Profile - Gulzartraveldeals

25 April 2015
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Gulzar Travels & Tours Pvt Ltd is a licensed tour-operator in Pakistan operation tours in Pakistan since 2007. We are expanding as Pakistan is progressing for tourism.
We have some partnership opportunities for individuals or companies having long term interest in the field of tourism in Pakistan. Individuals in Pakistan or outside Pakistan may benefit from our planned expansion.
We can get you a full service licensed Branch office of Gulzar Travels & Tours Pvt Ltd to operate in any city of Pakistan.
Guarantee Less Investment High Income
A license may be granted to an applicant for one or more of the following fields of operation, namely:–
booking of passages and baggage by air, rail road or sea for citizens of Pakistan or tourists for any destination;
organizing group tours for citizen of Pakistan to a foreign country or countries;
organizing group tours of citizens of Pakistan or foreigners within Pakistan;
organizing or arranging sightseeing, providing of arranging sports including entertainment or arranging trekking or mountain climbing for tourists within Pakistan; and
providing or arranging accommodation and transportation for tourists within Pakistan or outside Pakistan.