Chefs will corporate
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
iiInternational Trade Law Taxation Law Labour Law Intellectual Property Law Environmental Law Banking Laws Marriage, Family and Family Laws Banking Finance Law Commercial and Corporate Law Common Law Comparative and Foreign Law Competition Law Computer and Communication Law Corporate and Securities Law Criminology and Criminal Justice Economic Regulation Environmental and Natural Resources Law Comparative and International Dispute Resolution Trade Mark Law and Practice Intellectual Property Law Media Law Public Law Tax Law Public International Law Legal Theory and History Law and Development International Business Law Human Rights Law European Law Economic Regulations Equality and Trust Family Law Insurance Law International Dispute Resolution Maritime Law Medicine Law Procedural Law Mercantile Law International Immigration Law Income and Sages Tax Law English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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We believe every couple is unique.that's why no wedding is ever the same with us.We believe your wedding is an event to remember.that's why we pay special attention to your wishes and dreams,when planning it! Bandhan sets the standard for caterers throughout the greater Rawalpindi, Islamabad area. Our longtime partnerships with local venues and producers ensure you the finest options for your event. Events & Occasions,From casual to fine dining, Bandhan has the experience to help you host the perfect party. With fantastic menu options, amazing décor choices, and a gracious staff, you can bet your event will be spectacular,Corporate & EventsPlanning a company gala or event is a lot simpler with our crew in your corner. Our staff has produced stylish functions for all sorts of corporate events. We make things perfectly seamless and professional,Seasonal,With Bandhan at your side, you can plan and host the most phenomenal holiday party. Offering twists traditional dishes as well as other beautiful culinary delights and cocktails, we'll make your party sensational.Weddings,You want your wedding and reception to stand out. Our chefs and catering team will work to create a menu theme that suits you and your budget. Let us make your wedding day that much more memorable and enjoyable.
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Dear Colleagues, LETS BE TOGETHER TO STOP FRAUD. Greetings & Good Day from Pakistan! As you will be very much aware of the fact that fraud is a significant cost to many (if not most) companies. But it doesn't have to be. Fraud is defined as the unlawful and international misrepresentation which can lead to actual or potential disadvantages to another individual or group. Corporate fraud is a large concern around the world. To detect, stop and to prevent from further loss, one may rely on a skilled private Investigation Company, because a poorly handled investigation, or the absence of any investigation, may leave an organization exposed to potential regulatory or to face an unbearable loss which can be occurred in shape of a huge fraud. By identifying your fraud risks and implementing appropriate steps for detection, its deterrence, organizations as well as the individuals can prevent things from occurrence of Fraud. To help the corporate sector as well as the individuals from any unpleasant consequences, Redline Corporate Researches has acquired the expertise to carry out investigations across a broad spectrum of issues. RCR relies on its network of contacts and associates to Obtain relevant and timely information, as well as the resourcefulness of its consultants and their investigation techniques. Besides working in Pakistan, RCR has strong affiliations and network in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iran, Iraq, Dubai, Kuwait, China and some parts of the western world. We have the expertise and excellent knowledge to conduct the following investigations to the best satisfaction of the clients globally:- Background Investigations. “KYC” Investigations. Pre & Pot Employment Investigations. Business Intelligence & Integrity Due Diligence. Competitive Business Investigations. Corporate Security Investigations. Insurance Claim/Fraud Investigations. Medicaid Fraud Investigations. Worker’s Compensation/Disability Claim Investigations. Intellectual Property Fraud/Infringement Investigations. Documents/Information Retrieval. Identity theft Investigations. Work Place Violence Investigations. Contract & Procurement Fraud Investigations. Occupational Fraud Investigations. Benefit Fraud Investigations. Inventory Fraud Investigations. Real Estate Fraud Investigations. Unclaimed Property Investigations. Investment Fraud Investigations. Commercial Mortgage Fraud Investigations. Predatory Fraud Investigations. Contractors/Bidders Verification/Investigations. Politics Based Investigations. Asset Searching & Skip Tracing. Risk Consulting & Management. Matrimonial Investigations. Extra-Marital Affairs Investigations. Family Dispute Resolving. Summon/Process Serving. Litigation Support. To conduct the above investigations, we have chosen and have hired a staff of high caliber, which includes retired personnel from Police, Lawyers, Ex-Bankers, Chartered Accountants and others belongs to different walks of life. They are capable to deliver the best result well ahead of the client’ requirement. As our prices are lower then the others working on the same objects in Pakistan, We offer you our services and of course, a testing task from your side will pave the way for a working relationship which will be based on mutual understanding and will also be beneficial for both the institutions. Referral in this regard will also be appreciated. Truly Yours, Savaira Hussain. Director Redline Corporate Researches® Off # 1, Ground Floor,Chishti Palaza, Jillani Abad, Opp. Shaheen Cargo Complex, Banazir Bhutto International Airport (Islamabad), Rawalpindi-46000, Pakistan. Tell: +92 - 51-5780064 +92-51-5830308 Cell: +92 - 336-0008151 Fax: +92-51-5830308 email: URL : Memberships & Affiliations: The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) – USA International Organization of Private Intelligence Agencies (IOPIA) – USA Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA) – USA Global Diversified Asset Protection Solutions (GDAPS) – UK Capital Market Risk Advisors (CMRA) – USA Corporate & Intergovernmental Security Alliance (CIGSA) – USA International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM) – USA International Intellectual Property Benchmarking Association (IIPBA) – USA International Credit & Collection Benchmarking Association (ICCBA) – USA International Risk Management Benchmarking Association (IRMBA) – USA Dispute Resolution Benchmarking Association (DRBA) – USA
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Karachi (Sindh)
October 21, 2015 Mövenpick Hotel, Karachi. OBJECTIVES: In the current tax scenario, tax planning and managing tax affairs are desired to be integrated with overall corporate strategy and risk management of an organizationon. Along with understanding of general provisions of the law the advance learning in the light of Superior Courts' judgments are also considered mandatory for corporate taxpayers to minimize tax risks and undue burden of taxes. Effective tax planning and successful management of tax affairs in line with overall corporate strategy and objectivity are considered to be one of the core area of competencies for an organization. This day long session aims at to discuss and understand the significant advance aspects of Income tax law in the light of different provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, Income Tax Rules, 2002, SROs, Circulars and Superior Courts' Judgments regarding corporate tax matters of an organization to develop requisite skills among the parcipants within an interactive environment for maximum advance learning of Income Tax Law. Since the financial year 2015-16 has been started and this is the high me for the corporate taxpayers to plan and review their tax planning for Tax Year 2016 and to consider any updation, revision and modification therein on a mely basis. This may necessitates updang the understanding of various provisions of the income tax law. The parcipants of the workshop will gain crical insights, strategies and skills on tax essenals and ps to effecvely manage their Organizaon's and group's tax affairs. Considering the heavy business commitments and preoccupaon of taxpayers and corporate person looking a5er taxaon affairs of organizaons we are pleased to offer this day long workshop on income tax law to update the understanding of the parcipants on the contents given below: CONTENTS: o General understanding & Constitutional validity of the Income Tax Ordinance,2001 o Review of important provisions of the ordinance relevant to the corporate taxpayers o Computation of taxable income in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance,2001 for Tax Years 2015 and 2016: * Business * Property * Capital gain o Group taxaon & Group Relief Set off & carry forward of losses o Withholding tax matters: * Types of transaction/rate of tax/ exemption limits * Submission of monthly and annual statements o Transaction between associates Tax Accounting o Audit & Assessment o Refund Procedures o All above in the light of APEX Courts Judgements
Rs 9.995
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Be it corporate meetings, business seminars, award presentations or trade shows, A2z Events Solutions Management is the first name that strikes the minds of companies whenever they imagine hosting an event. We have always been trendsetters in corporate events who constantly evolve to set new benchmarks for ourselves. Our superior event organization can be attributed to the fresh thinking, energetic personality and wealth of experience that we possess. A2z Events Solutions Management toil round the clock to evade last minute hassles and don’t cease our efforts until the event turns out to be a successful one. We are the best corporate event managers available in the market who have made it a habit of making corporate programs hit the right note by sketching an effective plan which takes care of even the minutest details involved in pre event, on-site and post event. The A2z Events Solutions Management team lends its support on all features of event like venue identification, conceptualizing event, enhancing brands and media management. We also offer customized decorative and designer style fabrications. Whatever is your location, kind and budget of the event, we will provide you with the perfect experience. A2z Events Solutions Management is experts in corporate event, party planning organization services for all occasions specifically for Lahore, Pakistan. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Dear Sir/Madam, We as an organization, are welcoming your business and familial trips, we are educated about your needs and we know that how to fuifll them, we assure you that we will provide you: Quality of services Professional attitude Sensitiveness to the solutions of your problems WE hope that you will give us a chance to serve once, our affiliations with: Multan: Fiesta Inn: LMQ road. Murree: Khan Regency: Near GPO. Invite Inn: G-6, Islamabad near holiday inn. Le-Shanze Inn: Johar town Lahore. I am sending you the official credential, please acknowledge. Have a nice Day!!! Best Regards Rizwan Ali Khan Manager Sales&Marketing Quick Continental HoteL To, Admin Manager, Subject: Special Corporate Rates at Quick Continental Hotel Lahore Respected Sir, Introducing for the first time in Lahore the Concept of comfortable living , THE QUICK CONTINENTAL HOTEL, serves to give you feeling of a home being away from home. Simple “Memorable Forever” is the idea behind providing the everlasting, homely and comfortable place to enjoy the most precious moment of your life. Quick Continental Hotel where world class services are completely available. Quick Continental Hotel is situated at an oriental place in the main Shadman chowk Jail Road the heart of Lahore. 7Km away from the Daewoo Lahore&12 Km from the Air-port. The luxuries renovations fascination of 18 rooms is mind –blowing . The radiant features include Internet and fax facility, Conference hall, Satellite channels, round the clock doctor and 24/7 armed security. Following are some other complementary offers: Complementary Welcome Drink News Paper Break Fast Shoe Shine Wifi Internet facility Five local calls Category Rack Rates Corporate rates Single Deluxe Room 4000+Tax 2500+Tax Double Deluxe Room 4500+Tax 3000+Tax Extra Metress 1000+Tax 500+Tax Also available room reservation at Karachi, Multan, Murree, Islamabad. Special Meeting Hall For 125 Persons For any further details please feel free to contact us. Thanks and best regards, Syed Ahmed Abbas Rizvi Rizwan Ali Khan (G.M. Marketing) Manager Marketing Quick Continental Hotel Quick Continental Hotel (0300-803-7007)(0321-440-2512) (0321-2633739)(0310-4474614)
Rs 3
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ii English Jurisprudence English (Western) Jurisprudence. Course consists of topics relating to Sources of Law, Basic Concepts and Theories of Law, Schools of Jurisprudence, Concepts regarding Rights, Ownership, Possession, Legal Person and Administration of Justice. iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Islamic Jurisprudence Sources of Islamic Law, Basic Concepts of Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabia before Islam, Four Schools of Sunni Fiqah, Sheite Fiqah, Provisions regarding Rights of Allah and People, Crime and Punishment, Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Constitutional Law and State System. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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Jhelum (Punjab)
iii Law of Contract Pakistan's Contract Act, Leading Cases, General Principles of Law of Contract, and Sale of Goods Act, Partnership Act. iv Law of Torts and Easements Development of Law of Torts in England, Fundamental Concepts, Liability, Discharge of Tort, Defenses and Exceptions, Negligence, Trespass, Defamation, etc. Leading Cases. Moreover, Easements Act is also the part of the paper. v Constitutional Law British Constitution and Leading Cases. American Constitution, Historical perspective, and Leading Cases. vi Criminal Law Penal Laws of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, Hudood Laws and relevant enactments. General Principles of Criminal Law and Leading Cases. i Constitutional Law-II Articles of Pakistan Constitution 1973, Leading Cases ,Constitutional History of Pakistan from Passing of Government of India Act 1935 to Constitutional Crises of 1972 and Leading Cases ii Equity Maxims of Equity ,Doctrines and Principles of Equity, Trust Act, Specific Relief Act and Leading Cases iii Mercantile Law Course Consists of topics relating to concepts of Corporate Personality, The Veil of Incorporation, Indoor Management, Constructive Notice and Public Interest Doctrines, Liability in Risk Oriented Business Ventures, Winding up of Corporate bodies, Capital Shares and Financing etc. and the Companies Ordinance '84 . The Negotiable Instruments Act is also part of the paper. iv Law of Transfer of Property The Transfer of Property Act including doctrines of Lis Pendens, Part Performance, Law of Mortgages, Sales, Leases, Actionable Claims etc. The Registration Act, The Succession Act, The Land Acquisition Act. v Islamic Personal Law Jurisprudential aspects of Islamic doctrines, The Islamic Law of Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance alongwith relevant enactments Law relating to Gift, Will, Waqf and Acknowledgment, Guardianship and Custody of Minors along with the Guardians and Wards Act, Islamic Pre-emption Laws and Leading Cases. vi Public International Law Definition and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International and Municipal Law, Law of Sea and Air, War, Recognition, Succession International Economic and Environmental Law, Law of International Institutions especially UNO and ICJ. vii Special and Local Laws Land Revenue Act; Collection of Revenue, Levies, Water Charges etc., Punjab Tenancy Act; Occupancy Tenancy, Revenue Courts and officers, Distribution of Rent, Ejectment; Abandonment, Punjab Pre-emption Act etc. i Civil Procedure The Civil Procedure Code; Filing of Suits, Jurisdiction of Courts, Transfer of Cases, Execution of Decrees, Appeal and The Limitation Act. ii Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Code; Court System; Process of Trial, Appeal, Criminal Procedure in its Entirety, Medical Jurisprudence. iii Law of Evidence Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 (Evidence Act), General Principles regarding competency of witness, Doctrines of Hearsay Evidence, Estoppel, Dying Declaration, etc. and General Principles of Legal Ethics. iv Conveyancing and Pleading (a Bilingual Paper) General Principles of Conveyancing The Law of Conveyancing, Rules and Procedure, Writing Specimen of Deeds of Sale, Mortgage etc. General Principle of Pleadings, the Law of Pleadings, Rules and Procedure, Writing Pleadings and Written Statements, Interpretation of Statutes etc. v Constitutional Law-III: Administrative Law Principles of Administrative Law; General and Basic Principles of Law of Administrative Tribunals, Law of Civil Service. vi Minor Acts Suit Valuation Act, Court Fees Act, The Stamp Act, The Arbitration Act Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance. vii Labour & Taxation Laws Labour Laws; Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2002 West Pakistan Standing Orders 1968, The Workman Compensation Act 1923, Taxation Laws; Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
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A2z Events Solution is a full-service a2z events and weddings management company in Lahore, committed to quality and excellence. Since our establishment, we have constantly strived towards the flawless execution of events of all types either weddings, family events, personal events, business events or corporate events. We manage events across all the main cities of Pakistan. No matter what your requirements are, our main concern is to do our best to meet up your requirements and deliver the results that exceed all expectations. At a2z Events, we make sure cost-effective service, accountability and flexibility. Most of all, we treat your event like it is ours. Whatever your budget, we have the solutions for you that you will not find elsewhere. So If you are looking for a professional wedding planner, this is the place for you. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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If you are planning any corporate event, business meeting, special event, your wedding, party for kids, birthday parties or any other special event for a gathering of 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10,000 or more than this in Lahore or anywhere in Pakistan, we at A2z Events Solutions Management can assist in managing catering for your special events. We have exceptional catering companies with us with whom we are working from last many years. A2z Events Solutions Management can offer you best menus with imaginative presentations and decorations. Depending on your requirements and budget, we will match the right caterer to your event to ensure that you receive fabulous food. Call us today for more updates and offers, Kind Regards, Rohail Ilyas (Sales & Operational Manager) A2Z Events Solutions Management Direct Cell # +92- 332- 4219910 PK Office PH # +92- 42 35817106/+92-31-4268177 / 0331-4730273 UK office Dir # +44- 203-371-0782 / 0208 -090 -4020 Uk Fax # +44- 207- 691- 7800 PK Office: -M-23 Siddiq Trade Center, Main Boulevard Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan Visit Our Pages: - www a2zeventssolutions com,, www a2zeventssolutionz com,,, www a2zvents weebly com Visit us Youtube:- www youtube com/user/a2zevents Visit Facebook : - a2z events solutions Visit Flicker: - a2z events solutions
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Lahore (Punjab)
Our Model Managers are from North America, and have capacity to promote Pakistani Models in the International Fashion arena. Khan’s Production will capture the Corporate Group of clients that are comprised of, but not limited to: leading fashion magazines, clothing designers, advertising agencies and fashion photographers. We are going to be a driving force in the modeling profession and with modeling prestige. Khan’s Production will do a search every year in Pakistan by the name of, Khan’s Production Model Look, which will be a contest that will discover potential models across different provinces. If you think you have the look, we want to see you ! Best Regards : Madam Eliza Khan Office: 46/H D.H.A Lahore.
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Lahore (Punjab)
Eat Lo is a portal for those who want to eat homemade food but don't have time or interest to cook. Eat Lo is a portal for home chefs who believe in their cooking, want to be recognized as Chef and make money while doing what they like. Eat Lo is a platform where home chefs will have their personalized kitchens available online and people from neighborhood will be able to buy their food.
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Corporate Bridge of Risk Management. Pakistani Employees background screening services provider. Corporate Bridge of Risk Management (Pvt.) Limited. Registered office at the Islamabad Capital of Pakistan. “Risk is like a fire if controlled it will help you if uncontrolled it will rise up and destroy you.” There may be many events and happenings in business life to take place in future, some good and some bad, which can affect your goals and objectives. Managing risk is the very essence of business survival and growth. We have a proactive approach that attempts to prioritize the risks that can be happen so that you can improve the likelihood of achieving your goals. Approximately 53% of resumes/CVs contain fabrications or lies. Find out if your job candidates really are all they claim to be. CBRM is a privately-held company providing leading services of pre and post-employment screening, background screening, due diligence investigation, national and international registrations, Public record documents verification, litigation matters and financial services indifferent countries. We Conduct highly competent investigative interviews and thoroughly versed and vetted in all types of workplace investigations concerning fraud, white-collar crimes, theft, substance abuse and other forms of workplace misconduct. This enables us to provide you, the employer, with comprehensive analysis. Our Management team is highly skilled in solving complex business problems, reducing risk and improving employee morale. CBRM is committed to providing long-term solutions with uncompromising ethics, trust, excellence, accuracy, and passion for protecting today’s building tomorrow’s.
Rs 20.000
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Rawalpindi (Punjab)
We believe every couple is unique.that's why no wedding is ever the same with us.We believe your wedding is an event to remember.that's why we pay special attention to your wishes and dreams,when planning it! Bandhan sets the standard for caterers throughout the greater Rawalpindi, Islamabad area. Our longtime partnerships with local venues and producers ensure you the finest options for your event.Events & Occasions,From casual to fine dining, Bandhan has the experience to help you host the perfect party. With fantastic menu options, amazing décor choices, and a gracious staff, you can bet your event will be spectacular,Corporate & Events Planning a company gala or event is a lot simpler with our crew in your corner. Our staff has produced stylish functions for all sorts of corporate events. We make things perfectly seamless and professional.Seasonal,With Bandhan at your side, you can plan and host the most phenomenal holiday party. Offering twists traditional dishes as well as other beautiful culinary delights and cocktails, we'll make your party sensational.Weddings,You want your wedding and reception to stand out. Our chefs and catering team will work to create a menu theme that suits you and your budget. Let us make your wedding day that much more memorable and enjoyable.Best catering choice for Rawalpindi and Islamabad Peoples.
Rs 250
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