Kidding aside, I went into Fighter Within completely open-minded, expecting to have at least a bit of fun experimenting with the new Kinect 2. Based on my experiences with the new hardware with every other launch game I actually quite liked the tech, and it's vastly superior to the 360's camera counterpart in every way. Sadly, Fighter does nothing to sell the new technology -- in fact, it will scare people away. First off, the menus are extremely poor, forcing you to b'"'punchb'"' to select different options. Rather than let you have the option of using a d-pad like Kinect Sports Rivals, Fighter Within is content with having you aim up a jab, then having the cursor wildly swing in another direction as you're attempting to select something. The game is frustrating even before you get to play it. Once you get past the headache-inducing menus, Fighter nudges you to complete the b'"'Initiationb'"' to learn how to play, which doubles as the goofy, poorly-executed story mode. Simply put, the plot is convoluted, silly, and a complete waste. If the developers wanted to go for a campy action film, they could have had something unique, at least -- instead, they opted for a disjointed narrative featuring a completely uninteresting protagonist (who looks like a knockoff of DmC's Dante, someone you don't want to knock off in the first place), who randomly meets a collective of equally uninteresting characters.
1 reviews

Rs 5.199,00
Rs 5.199,00