Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore
Assalamo alykum to you all
we are here to help you out and are alive with a spirit' aim and mission for specifically the parents whose beloved children are in some problems and are not showing an output result in their previous schools and as well as academies'
we have more than 30 years teaching experience and do know how to inspire such children inner hidden natural mysterious talent and other social values and how to enable them to survive the life among others in the challenging world with excellence
we solve their listening' understanding' studies base' subjects concepts since 1990
we provide result oriented and experienced' Pure Dedicated and professional Verified teaching Staff faculty to you all parents at your door step
we have subjects specialist
psychologists and Expert Home Tutors for
Mentally slow learning
Special Retarded / epileptic / Cognitive / aggressive behavioral and the
Children with iQ Skills Deficiencies or disorders
Interested parents may contact us for more in details on below mentioned address
they may discuss their beloved children problems on skype for as an advise
with regards from'
Oxfordcadets Team'
Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore
skype oxfordcadets
whatsap 333 4/6 /3/3/ 9/9/ 0
0307 44 77 99 0 jaz
0333 434 9522 u phone
0342 37 25 129 u phone converted sms
Assalamo alykum to you all
we are here to help you out and are alive with a spirit' aim and mission for specifically the parents whose beloved children are in some problems and are not showing an output result in their previous schools and as well as academies'
we have more than 30 years teaching experience and do know how to inspire such children inner hidden natural mysterious talent and other social values and how to enable them to survive the life among others in the challenging world with excellence
we solve their listening' understanding' studies base' subjects concepts since 1990
we provide result oriented and experienced' Pure Dedicated and professional Verified teaching Staff faculty to you all parents at your door step
we have subjects specialist
psychologists and Expert Home Tutors for
Mentally slow learning
Special Retarded / epileptic / Cognitive / aggressive behavioral and the
Children with iQ Skills Deficiencies or disorders
Interested parents may contact us for more in details on below mentioned address
they may discuss their beloved children problems on skype for as an advise
with regards from'
Oxfordcadets Team'
Main J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore
skype oxfordcadets
whatsap 333 4/6 /3/3/ 9/9/ 0
0307 44 77 99 0 jaz
0333 434 9522 u phone
0342 37 25 129 u phone converted sms
1 reviews