Respected parents !
Is there any mental/ physical or iQ Skills Deficiencies in your child
Parents (child) with ASD (Introduction)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of related
developmental disorders that are characterized by impairments
in reciprocal social interaction, language development
& intentional communication, & restricted
interests & stereotyped motor behaviors
Once considered to be a
rare disorder, ASD is now estimated to occur in as many as
one in 150 births or even more
ASDs are almost universally regarded
as life-long conditions, although the severity of cognitive,
language, social & adaptive skill impairments varies widely
among children & across time within children.
However, in
recent years, it has been claimed that a significant minority of
children with well-documented ASD have recovered through many possible ways and scientific techniques.
In a case any of the parents around have some such problems in their children' they may contact us for their proper treatment in our institution
by the grace of God' you will see an amazing skills recovery within days time
For further information' one may sen message on skype
oxfordcadets or 342 3/7/2/5/1/2/9
with regards'
Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii lahore
Akhtar Hayat Ex PAF
whatsap 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0
Is there any mental/ physical or iQ Skills Deficiencies in your child
Parents (child) with ASD (Introduction)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of related
developmental disorders that are characterized by impairments
in reciprocal social interaction, language development
& intentional communication, & restricted
interests & stereotyped motor behaviors
Once considered to be a
rare disorder, ASD is now estimated to occur in as many as
one in 150 births or even more
ASDs are almost universally regarded
as life-long conditions, although the severity of cognitive,
language, social & adaptive skill impairments varies widely
among children & across time within children.
However, in
recent years, it has been claimed that a significant minority of
children with well-documented ASD have recovered through many possible ways and scientific techniques.
In a case any of the parents around have some such problems in their children' they may contact us for their proper treatment in our institution
by the grace of God' you will see an amazing skills recovery within days time
For further information' one may sen message on skype
oxfordcadets or 342 3/7/2/5/1/2/9
with regards'
Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii lahore
Akhtar Hayat Ex PAF
whatsap 333 4/6/3/3/9/9/0
1 reviews