DESCRIPTION The Primavera portable Urdu Language Typewriter with Cover Case available The Typist is a portable typewriter manufactured by the Primavera Italian. It is a mechanical machine where a hammer strikes a cloth ribbon to transfer the impression to paper. The "Primavera 2000" version, as the manual states, was for the high-end of the market, with luxurious elegant design features compared to other typewriters of that era. This typewriter became popular because it was small and yet had the same features as a full sized machine. It has wonderful line setting and spacing features that were usually available only on larger full-sized machines. You could have a single space, one and a half space, and double space. Double spaced lines are much easier to read, and people usually used this setting when typing their degree thesis. This Urdu Language Typewriter machine has a transparent aligning scale with a hole so that an inserted pencil point marks a horizontal line when the carriage slides. This is something that even modern computer keyboards do not have today. It even has an accent key, so if you were typing words in a Urdu language you could add the acute or grave mark above the letter. The "Urdu language 2000" version has a standard Urdu Language keyboard; however, there was also another version for the French market with an AZERTY keyboard. It is quite possible to convert this keyboard, but I would prefer to leave it in its original condition. This is a large multi-page article, and in the Servicing section, you can see the inside of this typewriter. Engineers always appreciate the complexity of its design. It must have taken great skill and ingenuity to make it. Hence, this article is about the engineering design of this machine. It is a nice bit of Italian engineering, and with one of these, you can have a letter typed very quickly in the usual Italian efficiency. I just love old technology and the engineering behind it, and this typewriter just goes to show that nothing can surpass good quality design. These typewriters are incredibly reliable, as the majority of the components are made of die-cast metal that lasts almost forever. These machines have been operating longer than their designers intended, and often in much harsher conditions, yet they continue to operate providing the same performance. They require very little servicing apart from a general clean and lubrication. There are many parts of the world, where this typewriter is still used. All over cargo or delivery service available on demand Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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