 years Experienced Teacher/ Consultant from Textile, Foods, Advertising, Printing Press Industries, Importer of Computers / Electronic Items, Property Dealer, Marble Exporter & Yarn Manufacturing Industries, already Lecturer in a Known well Institute/ College in Karachi named (Academy of Excellence / Excellence Intermediate College) offering you all to teach at your Office, Factory & Home. I have already provided my services to many companies / Industries in Pakistan & my students are mostly in Dubai, Ajman, S. Arab, Bahrain, South Africa, USA, Canada & South Korea. Feel free to contact me. Thanks & Regards Muhammad Asif Memon Karachi. Cell # 0321-2261353 & 0332-2208141 E-Mail:
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Karachi (Sindh)
MBA qualified teacher for quick books, peachtree, tally ERP, online ERP Accounts Software. Asslam-o-Alyekum Hi Dear All, A Professional Accountant, MBA Qualified, Certified, Awarded & 12 years Experienced Teacher/ Consultant from Textile, Foods, Advertising, Printing Press Industries, Importer of Computers / Electronic Items, Property Dealer, Marble Exporter & Yarn Manufacturing Industries, already Lecturer in a Known well Institute/ College in Karachi named (Academy of Excellence / Excellence Intermediate College) offering you all to teach at your Office, Factory & Home. My students are mostly in Dubai, Ajman, S. Arab, Bahrain, South Africa, USA, Canada & South Korea. Please see the below detail of those Companies where I have already thought these software And I have also their Certificates. 1- M/s. Amour Textile Industries (Pvt.) Limited. (Exporter of Textile) Peachtree – 2007 (Completed) 2- M/s. Nacisey (Pvt.) Ltd. (Food Industry) Quick Books – 2011 (Completed) 3- M/s. TransformaX (Unilever Pakistan & Engro Foods Advertising Agency Vendor) Peachtree – 2010 (Completed) 4- M/s. Sana Enterprises. (Printing Press Ind. / GSK Pharmaceutical Vendor) Peachtree – 2007 (Completed) 5- M/s. Base System (Dubai Base Company Importer of Computers / Laptops Accessories) Peachtree - 2014 (Completed) 6- M/s. Legal Aid Society (NGO Organization) - Quick Books - 2014 (Completed) 7- M/s. SMB Marble Company (Exporter of Marble) – Peachtree – 2007 (Continued) 8- M/s. Syco Advertising Agency – Quick Books – 2010 (Continued) 9- M/s. Al-Razaq Fibers (Pvt.) Limited (Manufacturer & Trader of Yarn) – Peachtree Quantum 2010 (Continued) I am offering you Peachtree Complete, Tally ERP-9 Complete Quick Books Complete & Advance Excel Complete Computerized Accounting Software according to Pakistan Government Rules, FBR Tax Regulations, Complete Payroll with EOBI & Soc. Security & also Complete Inventory Manufacturing with FOH & Control System & its Valuation & Costing Report & many more. We also provide you Sales Tax, Income Tax & E-Filing Consultancy. Note: Peachtree-2007, 2010 & Quick Books all Versions are available with Original License, Serial & Reg. Code. We may also provide Quick Books & Tally ERP-9 License for all versions in Pakistan. We also provide Accountant, IT related & Net Working related person for Your Company & Factory. If you are interested to learn These Precious Courses than do not hesitate to contact us to our Contacts. We ensure you will learn complete courses. You may also contact us through E-Mail for Course Outline. Thanks & Regards Muhammad Asif Memon Karachi. Cell # 0321-2261353 & 0332-2208141 E-Mail:
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Pakistan (All cities)
DESCRIPTION Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books is the No 1 Medical Book shop in Pakistan. We deal in all kind of Medical Books Online for MBBS, BDS, FCPS, USMLE and many other medical exams books at economical prices. Website: Address: Opp Main Gate Fatima jinnah medical college Shop# 10, Fatima Center Queen's Road, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan-51500 Opp Main Gate Fatima Jinnah Medical College Shop# 10,, Fatima Center Queen's Road, 51500, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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As per new UK immigration laws, any migrant applying to enter the UK or applying to remain in the UK as the partner of a British citizen will need to show that they can speak and understand English. For this purpose, all candidates must have to appear in level A1 English language test authorized by UK border agency (UKBA).Spouse visa test A1 for UK pass with 100% Guarantee 03214299028 , 04235914568 BELS COLLEGE of English Language is approved Training & Test Centre in Pakistan for Afghanistan and Licensed Conveyancer of UKBA for UK Marriage Visa, English A1 Level Test . ETS City & Guilds TOEIC PTE ESOL TOFEL IBT Candidates who belong to the following areas Candidates who want to join their husbands/wives (spouses/partners/fiances) in UK must register for this UKBA and British High Commission approved A1 test and students & work permit holder can register for B1 & B2 / C1 & C2 from any city Lowest Fee in Pakistan » Registered Test & Training Center for Pakistan » Online Preparation for students of other cities Contact Details For Registration Of Test . Contact Musammad Yaseen Email: BELS COLLEGE 1-A Faiz Road old Muslim Town Lahore 0321-4299028 04235914568 Email: of Pakistan.
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Learn to speak English with simple Vocabulary using and common pronunciation . Being a student or employee you should be able to talk in English. But question is how to talk in English, how a student of fifth grade can learn to talk in English. Adopting English as a second language is an easy talk; a student can learn how to talk in English in 30 days. Even if a new learner can also talk fluently in English. While chatting with international friends you need online talk in English. For most instances these desire “i want to talk in English” increase. For this reason BELS COLLEGE has launched learn English in 30 days course for the students who want to learn to talk in English in 30 days. BELS COLLEGE 1-A FAIZ ROAD OLD MUSLIM TOWN LAHORE 04235914568, 03214299028
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Lahore (Punjab)
Learn Spanish Language just in 2 months Bels college is the best Spanish language institute in Lahore DELE Course certificate a1 Pass with Guarantee Spanish is a second Largest Language in the word Spanish Classes, Spanish Course, Online Spanish, Spanish Material, #Spanish in Lahore, Spanish in Gujranwala, Spanish in Gujrat, Spanish in Faisalabad Morning and Evening Class Qualified Trainer BELS COLLEGE 1_A Faiz Road Old Muslim Town Lahore 03214299028, 04235914568
Rs 20.000
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Lahore (Punjab)
Learn German Language just in 40 Dys Presenting out to you the finest German language learning course designed specially according to your level and interests. .#Best #german #institute in #Lahore,Multan, #Faisalabad, #Gujranwala, #Sialkot, #Gujrat, #Kasur, Okara, #Sahiwal, This course is designed for people who want to learn German from the very beginnings. Our detailed online german lectures covering every aspect of the language will make you learn German in a very friendly manner.Bels college is the best german language institute . After the successful completion of course you will be able to speak, write and read German with great ease. Our courses are being taught by reputed corporate trainers of German language and will make you understand the language from very basics. This course is for those people who are learning German Language for the first time. This course will also prepare you for the Max Mueller Bhavan / Goethe Institue A1 Level Certification exam. The Language Certifications are valid throughout the world, and A1, A2 levels for the elementary user validates a basic knowledge of German and a “survival” level for daily life. You will also get another complete course from A1 till C1 levels along with this course. BELS COLLEGE 1-A faiz road Old Muslim town Lahore 03214299028 04235914568
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Bahawalpur (Punjab)
Candidate must be self motivated and target oriented. Students, housewives, unemployed and everyone can apply and earn money easily setting at home. We have online add posting and online data entry jobs for you. We give 100% payment guaranty. u pay our people on weekly bases and provide jobs to all For More Details Visit Our Website: Phone: +923349742772, Skype id : Pureonline2
Rs 17.500
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Oxfordcadets, J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore ! Visit us to prepare your beloved interested child for armed cadet colleges Grade 7-8Th Written Admission Test held in different national cities of Pakistan We also provide result oriented Professional Home Tutors for your child's studies recovery and base grooming. Parents willing to join oxfordcadets school and evening academy may join us and admit their children for better skills recovery and preparation of such cadets colleges students may also join us on skype oxfordcadets We teach basics to special and slow learning children and recover their studies Base problems Later when they are well groomed they take part in international kangaroo linguistics and such other activities by this way not only their own confidence develop but also enable their selves for other competitive online and armed forces written test exam our professional develop your beloved children urdu/english language' spoken' vocabulary and make their poor Handwriting pattern accurate, much impressive and fast' they are paved a special attention for mathematics and General Science Subjects main concepts We offer them puzzle games and enhance their G.know with the help of helpful books material To see an Unbelievable Amazing iQ Skills recovery you may visit on any day any time our new session will be started in April for new classes for more information and for Home Tutor please make a call on our whatsap 333 4 6 - 3 3 - 9 9-0 jaz 3 0 7 4 4 7 7 9 9 0 Regards from' Oxfordcadets' Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii lahore
Rs 9.000
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At BELS COLLEGE A1 Test Classes has started.Online registration is also available .Lowest fee in Pakistan .British Council affiliated Certificates . 1-A Faiz Road Old Muslim Town Lahore, 03214299028/04235914568
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Lahore (Punjab)
IELTS Life Skills is available at A1 and B1 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This is an international standard used around the world to describe learners’ language skills. Life Skills A1 Classes in Online Center, can give you an Opportunity to meet your loved ones abroad .We help the Student to Prepare the Speaking and Listening Test. Students can Pass Test with flying colors We have Experienced Teacher . How long is the test? For IELTS Life Skills you only need to attend one short session to complete the test. The times allowed for each level are: IELTS Life Skills - A1 Speaking and Listening 16–18 minutes IELTS Life Skills - B1 Speaking and Listening 22 minutes Bels College 1-A FAIZ ROAD OLD MUSLIM TOWN LAHORE CONT : 0-4-2-3-5-9-1-4-5-6-8 / 0-3-2-1-4-2-9-9-0-2
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Lahore (Punjab)
Pass with 100% GUARANTEE Learn Korean with our experienced native instructors in an enjoyable and sociable learning environment. We offer internationally accredited Korean language courses from beginner to advanced levels. Korean language in Lahore, Korean language in sheikhupura, Korean language in Farooq abad, Korean language in Okara, Korean Language in Sahiwal,Korean language course Lahore Korean Language for EPS TOPIK / KLPT Test Korean Language Training for beginners Korean Language Course for Intermediate Korean Language for Advanced Learners Master Hangul - the Korean alphabet Korean Language Flash Cards Korean Language E-books Korean Training Videos Weekend classes available Online classes available BELS COLLEGE 1-A Faiz Road Old Muslim Town Lahore 03214299028 04235914568 from Mar 1st
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Pakistan (All cities)
DESCRIPTION Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books is the No 1 Medical Book shop in Pakistan. We deal in all kind of Medical Books Online for MBBS, BDS, FCPS, USMLE and many other medical exams books at economical prices. Website: Address: Opp Main Gate Fatima jinnah medical college Shop# 10, Fatima Center Queen's Road, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan-51500 Mention that you found this ad on when you call.
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Nursing Nutrition Medicine and Medical Biosciences Midwifery Counseling Dental Surgery Dental Sciences Dental Hygiene International Dentist Education Medical Sciences Pharmacy Clinical Laboratory Sciences Medicine and Medical Biosciences Midwifery Nursing Nutrition Occupational Therapy Paramedic Studies Pharmacy and Bio-Medical Sciences Radiography Dietetics and Nutrition Emergency Health Sciences Occupational Therapy Medical Courses Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Studies Public Health Public Health Administration Public Health Nutrition Management Philosophy in Nursing Applied Physics Applied Chemistry Food Science & Technology Inorganic Chemistry Botany Psychology Health & Human Sciences Health Administration Molecular Biology Applied Psychology Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Mycology and Plant Pathology Physics with Computer Science Pharmaceutics Pharmacology Pharmacognosy Pharmaceutical Chemistry Clinical Psychology Emergency Medical Technician Fitness and NutritioPrimary Teaching Day Care Center Management Early Childhood Care and Education School Management College Management University Management Office Administration Banking Courses Business and Accounting Business Studies Combined Studies Entrepreneurship Development Cost and Management Accounting Business and Information Technology Banking and Finance Specialization in Finance Financial Accounting Financial Management General Banking Islamic Banking Commercial Banking International Banking and Finance Micro Financing Macro Financing Risk Management Personal Banking Consumer Lending Commercial Landing General Banking Financial Management Banking Management Commercial Banking and Stock Exchange Money, Banking and Finance Banking Courses Treasury S Investment Banking Syndicate Financing Islamic Syndicate Financing Corporate Finance Equality Financing Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Financial Management Income Tex and Sale Tex Business Feasibility Reports Financial Accounting Accounting and Finance Business Accounting and Finance Computerized Accounting System Corporate Auditing Managerial Accounting Managerial Finance Working Capital Management Management Courses Management Principles Communication Skills Mass Communication Business Administration Information and Operational Management Management Public Administration Business Communication Quality Management Total Quality Management Quality and Performance Management Development Support Communication Business Economics Communication Studies Communication Studies(Professional Track) Communication Studies(Development Journalisms) Human Resource Development Human Resource Management Human Resource Practitioner Managing Human Resources Professionalism in HRM Human Resource and Personal Management Humanities Humanities and Social Sciences Management Courses Project Planning and Control Management Project Management Project Management Professional Project Planning and Control Project Planning and Management Project Management Information System Project Implementation Management Project Resource Management Total Quality Management International Relations Local Government Diplomacy & Strategies Studies Criminology and Security Studies Criminology and Security Studies (Self-Supporting) Entrepreneurship Development International Affairs Political Science Philosophy Social and Cultural Studies Social Work Social Sciences Sport Science Sociology Sociology and Sociocultural Studies Fashion & Media Digital Media Fashion Designing Fashion Business Fashion Media and Communication Fashion Marketing Media & Cultural Studies Media Studies Multimedia Music Music Technology Performing Arts Fine Arts Theatre Arts Photography Art and Design Arts and Crafts Drawing Master Graphic Designing Graphic Arts Painting Master Textile Designing Interior Design Television Production Multimedia and Graphic Arts Hotel Industry International Hotel Management Executive Hotel Management Hospitality Managementn Health Education Medical AssistantGilgit Baltistan[edit] Gilgit Skardu Ghangche Shigar Astore Diamer Ghizer Kharmang Gultari Rondo Hunza Nagar Gupi Azad Jammu and Kashmir[edit] Muzaffarabad Mirpur Bhimber Kotli Rawlakot Bagh Federally Administered Tribal Areas[edit] Alizai Bara Darra Adam Khel Ghulam Khana mehrabpur Jamrud Khaar Landi Kotal Makeen Mir Ali Miranshah Parachinar Razmak Sadda Wana Abbottabad Adezai Alpuri Akora Khattak Ayubia Banda Daud Shah Bannu Batkhela Battagram Birote Chakdara Charsadda Chitral Daggar Dargai Dera Ismail Khan Doaba Dir Drosh Hangu Haripur Karak Kohat Kulachi Lakki Marwat Latamber Madyan Mansehra Mardan Mastuj Mingora Nowshera Paharpur Pabbi Peshawar Saidu Sharif Shewa Adda Swabi Swat Tangi Tank Thall Timergara Tordher Cherat Risalpur Rank City Population (2004) District Latitude Longitude 01 Quetta 6,533,500 Quetta District 30.21°N 67.02°E 02 Khuzdar 1,085,000 Khuzdar District 27.80°N 66.60°E 03 Turbat 792,000 Kech District 25.99°N 63.07° 04 Chaman 76,300 Qilla Abdullah District 30.92°N 66.44°E 05 Hub 174,300 Lasbela District 06 Sibi 256,200 Sibi District 29.55°N 67.87°E 07 Zhob 51,600 Zhob District 31.35°N 69.44°E 08 Gwadar 51,100 Gwadar District 25.14°N 62.33°E 09 Dera Murad Jamali 144,000 Nasirabad District 10 Dera Allah Yar 43,400 Jaffarabad District 11 Usta Mohammad 143,300 Jaffarabad District 28.18°N 68.05°E 12 Loralai 37,200 Loralai District 30.36°N 68.60°E 13 Pasni 32,600 Gwadar District 25.27°N 63.45°E 14 Kharan 130,400 Kharan District 28.57°N 65.42°E 15 Mastung 28,600 Mastung District 29.80°N 66.85°E 16 Nushki 127,300 Nushki District 29.56°N 66.01°E 17 Kalat 226,300 Kalat District 29.03°N 66.58°E Ahmadpur East Ahmed Nager Chatha Ali Khan Abad Alipur Arifwala Attock Bhera Bhalwal Bahawalnagar Bahawalpur Bhakkar Burewala Chillianwala Chakwal Chak Jhumra Chichawatni Chiniot Chishtian Chunian Dajkot Daska Davispur Darya Khan Dera Ghazi Khan Dhaular Dina Dinga Dipalpur Faisalabad Fateh Jang Ghakhar Mandi Gojra Gujranwala Gujrat Gujar Khan Harappa 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Sadda Wana Abbottabad Adezai Alpuri Akora Khattak Ayubia Banda Daud Shah Bannu Batkhela Battagram Birote Chakdara Charsadda Chitral Daggar Dargai Dera Ismail Khan Doaba Dir Drosh Hangu Haripur Karak Kohat Kulachi Lakki Marwat Latamber Madyan Mansehra Mardan Mastuj Mingora Nowshera Paharpur Pabbi Peshawar Saidu Sharif Shewa Adda Swabi Swat Tangi Tank Thall Timergara Tordher Cherat Risalpur Rank City Population (2004) District Latitude Longitude 01 Quetta 6,533,500 Quetta District 30.21°N 67.02°E 02 Khuzdar 1,085,000 Khuzdar District 27.80°N 66.60°E 03 Turbat 792,000 Kech District 25.99°N 63.07° 04 Chaman 76,300 Qilla Abdullah District 30.92°N 66.44°E 05 Hub 174,300 Lasbela District 06 Sibi 256,200 Sibi District 29.55°N 67.87°E 07 Zhob 51,600 Zhob District 31.35°N 69.44°E 08 Gwadar 51,100 Gwadar District 25.14°N 62.33°E 09 Dera Murad Jamali 144,000 Nasirabad District 10 Dera Allah Yar 43,400 Jaffarabad District 11 Usta Mohammad 143,300 Jaffarabad District 28.18°N 68.05°E 12 Loralai 37,200 Loralai District 30.36°N 68.60°E 13 Pasni 32,600 Gwadar District 25.27°N 63.45°E 14 Kharan 130,400 Kharan District 28.57°N 65.42°E 15 Mastung 28,600 Mastung District 29.80°N 66.85°E 16 Nushki 127,300 Nushki District 29.56°N 66.01°E 17 Kalat 226,300 Kalat District 29.03°N 66.58°E Ahmadpur East Ahmed Nager Chatha Ali Khan Abad Alipur Arifwala Attock Bhera Bhalwal Bahawalnagar Bahawalpur Bhakkar Burewala Chillianwala Chakwal Chak Jhumra Chichawatni Chiniot Chishtian Chunian Dajkot Daska Davispur Darya Khan Dera Ghazi Khan Dhaular Dina Dinga Dipalpur Faisalabad Fateh Jang Ghakhar Mandi Gojra Gujranwala Gujrat Gujar Khan Harappa Hafizabad Haroonabad Hasilpur Haveli Lakha Jalalpur Jattan Jampur Jaranwala Jhang Jhelum Kalabagh Karor Lal Esan Kasur Kamalia Kamoke Khanewal Khanpur Khanqah Sharif Kharian Khushab Kot Adu Jauharabad Lahore Lalamusa Layyah Liaquat Pur Lodhran Malakwal Mamoori Mailsi Mandi Bahauddin Mian Channu Mianwali Multan Murree Muridke Mianwali Bangla Muzaffargarh Narowal Nankana Sahib Okara Renala Khurd Pakpattan Pattoki Pind Dadan Khan Pir Mahal Qaimpur Qila Didar Singh Rabwah Raiwind Rajanpur Rahim Yar Khan Rawalpindi Sadiqabad Safdarabad Sahiwal Sambrial samundri Sangla Hill Sarai Alamgir Sargodha Shakargarh Sheikhupura Sialkot Sohawa Soianwala Siranwali Tandlianwala Talagang Taxila Toba Tek Singh Vehari Wah Cantonment Wazirabad Yazman Zafarwal Badin Bhirkan Bhiria City Bhiria Road Rajo Khanani Chak Dadu Digri Diplo Dokri Ghotki Haala Hyderabad Islamkot Jacobabad Jamshoro Jungshahi Kandhkot Kandiaro Karachi Kashmore Keti Bandar Khadro Khairpur Khipro Kotri Larkana Matiari Mehar Mirpur Khas Mithani Mithi Mehrabpur Moro Nagarparkar Naudero Naushahro Feroze Naushara Nawabshah Qambar Qasimabad Ranipur Ratodero Rohri Sakrand Sanghar Shahbandar Shahdadkot Shahdadpur Shahpur Chakar Shikarpaur Sinjhoro Sukkur Tangwani Tando Adam Khan Tando Allahyar Tando Muhammad Khan Thatta Thari Mirwah Umerkot Warah Islamic Syndicate Financing Corporate Finance 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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
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Swat (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Certificate in Information Technology Course in Charsadda Swat Karak,Certificate in Information Technology Course in Rawalpindi Ghori Town,international college of technical education in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,best certificate in information technology computer course institute in rawalpindi islamabad punjab pakistan,professonal cit course in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,admission open for boys and girls new session start on 9 August 2020 certification acceptable in government job and worldwide International College of Technical Education. Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949,Certification in Information Technology - CIT is the renowned training and most effective program.The Program covers the Introduction of Information Technology, where basics and computer hardware and Networking program are being covered.The Consultant-In-Training (CIT) and Developer-in-Training (DIT) programs allow PowerObjects to hire people who fit our guiding principles but don't currently possess all the specific skills we need.This Advance IT training course is aimed for students, who aspire to pursue their employment in the office. This course is designed to provide students professional competencies and equip with skills set in the Advance IT so that they can applythese in the offices in general. You will be given to exposure to introduction to computers, Microsoft Office, Microsoft access, In-page, typing, windows installation, software installation, basic hardware and networking knowledge, documents preparation, filing, office skills, and related job terminologies. You need to have a basic knowledge and familiarity with basic operating system before getting admission into Advance IT course.Our experienced instructors, state of the art infrastructure and best students facilities provide an excellent learning environment, which makes us distinctive and one of the best institutions in Pakistan. You will learn the complete concepts and practical usage of MS office 2007, Microsoft access, In-page, typing, windows installation, software installation, basic hardware and networking knowledge. The learning of MS office will enable you to tap the full features and functionality of the Microsoft Office system along with knowledge of systems used in office environment relating to IT, resulting in heightened levels of individual performance, confidence, and differentiation.The main aim of this program is to train students and familiarize them with the basics of IT.colleges that offer certificate in information technology Pakistan Punjab university institute of computer sciences free online certification communication,certificate information technology notes iv jobs ryerson management how to become an consultant with pictures,guide information technology certificate download course outline business jobs in risk management,masters degree in information technology executive post graduate certificate management online risk,higher certificate in information technology jobs web based and multimedia applications 3 2 online,certificate information technology course outline in Pakistan online Punjab masters of,uni enrol college certificate information technology Canada courses in Pakistan health online,graduate certificate information technology management institute of computer sciences free online certification iv jobs in Pakistan,certificate information technology notes state in 2 online course ignou,certificate iv information technology online networking certification in 6 month labs.Information Technology (IT) career prospects continue to point to an increasing demand for qualified people in this field. Many of our potential students are professionals and people in the workforce who are seeking ways to better adapt to a changing work environment where IT is now prevalent; others are students who recognize the added value that IT brings to their professional interests and fields of expertise. The certificate has been designed with these people in mind. CIT Course Contents: Computer Hardware Basics of programming Basics of Software Basics of Networking Internet Technology Basics of Database management Multimedia Basics of Information System International College of Technical Education. Head Office : Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949 Certificate in Information Technology Course in Charsadda Swat Karak.
Rs 15.000
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Bannu (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Cit Certificate Information Technology Classes in Peshawar Bannu,Cit Certificate Information Technology Classes in Rawalpindi Taxila Wah,international college of technical education in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,best cit course in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,admission open for boys and girls new session start on 19 october 2020 certification acceptable in government job and worldwide International College of Technical Education.Head Office :Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949,Certification in Information Technology - CIT is the renowned training and most effective program.The Program covers the Introduction of Information Technology, where basics and computer hardware and Networking program are being covered.This article covers topics such as – course details, duration, eligibility criteria, admission process, syllabus, careers and salary details.As the name suggests, this course is related to IT (Information Technology). IT deals with the storage, transfer, retrieval, security and manipulation of data/information. For performing these tasks, we use IT systems.CIT is an entry level IT course. It deals with the basics of Information Technology. The main aim of this program is to train students and familiarize them with the basics of IT.colleges that offer certificate in information technology Pakistan Punjab university institute of computer sciences free online certification communication,certificate information technology notes iv jobs ryerson management how to become an consultant with pictures,guide information technology certificate download course outline business jobs in risk management,masters degree in information technology executive post graduate certificate management online risk,higher certificate in information technology jobs web based and multimedia applications 3 2 online,certificate information technology course outline in Pakistan online Punjab masters of,uni enrol college certificate information technology Canada courses in Pakistan health online,graduate certificate information technology management institute of computer sciences free online certification iv jobs in Pakistan,certificate information technology notes state in 2 online course ignou,certificate iv information technology online networking certification in 6 month labs.Information Technology (IT) career prospects continue to point to an increasing demand for qualified people in this field. Many of our potential students are professionals and people in the workforce who are seeking ways to better adapt to a changing work environment where IT is now prevalent; others are students who recognize the added value that IT brings to their professional interests and fields of expertise. CIT (Certificate in information Technology) Course Content: 1:MS Office. (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, MS Access, MS Outlook, Typing). 2:Web Designing. (HTML Coding - Learn how to create Web pages by coding in HMTL, CSS - Learn how to style and format Web pages using Cascading Style Sheet, Adobe Dreamweaver - Create Web pages and Web sites using this Web development program from Adobe, Build a Web Site - Learn how to get a domain name and host your Web site with a hosting company.) 3:Graphic Designing. (Principles of Graphic Design, Theory of Design, Colour and Materials, Design web pages, Graphic tablets, Graphic design tools, Problem solving, and the design Process, Interactive computer marked assignment, How to create a portfolio, Design booklets and Reports, Final interactive computer marked assignment.) 4:Computer Hardware. (Elements of Computer System, Hardware & Software, Block diagram of a computer, CPU, Memory, Input/ Out devices, Mouse and Keyboard, Using a mouse (single and double click and their functions), Printers, Scanners, Multi-functional Printer, UPS, Generator, CD, DVD, USB Drives (Flash / Pen Drives), Identification of different types of cables, trouble shooting, Computer Related – No power, Does not start windows, Windows hanging, Printer related – Printer not printing, Printer get stuck, Paper gets stuck, Blurred printing, Poor quality of printing, Network related – Network not working, one computer not appearing in the network, Power related – UPS not working, Battery not charging.) 5:Networking. 6:Internet. (Web browsers, email and Internet, Introduction to Internet, Searching the web, Emailing). International College of Technical Education.Head Office :Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 0311-5193625 Cit Certificate Information Technology Classes in Peshawar Bannu.
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Faisalabad (Punjab)
CIT Course in Faisalabad Sialkot, CIT Course in Rawalpindi Taxila Wah ICTE, International College Of Technical Education Offer CIT Course in Rawalpindi Taxila Wah ICTE 03115193625, Best CIT Course in Rawalpindi Taxila Wah ICTE 03354176949, Professional CIT Course in Rawalpindi Taxila Wah ICTE 03115193625, Admission open for boys and girls in International College Of Technical Education new session started coming soon, certification acceptable in government job and worldwide UK USA KSA Canada Japan China Saudia Dubai Muscat Oman Bahrain Kuwait Qatar, Lowest fee CIT Course in Rawalpindi Taxila Wah ICTE, Best Cit institute in rawalpindi taxila, The Certificate in Information Technology is designed to act as a bridge to higher-level computing qualifications and provides you with a solid foundation to enter a career in computing. Improve your computer literacy and maths, as well as your communication, problem-solving and study skills. You also gain a solid background in current software applications. Our Certificate in Information Technology provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to assume entry-level positions in the field of information technology. Coursework covers the strategic value of IT to businesses and exposes students to the web application development process (topics include IT architecture, systems analysis and design, web design, database systems, and web application development).we will have an in-depth analysis of Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) course.How’s this article of help to me, you may ask. Here, you will find everything you need to know about Certificate in IT course. This article covers topics such as – course details, duration, eligibility criteria, admission process, syllabus, careers and salary details.As the name suggests, this course is related to IT (Information Technology). IT deals with the storage, transfer, retrieval, security and manipulation of data/information. For performing these tasks, we use IT systems.CIT is an entry level IT course. It deals with the basics of Information Technology. The main aim of this program is to train students and familiarize them with the basics of IT.colleges that offer certificate in information technology Pakistan Punjab university institute of computer sciences free online certification communication,certificate information technology notes iv jobs ryerson management how to become an consultant with pictures,guide information technology certificate download course outline business jobs in risk management,masters degree in information technology executive post graduate certificate management online risk,higher certificate in information technology jobs web based and multimedia applications 3 2 online,certificate information technology course outline in Pakistan online Punjab masters of,uni enrol college certificate information technology Canada courses in Pakistan health online,graduate certificate information technology management institute of computer sciences free online certification iv jobs in Pakistan,certificate information technology notes state in 2 online course ignou,certificate iv information technology online networking certification in 6 month labs.Information Technology (IT) career prospects continue to point to an increasing demand for qualified people in this field. Many of our potential students are professionals and people in the workforce who are seeking ways to better adapt to a changing work environment where IT is now prevalent; others are students who recognize the added value that IT brings to their professional interests and fields of expertise. The certificate has been designed with these people in mind.The Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) is an introductory program into the information systems discipline. It covers fundamental concepts and operation into the technology and operation of modern information systems. It focuses on techniques, tools and methods used today in the development and use of computer-based applications. The program will be offered to non-College of Management or non-Degree seeking students. CIT Course Contents: Computer Hardware Basics of programming Basics of Software Basics of Networking Internet Technology Basics of Database management Multimedia Basics of Information System
Rs 15.000
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Karachi (Sindh)
Gulshan Tutors 0313-2263338 Academy O/A levels all areas in karachi. Email : We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0313-2263338, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com,, BBA, MBA, ACCA, ICMA, ICAP, CSS, B.A, BSC, BCS, MCS, MIT, MS, MSC, L.L.B, L.L.M, PH.D, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0313-2263338, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0313-2263338, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0313-2263338, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0313-2263338, English, language, tutor Karachi, tution Karachi, dial +92313-2263338 pakistan tutors Inter tutor Karachi, Inter teacher Karachi, Inter tuition Karachi, Home, karachi tutors Matric tutor Karachi, Matric teacher Karachi, matric tuition Karachi, Home Bcom tutor karachi, Bcom teacher Karachi, Bcom tuition Karachi, Home Science tutor Karachi, weak students, house wives, language tutor 0313-2263338 commerce tutor karachi, commerce tuition karachi, commerce teacher karachi, home O-level tutor karachi, O-level tuition karachi, Dial 0313-2263338, O-level teacher karachi,home A-level tutor karachi, A-level teacher karachi,A-level tuition Karachi,dial 0313-2263338, home maths tutor karachi,maths teacher karachi,maths tuition karachi, shara e faisal tutors accounting tutor karachi, accouting teacher karachi, accouting tuition karachi, home Biology tutor karachi, Biology teacher karachi, biology tuition karachi, home Chemistry tutor karachi, chemistry teacher karachi, chemsitry tuition karachi, home stats tutor karachi, statistics tuition karachi, stats teacher karachi, home School tutor karachi, school tuition karachi, school teacher karachi, home College tutor karachi, college teacher karachi, college tuition karachi, home Title : home tutor, home tuition, home tutoring, Bcom, O level, A level, Karachi, tutor academy, tutor provider, tutor agency, johar ,federal b area, nipa, aladdin park, safari park, sindh board karachi, Titile: Home tuition, home tutor, home teacher, accounting, Statistics, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, GCSE, best tutor, Karachi, home tutor Karachi, online tutors, F.B area, dastagir tutors, Title : Home tutor, tuition, teacher, school, college, university, lecturer, gulshan iqbal, defence, clifton, nazimabad, johar, gulistan johar, O-level, A-level, language tutors, agha khan board tutors, Title : Home, tuition, tutor, teacher, academy, defence, school, college, expert, accounting, statistics, defence, clifton, bba, mba, inter, science, commerce, O/A Levels gulshan tutors 0313-2263338, Title :tutoring, tutor, home, tuition, o level, gcse, igcse, a level, notes, karachi, mba , bba, physics, teacher, tuition, defence, clifton, gulshan iqbal, tariq road, dhoraji colony, karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, tutoring, class, classes, language, english language, ielts , toefl, gmat, gre, maths, ad maths, karachi, defence, clifton, F.B area tutors, karachi tutors, federal board karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, school, college, pechs, smchs, kmchs, tariq road, a level, o level, cifton , defence, karachi, inter, science, commerce, a level, o level, gulshan tutors 0313-2263338 karachi,
Rs 100
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Karachi (Sindh)
DIAL 0313-2263338 O/A LEVELS TUTORS ACADEMY GULSHAN, PECHS, DHA, JOHAR ALL AREAS IN KARACHI. We provide home tuition in all areas of Karachi call 0313-2263338, by qualified, experienced, dedicated, honest and professionals teachers or tutors. Each teacher is expert in his class and subject. We have the team of perfect teacher for all sessions such as, Commerce, Science, English Language, computer courses, online tutors, We also provide the best home tutors for O/A Levels, I.Com,, BBA, MBA, M.A, B.A, English language tuition at home, weak students, Cambridge, school teachers & professionals. We are providing home teachers or tutors for the following classes in Karachi: Home tuition from nursery, primary and secondary classes in Karachi. Home tuition for O/A Levels in Karachi 0313-2263338, Home tuition for English language and computer courses. Home tuition for class 1 to matric, xi, xii, O/A Levels, cambridge system, Home tuition for all classes from Class 1 till matric. Home tuition and teacher for O-level in Karachi. Home Tuition and tutor for A-level in Karachi. Commerce home Tutors in Karachi. Science home Teachers in Karachi. Home tuition for online tutors in Karachi. We also provide Maths tutor, Biology tutor , English tutor, Chemistry tutor, Physics Tutor, add maths tutor, elementary maths tutor, statistics tutor, School Tutor, college tutor, university tutors, etc. we also provide english language tuition at home, weak students, school teachers & professionals, call now 0313-2263338, Academy of Home Teacher provider in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Private Tutor for DHA and Clifton, A-1 Tutor Academy in Gulistan-e-Johar, The Biggest Tutors in Karachi for North Nazimabad, Qualified & Experienced Teachers or Tutors for KECHS, PECHS and Saddar, Accounting Tutors in Kechs, Dhoraji, Statistics Teachers in Johar, Gulshan, KMCHS, F.B area, gulshan Town, Shara-e -faisal, The Best Teachers or Tutors O/A Levels,0313-2263338, Nursery tutors, Bahadurabad tutors, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Accounting, Statistics, Economics, Add Maths, Business studies, Sociology, Business Industrial Law, Mercantile Law, Auditing, Search engine optimizer, SEO, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Computer courses, English language, Arabic language, Graphics, Adobe photoshop, Banking, Home Tuition, Group Tuition, One To One Tuition, Notes, University of Karachi, Iqra University, Sir Syed University, Urdu Science University, NED University, gulshan, johar, Nipa, Hasan Square, Shahrah-e-faisal, Civic center, PECHS, KECHS, Dhoraji, Gulistan-e-Johar, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Federal B area, North Nazimabad, gulshan Town, Tariq road, Bahadurabad, M.A Jinnah, Clifton, DHA, Defence, Karachi, Commerce, Arts, Science, Pre-engineering, Pre-Medical, Matriculation, Primary, Secondary, Kindergarten in karachi Dial 0313-2263338, English, language, tutor Karachi, tution Karachi, dial +92313-2263338 pakistan tutors Inter tutor Karachi, Inter teacher Karachi, Inter tuition Karachi, Home, karachi tutors Matric tutor Karachi, Matric teacher Karachi, matric tuition Karachi, Home Bcom tutor karachi, Bcom teacher Karachi, Bcom tuition Karachi, Home Science tutor Karachi, weak students, house wives, language tutor 0313-2263338 commerce tutor karachi, commerce tuition karachi, commerce teacher karachi, home O-level tutor karachi, O-level tuition karachi, Dial 0313-2263338, O-level teacher karachi,home A-level tutor karachi, A-level teacher karachi,A-level tuition Karachi,dial 0313-2263338, home maths tutor karachi,maths teacher karachi,maths tuition karachi, shara e faisal tutors accounting tutor karachi, accouting teacher karachi, accouting tuition karachi, home Biology tutor karachi, Biology teacher karachi, biology tuition karachi, home Chemistry tutor karachi, chemistry teacher karachi, chemsitry tuition karachi, home stats tutor karachi, statistics tuition karachi, stats teacher karachi, home School tutor karachi, school tuition karachi, school teacher karachi, home College tutor karachi, college teacher karachi, college tuition karachi, home Title : home tutor, home tuition, home tutoring, Bcom, O level, A level, Karachi, tutor academy, tutor provider, tutor agency, johar ,federal b area, nipa, aladdin park, safari park, sindh board karachi, Titile: Home tuition, home tutor, home teacher, accounting, Statistics, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, GCSE, best tutor, Karachi, home tutor Karachi, online tutors, F.B area, dastagir tutors, Title : Home tutor, tuition, teacher, school, college, university, lecturer, gulshan iqbal, defence, clifton, nazimabad, johar, gulistan johar, O-level, A-level, language tutors, agha khan board tutors, Title : Home, tuition, tutor, teacher, academy, defence, school, college, expert, accounting, statistics, defence, clifton, bba, mba, inter, science, commerce, O/A Levels gulshan tutors 0313-2263338, Title :tutoring, tutor, home, tuition, o level, gcse, igcse, a level, notes, karachi, mba , bba, physics, teacher, tuition, defence, clifton, gulshan iqbal, tariq road, dhoraji colony, karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, tutoring, class, classes, language, english language, ielts , toefl, gmat, gre, maths, ad maths, karachi, defence, clifton, F.B area tutors, karachi tutors, federal board karachi, Title : tutor, teacher, tuition, school, college, pechs, smchs, kmchs, tariq road, a level, o level, cifton , defence, karachi, inter, science, commerce, a level, o level, gulshan tutors 0313-2263338 karachi,
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
CIT Certificate Information Technology Course in Rawalpindi Ghori Town Pakistan,international college of technical education in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,best cit institute in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,professional advance cit course in rawalpindi islamabad pakistan,lowest fee cit course in rawalpindi punjab pakistan,admission open for boys and girls new session start on 12 september 2020 certificaton acceptable in government job and worldwide UK/USA/KSA/CHINA JAPAN International College of Technical Education.Head Office :Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 0311-5193625, 0092-335-4176949, This Office Automation training course is aimed for students, who aspire to pursue their employment in the office. This course is designed to provide students professional competencies and equip them with the skills-set that can be applied in the offices in general. You will be given to exposure to introduction to computers, Microsoft Office, Data Entry, document preparation, filing, office skills, and related job terminologies. You need to have a basic knowledge and familiarity with basic operating system before getting admission into Office Automation course. Right from the very first day at ICTE Tech, you will be given direct exposure to practical knowledge base along with the theory that makes our students distinctive in the industry.Computer Department was started to meet the challenges of information age. This department meets the demand of the new millennium and strives to help educate and train people so that they are prepared not only to contribute to further growth of IT, but also to understand and fully enjoy the services and capability that are available. The course offers by Computer Department owes its emergence to the relentlessly growing demand of professionals with expertise in area of computer, communications and information processing technologies. lt also aims to produce the trained manpower in the field of information technology.The Certificate course in Information Technology is intended to provide students with a wide range of technical and technological skills required by industry at the Certificate and diploma level. The course is designed to provide a flexible modular alternative to the other structured courses and thereby take advantage of the varied Information Technology market.uni enrol college certificate information technology Canada courses in Pakistan health online,graduate certificate information technology management institute of computer sciences free online certification iv jobs in Pakistan,certificate information technology notes state in 2 online course ignou,certificate iv information technology online networking certification in 6 month labs.Information Technology (IT) career prospects continue to point to an increasing demand for qualified people in this field. Many of our potential students are professionals and people in the workforce who are seeking ways to better adapt to a changing work environment where IT is now prevalent; others are students who recognize the added value that IT brings to their professional interests and fields of expertise. The certificate has been designed with these people in mind.The Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) is an introductory program into the information systems discipline. It covers fundamental concepts and operation into the technology and operation of modern information systems. It focuses on techniques, tools and methods used today in the development and use of computer-based applications. The program will be offered to non-College of Management or non-Degree seeking students. CIT Course Contents: Computer Hardware Basics of programming Basics of Software Basics of Networking Internet Technology Basics of Database management Multimedia Basics of Information System International College of Technical Education.Head Office :Office # 27, Second Floor, Maryam Shadi Hall Plaza (Airies Plaza), Shamsabad, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan 0311-5193625CIT Certificate Information Technology Course in Pwd Islamabad Pakistan.
Rs 15.000
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
Web Designing Course in Shams Abad, Kotli New session of course will be started soon in international college of technical education. Admission are open in international college of technical education for both boys and girls 923115193625. International college of technical offers Management courses, Technical courses, Safety courses and different type of courses and diplomas . All the courses and diplomas offered by international college of technical education is acceptable in whole world. Web Designing courses are part of the Computer Science and IT field that requires the students to learn server programming languages to create dynamic web pages. ... There are degree, diploma, postgraduate degree as well as certificate courses in the field of web designing. A web designer is an IT professional who is responsible for designing the layout, visual appearance and the usability of a website. ... They need to be able to visualise how a site will look (the graphical design of the site) and how it will function (conversion of a design into a working website). Web development and web design aren't inherently more or less challenging—your strengths and weaknesses will dictate which is the path of least resistance for you. The length of training for a web designer is two to four years. Individuals with a creative background find it easier to learn web design. Because web designers have to constantly keep abreast of new technology, learning never stops. Let's get the short answer out of the way first: web designers do not need to know how to code. It's entirely possible to have a successful web design career without having any expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ... For freelance designers in particular, knowing how to code is advantageous. If you want to know about how to learn the web design at home, above is all you have to know. Stop wasting your time on Facebook or Twitter to look for answers. You can build your design circle in there, but you can't be a web designer by tooling around. Take web design courses online to build your design skills and advance your career. Modern, responsive web design involves understanding the technology and platforms used to access web content as well as the accessibility needs of users. Enroll in online courses to develop your professional web designing abilities. To find an available web design job is actually pretty easy (getting it might be hard). ... It's a great job you can often do from home and telecommute. All you need a computer in most cases. To get a web design job online, there are a number of popular job boards you can check out. Web development isn't dying, it's fragmenting. ... Web development as we've always known it is, perhaps well and truly dead. Instead, it's fragmenting into specialized areas; design on the one hand, and full-stack on the other. This means your skill set needs to be unique. In other words, getting a job as a web developer is easy once you're actually a web developer. Getting to that point, however, is pretty difficult. If you want to get hired as a web developer, take it as a serious challenge, not as some get-rich-quick magic — everyone would be doing it if it was simple and easy. While JavaScript is a step up from the most fundamental web development skills (languages like HTML and CSS, which can be learned in under a month), you can still expect to learn JS basics in a matter of months, not years—and that's whether you learn through online classes or teach yourself through book study. In short, you can definitely find work using just HTML and CSS. And if those foundational skills aren't enough to get you your dream job, you can still use them to start making money while you're building other skills. The basic building blocks of a website are HTML and CSS codes. The more advanced coding languages used in websites are jQuery, JavaScript and PHP. Honestly, if you are using a drag & drop website builder, you really only need HTML and CSS to start. A web designer is a graphic artist who develops and styles objects for the Internet. Website designers are able to tap into their creative energy and design the overall layout and look for websites. A web developer is one that develops applications and functionality for the Internet. But without update your self its impossible. Agree with everyone else that if you are going to be a millionaire in the field you most likely are running your own web design firm and don't do much designing anymore. That said, almost anyone can become a millionaire in any field with savvy personal finance skills. No specific degree or educational path exists for careers in web development, and it's possible to become a web developer with or without a formal education. While it's certainly possible to learn coding languages independently, there is more to web development than coding. Web Designing Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Gilgit, Skardu, Ghangche, taxila, Shigar, Astore, Diamer, Ghizer, Kharmang, Gultari, Rondo, Hunza Nagar, Gupi, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli, Rawlakot, Bagh, Bahawalpur, Bhakkar, Chakwal, Chiniot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hafizabad, Jhang, Jhelum, Kasur, Khanewal, Khushab, Layyah, Lodharan, Mandi-Bahuddin, Mianwali, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Nankana Sahib, Narowal, Okara, Pakpattan, Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Toba tek Singh, Vehari, Attock, Taxila, Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Balochistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Turbat, Sibi, Chaman, Lasbela, Zhob, Gwadar, Nasiraba, Jaffarabad, Hub, Dera Murad Jamali, Dera Allah Yar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Abbottabad, Mingor, Kohat, Bannu, Swabi, Dera Ismail Khan, Charsadda, Nowshera, Mansehra, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana, Nawabshah, Nanak wara, Mirpur Khas, Jacobabad, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Pakistan. for further detail of all courses our the website
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