Mechanical engineering is the study, design, development, construction, and testing of mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines. Mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies to meet a wide range of human needs.Bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in mechanical engineering are available at 4-year colleges and universities. The core coursework of a mechanical engineering program teaches students to design and make devices and test that they work as planned. These devices may include electric generators, tools, engines, elevators and other thermal and mechanical devices. Graduate programs commonly offer an area of focus, such as fluid mechanics, mechanical design, heat transfer, biochemical engineering or robotics. Common concepts examined in mechanical engineering courses: Equilibrium Feedback control System modeling Product design Manufacturability List of Mechanical Engineering Courses Introductory Engineering Graphics Course Students are introduced to various methods of engineering graphics, including computer aided drafting (CAD) technology and freehand sketching. Through demonstration, lab exercises and site visits, students learn the basics of graphical presentation of ideas. Specific areas include dimensioning, views, sections, production standards and tolerancing. Topics in computer-aided design include CAD systems, computer graphics, geometry and computer-aided design synthesis of vehicular systems. Engineering Mathematics Course This upper-level course covers aspects of linear algebra needed for the field of mechanical engineering. Students may use computers to solve mathematical equations. Specific areas include ordinary and partial differential equations, finite dimensional linear spaces, set theory, Green's theorem and Fourier analysis. Introduction to Electrical and Mechanical Systems Course This advanced mechanical engineering course provides an introduction to electronics and basic electrical circuits. Students should be familiar with Fourier analysis, differential equations, electric charges and electric fields. Design of analog integrated circuits using semiconductor transistors is taught. Specific areas covered include semiconductor physics, bias circuits and active loads, frequency response, the physics of noise and data converters. Phasor analysis, circuit elements and Kirchhoff's laws are also studied. Thermodynamics Course Coursework addresses the fundamental concepts of thermodynamic properties, temperature and systems. Topics in statistical thermodynamics are included, such as the Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein and Boltzmann statistics. Other areas include internal energy, absolute temperature, entropy, enthalpy and energy equations for flow. The Schrodinger wave equation is also covered Website http://www.icollegete.conm