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Larkana (Sindh)
Child problem Solution love is the integral part of our life .Without love our life is like hell.if you love some one but facing many problems to get him/her in your life then 8284808965 ji is having that power to get your love in your life.if there is dispute in your love relation parents are not convincing for marriage someone is separating you from your lover lost your love Shri Sai Jyotish Darbaar ji expert in all kind of vashikaran he will remove all problems and get your love back call pandit ji +91-8284808965 Shri Sai Jyotish Darbaar ji will also help you in your career business problems court cases lost love back husband wife problems family dispute all kundali problems call Shri Sai Jyotish Darbaar ji +91-8284808965 love marriage specialist in Canada +91-8284808965 love back specialist in UK +91-8284808965 love vashikaran specialist in Australia love vashikaran specialist in Spain +91-8284808965 black magic specialist in USA +91-8284808965 online vashikaran in Chandigarh +91-8284808965 online best astrologer in Chandigarh 8284808965 Get your girlfriend back by vashikaran Reply With Quote Reply With Quote
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A View about Parents Role in Child Development The family is profoundly important to the developmental, emotional & cognitive growth of a child," "A child will learn about relationships, manners, self-esteem, worth and loyalty, all by watching and participating in family." Whew -- this puts a lot of pressure on families to get it right, but don't worry. You don't have to be a super parent to raise emotionally healthy kids. Every parent makes mistakes, and so does every child. Effective families learn from mistakes, work together and keep trying. Values A child first learns about right and wrong in the family. Modern parents face many challenges in teaching values, Raising Well-Adjusted Kids in an Age of Instant Everything" & a clinical psychologist in Warren, New Jersey. "With children as young as 3 years old using the Internet, the access to the world is unprecedented in this generation. Children are bombarded with messages that are often inconsistent with the parents' values and behavioral standards for their kids." Committed and involved parents can strengthen a child's desire to make good choices. Parents teach about values first by living those values. Children learn much more from what you do than what you say. Parents can also teach about values by sharing family stories, setting boundaries and serving others. Fun Games That Keep Your Family Fit Consistency and Security "Family life is where the child spends most of his or her learning time," says Jennifer Little, an Oregon-based psychologist and teacher who works with learning-challenged students. "School counts, but home is more lasting over the years. It is where the closest relationships build and allow us to express ourselves (for good or ill). This does not mean that 'peace and harmony' need to be constant. Children need to learn about disagreements and how to handle conflict. The most important support parents can give their children is consistent structure to the daily routines of life. That structure and consistency gives the child security." Coping Skills "Parents model how to handle emotions when they react to their own feelings, a psychologist advises that "parents can teach kids about emotions by giving them specific emotion words to describe their feelings. Studies show that labeling feelings with words helps to decrease distress and makes it less likely that an angry person will act on his or her anger. Words help us make the shift from reacting to responding." In Celebration of the Family Road Trip Relationships "Families play an enormously important role in kids' social and emotional development, "In addition to being your child's first teacher, as a parent, you are also his personal coping consultant." Nurturing family relationships lay the foundation for all other relationships. Through these experiences, children learn to trust others and seek out friendship and comfort. These early lessons pave the way for satisfying personal relationships later. Regards from' Akhtar Hayat Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore whatsap 3 3 3 4/6/ 3/3/ 9/9/ 0 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 345
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Oxfordcadets Recover Explore & Groom your Slow Learning Child's Natural iQ Skills Talent Parents worried about their child's retardation may contact for more updates and possibilities Respected parents if your child is showing no progress or have less capabilities comparatively to other child' its meant there is some reason behind so to perform some higher mental functions by your such child we must interview him to know his main deficiencies and a solution will come for to recover his capabilities we use to teach in society all special children who are considered having mental retardation & the children with some specific intellectual performance deficiencies we assess them with different means and a stage comes that the same child show an unbelievable output performance we can not expect but the efforts take time to do so and we should also think upon that some problem in the development due to the deficiencies of certain things may be recovered through special food supplements and are recommended for Especially those kids or children under the age of 18 to whom we give/ considered or even called as special child or a child having some specific mental retardation A Child is regarded as mentally slow learning or ret who have iQ score less than seventy % We see that even the people grown up but they behave like a kid around in routine' its meant they don't possess the ability to think like an adult they have a Lack of intellectual & learning functions also and Some of them are even unable to learn a new absorbing or quite easy things easily' can't remember easy lessons & are unable to perform an easy task & even don't possess etiquette to meet new people or close relatives of their family members, they get rid off to attend ceremonies & functions remain dirty & even have no sense to live clean like others, they ever hesitate to work in an organization, they do not want to communicate with others & have no interest to even earn money. Such children have interest in schooling & if they r admitted in some streamline school they even remain unable to possess a good grade at school, to pass the Exms, to solve simple questions, to learn the Life-skill for to survive successfully among others. so observe your child and his habits and if you do think they are showing no developing or progress in leaning we are ever here and feel free to contact us to help you out without any further delay we will show their skills performance better to normal children and with in counted days duration and without a single fee or coin For further queries / Admission or updates And Home Tutors Please feel free to contact us or send message on Skype oxfordcadets or cell no 342 3/7/2/5 /1/2/9 Regards from' Akhtar Hayat ( Ex PAF ) Oxfordcadets' Institute for Slow Learning & Child with iQ Skills Deficiencies ( since 1990 ) Firdos Market J block Gulbrg iii Lahore Whats ap 3 3 3 4 6 -3 3- 9 9 0
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Lahore (Punjab)
Its all about a child's iQ Skills/Studies skills Development for the parents who are facing Problems in their Epileptic Cognitive and Agressive Behavioral Children Students / Viewers & Respected Parents ! What do you think ? Is your child in any disorder & is showing no performance you expect have you tried to change their schools/ academies and even Tutor and is but still weak in Urdu or English Language or other subjects ? Is there any handwriting or understanding problem And will be failed in the coming Exam ! Be Heard ! We are here give you written Guarantee and will show you an outstanding result you expect in 2 days individual class attendance here ! Let join them to recover their URDU & English Linguistics skills We have a variety of Experts' Subject specialist and Result Oriented Ladies Gents Faculty of well know institutions, We Explore Hidden iQ-skills in Special & Slow learning Mentally Disable/ Epileptic/Cognitive/Agressive behavioral and the Children with iQ & Or Physical Mental Disabilities/Deficiencies See an outstanding output result with in a couple of days in your Ni/Spoiled Base & weak/overage Children of any age ! Male/Females / He Or she of any age or Needy /office going workers & Even the persons facing problem in Specially Handwriting /Linguistics & Spoken may contact ! Feel free to contact us for further information if you are interested Let join us See more possibilities of learning Learn amazing logical ways Moms may join us to help out their youngs ! They will be equipped and Developed with the skills they need for their new age children to run in their school fellows We are here in lahore Gulberg iii since 1990 specifically prepare children Who are interested to appear in any competitive Test We have amazing modern ways which will change your such child's learning you will see a great change with in days with our Unique Techniques and Amazing Logical & Scientific Teaching ways through which learner enjoy & inspire to learn' we develop their inner soul interest & will power' a learner can only be motivated when his spirit is inspired they can be only focused by this way for their future aim that is only the reason they take interest in learning more and one may see them doing all task practically Oxfordcadets Develop a child for O & A Levels Final Test/Exam All Pak Forces Selection online iQ Test (PMA ) PAF Air Men Avionics AD & GD Pilot) Basic Final test ISSB Interview/Selection PN Selection Embassy / Airport Security Forces ASF CIA FIA ATC FIC PIA CAA Air hostess Test one may contact us for online learning classes on our Skype oxfordcadets and or Whatsap +92 333 /46 /33 / 990 Needy parents may Get Home Tutor for lahore all areas for Quick Recovery More at Zero 3 4 2 - 3 7 2 5 1 2 9 Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore ! Akhtar Hayat (Ex PAF-
Rs 8.999
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Lahore (Punjab)
Solution for Parents Child with iQ Skills Deficiencies ! Most Respected viewers' If you are a parent & unclear if ur child has learning difficulties, we recommend that you may call us to help you out and enable your beloved Child to Learn. It will help u understand if ur child has Learning Difficulties & which professionals' help you should seek. iQ Skills / Studies Base Deficiencies & Learning Difficulties & Disabilities in Children may be some of you have observed that sometimes there are apparently inexplicable blocks to learning which prevent intelligent children from reaching their potential in the classroom. The blockages can be so difficult to pinpoint that no-one is aware of the real problem. Consequently, the frustrated & withdrawn behavior which results is often blamed as the cause of the problem. And many times, the finger is pointed directly at ‘poor parenting’. The end result though, is that up to 20% of children are not achieving the academic results that their intelligence indicates they should be capable of achieving. What is Learning Disabilities ? The initials, ‘LD’ are used for brevity and stand for the term ‘Learning Difficulties’ or 'Learning Disabilities' The group of people with this problem are also referred to as having ‘specific learning disabilities’ a more correct term, because it also infers neurological disorganization. Learning Disabilities have been defined as a problem in the acquiring of developmental skills, academic achievement, social adjustment and secondarily emotional growth & development as a result of perceptual & linguistic processing deficits. Concepts in learning disabilities: Selected writings The term LD does not include children who are not learning because of emotional problems, sickness or poor teaching. Among a number of other terms used to describe the problem are minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and attention deficit syndrome. Move to Learn chooses the term ‘Learning Difficulties’ to reflect the belief that the difficulties can be largely overcome. We use a learning process as a pyramid, for such children with basic skills being laid down at ground level & skills of increasing complexity being laid down as each successive layer is added. Learning difficulties are seen as misshapen stones which distort the structure of the whole pyramid, each stone affecting not only the stones next door to them but also those in the layers above’ By far the majority of children presenting with LD have problems in the area of integration. Complex tasks such as reading, writing and mathematics require quite sophisticated integrated neurological and physical activity and if a child is immature in this area, sophisticated activities will be stressful and slow at best. Close links have also been identified between the inhibition of primitive reflexes & the attainment of gross-motor milestones. Primitive reflexes play a crucial role in infant and pre-natal survival, but should be inhibited as a child moves through normal child development. If this doesn’t happen, they can seriously impact on academic learning. Needy may contact for Home Tutor & Disable children Studies Base Skills Recovery at 342 3/7 2/5- 1/2/9 Sir Akhtar Hayat Regards from' Oxfordcadets' Institute for Slow learning & Disables children with iQ skills deficiencies Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore ! Whatsap 333/4/6/3//3/9/9/0 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 4.000
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Is your child interested to join Pakistan National Leading Forces as a cadets and you are willing too ? Most respected parents If your child in under 12 years of age or over 12 and in year 8 at school* and under 18, they may join us This is what you need to do: 1. visit us or call us for information or mail us 2. We will email you details you need us to update with 3. Interested in joining forces cadets colleges or want to appear in their online test must be physically mentally fit. 4. An interview will be held in morning or in evening, with a parent or carer, to find out either your child is eligible or not and if your child is already interested then let us know if what are you waiting for ? * To join your child in any cadet college you must know that they must be in 12 years old by 1 September at the start of year Being over 18 doesn’t mean missing out on all the fun. You can join as an adult volunteer and enjoy all the activities while also picking up exactly the kind of teamwork and leadership skills that employers and universities look for. if you still need more information' we are here' Ever Feel free to help you out of your child's deficiencies and main studies Base/ iQ Skils Problems ! Call us to get Result Oriented Home Tutors for lahore and online studies recovery Cadets colleges Test preparation Nursery to Masters & O & A Levels Our institute was established in 1990' be sure that whatever we wish a child to do from anywhere' depend on his/her own capabilities' iQ Skills & Talent anyhow we are committed and have enough qualified different Subject well Experienced instructors' Psychologists' psychiatrists' Result Exploring-Specialist and Experts to provide your children the full range of activities to become a cadets college candidate but the children who are interested too to join Forces ! Thanks and regards from' Akhtar Hayat (EX PAF) Oxfordcadets (since 1990 ) Firdos Market J Block Gulberg iii Lahore Whatsapp 333 4/6/33/990 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 9.000
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Parents in Child intellectual disabilities or other disorders ! Do you know about a child's Intellectual Disabilities? ID is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, & social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children with intellectual disabilities may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and take care of their personal needs such as dressing or eating. They are likely to have trouble learning in school. They will learn, but it will take them longer. There may be some things they cannot understand well or perform willingly & accurately Child's Intellectual Disability Main Causes Doctors have found many causes of intellectual disabilities. The most common are: Genetic conditions. Sometimes an intellectual disability is caused by abnormal genes inherited from parents, errors when genes combine, or other reasons. Examples of genetic conditions are Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome Problems during pregnancy. Intellectual disabilities can result when the baby does not develop inside the mother properly. For example, there may be a problem with the way the baby's cells divide as it grows. A woman who drinks alcohol or gets an infection like rubella during pregnancy may also have a baby with intellectual disability. Problems at birth. If a baby has problems during labor & birth, such as not getting enough oxygen, he or she may have an intellectual disability. Health problems. Diseases like whooping cough, the measles, or meningitis can cause an intellectual disability. Intellectual disabilities can also be caused by extreme malnutrition (not eating right), not getting enough medical care, or by being exposed to poisons like lead or mercury. Intellectual disabilities are not diseases. You can't catch an intellectual disability from anyone. Intellectual disabilities are also not a type of mental illness, like depression. There is no cure for an intellectual disability. However, most children with an intellectual disability can learn to do many things. It just takes them more time & effort than other children Regards from' Akhtar Hayat Oxfordcadets (since 1990) Main J Block |FirdosMarket Gulberg iii Lahore skype oxfordcadets whatsap 333 4/6/3/3//9/9/0
Rs 400
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Lahore (Punjab)
Facing Problems in Children Students / Viewers & Respected Parents ! What do you think ? Is your child in any disorder & is showing no performance you expect have you tried to change their schools/ academies and even Tutor and is but still weak in Urdu or English Language or other subjects ? Is there any handwriting or understanding problem And will be failed in the coming Exam ! Be Heard ! We are here give you written Guarantee and will show you an outstanding result you expect in 2 days individual class attendance here ! Let join them to recover their URDU & English Linguistics skills We have a variety of Experts' Subject specialist and Result Oriented Ladies Gents Faculty of well know institutions, We Explore Hidden iQ-skills in Special & Slow learning Mentally Disable/ Epileptic/Cognitive/Agressive behavioral and the Children with iQ & Or Physical Mental Disabilities/Deficiencies See an outstanding output result with in a couple of days in your Ni/Spoiled Base & weak/overage Children of any age ! Male/Females / He Or she of any age or Needy /office going workers & Even the persons facing problem in Specially Handwriting /Linguistics & Spoken may contact ! Feel free to contact us for further information if you are interested Let join us See more possibilities of learning Learn amazing logical ways Moms may join us to help out their youngs ! They will be equipped and Developed with the skills they need for their new age children to run in their school fellows We are here in lahore Gulberg iii since 1990 specifically prepare children Who are interested to appear in any competitive Test We have amazing modern ways which will change your such child's learning you will see a great change with in days with our Unique Techniques and Amazing Logical & Scientific Teaching ways through which learner enjoy & inspire to learn' we develop their inner soul interest & will power' a learner can only be motivated when his spirit is inspired they can be only focused by this way for their future aim that is only the reason they take interest in learning more and one may see them doing all task practically Oxfordcadets Develop a child for O & A Levels Final Test/Exam All Pak Forces Selection online iQ Test (PMA ) PAF Air Men Avionics AD & GD Pilot) Basic Final test ISSB Interview/Selection PN Selection Embassy / Airport Security Forces ASF CIA FIA ATC FIC PIA CAA Air hostess Test one may contact us for online learning classes on our Skype oxfordcadets and or Whatsap +92 333 /46 /33 / 990 Needy parents may Get Home Tutor for lahore all areas for Quick Recovery More at Zero 3 4 2 - 3 7 2 5 1 2 9 Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore ! Akhtar Hayat (Ex PAF) Regards to you all
Rs 10.000
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We are alive with an aim to serve the Parents ! who are worried about their children Natural- iQ Skills and other Studies Base-Talent Recovery anyone may contact us if their child is in some problem like Autism/Slow Learning/Epileptic/Cognitive/Mentally Retarded/Physically Disabled What do you feel' your child repeat the words again and again' can not listen or does not even speaks continuously stop somewhere when its not convinient or easy for them to' either he forgets things or have memorizing issues or some other physical problems / disorders or deficiencies ? We a Team of Professional Teachers, Subject Specialists, Home Tutors & psychologist are ever alive with a special spirit & are available to serve the whole community children, trying to groom their Educational skills worldwide Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Phone: 3 3 3 /4 3 4 9 5 2 2 -- u phone 3 3 3 /4 6 3 3 9 9 0-- whatsap 3 0 7/ 4 4 7 7 9 9 0-- jaz 3 4 2 /3 7 2 5 1 2 9 Sms We Inspire Soul Natural inner Hidden iQ-Skills Talent in your keen interested Child (Son / Daughter) & Recover their deficiencies, Groom Amazing Studies Base Prepare them for all Online Civil & Military Cadets Colleges Final Selection iQ Test Civil Aviation Authority Pak International Air Lines_SHAHEEN_AIR Hostess Airport Security Force (Combat G.C) CSS PMS Pak Armed AFNS Nurses PMA Long Course PAF GD Pilot Forces Aptitude iQ Final ISSB interviews We explore a child's mind-Taste, thinking, desires & Test them individually. Our psychologists evaluates, diagnoses, treats them to see their studies behavior including their mental capabilities & processes This definition of psychologist is non-exclusive; in most jurisdictions, members of other professions (such as counselors and psychiatrists) can also evaluate, diagnose, treat, and study mental processes. Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists who work with patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts (contrast with psychiatrists, who are physician specialists). Industrial/organizational and community psychologists who apply psychological research, theories and techniques to "real-world" problems, questions and issues in business, industry, social benefit, schools, academies, organizations, and government sectors. Academics conducting psychological research or teaching psychology in a college or university; . Most typically, people encounter psychologists and think of the discipline as involving the work of clinical psychologists or counseling psychologists. While counseling and psychotherapy are common activities for psychologists, these applied fields are just one branch in the larger domain of psychology.Research and teaching comprise a major role among psychologists. Technological advances in the future may increase the usage of computerized testing and assessment services in order to do some of the jobs of psychologists, including recognizing mental disorders, so there are many ways to handle such critical cases of even overage & mentally undeveloped children Who can be Groomed & their Personality can be easily Prepare for all such competitive iQ-Tests & Embassy interviews Ielts- Urdu English Linguistics Spoken skills Let join us ! We Equip a child specially for Forces Army Navy Air Force Online Selection iQ Test Airmen Aero Sports Gc Special Task Forces Police (ASI FIA) Pak International Airline/ Civil Aviation Authority FIC ATC Tower Meteorological Department & Airport Security Force Get Home Tutor for Quick & Amazing (oriented Result) Recovery With an Unbelievable Impressive Handwriting Style in counted days (Money Back Guaranteed) Call us to Get Tutor for online studies for Quran Learning & other studies Subjects Revision/ Linguistics Spoken & Slow Learning Mentally Retarded Spoiled/Ruined Special Chidren Grooming & children with iQ-skills Deficiencies Regards to you all viewers From: Hayat Khattak (EX PAF) Oxfordcadets' J Block Firdos Market' Gulberg iii Lahore Feel free to Contact us for any child's problem' we will update you what may we do in as a favor' we are Free
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The Most Respected viewers' Parents' and Loving Students ! if you need amazing studies recovery services' READ Below ! Is the child spoiled now or overage with some mental physical or iQ Deficiencies and do you really want his / her studies skills Recovery in days Duration ! OxfordCadets School & Special Children Skills Recovering Academy Firdos Market J Block Near Jinnah FlyOver Gulberg iii Lahore Pakistan Solution For all Facing Problem Parents anywhere ! We' a team of educationist / subjects-Specialist and professional tutors/Teacher are ever alive with a spirit to serve those children who can not afford School Colleges Universities Fee if anyone child anywhere is not going to school and is seeking an institute' may contact us' we all members are here and available for whole the day' in the evening and even for whole the night to serve them freely without any cost. But if they want to achieve their desired goal in their lives Visit to see An amazing English Spoken Linguistics skills Unbelievable and Impressive Urdu Handwriting Styles Result in such beloved child's in Counted Hours ! not in days Why are we confident in achieving our Goals ? The reason behind is that.. Before recover any Deficiency First of all we research on each child's Psychological Dealings General Behaviour Brain's Mind-Developed habits iQ Skills' Handwriting Styles Mental Approach capabilities Physical memorizing deficiencies Linguistics / Spoken Dictation Phonics Syllables Understanding Picking Power Capacities Lost Memory Reason Epileptic Motor Delay Values Overage Reasons Will Power Spiritual Values Inner Hidden Thoughts & Interest Developing Values of Mind Motivation of Skills Needy may contact for more in details for to learn more through our academic session courses launce for all ages Computer Hardware skills Mobiles Mechanics Learn Flute Gittar Electric Organ Piano Harmonium We have suitable Qualified and Experienced Teachers' available for junior classes’ kids Our Professional Subject specialist Professional Home Tutors are trained and well experienced' have taught below well-known institutions of the city.Institutions:Children for more than 25 years • Beaconhouse • Convent • LGS • City • Aitchison • Choueifat • DPS • LACAS • Crescent • Scil (Islamic School) • Rosan Public (Islamic school) Main Market Our parents and needy Guardians may contact us for to get tutors for Special attention: • Manners and Behavior • Handwriting • Spoken English • basic Islamic knowledge • QURAN-E-PAK (Nazra or hifz-e-Quran), if required. Regards Oxfordcadets Institute' J Block Gulberg iii Lahore more at : skype oxfordcadets e mail: oxfordcadets at the g mail dot com contacts:+92 333 434 9522 3074477990 3423725129
Rs 1.000
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Dear parents! are you still worried about your children there and looking for its proper solution now its about a child with iQ Skills deficiencies or other problems ! Students with dyslexia should be placed in a classroom that is structured for multisensory, small group instruction. Most classrooms engage students through sight &/or sound. Information is presented in written or spoken form. Students in turn are asked to practice and share what they have learned using these two senses. Quite often students with learning difficulties are slow to process information using one sense. one must know that A multisensory instructional approach allows students to process information using a variety of senses: visual, auditory, tactile, & kinesthetic; often times simultaneously. This will help the child’s brain to develop memories to hang on to as the student learns and applies concepts. Dyslexic students need repetition and differentiation. Therefore, off-grade level instructional and practice materials should be available. Opportunities to practice what has been taught should be plentiful. Students should be given many opportunities to engage in word work, writing, reading,& listening to reading. Dyslexic students should also be tutored using a multisensory language approach. In their classrooms' students participate in a variety of instructional settings; whole group, small group based on ability, small group based on academic strength or weakness. The tutoring situation should be done one on one or in a small group setting of a maximum of 2-4 other students. Tutoring for dyslexic students often continues as long as 2-3 years. Foundational reading areas should be the focus of instruction: phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary with a focus on word parts. Repeated practice is necessary for mastery. It doesn’t matter which program is used as long as the facilitator is certified to teach using that program. if you are in a problem and still want us to help you out in such cases' let make a call and get guidance or visit us at any day any time you do wish in your life By the Grace of God' we will change your such children life with in counted days time ! Feel free Result Guaranteed in first lecture on first day Regards from' Oxfordcadets Institute Main J Block Gulberg iii Firdos Market Lahore ! Whatsap 333 46/33/99/0 skype oxfordcadets
Rs 1.900
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Your child’s special day is our number one priority, but we realize the stress that this can put on busy parents. At A2z Events Solutions Management we cater, entertain and organize a birthday party to remember, for kids of any age. We can alter a birthday to any budget, theme and dietary requirement that you or your child may have, and then take care of the complete day while you enjoy seeing your little boy or girl have a birthday unique to them. We’ll even take care of you as parents, with a flexible adult menu. This will add up to a truly happy day for the children and a stress-free day for you. A2z Events Solutions Management provides the whole package – from beginning to end. OUR SERVICES Sourcing party supplies, decorating and setting up at birthday venue Booking of entertainment Coordinating and being on hand during the party Catering fresh party food of your choice Providing the wonderful Birthday Cake Choice of Party Packages or Creating your own Party Preparing and delivering Party boxes Cleaning Up Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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According to A2z Events Solutions Management whether you are child, a young person, or a family holder, we make your birthday party joyful. A suitable decorated birthday party will surely applaud up your guests and will make them remember it everlastingly. The spirit of festivity should be there. Planning for your coming Birthday Party with lots of fun and memorable, don't worry A2z Events Solutions Management plan up your Birthday Parties smoothly and memorable by keeping certain things into consideration which helps birthday parties become a smashing- hit for all time! We provide with each and everything which is essential for your birthday like decoration, cake, balloons, flower arrangement, crepe streamers and so on. At the same time as we are all aware that decoration is an essential and vital part of every party to make it memorable. A2z Events Solutions Management is a leading Birthday Party Organizers in Lahore that also sells party supplies. A2z Events Solutions Management helps you plan your Kids birthday events, or theme parties for birthday, kitty party, house warming, kids birthday parties, get together. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Gilgit (Northern Areas)
This is a fantastic opportunity and could make you a house hold name as we have big ambitions for this You do not need any experience and we will consider everyone that apply but under 18's will need parental permission first to apply. NO REGISTRATION FEE, NO PORTFOLIO yes -- OK for recruiters to contact this job advertiser. yes -- Phone calls about this job are ok. Yes – This message may be reposted elsewhere. Telecommuting is ok. This is a part-time job. This is a contract job. This is an internship.
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Abbottabad (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
World Famous Amil Khalid Bangali (whatsaap and viber 0092300-9768844). Give me one chance change your life. We offer the following services to solve your all problems 1: help to get back your loved one`s trust. 2: stop separation and divorce. 3: problem in education, 4: problem in marriage, 5: problem in bussines, 6: problem in health and progress, 7: problem in foreign journey, 8: problem in job, 9: husband wife problem, 10: love affairs, 11: horoscope make or match, . solve your any problem only by one call. Every problem will be solved with complete guarantee and secrecy. true believe can solve every problem. All of my sisters, brothers, mothers and daughters that had been disappointed from fake aamil`s, asatrologer , bangalis, baba`s can contact by understanding the last light of solution. (Whatsaap & viber Contact +92300-9768844) email:amikahali
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Karachi (Sindh)
Auditions for Horror Film Full details A Horror short film directed and produced by Step by step products, that features a life of a teenager who discovers the unpleasant truth of her past. Will be filmed into a short film, or episodes depending on the length of filming. We have many roles available so get applying today! All ages welcome. Mubeen Roy 0346-2111116 yes -- OK for recruiters to contact this job advertiser. yes -- Phone calls about this job are ok. Yes – This message may be reposted elsewhere. Telecommuting is ok. This is a part-time job.
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Polestar is software development and ITES providing company established in the year 2013- 2014, started with a dream to innovate, implement, upgrades system specification by connecting the clients’ requirements. The company also wants to develop its own brand of S/W products similar to CMM Level 5 giants. We provide the scope of being unique in our own domain. Our platform focuses on the object oriented designs to the windows application programming. Contact mobile- 72020 33391*By-CLI0308AA DD-MM-YY
Rs 1
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Polestar is software development and ITES providing company established in the year 2013- 2014, started w the dream to innovate, implement, upgrades system specification i by connecting the clients’ requirements. The company also wants to develop its own brand of S/W products similar to CMM Level 5 giants. We provide the scope of being unique in our own domain. Our platform focuses on the object oriented designs to the windows application programming. Contact mobile- 7202033391*By-CLI0298AA 07-11-2015 Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh, India
Rs 1
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Most Respected Viewers ! its all about the Types/ Risk / Factors / Symptoms / Screening Treatment & Prevention What Is Down Syndrome? Down syndrome (sometimes spelled “Down’s syndrome”) is a genetic abnormality. It is the most common single cause of birth defects in the United States This syndrome occurs because of an extra copy of chromosome 21. Your chromosomes contain your genetic material, & any problems with your chromosomes can cause serious physical and mental health problems Down syndrome causes lifelong developmental delays that can range from moderate to severe. It cannot be cured, but there are options. Down syndrome can be managed with educational interventions, specialized parenting techniques, and community engagement. These all can encourage a person with Down syndrome to develop life skills and social bonds, so that they can live a long (many Down syndrome patients live past the age of 50) and fulfilling life. Causes What Causes Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is e genetic disorder. TO understand how it happens, we first need to understand some basic genetics. In all cases of reproduction, both parents pass their genes on to their children. These genes are carried on chromosomes. When the baby’s cells develop, each cell is supposed to receive 23 pairs of chromosomes. Half of the chromosomes are from the mother and half from the father. In children with Down syndrome, one of the chromosomes does not separate properly. The baby ends up with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. This extra chromosome causes problems as the brain and physical features develop. Types Types of Down Syndrome There are three types of Down syndrome: Trisomy 21 Trisomy 21 means there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 in every cell. This is the most common form of Down syndrome. Mosaicism Mosaicism means there is an extra chromosome in some but not all of a child’s cells. Individuals with mosaic Down syndrome tend to have fewer symptoms. Translocation In this condition, children have only an extra part of chromosome 21. There are 46 total chromosomes. However, one of them has an extra piece of chromosome 21 attached. Risk Factors Will My Child Be at Risk for Down Syndrome? Certain parents have a greater risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome: women age 35 and older males 50 and older people with a family history of Down’s syndrome people who carry the genetic translocation Symptoms What Are the Symptoms of Down Syndrome? During pregnancy, there are no signs that a child will have Down syndrome. At birth, babies with Down syndrome usually have certain characteristic signs, including: flat facial features small head and ears short neck bulging tongue eyes that slant upward oddly shaped ears poor muscle tone A Down syndrome infant can be born a normal size. However development is twice as slow as for an unaffected child. There is usually some degree of mental retardation, but it is often mild to moderate. Mental and social development delays may mean that the child will have: impulsive behavior poor judgment short attention span slow learning capabilities Medical complications often accompany Down syndrome. These are caused by the extra chromosome. These may include: congenital heart defects hearing loss poor vision cataracts (clouded eyes) hip problems, such as dislocations leukemia chronic constipation sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep) dementia (thought and memory problems) hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) obesity late tooth growth, causing problems with chewing Today, despite the medical and developmental delays, a child born with Down syndrome can live past the age of 50 (Mayo Clinic). Screening Screening for Down Syndrome During Pregnancy Screening is offered as a routine part of prenatal care in the United States. However, it is not required. First Trimester An ultrasound evaluation and blood tests can look for Down syndrome in your fetus. These tests are done between the 10th and 14th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound looks at the back of the baby’s neck, called the nuchal translucency. If there are problems with the baby’s development, more fluid collects in this area. Blood tests looks at the level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). High levels of these proteins suggest a developmental problem. These tests have a higher false-positive rate than tests done at later pregnancy stages. If results are not normal, your doctor may follow up with an amniocentesis. In this test, an amniotic fluid sample is used to confirm the results. Second Trimester An ultrasound and quadruple marker screen (QMS) test can help identify Down syndrome and other neural tube defects. This test is done between 15 and 20 weeks. These tests measures four pregnancy-related factors: human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) unconjugated estriol alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) inhibin-A If any of these tests are not normal, you will be considered at high risk for birth defects. Additional Prenatal Tests Your doctor may order additional tests to detect Down syndrome in your baby: amniocentesis: Your doctor takes a sample of amniotic fluid to examine the number of chromosomes the baby has. The test is usually done at 15 weeks. It carries a one in 200 miscarriage risk. chorionic villus sampling (CVS): Your doctor will take cells from your placenta to analyze fetal chromosomes. This test is done during the ninth and 14th week of pregnancy. It carries a miscarriage risk of one in 100. percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS): Your doctor will take blood from the umbilical cord and examine it for chromosomal defects. It is done after the 18th week of pregnancy. It carries an even higher rate of miscarriage, so it is performed only if all other tests are uncertain. Some women choose not to undergo these tests, because of the risk of miscarriage. They would rather risk having a child with Down syndrome than losing the pregnancy. Tests at Birth At birth, your doctor will: perform a physical examination of your baby order a blood test called a karyotype to confirm Down syndrome Treatment Treating Down Syndrome There is no cure for Down syndrome. However, parents can provide early intervention and opportunities to help their child with Down syndrome succeed. Early intervention programs promote a child’s learning. They offer the best chance for success. In these programs, special education teachers and therapists will help your child learn: sensory skills social skills self-help motor skills language and cognitive abilities Children with Down syndrome often meet age-related milestones. However, this may take up to two times longer than for other children. A team of physicians and specialists can help provide medical care and manage the medical complications. Because obesity can be particularly dangerous to the health of children with Down syndrome, it is important to encourage physical activity and avoid high-calorie foods. However, before beginning exercise or sports, the child’s hip, neck, and spine should be examined. It is important to teach children with Down syndrome about being independent and staying safe. Parents should establish a support network in the family and community. Learn as much as possible about your child’s condition. This can help you understand what it means as your child grows and develops. Many people with Down syndrome lead successful lives in their community. They often go to school, hold jobs, and become independent. Prevention Preventing Down Syndrome There is no way to prevent Down syndrome. You may want to speak with a genetic counselor: before having a child, to see if you are at risk if you already have a child with Down syndrome and are considering getting pregnant again Regards from' Oxfordcadets Team J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore skype id oxfordcadets g mail oxfordcadets at g mail dot com whatsapp +92 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0 Get Updates on + 92 342 37 2 5 129
Rs 6.000
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Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan starts from Rs 170000/- Per Person. (15 Days) First 15 Days. Economy Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan Rs 170000/- Per Person on Sharing Basis (Between 26th Shaban to 18th Ramadan 15 Days) Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan Hotels distance in Makkah Economy Hotel 800-1000 Meters from Haram and in Madinah 500-600 From masjid E Nabvi. Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 from Pakistan Includes:- Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 from Pakistan Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 from Pakistan 04 Nights accommodation in Makkah Hotel 07 Nights accommodation in Madinah Hotel 03 Nights accommodation in Makkah Hotel Complete Visa Processing including normal Visa charges Complete Transport (Jeddah-Makkah-Madinah-Makkah-Jeddah) Complete Meet & Assist during entire stay Ziarat in Makkah & Madinah Subject to Gulzar Travels terms & conditions Please note that above hotels have no ratings and are treated as budget class, low category hotels, each room consists attached bathroom, Air conditioner and telephone. No house keeping will be provided during the stay. Not recommended for class conscious individuals. Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan Terms & Conditions:- Child will be considered from 2 years to 10 years of age. Infant will be considered from 1 day to 2 years of age. Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan Processing Requirements:- Original NADRA Passport which should be valid minimum 8 months. 4 Passport size photographs with white backgrounds. Name of Mehram & Relation will be required in case of lady. Original Computerized National Identity Card. NADRA child registration Certificate will required in case of child. NOC will be required in case of Government Employee. POLIO VACCINATION CARD will require for children than 15 years. Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 from Pakistan Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 from Pakistan Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 from Pakistan Partner Sites: For Booking Ramadan Umrah Package 2015 Pakistan call now 00923325441277
Rs 170.000
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Fisher-Price Cheer for Me! Potty RM150 excluding postage - Add RM15 for postage Product Dimensions: 14.8 x 14 x 13.8 inches Realistic Details and Fun Sounds Make Toilet Training Easy Your child will appreciate the realistic shape of the toilet, the flush handle that clicks when pressed, and the retractable bath tissue holder. The potty rewards each success with five encouraging phrases and two sing-along training songs. Featuring a bright, smiling face, the Cheer For Me! Potty creates a fun, stress-free environment for your child to potty train. Smooth, Nook-Free Bowl Surface for Easy Cleanup For easy, mess-free cleanup, the potty seat's bowl is removable. Its surface is smooth without any nooks to reduce chance of buildup. The potty includes a lid-down feature and a splash guard shield for splash protection for boys. Use on Adult Toilet to Aid Transition When it's time to graduate to an adult toilet, the potty ring can be placed directly on a regular, unpadded adult-sized toilet. Your toddler will feel more secure on the real thing with the aid of the potty seat. The Fisher-Price Cheer For Me! Potty operates with three AA batteries (not included). About Fisher-Price: A Household Name for Quality Baby Products Founded in 1930, Fisher-Price creates products that makes lives easier for parents and toys that foster a child's imagination. Instantly recognizable throughout the world as a leader in infant and preschool products, Fisher-Price focuses on delivering stimulating products for both children and babies. With a trove full of classic, tried-and-true products in their arsenal, the company continues to design and create new developmental toys and baby products.
Rs 6
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Lahore (Punjab)
We know that the preschool years are a vital time in child�s development. A lifelong love of learning, a strong self-image, a desire to explore and not fear failure and a connection to others, is only a sampling of the traits that develop in the preschool years. At Alifya Early Years, we understand that everything we do or don�t do affects children. We also understand that school readiness means preparing your child not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. We do know that early childhood is a critical time to awaken any child�s intelligence. Musical and artistic abilities need to be nurtured as do problem-solving and interpersonal skills. Your child will delight in our carefully crafted Learning Zones that utilized age-appropriate activities and �play with a purpose� to strengthen and enhance each intelligence. We are dedicated on identifying the seven areas of learning; � personal, social and emotional development � communication, language and literacy � physical development � literacy � mathematical development � knowledge and understanding of the world � creative development and working diligently to achieve our goal. Visit out Face book page :
Rs 9
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Lahore (Punjab)
In this essay I will consider the social, economic and political factors of Legal Translation Company in Dubai. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of Legal Translation Company in Dubai. Remarkably Legal Translation Company in Dubai is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that it is important to remember that ‘what goes up must come down.’
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Chiniot (Punjab)
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5-DAYS TRULY ASIA - HONEYMOON & FAMILY VACATION III DELUXE TOUR PACKAGES Validity: March 31, 2016 Tourist season: Round The Year Min Group size: 02-people Airline fares: No Visa cost: No Tour Customizable: Yes Hotel Stays: 01 Night Stay at Malaka in A’ Famosa Resort (4**** star) 02 Night Stay at Kuala Lumpur (in your desired hotel plan) 01 Night Stay at Genting Highlands First Worls (3.5*** star) . Package price from:- (3.5*** Star) Twin Share: $ 500 USD p/pax Triple Share: $ 495 USD- p/pax Extra bed: $ 375 USD p/child Child family plan: $ 350 USD p/child Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (Superior Rooms) MALAKA A-Famosa Resort or similar ** 4** KUL—Star Point or similar Hotel ** 3.5* City hotel GEN—First World Deluxe or similar hotel ** 3.5* . Package price from:- (4**** Star) Twin Share: $ 550 USD p/pax Triple Share: $ 506 USD- p/pax Extra bed: $ 385 USD p/child Child family plan: $ 360 USD p/child Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (superior & deluxe rooms) A Famosa Resort, Malaka— ** 4** or similar KUL—Grand Seasons or similar - ** 4** City hotel (Malaysia's talest hotel) GEN—First World Deluxe or similar ** 3.5* Main Hill Station . Package price from:- (5***** Star) Twin Share: $ 570 USD p/pax Triple Share: $ 522 USD- p/pax Extra bed: $ 395 USD p/child Child family plan: $ 370 USD p/child Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (superior & deluxe rooms) A Famosa Resort, Malaka— ** 4** or similar KUL—Berjaya Times Square / Istana Hotel or similar - ** 5** City hotel GEN—First World Deluxe or similar ** 3.5* Main Hill Station Note: Above rates are not applicable in peak holidays season of June, July & December PACKAGE INCLUDES 1. 1 NIGHTS AT A’ FAMOSA RESORT MALACCA. 2. 2 NIGHT AT SELECTED HOTEL IN KUALA LUMPUR. 3. 1 NIGHT AT GENTING FIRST WORLD DELUXE ROOM 4. DAILY BREAKFASTS. 5. 1 Welcome Dinner at A’Famosa 6. ENTRANCE TO ANIMAIL SAFARI 7. ENTRANCE TO COWBOY TOWN CARNIVAL. 8. Genting Outdoor Theme Park. 9. One Way Cable Car in Genting. 10. HALF DAY KUL CITY TOUR. 11. TRANSFERS – KLIA or STATION TO A’FAMOSA / KUL (By Train) / GENTING OR (wise versa). . DAY 1: A’FAMOSA RESORT ARRIVAL - KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT / BUS OR TRAIN TERMINAL. Meet & greet service and transfer to A’Famosa Resort Malacca. Check in hotel. Rest of the day free to explore the resort facilities on your own. Be thrilled with the COWBOY TOWN CARNIVAL. It is a night to remember. . DAY 2: A’ FAMOSA RESORT Breakfast at resort. Enjoy Animal World safari, a one of its kind in South East Asia. After being entertained by animals get ready to enjoy the splash and spills at The Water Theme Park. Rest of the evening is free at leisure. . DAY 3: KUALA LUMPUR Breakfast at Hotel. 0930hrs – Check out and get transferred to Tampin Train Station. Depart by train to Kuala Lumpur. Our representative will receive you at Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station and ontinue with your Kuala Lumpur City Tour. En-route we will precede on your orientation of Kuala Lumpur City before we dropped you at your hotel. Kuala Lumpur City Tour – Places of Interest: King’s Palace National Monument Old Railway Station National Mosque Twin Towers Independence Square . DAY 4: GENTING HIGHLANDS Breakfast at hotel. 0930hrs – Check out. 1000hrs – Depart to GENTING SKYWAY STATION for your cable car ride to GENTING HIGHLANDS. “An amazing ride for sure” Check in at Genting. Enjoy GENTING Outdoor Theme Park. Rest of the day is free at leisure to explore GENTING on your own. . DAY 5: DEPARTURE Breakfast at Hotel. Free at leisure until departure transfer to airport. . MORE OPTIONS AVAILABLE !! YOU CAN COMBINE YOUR PACKAGE WITH OTHER COMBINATIONS AVAILABLE IN OUR SELECTION OF TRULY ASIA PACKAGES. . This itinerary can be reversed to: GENTING KUL A’ FAMOSA. Note: Above does not includes peak season rates of Chirstmas, New Year, Winter & Summer Holiday Seasons. Booking minimum 20 ~ 25 days before departure date. All rates are subject to 12.5% SRB tax and 10% service charges apply. The above rates are subject to change without any prior notice. No booking has been made as yet and room/s and are strictly subject to availability at the time of firm booking. Up-on children under 12-years age, 25% discount apply. Full payment at the time of firm booking. Tetms & Conditions Apply * . For Booking & Reservations click_here
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5-DAYS TRULY ASIA - HONEYMOON & FAMILY VACATION III DELUXE TOUR PACKAGE Validity: Dec 15, 2015 02 Night A’ Famosa (4**** star) 01 Night Kuala Lumpur (3.5*** star) 01 Night Genting Highlands (3.5*** star) . Package price from:- (3.5*** Star) @ Twin Share: $ 498 USD p/pax @ Triple Share: $ 495 USD- p/pax @ Extra bed: $ 375 USD p/child @ Child family plan: $ 350 USD p/child @ Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (Superior Rooms) MALAKA A-Famosa Resort or similar ** 4** KUL—Star Point or similar Hotel ** 3.5* City hotel GEN—First World Deluxe or similar hotel ** 3.5* . Package price from:- (4**** Star) @ Twin Share: $ 515 USD p/pax @ Triple Share: $ 506 USD- p/pax @ Extra bed: $ 385 USD p/child @ Child family plan: $ 350 USD p/child @ Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (superior & deluxe rooms) A Famosa Resort, Malaka— ** 4** or similar KUL—Grand Seasons or similar - ** 4** City hotel (Malaysia's talest hotel) GEN—First World Deluxe or similar ** 3.5* Main Hill Station . Note: Above rates are not applicable in peak holidays season of June, July & December PACKAGE INCLUDES 1. 2 NIGHTS AT A’ FAMOSA RESORT MALACCA. 2. 1 NIGHT AT SELECTED HOTEL IN KUALA LUMPUR. 3. 1 NIGHT AT GENTING FIRST WORLD DELUXE ROOM 4. DAILY BREAKFASTS. 5. 1 Welcome Dinner at A’Famosa 6. ENTRANCE TO ANIMAIL SAFARI 7. ENTRANCE TO COWBOY TOWN CARNIVAL. 8. Genting Outdoor Theme Park. 9. One Way Cable Car in Genting. 10. HALF DAY KUL CITY TOUR. 11. RANSFERS – KLIA or STATION TO A’FAMOSA / KUL (By Train)/ GENTING OR (wise versa). . DAY 1: A’FAMOSA RESORT ARRIVAL - KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT / BUS OR TRAIN TERMINAL. Meet & greet service and transfer to A’Famosa Resort Malacca. Check in hotel. Rest of the day free to explore the resort facilities on your own. Be thrilled with the COWBOY TOWN CARNIVAL. It is a night to remember. . DAY 2: A’ FAMOSA RESORT Breakfast at resort. Enjoy Animal World safari, a one of its kind in South East Asia. After being entertained by animals get ready to enjoy the splash and spills at The Water Theme Park. Rest of the evening is free at leisure. . DAY 3: KUALA LUMPUR Breakfast at Hotel. 0930hrs – Check out and get transferred to Tampin Train Station. Depart by train to Kuala Lumpur. Our representative will receive you at Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station and ontinue with your Kuala Lumpur City Tour. En-route we will precede on your orientation of Kuala Lumpur City before we dropped you at your hotel. Kuala Lumpur City Tour – Places of Interest: King’s Palace National Monument Old Railway Station National Mosque Twin Towers Independence Square . DAY 4: GENTING HIGHLANDS Breakfast at hotel. 0930hrs – Check out. 1000hrs – Depart to GENTING SKYWAY STATION for your cable car ride to GENTING HIGHLANDS. “An amazing ride for sure” Check in at Genting. Enjoy GENTING Outdoor Theme Park. Rest of the day is free at leisure to explore GENTING on your own. . DAY 5: DEPARTURE Breakfast at Hotel. Free at leisure until departure transfer to airport. . MORE OPTIONS AVAILABLE !! YOU CAN COMBINE YOUR PACKAGE WITH OTHER COMBINATIONS AVAILABLE IN OUR SELECTION OF TRULY ASIA PACKAGES. . This itinerary can be reversed to: GENTING KUL A’ FAMOSA. . Terms & Conditions Apply * . For Booking & Reservations click_here
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5-DAYS TRULY ASIA - HONEYMOON & FAMILY VACATION III DELUXE TOUR PACKAGE Validity: Dec 15, 2015 02 Night A’ Famosa (4**** star) 01 Night Kuala Lumpur (3.5*** star) 01 Night Genting Highlands (3.5*** star) . Package price from:- (3.5*** Star) Twin Share: $ 498 USD p/pax Triple Share: $ 495 USD- p/pax Extra bed: $ 375 USD p/child Child family plan: $ 350 USD p/child Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (Superior Rooms) MALAKA A-Famosa Resort or similar ** 4** KUL—Star Point or similar Hotel ** 3.5* City hotel GEN—First World Deluxe or similar hotel ** 3.5* . Package price from:- (4**** Star) Twin Share: $ 515 USD p/pax Triple Share: $ 506 USD- p/pax Extra bed: $ 385 USD p/child Child family plan: $ 350 USD p/child Child no bed: $ 350 USD p/child . Hotel combinations: (superior & deluxe rooms) A Famosa Resort, Malaka— ** 4** or similar KUL—Grand Seasons or similar - ** 4** City hotel (Malaysia's talest hotel) GEN—First World Deluxe or similar ** 3.5* Main Hill Station . Note: Above rates are not applicable in peak holidays season of June, July & December PACKAGE INCLUDES 1. 2 NIGHTS AT A’ FAMOSA RESORT MALACCA. 2. 1 NIGHT AT SELECTED HOTEL IN KUALA LUMPUR. 3. 1 NIGHT AT GENTING FIRST WORLD DELUXE ROOM 4. DAILY BREAKFASTS. 5. 1 Welcome Dinner at A’Famosa 6. ENTRANCE TO ANIMAIL SAFARI 7. ENTRANCE TO COWBOY TOWN CARNIVAL. 8. Genting Outdoor Theme Park. 9. One Way Cable Car in Genting. 10. HALF DAY KUL CITY TOUR. 11. RANSFERS – KLIA or STATION TO A’FAMOSA / KUL (By Train)/ GENTING OR (wise versa). . DAY 1: A’FAMOSA RESORT ARRIVAL - KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT / BUS OR TRAIN TERMINAL. Meet & greet service and transfer to A’Famosa Resort Malacca. Check in hotel. Rest of the day free to explore the resort facilities on your own. Be thrilled with the COWBOY TOWN CARNIVAL. It is a night to remember. . DAY 2: A’ FAMOSA RESORT Breakfast at resort. Enjoy Animal World safari, a one of its kind in South East Asia. After being entertained by animals get ready to enjoy the splash and spills at The Water Theme Park. Rest of the evening is free at leisure. . DAY 3: KUALA LUMPUR Breakfast at Hotel. 0930hrs – Check out and get transferred to Tampin Train Station. Depart by train to Kuala Lumpur. Our representative will receive you at Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station and ontinue with your Kuala Lumpur City Tour. En-route we will precede on your orientation of Kuala Lumpur City before we dropped you at your hotel. Kuala Lumpur City Tour – Places of Interest: King’s Palace National Monument Old Railway Station National Mosque Twin Towers Independence Square . DAY 4: GENTING HIGHLANDS Breakfast at hotel. 0930hrs – Check out. 1000hrs – Depart to GENTING SKYWAY STATION for your cable car ride to GENTING HIGHLANDS. “An amazing ride for sure” Check in at Genting. Enjoy GENTING Outdoor Theme Park. Rest of the day is free at leisure to explore GENTING on your own. . DAY 5: DEPARTURE Breakfast at Hotel. Free at leisure until departure transfer to airport. . MORE OPTIONS AVAILABLE !! YOU CAN COMBINE YOUR PACKAGE WITH OTHER COMBINATIONS AVAILABLE IN OUR SELECTION OF TRULY ASIA PACKAGES. . This itinerary can be reversed to: GENTING KUL A’ FAMOSA. . Terms & Conditions Apply * . For Booking & Reservations click_here
Rs 75.400
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Karachi (Sindh)
MALAYSIA HONEYMOON & FAMILY 07-days & 06-Nights Penang, Genting & Kuala Lumpur Tour 2. Tourist season: Round the year Validity: Dec15, 2015 Tour: 06-Nights & 07-Days Airfare Included: No Tour Customizable: Yes Package price from:- (3*** Star) Twin Share: $ 425 USD per person x 2A Triple Share: $ 395 USD- per person x 3A Extra bed: $ 275 USD per child Child family plan: $ 170 USD per child Child no bed: $ 105 USD per child Hotel combinations: (Superior Rooms) 02-Nights at PEN—Naza Talyya Hotel or Similar ** 3* beach hotel 02-Nights at KUL—Citrus / Cititel express Hotel or Similar ** 3* City hotel 02-Nights at GEN—First World Hotel superior or Similar ** 3* Package price from:- (4**** Star) Twin Share: $ 574 USD per person x 2A Triple Share: $ 516 USD- per person x 3A Extra bed: 359 USD per child Child family plan: $ 194 USD per child Child no bed: $ 120 USD per child Hotel combinations: (Superior Rooms) 02-Nights at PEN—Flamingo By Beach or Similar beach hotel 02-Nights at KUL—Grand Seasons / Swiss Garden or Similar City hotel 02-Nights at GEN—First World Deluxe or Similar Main Hill Station Package price from:- (5***** Star) Twin Share: $ 695 USD per person x 2A Triple Share: $ 599 USD- per person x 3A Extra bed: 408 USD per child Child family plan: $ 200 USD per child Child no bed: $ 140 USD per child Hotel combinations: (Superior Rooms) 02-Nights at PEN—Holiday Inn Sea View or Similar beach hotel 02-Nights at KUL—Istana Hotels / Berjaya Times Square or Similar City hotel 02-Nights at GEN—First World Superior Deluxe or Similar Main Hill Station INCLUSIONS 1. 02 Night accommodation at Penang 2. 02 Night accommodation at Genting 3. 02 Night accommodation at Kuala Lumpur 4. Daily Breakfast 5. Half Day City Tour of KUL on SIC 6. Return bus tickets from KUL to PEN and back 7. Half Day City Tour of PEN on SIC 8. Full Day Genting Tour with cable car ride + outdoor theme park ticket on SIC 9. Transfer KUL / GEN / KUL on SIC 10. Transfer KLIA / KUL / KUL Bus station on SIC 11. Transfer PEN Bus station / Hotel / PEN Bus station on SIC 12. Transfer KUL Bus station / KUL / KLIA on SIC 13. All Taxes and Service Charges Above prices does not includes: • Return International & domestic airline fares • Malaysia tourist visa charges • Lunch & dinner throughout the tour. • Entrance fees to sites not specified above. • Christmas and New Year’s Eve supplements at hotels. • Cost of beverage throughout the tour. • Expenses of a personal nature. • Tips and Porterage • Any other services not specified above in "INCLUSIONS" column.. Please Note: 1. The above rates are nett inclusive all local government taxes totaling to 17.5%. 2. These rates are subject to change without prior notice in the event government changes the tax policy or Airline increases fares or peak holiday season of June, July, December Christmas & New Year.. 3. Package price is calculated up-on 3 to 4 star hotel accommodation 4. Any difference due to higher class airline fares or hotel accommodation due to non availability is applicable and will be charged accordingly. 5. Above rates are calculated up-on twin sharing basis. 6. Children under 11-years age, 75% charges apply. 7. Infant, STAY FREE (visa, ticket and ground transportation charges apply) 8. Rooms STRICTLY are subject to availability on time of booking. IMPORTANT: Kindly note that Malaysia Embassy is taking minimum 15 to 20 days for Malaysia visa on Punjab, Islamabad, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Baluchistan passports for visa approval. Terms & Conditions apply * For Booking & Reservations click_here
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Most Respected Viewers & Parents ! if your Child is interested to join Forces as a commission officer or you are thinking that you child should join Armed Forces because By this way not only your child's future will be secured only but will get higher education totally free' its possible but if your child is really sharp genius and may get 60% marks by attempting their written iQ Test in the coming days ? Boys/Girls may join (Ages 18-28) Physically/Mentally Fit with Height/Sight both options (Don't come if you are blind or Retarded) Government Jobs are for all Matric-MS.c (Boys/Girls) Looking to Prepare & interested to appear in current year iQ Test Army PMA Long Crs Naval Officers Selection Test PAF Air Men / GD Pilot AeroNautical Engineer Class 8th Cadets Colleges Admission test Entrance Examination Any university college institute in Pakistan NTS NAT GAT SAT GMAT GRE MCAT ECAT Entry Test Aptitude test admission test entrance examination uni/college institute We prepare your child for All type of Entry Test preparation classes at Started at Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Institute Gulberg iii Lahore Join for the best results we are also at Google/ FaceBook/ /clasf dailymotion and other sites just write in Google oxfordcadets Mentally Slow learners Disable Child's iQ skills Recovery Feel Free for more information at oxfordadets at g mail com you may get information on skype id oxfordcadets whatsapp 0/3/3/3/4/6/3/3//9/9/0 With Regards from' Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore we are serving your children since 1990 Contacts:333 /4/3/4/9/5/2/2-307/4/4/7/7/9/9/0
Rs 12.000
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Most Respected Parents and Viewers ! Hope you will be fine and doing well' What do you feel' is there any sort of a problem in your loving child' if you do desire him/her to act arrodingly and want an outstanding amazing skills output recovery Result Let Visit your Cognitive Epileptic Mentally Retarded Slow Learning Overage Aggressive Behavioral Children We will interview a child and Explore their main Physical Mental Deficiencies causes to recover them with in a couple of days (Guaranteed Fee Back) Let Join Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore Enhance such children Natural Hidden iQ Skills and other school main subjects Studies Talent' groom their Studies Base skills to compete in Competitive Test Online Exam And Cadets Colleges Selection Written Test Grade 8th / PN Army PMA PAF GD Pilot ADWC Air Men Selection CAA PIA Air Hostess Crew Chief FIC We Develop a child Permanent Memorizing Capabilities Search on their Logics Motivate them Ethically Morally Advance Linguistics logics to face the competitive world challenges with excellence We deliever skills to a child and enable him/ her to become beneficial in society Regards' Akhtar Hayat (Ex P.A.F) Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii lahore Skype oxfordcadets whatsap 333 4/6/3/3//9/9/0 more information at 342 3/7/2/5//12/9 307 4/4/7/7/9/9/0
Rs 5.000
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