We deal in all the above mentioned products, we provide products with services of installing and giving training to handle these products with 1 YEAR WARRANTY
Mini IR Dome Camera-2CE15A2P-IRP 700TVL RS - 4200
4 Channel IP Digital Video Recorder HIKVISION-7104 RS - 9000
HIK BULLET box ir camera 55a2p 4200x4= 16800
1000 GB Sata Hard Disk RS - 7000
Cameras Power SUPPLY 350 X 2 = RS - 700
And IP Programming RS - 2000
TOTAL AMOUNT :==================: RS - 35500
RJ-6 Cable, and UK Proline Power Cable, Piping/Ducting & Installation Charges Per running feet RS - 20
Mini IR Dome Camera-2CE15A2P-IRP 700TVL RS - 4200
4 Channel IP Digital Video Recorder HIKVISION-7104 RS - 9000
HIK BULLET box ir camera 55a2p 4200x4= 16800
1000 GB Sata Hard Disk RS - 7000
Cameras Power SUPPLY 350 X 2 = RS - 700
And IP Programming RS - 2000
TOTAL AMOUNT :==================: RS - 35500
RJ-6 Cable, and UK Proline Power Cable, Piping/Ducting & Installation Charges Per running feet RS - 20
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