The spiciest hamburger on the planet!
XXX Hot Chili Burger, prepared by the Burger Off fast food restaurant in Sussex, is the world's spiciest burger: it reaches about 9.2 million of Scoville units. To give you an idea of what that means, a jalapeno pepper measures 2,500 units and a chili has about 500 units. The police pepper spray has only about 5,000,000 Scoville units.
It is therefore easy to understand why to eat this burger (made with chili sauce Piri Piri) you must sign a specific authorization document. Despite this, the sandwich has a great success, everyone wants to try it just to be included among those who could eat it.
Almos 3000 participants tried to finish with this ball of fire but only 59 were able to finish it off. Five people ended up in the emergency room: one of them has suffered a perforation of the intestine, while the other four have suffered anaphylactic shock.
The owner of the fast food restaurant is amazed with the number of people interested in the burger: "I do not know why customers eat it, because I always say it's incredibly spicy and explain all the risks. I think people are a little crazy and many simply see it as a challenge "
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