Baby child
Top sales list baby child

Parents in Child intellectual disabilities or other disorders ! Do you know about a child's Intellectual Disabilities? ID is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, & social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children with intellectual disabilities may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and take care of their personal needs such as dressing or eating. They are likely to have trouble learning in school. They will learn, but it will take them longer. There may be some things they cannot understand well or perform willingly & accurately Child's Intellectual Disability Main Causes Doctors have found many causes of intellectual disabilities. The most common are: Genetic conditions. Sometimes an intellectual disability is caused by abnormal genes inherited from parents, errors when genes combine, or other reasons. Examples of genetic conditions are Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome Problems during pregnancy. Intellectual disabilities can result when the baby does not develop inside the mother properly. For example, there may be a problem with the way the baby's cells divide as it grows. A woman who drinks alcohol or gets an infection like rubella during pregnancy may also have a baby with intellectual disability. Problems at birth. If a baby has problems during labor & birth, such as not getting enough oxygen, he or she may have an intellectual disability. Health problems. Diseases like whooping cough, the measles, or meningitis can cause an intellectual disability. Intellectual disabilities can also be caused by extreme malnutrition (not eating right), not getting enough medical care, or by being exposed to poisons like lead or mercury. Intellectual disabilities are not diseases. You can't catch an intellectual disability from anyone. Intellectual disabilities are also not a type of mental illness, like depression. There is no cure for an intellectual disability. However, most children with an intellectual disability can learn to do many things. It just takes them more time & effort than other children Regards from' Akhtar Hayat Oxfordcadets (since 1990) Main J Block |FirdosMarket Gulberg iii Lahore skype oxfordcadets whatsap 333 4/6/3/3//9/9/0
Rs 400
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Conceive a Baby Boy with our Baby Boy Course Our Baby Boy Course, offers the chance for a more balanced family and allows your children to feel wanted. A female child who knows that her family wished she were a boy carries an unnecessary burden throughout their childhood. As more parents choose their children with success, there will be more love to go around, less rejection, and a reduction in family size. Many couples have large families simply as the result of perpetual attempts to have a son. Conceive boy with our Baby Boy Course which have been used in Pakistan from last 20 years. Hundreds of families are enjoying their lives with Son after using this excellent course. This is not just a medicine to conceive a Baby Boy but it is also a very good tonic for both Mother and Child. It prevents from many complications during pregnancy. It is a pure Homeopathic formula having absolutely no side effects.
Rs 9.999
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Ramzan Discount offer: 20% Discount BABY BOY COURSE : Effectiveness rate of +95% : Our Baby Boy Course, offers the chance for a more balanced family and allows your children to feel wanted. A female child who knows that her family wished she were a boy carries an unnecessary burden throughout their childhood. As more parents choose their children with success, there will be more love to go around, less rejection, and a reduction in family size. Many couples have large families simply as the result of perpetual attempts to have a son. Our Baby Boy Course have been used in Pakistan from last 20 years. Hundreds of families are enjoying their lives with Son after using this excellent course. This is not just a medicine to conceive a Baby Boy but it is also a very good tonic for both Mother and Child. It prevents from many complications during pregnancy. It is a pure Homeopathic formula having absolutely no side effects. کیا آپ چاہتے ہیں کہ آپ کے گھر بیٹا پیدا ہو؟ کیا آپ کے گھر صرف بیٹیاں پیدا ہوتی ہیں؟ تو آپ بھی ربانی ہومیو کلینک کا تیار کردہ “اولادنرینہ کورس” استعمال کریں۔ گزشتہ 20 سال میں اولاد نرینہ کورس کے استعمال سے پاکستان بھر میں بے شمار گھرانے بیٹا حاصل کرنے کی خواہش کو پورا کر چکے ہیں۔ یہ نہ صرف بیٹے کے حصول کے لیئے دوائی ہے بلکہ اس کے ساتھ ساتھ دوران حمل زچہ اور بچہ کی صحت کا خیال رکھنے کے لیئے ٹانک بھی ہے اور دوران حمل پیچیدگیوں سے بھی بچاتا ہے۔ یہ ایکمکمل طور پر ہومیوپیتھک کورس ہے اور ہر قسم کے سائڈ ایفیکٹس سے مبرا ہے 03454027789 website: Skype : inamrabbani Like us on facebook: Twitter : Linkedin: Online store at MYOFFSTREET: Certified Expert at HEALTHMAGIC :
Rs 8
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Rabbani homeo Clinic's very effective medicine to conceive Baby Boy. Our Baby Boy Course, offers the chance for a more balanced family and allows your children to feel wanted. A female child who knows that her family wished she were a boy carries an unnecessary burden throughout their childhood. As more parents choose their children with success, there will be more love to go around, less rejection, and a reduction in family size. Many couples have large families simply as the result of perpetual attempts to have a son. Conceive boy with our Baby Boy Course which have been used in Pakistan from last 20 years. Hundreds of families are enjoying their lives with Son after using this excellent course. This is not just a medicine to conceive a Baby Boy but it is also a very good tonic for both Mother and Child. It prevents from many complications during pregnancy. It is a pure Homeopathic formula having absolutely no side effects.
Rs 9.999
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
The Job Movers Child Care Solutions: An Established, upscale Babysitting & Nanny Service.The Job Movers is a boutique babysitting and nanny service offering childcare to busy parents. Our experienced babysitters and nannies will deliver professional and responsible care for your children. We make sure that each babysitter and nanny is carefully screened and each background check is thoroughly processed to ensure that our babysitters and nannies can be trusted with your children. 1) Certified Childcare Professional | Kinder Care Supervised children from newborn to five years old, encouraging positive interactions Ensured children’s safety and health by keeping the classroom clean and closely monitoring all children. 2) Nanny | Personal Family Responsible for the care of two twin girls from three months until their third birthday Supervised children during parent’s working hours, including some nights and weekends Maintained open communication with parents throughout entire employment. 3) Nanny | Personal Family Cared for three children under 10 during the summer months Supervised day trips to local parks and swimming pools Read to the children and encouraged a positive learning environment Swimming and helping children learn to. WE PROVIDE ALL VERIFIED DOMESTIC SERVANTS AT YOUR DOORSTEP WITH IN 24 HOURS.
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Most Respected Viewers ! its all about the Types/ Risk / Factors / Symptoms / Screening Treatment & Prevention What Is Down Syndrome? Down syndrome (sometimes spelled “Down’s syndrome”) is a genetic abnormality. It is the most common single cause of birth defects in the United States This syndrome occurs because of an extra copy of chromosome 21. Your chromosomes contain your genetic material, & any problems with your chromosomes can cause serious physical and mental health problems Down syndrome causes lifelong developmental delays that can range from moderate to severe. It cannot be cured, but there are options. Down syndrome can be managed with educational interventions, specialized parenting techniques, and community engagement. These all can encourage a person with Down syndrome to develop life skills and social bonds, so that they can live a long (many Down syndrome patients live past the age of 50) and fulfilling life. Causes What Causes Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is e genetic disorder. TO understand how it happens, we first need to understand some basic genetics. In all cases of reproduction, both parents pass their genes on to their children. These genes are carried on chromosomes. When the baby’s cells develop, each cell is supposed to receive 23 pairs of chromosomes. Half of the chromosomes are from the mother and half from the father. In children with Down syndrome, one of the chromosomes does not separate properly. The baby ends up with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. This extra chromosome causes problems as the brain and physical features develop. Types Types of Down Syndrome There are three types of Down syndrome: Trisomy 21 Trisomy 21 means there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 in every cell. This is the most common form of Down syndrome. Mosaicism Mosaicism means there is an extra chromosome in some but not all of a child’s cells. Individuals with mosaic Down syndrome tend to have fewer symptoms. Translocation In this condition, children have only an extra part of chromosome 21. There are 46 total chromosomes. However, one of them has an extra piece of chromosome 21 attached. Risk Factors Will My Child Be at Risk for Down Syndrome? Certain parents have a greater risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome: women age 35 and older males 50 and older people with a family history of Down’s syndrome people who carry the genetic translocation Symptoms What Are the Symptoms of Down Syndrome? During pregnancy, there are no signs that a child will have Down syndrome. At birth, babies with Down syndrome usually have certain characteristic signs, including: flat facial features small head and ears short neck bulging tongue eyes that slant upward oddly shaped ears poor muscle tone A Down syndrome infant can be born a normal size. However development is twice as slow as for an unaffected child. There is usually some degree of mental retardation, but it is often mild to moderate. Mental and social development delays may mean that the child will have: impulsive behavior poor judgment short attention span slow learning capabilities Medical complications often accompany Down syndrome. These are caused by the extra chromosome. These may include: congenital heart defects hearing loss poor vision cataracts (clouded eyes) hip problems, such as dislocations leukemia chronic constipation sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep) dementia (thought and memory problems) hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) obesity late tooth growth, causing problems with chewing Today, despite the medical and developmental delays, a child born with Down syndrome can live past the age of 50 (Mayo Clinic). Screening Screening for Down Syndrome During Pregnancy Screening is offered as a routine part of prenatal care in the United States. However, it is not required. First Trimester An ultrasound evaluation and blood tests can look for Down syndrome in your fetus. These tests are done between the 10th and 14th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound looks at the back of the baby’s neck, called the nuchal translucency. If there are problems with the baby’s development, more fluid collects in this area. Blood tests looks at the level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). High levels of these proteins suggest a developmental problem. These tests have a higher false-positive rate than tests done at later pregnancy stages. If results are not normal, your doctor may follow up with an amniocentesis. In this test, an amniotic fluid sample is used to confirm the results. Second Trimester An ultrasound and quadruple marker screen (QMS) test can help identify Down syndrome and other neural tube defects. This test is done between 15 and 20 weeks. These tests measures four pregnancy-related factors: human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) unconjugated estriol alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) inhibin-A If any of these tests are not normal, you will be considered at high risk for birth defects. Additional Prenatal Tests Your doctor may order additional tests to detect Down syndrome in your baby: amniocentesis: Your doctor takes a sample of amniotic fluid to examine the number of chromosomes the baby has. The test is usually done at 15 weeks. It carries a one in 200 miscarriage risk. chorionic villus sampling (CVS): Your doctor will take cells from your placenta to analyze fetal chromosomes. This test is done during the ninth and 14th week of pregnancy. It carries a miscarriage risk of one in 100. percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS): Your doctor will take blood from the umbilical cord and examine it for chromosomal defects. It is done after the 18th week of pregnancy. It carries an even higher rate of miscarriage, so it is performed only if all other tests are uncertain. Some women choose not to undergo these tests, because of the risk of miscarriage. They would rather risk having a child with Down syndrome than losing the pregnancy. Tests at Birth At birth, your doctor will: perform a physical examination of your baby order a blood test called a karyotype to confirm Down syndrome Treatment Treating Down Syndrome There is no cure for Down syndrome. However, parents can provide early intervention and opportunities to help their child with Down syndrome succeed. Early intervention programs promote a child’s learning. They offer the best chance for success. In these programs, special education teachers and therapists will help your child learn: sensory skills social skills self-help motor skills language and cognitive abilities Children with Down syndrome often meet age-related milestones. However, this may take up to two times longer than for other children. A team of physicians and specialists can help provide medical care and manage the medical complications. Because obesity can be particularly dangerous to the health of children with Down syndrome, it is important to encourage physical activity and avoid high-calorie foods. However, before beginning exercise or sports, the child’s hip, neck, and spine should be examined. It is important to teach children with Down syndrome about being independent and staying safe. Parents should establish a support network in the family and community. Learn as much as possible about your child’s condition. This can help you understand what it means as your child grows and develops. Many people with Down syndrome lead successful lives in their community. They often go to school, hold jobs, and become independent. Prevention Preventing Down Syndrome There is no way to prevent Down syndrome. You may want to speak with a genetic counselor: before having a child, to see if you are at risk if you already have a child with Down syndrome and are considering getting pregnant again Regards from' Oxfordcadets Team J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore skype id oxfordcadets g mail oxfordcadets at g mail dot com whatsapp +92 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0 Get Updates on + 92 342 37 2 5 129
Rs 6.000
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Karachi (Sindh)
ASSALAM-o-ALAIKUM If u need a helping hand and a good family envirment for ur child u can contact us..This is our aim to give your infant, toddler safe and healthy environment at home. We Learn and play together. We give your baby Confidence step by step learning. Listening and learning recite of Qumran and Monsoon Douse. Those working Ladies, Teachers and Parents who want there Baby Day Care without any Tension they should Drop there Baby at my ur own area gulistan-e-jhor block 19 karachi baby day care offers services to children aged from 3 months to 6 years and has been established to provide a new approach to baby and child care.we facilitate working mothers by taking care of their children while they are at work. Kindly fulfill our Requirement to avoid problems 1. NIC copy of mother and father. 2. Birth Certificate of Baby or B form. Kids: 3 months to 6 years from Mrs Iqbal...
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Jhelum (Punjab)
Consult Homeopathic doctor Inam Rabbani for best online homeopathic consultancy for all acute and chronic diseases. If you want to have a balanced family consult and use Dr Inam Rabbani's Baby boy course which has a high rate of successfrom last many decades. Conceive a Baby Boy with our Baby Boy Course Our Baby Boy Course, offers the chance for a more balanced family and allows your children to feel wanted. A female child who knows that her family wished she were a boy carries an unnecessary burden throughout their childhood. As more parents choose their children with success, there will be more love to go around, less rejection, and a reduction in family size. Many couples have large families simply as the result of perpetual attempts to have a son. Conceive boy with our Baby Boy Course which have been used in Pakistan from last 20 years. Hundreds of families are enjoying their lives with Son after using this excellent course. This is not just a medicine to conceive a Baby Boy but it is also a very good tonic for both Mother and Child. It prevents from many complications during pregnancy. It is a pure Homeopathic formula having absolutely no side effects. کیا آپ چاہتے ہیں کہ آپ کے گھر بیٹا پیدا ہو؟ کیا آپ کے گھر صرف بیٹیاں پیدا ہوتی ہیں؟ تو آپ بھی ربانی ہومیو کلینک کا تیار کردہ “اولادنرینہ کورس” استعمال کریں۔ گزشتہ 20 سال میں اولاد نرینہ کورس کے استعمال سے پاکستان بھر میں بے شمار گھرانے بیٹا حاصل کرنے کی خواہش کو پورا کر چکے ہیں۔ یہ نہ صرف بیٹے کے حصول کے لیئے دوائی ہے بلکہ اس کے ساتھ ساتھ دوران حمل زچہ اور بچہ کی صحت کا خیال رکھنے کے لیئے ٹانک بھی ہے اور دوران حمل پیچیدگیوں سے بھی بچاتا ہے۔ یہ ایک مکمل طور پر ہومیوپیتھک کورس ہے اور ہر قسم کے سائڈ ایفیکٹس سے مبرا ہے۔
Rs 19.990
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Islamabad (Islamabad Capital Territory)
Fisher-Price Cheer for Me! Potty RM150 excluding postage - Add RM15 for postage Product Dimensions: 14.8 x 14 x 13.8 inches Realistic Details and Fun Sounds Make Toilet Training Easy Your child will appreciate the realistic shape of the toilet, the flush handle that clicks when pressed, and the retractable bath tissue holder. The potty rewards each success with five encouraging phrases and two sing-along training songs. Featuring a bright, smiling face, the Cheer For Me! Potty creates a fun, stress-free environment for your child to potty train. Smooth, Nook-Free Bowl Surface for Easy Cleanup For easy, mess-free cleanup, the potty seat's bowl is removable. Its surface is smooth without any nooks to reduce chance of buildup. The potty includes a lid-down feature and a splash guard shield for splash protection for boys. Use on Adult Toilet to Aid Transition When it's time to graduate to an adult toilet, the potty ring can be placed directly on a regular, unpadded adult-sized toilet. Your toddler will feel more secure on the real thing with the aid of the potty seat. The Fisher-Price Cheer For Me! Potty operates with three AA batteries (not included). About Fisher-Price: A Household Name for Quality Baby Products Founded in 1930, Fisher-Price creates products that makes lives easier for parents and toys that foster a child's imagination. Instantly recognizable throughout the world as a leader in infant and preschool products, Fisher-Price focuses on delivering stimulating products for both children and babies. With a trove full of classic, tried-and-true products in their arsenal, the company continues to design and create new developmental toys and baby products.
Rs 6
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Dear Mama, I never believed in miracles but you gave me faith,you made me believe again.Me and my partner had tried everything to have a baby,we were married for 7 years with no child,we almost gave up till i was introduced to Mama Fatima by a friend of mine.I used Mama Fatima's ancestral medicines with guidance from his spiritual powers.I fell pregnant after 3 Days and had our first child Bianca in December 2013.I'm pregnant again with our second child.Thanks to you Mama Fatima you are my shining star keep shining brighter, Katherine Davids Pregnant/Family spell I appreciate all you have done for myself and my family. Our family business was on the verge of collapsing after the financial clamp down,customers were scarce and we couldn't afford loosing our family business since it was our late fathers effort and dedication to start it.Thank you so much Mama Fatima for keeping our lives happy With Your SHORT BOYS which Brings Us Money Into Our Family Business Account May God bless you, Sarah Port Elizabeth Business Spell Dear Mama Fatima. i don't know how to thank you for the noble job you did to bring him and Put Money into My Account With Your SHORT BOYS . You gave me support when I was feeling hopeless. I feel truly blessed to have found your site. I sincerely hope others will take that leap of faith and let you help them as you have helped me! Thank you for your magic and short BOYS it has changed my life Into Reality ! Mark, Pretoria
Rs 700
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Lahore (Punjab)
simba nanny company(R) your child care first,we provide nanny/babysitter/live in nanny/holiday nanny/house maid/house keeper/nursing care for new born baby,we also provide filipino nanny /baby sitter/house maid/house experts are also available.service provide,lahore/islamabad/karachi/multan
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Sterility and Infertility Ladyies 80% and men 20% Infertility is a disease which hinders the process of conceiving a child. Sometimes, this disease may result in losing the possibility of parenthood.Over the centuries, there has been a myth that women are the main culprit behind unable to conceive. Some women are even divorced on the basis of this. However, according to the new research it has been proved that if women are not able to conceive then men are equally responsible for this. Parenthood cannot be gained if either men or women have caught infertility. Scientific research is agreed on one thing that growth of male sperm count get affected due to the infection in their sperms. In principle, couple should expect a baby after one year of marriage. Despite of taking all the measures if a couple is still seeing no sign of pregnancy then this clearly indicates that either male or female has caught infertility. Infertility is no more incurable. We have set an herbal course that can help you gaining parenthood with the blessing of baby boy or girl and ultimately bringing happiness in your life. Our Contact: Al Aziz Herbal Clinic (Pakistan) Dr. & Hakeem Malik Muhammad Awais D-H-M-S ,FTJ(Punjab), Expert Sexologist,Herbal Medicine Course (South Africa)Fertility specialist, B.Tech public health, phone: +923219214443 and +923214595269 our reports send this other contect: viber, whats app,facebook messanger,
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Simba foreigner & local nanny company (r) Your child care first We provide nanny/ babysitter/ live in nanny/ governess/ holiday nanny/ nurses/ maternity nurses/ staff nurses/ doulas / peads specialized staff / patient care attendant (male, female) / nursing care for new born baby / Housemaid / Housekeeper / Cooking Experts. We also provide filipino nanny babysitter / house maid / house keeper available on short notice. Replacement guarantee, company own staff, no fee charges, duty in uniform For details 03335561843 03009484995
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Have the quest to find the perfect soul mate done more harm than good? Have you lost the one and only person you truly loved to another? Lost love spells can help you mend the bridges of love with a past lover & ignite the love spark so that you can overcome distance & time to bring back a lost lover back to you again with lost love spells by Prof Kalibu specalist for 30 years in doing it . Lost love spells to help you make up with an ex-lover unconditionally no matter how much time has passed since you were in a relationship or marriage or how circumstances have changed. Remove the regret and anxiety of a lost relationship with my lost love spells that give results ( IN 24 HOURS ONLY ) YES 24 HOURS (100% Gaureente ) prof kalibu or you can vist or call (+27) 0829532645. Or Email me Traditional healering powers and cleansing rituals Bring back lost lover spells Marriage spells, protectional spells, spirit removel spells African Love spells caster Stop cheating spells Get back Lost property spells Get child spell Reunite lost love spells. Job promotion spells. Divorce spells. Revenge spells. Win lotto spells SICKNESS/ILLNESS LIKE EPILEPSY , BARREN (NO CHILDREN), SWOLLEN FEET, MENTAL INSTABILITY (MADNESS), DISABILITIES , PREGNANCY TESTIMONIES. I can t stop thanking you Prof kalibu,I'm so proud of my marriage, i cant imagine when i came to you within only 3 days my husband suggested a marriage, we're now happily married with our first baby boy, thank you so much for your immediate concern in my life,i will never forget the day i visited your shrine prof kalibu boyfriend has changed completely and he now plans a marriage with me soon, thank you for your Powerful Love Spells you cast on my behalf, am so happy Megani With 100% Gaurentee result ) UK, U.S.A , EUROPE ,CANADA ASIA, South AFRICA ,UEA,
Rs 200
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Karachi (Sindh)
Our Best & Unique ideas make your party perfect for your growing child and your younger guests happy full of fun and your baby will happy and long time younger’s and elders remember. Younger see live movie and cartoon characters is very interesting movement for children’s also Name in air Activity, Exclusive Balloon Décor, Colored name thermo pole, Balloon Arches Balloon themed Center pieces, creative clowns. Juggling show, magic show, candy floss, pp corns, cartoons statues, etc Please Visit Our Website for complete VIDEOS – PICTURES – PRICE - TETIMONIALS w w w . n a s i r 4 u . c o m I 0321-8745653 I 0312-8512851
Rs 17.000
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Lahore (Punjab)
We Are Providing Best Services 100% Verified Maids Cooks Drivers Couples Nurses Patien t Care Baby Sitters Child Nanny House Keeping Helpers Security Guards All Staff 100% Verified With Granted. 7 Year Old Registered Adara
Rs 12.000
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