Children special twister
Top sales list children special twister

Lahore (Punjab)
Most Respected Parents ! Its all about Autism ! Which is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction & verbal and non-verbal communication, & by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before a child is three years old. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells & their synapses connect and organize; it is unknown how this occurs. It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger syndrome, which lacks delay in cognitive development and language, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is the diagnosis when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. The signs usually develop gradually, but some autistic children first begin to develop normally and then regress. Early behavioral, cognitive, or speech interventions can help autistic children gain self-care, social, and communication skills. Not many children with autism live independently after reaching adulthood, though some become successful. An autistic culture has developed, with some individuals seeking a cure and others believing autism should be accepted as a difference & not treated as a disorder. Autism is a highly variable neurodevelopmental disorder that first appears during infancy or childhood, and generally follows a steady course without remission. Overt symptoms gradually begin after the age of six months, become established by the age of two or three, and tend to continue through adulthood, although often in a more muted form. It is distinguished not by a single symptom, but by a characteristic triad of symptoms: impairments in social interaction; impairments in communication; and restricted interests and repetitive behavior. Other aspects, such as atypical eating, are also common but are not essential for diagnosis. Autism's individual symptoms occur in the general population and appear not to be highly related, and it lacks a clear line separating pathologically severe from common traits. There is no specific drug to treat autism. Special education & Special or specific training curriculum system can improve prognosis. With the increased study of autism, we have gradually realized that autism is a diffuse developmental disorder of the central nervous system, which falls under certain genetic factors, and is caused by the stimulation of various kinds of environmental factors. All kinds of genetic factors and environmental factors interfere with the normal development of the nervous system. The patient may have less normally functional nerve cells in the brain than other children of the same age. There has been significant stagnation in growth in many encephalic regions. After many years of study, the Wu Stem Cell Medical Center (WSCMC) found that restarting the nervous system development of the brain is important to treat autism. The WSCMC used neural stem cell implants, in addition to unique stem cell regulation techniques for the body, in order to enable the implanted neural stem cells to reach the target organs and restart the development of specific nerve cells in the brain. This can significantly improve the symptoms of autism, and improve the environmental communication skills and self-care ability required in daily life Thanks to you all ! Regards From' Akhtar Hayat' Oxfordcadets Team J Block Gulberg iii Lahore Whatsapp 333 463/3/990- 342/ 372-5129
Rs 4.000
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If your child is facing any disorder or is in any mentally physically deficiencies Our dedicated' Result oriented Team members' Educationists' psychologist' & Experienced subject Experts are available to help you here we are working on a child's skills since 1990' Let explore them & enable them with such studies standard Base to live exemplary for others ! We prepare them to compete the civil services' as well as National Armed Forces Competitive online Competitive Exam' if any parent is interested to join us or want to know what changes may we create in their such slow learning and weak base spoiled ruined children they are requested to call us at moment/ we are ever free and will develop their child with skills they expect so that they may also survive a leading and better life ' we will update you what we may do and will ask you too to cooperate us accordingly and time to time' we are ever with you thanks and regards from' Akhtar Hayat' (Ex PAF) Oxfordcadets' (Institute For Overage/Physically Mentally Disables/Slow Learning' Epileptic & Special Children with iQ Skills Deficiencies Recovery) Firdos Market' main J Block Gulberg iii Lahore ! whatsap u 33 3 4 6/3 3/99/0 skype oxfordcadets Parents may sms their child problem on u3 4 2 3/7 2/5 1/2/9 Get home tutor for online studies Recovery & Lahore u 333 4/3/4 9//5 2/2 Jaz 307 4/4 7/7 9/9/ 0
Rs 5.000
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We are with you if Is there any child in any trouble like IQ skills / Ment Physical Deficiency ? We know that Every parent wants their child to reach their full potential—every kid just wants to play. and for the millions of children with Neuromuscular disorders, debilitating weakness in the arms and shoulders makes everyday tasks nearly impossible. But with the help of some Professionals Experts Magic Arms, the impossible becomes possible These Professionals Arms Skills may prove it and can even work on special & as well as individuals, their only goal is to explore their spiritual natural hidden powers with techniques available to every child who needs it By giving kids arms that defy gravity, we can empower them to feed themselves, reach their toys, put on their socks, blow bubbles and hug the people they love. May God bless u all and make you more strengthened to help them out in such critical situations and tough time Regards to you all Akhtar Hayat Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore (Pakistan) whatsap 333 4/6 3/3 9/9/0 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 100
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Recover Explore & Groom Slow Learning Child's Natural iQ Skills Talent Parents worried about their children Mental Retardation Respected parents It is the condition in which our child or an individual show less capabilities comparatively to other children we do see in our life routine' to perform some higher mental functions as compared to the normal & this type of the condition is diagnosed before the age of 18 usually at the childhood. Due to mental retardation by some illnesses & other physical or before birth defects, facial features & body physique also changes depends up on the type & severity as well U may see in surrounding society usually special children r considered having mental retardation, however; as per the definition, there are various stages & types of it. Even a normal looking individual could be mentally retarded if examined on the criteria. Special Children We name them retarded or slow or a child with iQ Skills Deficiencies in our society & are regarded as special that do need special attention of their parents & guardians as compared to the normal kids. They lack various expertise & skills. Their facial features could be different from the others, their activities & growth is usually delayed & are various scales to measure the mental functions of an individual & the growth of a child. On the basis of these scales, the differentiation of intelligence & intellectual performance is decided & as there are different stages that a child attains at various stages of his life similarly there are many many miles stones that are designed in order to judge the specific developmental monitoring of a child. If a child is not able to attain these mile stones, then he would be having some problem in the development due to the deficiencies of certain things. Especially those whom we called as special children or having mental retardation remains unable to attain the above mile stones at the given time interval. About IQ Testing of a child with Deficiencies Around us' almost every one is well aware about IQ or Intelligent Quotient testing and all those people are regarded as mentally retarded who have IQ score less than seventy percent. Signs: Childish behavior: We see that even the people grown up but they behave like a kid. They don't possess the ability to think like an adult. Lack of intellectual & learning functions: Some of these people are not even able to learn a new absorbing or things easily. Even they can't remember easy lessons & are unable to perform an easy task & even don't possess etiquette to meet new people or close relatives of their family members, they get rid off to attend ceremonies & functions remain dirty & even have no sense to live clean like others, they ever hesitate to work in an organization, they do not want to communicate with others & have no interest to even earn money. Poor educational status: Such children have interest in schooling and if they r admitted in some streamline school they even remain unable to possess a good grade at school, to pass the exams, to solve simple questions, to learn the Life-skill for to survive. No Curiosity, No stuggle: such children are lacking of curiosity & stuggle to meet the demands in the society. They are not able to bear their own expenses. They don't know why they are born & what is the goal of their life Causes of Mental Retardation: Genetic Makeup defects: It is the most common cause of mental retardation & defects usually happen at the DNA level in Chromosomes. Usually these types of defects run throughout among some families The most common form of mental retardation is Down's syndrome which also genetically linked. If a kid is suffering from Down's syndrome, his family tree would definitely show some other individuals with the same problem as well. This form of mental retardation varies from severity form mild to severe forms.child may have idiotic look, slanting eyes, childish behavior even in the adult hood linked cases of mental retardation r Cri-du chat syndrome Fragile Xsyndrome Prader Willi syndrome Tuberous Sclerosi Let Recover Child's iQ Skills Deficiencies and enable them to survive successfully ! Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lhr whatsap +92 333 4/6/33/990 skype oxfordcadets
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Respected Parents ! Visit us to Inspire your Slow learning child's mysterious willpower Our Dedicated Professionals’ Educationist / Specialists & Psychiatrist Explore them with scientific Educational Techniques' Enable them to learn more skills they need in life & by this way we Recover a Child's Deficiencies To see their Natural iQ Skills Talent' we work on their daily habits' adoptees' likes and disliking we observe your child or an individual who show less capabilities comparatively to other children and is not doing according we do think in their life routine' if you want us to perform them some higher mental functions as compared to the other Normal Children and wish us to show you a more outstanding result in days’ time duration' you will have to drop them for specific hours because it is considered as a slow learning or retarded there may be some reasons behind which you may be know better to us because the child is much attached to you or with one person of your family members there if the child's behave like a child due to mental retardation' it may due to some illnesses & other physical or before birth defects, facial features & body physique also changes depends up on the type & severity as well U may see in surrounding society usually special children r considered having mental retardation, however; as per the definition, there are various stages & types of it. Even a normal looking individual could be mentally retarded if examined on the criteria. Special Children are those who are unable to attain such activities being done by normal children' it’s meant that they may be having some problems in accomplishing that task and the possibilities are that such child's development may be disturbed before his birth' anyhow due to the deficiencies of certain things it’s not impossible to recover them But we must know it that all those people who are regarded as mentally retarded have iQ score less than seventy percent and their main Childish behavior show that they don't possess the ability to think like an adult and the lack of intellectual & learning functions they can’t even absorb a quiet new or things easily for the first time and sometimes they can't remember easy a normal name of the lessons so how you do think they will perform an easy task or will possess etiquette & manners in the time they meet new people or close relatives of their family members, they will get rid of to attend ceremonies & functions remain dirty & even have no sense to live clean like others, they ever hesitate to work in an organization, they do not want to communicate with others & have no interest to even earn money. they even have no issues in their thinking or mind for being in a poor educational status or other surrounding interest in schooling and if they are admitted in some streamline school they even remain unable to possess a good grade at school, to pass the exams, to solve even simple questions, to learn the Life-skill for to survive if you are facing such problems in your beloved child' you may contact us for their proper Studies recovery' other skills developing' tuition and schooling' we are committed and will show you an amazing output without delay we provide Result oriented Home Tutors for special' retarded' slow learning and normal children studies Recovery' Handwriting' English Spoken' Linguistics Skills' Play Group to O & A Levels For cadets colleges admission Test preparation Parents may contact on whatsap 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0 and skype oxfordcadets With regards from' Akhtar Hayat' Oxfordcadets' (since 1990) J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Contact: 307 44/ 77 / 990
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Respected viewers around ! We are alive with a genetically Spirit and an aim to serve the Parents ! specially the guardians & the respected parents of the children with some iQ Skills Deficiencies & wants to explore their Children Natural- iQ Skills Talent and are interested too for their other Studies Base-Deficiencies We deal children with problem like Autism/Slow Learning/Epileptic/Cognitive/Mentally Retarded/Physically Disabled What do you feel' Does your child repeat the words again and again' can not listen properly' have any is or does not even speaks continuously stop somewhere when its not convenient or easy for them to speak & even pronounce properly and at the same moment' Does your child stress on and remain busy in memorizing the studies lessons main ideas or para and it happens after a moment' nothing remain permanently in the brain memory either he forgets things or have memorizing issues or some other physical problems / disorders or deficiencies ? Our institute' Oxfordcadets offer this facility to help you out all parents' we are ever free along with our Team Professional Teachers, Subject Specialists, Home Tutors' psychiatrists & psychologists just to serve the whole community children, we inspire' explore to Groom their Educational skills so that they may also survive in & among worldwide societies one may get updates for the child on 3 4 2 /3 7 2 5 1 2 9 through Sms Its an important for us to Inspire a child's Soul Natural inner Hidden iQ-Skills Talent because they are if ignored by us' they will never be able to do anything as a special in their lives Parents keen interested for their Child (Son / Daughter) & Problems deficiencies may contact on skype oxfordcadets we try to groom An amazing Studies Base in a child for all Online Civil & Military Cadets Colleges Final Selection iQ Test Civil Aviation Authority Pak International Air Lines_SHAHEEN_AIR Hostess Airport Security Force (Combat G.C) CSS PMS Pak Armed AFNS Nurses PMA Long Course PAF GD Pilot Forces Aptitude iQ Final ISSB interviews Though its very hard work to treat a child's mind-Taste, thinking, desires & Test them individually but we are here for them since 1990. Our psychologists evaluates, diagnoses, treats them to see their studies behavior including their mental capabilities & other processes We do offer free services to all such children for through out Pakistan cities at their homes and even door step psychologist is non-exclusive; in most jurisdictions, members of other professions (such as counselors and psychiatrists) can also evaluate, diagnose, treat, and study mental processes. In a Clinical, counseling, & school psychologists we work with such children & patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts Generally & for as a most typically, people encounter psychologists & think of the discipline as involving the work of clinical psychologists or counseling psychologists. While counseling & psychotherapy are common activities for psychologists, these applied fields are just one branch in the larger domain of psychology.Research and teaching comprise a major role among psychologists. Technological advances in the future may increase the usage of computerized testing and assessment services in order to do some of the jobs of psychologists, including recognizing mental capabilities or issues etc We offer the services of providing Home Tutor for Quick & Amazing (oriented Result) Recovery With an Unbelievable Impressive Handwriting Style in counted days (Money Back Guaranteed) Call us to Get Tutor for online studies for Quran Learning & other studies Subjects Revision/ Linguistics Spoken & Slow Learning Mentally Retarded Spoiled/Ruined Special Children Grooming & children with iQ-skills Deficiencies Regards to you all viewers From: Hayat Khattak (EX PAF) Oxfordcadets' J Block Firdos Market' Gulberg iii Lahore
Rs 3.400
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Lahore (Punjab)
We Recover a Child's iQ skills & studies issues' Deficiencies in days Respected viewers around ! We are alive with a genetically Spirit and an aim to serve the Parents ! specially the guardians & the respected parents of the children with some iQ Skills Deficiencies & wants to explore their Children Natural- iQ Skills Talent and are interested too for their other Studies Base-Deficiencies We deal children with problem like Autism/Slow Learning/Epileptic/Cognitive/Mentally Retarded/Physically Disabled What do you feel' Does your child repeat the words again and again' can not listen properly' have any is or does not even speaks continuously stop somewhere when its not convenient or easy for them to speak & even pronounce properly and at the same moment' Does your child stress on and remain busy in memorizing the studies lessons main ideas or para and it happens after a moment' nothing remain permanently in the brain memory either he forgets things or have memorizing issues or some other physical problems / disorders or deficiencies ? Our institute' Oxfordcadets offer this facility to help you out all parents' we are ever free along with our Team Professional Teachers, Subject Specialists, Home Tutors' psychiatrists & psychologists just to serve the whole community children, we inspire' explore to Groom their Educational skills so that they may also survive in & among worldwide societies one may get updates for the child on 3 4 2 /3 7 2 5 1 2 9 through Sms Its an important for us to Inspire a child's Soul Natural inner Hidden iQ-Skills Talent because they are if ignored by us' they will never be able to do anything as a special in their lives Parents keen interested for their Child (Son / Daughter) & Problems deficiencies may contact on skype oxfordcadets we try to groom An amazing Studies Base in a child for all Online Civil & Military Cadets Colleges Final Selection iQ Test Civil Aviation Authority Pak International Air Lines_SHAHEEN_AIR Hostess Airport Security Force (Combat G.C) CSS PMS Pak Armed AFNS Nurses PMA Long Course PAF GD Pilot Forces Aptitude iQ Final ISSB interviews Though its very hard work to treat a child's mind-Taste, thinking, desires & Test them individually but we are here for them since 1990. Our psychologists evaluates, diagnoses, treats them to see their studies behavior including their mental capabilities & other processes We do offer free services to all such children for through out Pakistan cities at their homes and even door step psychologist is non-exclusive; in most jurisdictions, members of other professions (such as counselors and psychiatrists) can also evaluate, diagnose, treat, and study mental processes. In a Clinical, counseling, & school psychologists we work with such children & patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts Generally & for as a most typically, people encounter psychologists & think of the discipline as involving the work of clinical psychologists or counseling psychologists. While counseling & psychotherapy are common activities for psychologists, these applied fields are just one branch in the larger domain of psychology.Research and teaching comprise a major role among psychologists. Technological advances in the future may increase the usage of computerized testing and assessment services in order to do some of the jobs of psychologists, including recognizing mental capabilities or issues etc We offer the services of providing Home Tutor for Quick & Amazing (oriented Result) Recovery With an Unbelievable Impressive Handwriting Style in counted days (Money Back Guaranteed) Call us to Get Tutor for online studies for Quran Learning & other studies Subjects Revision/ Linguistics Spoken & Slow Learning Mentally Retarded Spoiled/Ruined Special Children Grooming & children with iQ-skills Deficiencies Regards to you all viewers From: Hayat Khattak (EX PAF) Oxfordcadets' J Block Firdos Market' Gulberg iii Lahore Whatsap 333 4 633 990 skype oxfordcadets
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Most Respected viewers' Parents' and Loving Students ! if you need amazing studies recovery services' READ Below ! Is the child spoiled now or overage with some mental physical or iQ Deficiencies and do you really want his / her studies skills Recovery in days Duration ! OxfordCadets School & Special Children Skills Recovering Academy Firdos Market J Block Near Jinnah FlyOver Gulberg iii Lahore Pakistan Solution For all Facing Problem Parents anywhere ! We' a team of educationist / subjects-Specialist and professional tutors/Teacher are ever alive with a spirit to serve those children who can not afford School Colleges Universities Fee if anyone child anywhere is not going to school and is seeking an institute' may contact us' we all members are here and available for whole the day' in the evening and even for whole the night to serve them freely without any cost. But if they want to achieve their desired goal in their lives Visit to see An amazing English Spoken Linguistics skills Unbelievable and Impressive Urdu Handwriting Styles Result in such beloved child's in Counted Hours ! not in days Why are we confident in achieving our Goals ? The reason behind is that.. Before recover any Deficiency First of all we research on each child's Psychological Dealings General Behaviour Brain's Mind-Developed habits iQ Skills' Handwriting Styles Mental Approach capabilities Physical memorizing deficiencies Linguistics / Spoken Dictation Phonics Syllables Understanding Picking Power Capacities Lost Memory Reason Epileptic Motor Delay Values Overage Reasons Will Power Spiritual Values Inner Hidden Thoughts & Interest Developing Values of Mind Motivation of Skills Needy may contact for more in details for to learn more through our academic session courses launce for all ages Computer Hardware skills Mobiles Mechanics Learn Flute Gittar Electric Organ Piano Harmonium We have suitable Qualified and Experienced Teachers' available for junior classes’ kids Our Professional Subject specialist Professional Home Tutors are trained and well experienced' have taught below well-known institutions of the city.Institutions:Children for more than 25 years • Beaconhouse • Convent • LGS • City • Aitchison • Choueifat • DPS • LACAS • Crescent • Scil (Islamic School) • Rosan Public (Islamic school) Main Market Our parents and needy Guardians may contact us for to get tutors for Special attention: • Manners and Behavior • Handwriting • Spoken English • basic Islamic knowledge • QURAN-E-PAK (Nazra or hifz-e-Quran), if required. Regards Oxfordcadets Institute' J Block Gulberg iii Lahore more at : skype oxfordcadets e mail: oxfordcadets at the g mail dot com contacts:+92 333 434 9522 3074477990 3423725129
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Oxfordcadets Firdos Market J Block Gulberg iii Lahore We are serving the Parents of Children' since 1990' with Learning Disabilities (UPACLED) Its an organization that advocates for the inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities (CWIDs) & their families in all aspects. They work to enhance the quality of life of children with an intellectual disabilities & their families through various different tactics, lobby & advocate for Human Basic rights, work to increase food security within such homes, & to manage intellectual disability interventions. Programs Oxfordcadets institute works towards its goals through programs that surround human rights & policy advocating, socio-economic empowerment programs, & organizational capacity building. Through these programs they aim to enhance dignity for children with intellectual disabilities & their families. Additional Information We are alive with an aim and a special spirit to inspire a such child's inner hidden mysterious natural talent our team consist of medical doctor' educationist' subject specialist' musicians' Quick Result oriented Home Tutor'psychologists and psychiatrist we work on a child's behavior for some days' asses him and decide how to Recover them accordingly We deal Mentally Slow Learning Epileptic Retarded Physically Disable Overage / Ruined Weak Base / Cognitive & Children with Aggressive Behavioral' psychological issues or in Listening Speech problems ! or the children with linguistics & understanding disorders We equip a child with an amazing studies base and specially prepare them for all competitive online Army Naval PAF ( Cadets-7Th / GD P Airmen / PMA) CAA Air Hostess & FIC PIA CIA POL ASI selection Test Parents facing problems in their child's Studies developing may visit us for more updates or call us to provide a home Tutor we are committed and will try our best to recover their iQ Skills & as well as their subjects Studies & Social Life Deficiencies ! Thanks and regards from' Akhtar Hayat' (Ex PAF) Oxfordcadets' Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Skype oxfordcadets whats ap + 9 2 3-3-3 4/ 6/3/3/9/9/0
Rs 5.000
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Oxfordcadets, J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore ! Visit us to prepare your beloved interested child for armed cadet colleges Grade 7-8Th Written Admission Test held in different national cities of Pakistan We also provide result oriented Professional Home Tutors for your child's studies recovery and base grooming. Parents willing to join oxfordcadets school and evening academy may join us and admit their children for better skills recovery and preparation of such cadets colleges students may also join us on skype oxfordcadets We teach basics to special and slow learning children and recover their studies Base problems Later when they are well groomed they take part in international kangaroo linguistics and such other activities by this way not only their own confidence develop but also enable their selves for other competitive online and armed forces written test exam our professional develop your beloved children urdu/english language' spoken' vocabulary and make their poor Handwriting pattern accurate, much impressive and fast' they are paved a special attention for mathematics and General Science Subjects main concepts We offer them puzzle games and enhance their G.know with the help of helpful books material To see an Unbelievable Amazing iQ Skills recovery you may visit on any day any time our new session will be started in April for new classes for more information and for Home Tutor please make a call on our whatsap 333 4 6 - 3 3 - 9 9-0 jaz 3 0 7 4 4 7 7 9 9 0 Regards from' Oxfordcadets' Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii lahore
Rs 9.000
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Lahore (Punjab)
Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore Assalamo alykum to you all we are here to help you out and are alive with a spirit' aim and mission for specifically the parents whose beloved children are in some problems and are not showing an output result in their previous schools and as well as academies' we have more than 30 years teaching experience and do know how to inspire such children inner hidden natural mysterious talent and other social values and how to enable them to survive the life among others in the challenging world with excellence we solve their listening' understanding' studies base' subjects concepts since 1990 we provide result oriented and experienced' Pure Dedicated and professional Verified teaching Staff faculty to you all parents at your door step we have subjects specialist educationists psychologists and Expert Home Tutors for Mentally slow learning Special Retarded / epileptic / Cognitive / aggressive behavioral and the Children with iQ Skills Deficiencies or disorders Interested parents may contact us for more in details on below mentioned address they may discuss their beloved children problems on skype for as an advise with regards from' Oxfordcadets Team' Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore skype oxfordcadets whatsap 333 4/6 /3/3/ 9/9/ 0 0307 44 77 99 0 jaz 0333 434 9522 u phone 0342 37 25 129 u phone converted sms
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Lahore (Punjab)
We a Team of Professional Teachers, Subject Specialists, Home Tutors & psychologist are ever alive with a special spirit & are available to serve the whole community children, trying to groom their Educational skills worldwide OxfordCadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Phone: +92 3 3 3 4 3 4 9 5 2 2 -- 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 9 9 0-- 3 0 7 4 4 7 7 9 9 0-- 3 4 2 3 7 2 5 1 2 9 We Inspire SoulNatural inner Hidden iQ-Skills Talent in your keen interested Child (Son/Daughter) & Recover their deficiencies, Groom Amazing Studies Base Prepare them for all Online Civil & Military Cadets Colleges Final Selection iQ Test Civil Aviation Authority Pak International Air Lines_SHAHEEN_AIR Hostess Airport Security Force (Combat G.C) CSS PMS Pak Armed AFNS Nurses PMA Long Course PAF GD Pilot Forces Aptitude iQ Final ISSB interviews We explore a child's mind-Taste, thinking, desires & Test them individually. Our psychologists evaluates, diagnoses, treats them to see their studies behavior including their mental capabilities & processes This definition of psychologist is non-exclusive; in most jurisdictions, members of other professions (such as counselors and psychiatrists) can also evaluate, diagnose, treat, and study mental processes. • Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists who work with patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts (contrast with psychiatrists, who are physician specialists). • Industrial/organizational and community psychologists who apply psychological research, theories and techniques to "real-world" problems, questions and issues in business, industry, social benefit, schools, academies, organizations, and government sectors. • Academics conducting psychological research or teaching psychology in a college or university; . Most typically, people encounter psychologists and think of the discipline as involving the work of clinical psychologists or counseling psychologists. While counseling and psychotherapy are common activities for psychologists, these applied fields are just one branch in the larger domain of psychology.Research and teaching comprise a major role among psychologists. Technological advances in the future may increase the usage of computerized testing and assessment services in order to do some of the jobs of psychologists, including recognizing mental disorders, so there are many ways to handle such critical cases of even overage & mentally undeveloped children Who can be Groomed & their Personality can be easily Prepare for all such competitive iQ-Tests & Embassy interviews Ielts- Urdu English Linguistics Spoken skills Let join us ! We Equip a child specially for Forces like Army Navy Air Force Online Selection iQ Test Airmen Aero Sports Gc Special Task Forces Police (ASI FIA) Pak International Airline/ Civil Aviation Authority FIC ATC Tower Meteorological Department & Airport Security Force Get Home Tutor for Quick & Amazing (oriented Result) Recovery With an Unbelievable Impressive Handwriting Style in counted days (Money Back Guaranteed) Call us to Get Tutor for online studies for Quran Learning & other studies Subjects Revision/ Mental Grooming iQ-skills Recovery worldwide 24 hour service. Regards to you all viewers from: Captain Hayat Khattak Principal; Oxfordcadets gulberg iii J Block Firdos Market Lahore
Rs 15.000
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Lahore (Punjab)
Most Respected Viewers & Parents! what do you feel about your beloved child' what do you think' he is not showing the performance in his/her school class as you do expect' and you might be have changed your child's school academy and the tutor but did you see any outstanding result ? if no' read below ! OxfordCadets School & Special Children Skills Recovering Academy Firdos Market J Block Near Jinnah FlyOver Gulberg iii Lahore Pakistan Solution For all Facing Problem Parents anywhere ! We' a team of educationist / subjects-Specialist and professional tutors/Teacher are ever alive with a spirit to serve those children who can not afford School Colleges Universities Fee if anyone child anywhere is not going to school and is seeking an institute' may contact us' we all members are here and available for whole the day' in the evening and even for whole the night to serve them freely without any cost. But if they want to achieve their desired goal in their lives Get An amazing Result in such beloved child's in Counted Hours ! not in days Why are we confident in achieving our Goals ? The reason behind is that.. Before recover any Deficiency First of all we research on each child's Psychological Dealings General Behaviour Brain's Mind-Developed habits iQ Skills' Handwriting Styles Mental Approach capabilities Physical memorizing deficiencies Linguistics / Spoken Dictation Phonics Syllables Understanding Picking Power Capacities Lost Memory Reason Epileptic Motor Delay Values Overage Reasons Will Power Spiritual Values Inner Hidden Thoughts & Interest Developing Values of Mind Motivation of Skills Needy may contact us for more details on skype id oxfordcadets u 0 3, 3 3 - 4-3-4 - 9 - 5 - 2 - 2 j a z 0 3 - 0- 7-4 4- 7-7- 9 -9 -0 mail id oxfordcadets at g m a i l dot com or message your problem to advise you for a proper solution 0342 3725129 with regards' Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore
Rs 10.000
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A professional institute of the Holy Quran, nourish of minds, souls and hearts with the feed of extremely true book of Allah. progressive way of learning the Holy Quran recitation (Nazra), memorization (Hifz), with the proper rules of pronunciation (Tajweed) Nourani Qaida awareness of humanity in the light of Quran and correct narration (Hadees) of Prophet (PBUH) basic Islamic education about the pillars of Islam like prayer (Salah), keeping fast (Saom), Hajj, charity (Zakat) with absolutely righteous professionals Islamic Scholars. Over academy is an excellent program that enable kids, adults and new Muslims all over the world to Learn Quran with Tajweed from highly qualified Quran tutor. You can try three FREE no obligation trial lessons to evaluate our online Quran service. Muslims of all sects are agreed to learn and get the knowledge of the Quran. Thus, Quran learning comes naturally for most of them but exceptions are always there. There are still millions of Muslims who do not know even the ABC of Quran and want to learn Holy Quran but due to unavailability of qualified Holy Quran Teacher online they are deprived to do so! The Internet technology has abolished all types of barriers in information and learning processes and Learn Quran for kids program is one of them! We use state of the art technology to connect students and teachers for live sessions. We ensure that each student learn Quran according to Tajweed rules. . The mass benefits 01 One to one classes. 02. Online at home, through skype with screen sharing. 03. Opportunity both kind of the teacher male and female. 04. Children education under the parental guidance. 05. No walk out of door and come back. 06. Easy approach to get any kinds of information about your children’s. 07. Using latest internet technology and software. 08. Three days FREE trial classes. 09. Special discount for multiple family members. 10. Experienced and knowledgeable teachers in their fields. 11. Care about fix timing with each student. 12. We strive to prefer the education of kids as much as possible. 13. Back up classes are available if any class is missed undeliberately. 14. So little chance to be absent from class, even you can get the lesson while traveling. 15. Financial savings of traveling. 16. Lesson is taught in four languages (Arabic, English,Urdu and Poshto) . NUTSHELL SYLLABUS IS GIVEN BELOW : 01. Nurani qaida (basic grammar of recitation) 02. Recitation of the Holy book. 03. Tajweed ( rules of pronunciation) 04. Basic Islamic education for kids. 05. Basic ethic’s education. 06. Quranic Arabi. 07. Translation of Holy Quran. (tarjama) 08. Explanation of the Holy Quran. (tafseer)
Rs 6.000
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