Most Respected Viewers & Parents!
what do you feel about your beloved child' what do you think' he is not showing the performance in his/her school class as you do expect' and you might be have changed your child's school academy and the tutor but did you see any outstanding result ?
if no' read below !
OxfordCadets School & Special Children Skills Recovering Academy Firdos Market J Block Near Jinnah FlyOver
Gulberg iii Lahore Pakistan
Solution For all Facing Problem Parents anywhere !
We' a team of educationist / subjects-Specialist and professional tutors/Teacher are ever alive with a spirit to
serve those children who can not afford
School Colleges Universities Fee
if anyone child anywhere is not going to school and is seeking an institute' may contact us' we all members are here and available for whole the day' in the evening and even for whole the night to serve them freely without any cost.
But if they want to achieve their desired goal in their lives
Get An amazing Result in such beloved child's in Counted Hours ! not in days
Why are we confident in achieving our Goals ?
The reason behind is that..
Before recover any Deficiency
First of all
we research on each child's
Psychological Dealings
General Behaviour
Brain's Mind-Developed habits
iQ Skills' Handwriting Styles
Mental Approach capabilities
Physical memorizing deficiencies
Linguistics / Spoken Dictation Phonics Syllables Understanding Picking Power Capacities
Lost Memory Reason
Epileptic Motor Delay Values
Overage Reasons
Will Power
Spiritual Values
Inner Hidden Thoughts & Interest
Developing Values of Mind
Motivation of Skills
Needy may contact us for more details on
skype id oxfordcadets
u 0 3, 3 3 - 4-3-4 - 9 - 5 - 2 - 2
j a z 0 3 - 0- 7-4 4- 7-7- 9 -9 -0
mail id oxfordcadets at g m a i l dot com
or message your problem to advise you for a proper solution
0342 3725129
with regards'
Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore
what do you feel about your beloved child' what do you think' he is not showing the performance in his/her school class as you do expect' and you might be have changed your child's school academy and the tutor but did you see any outstanding result ?
if no' read below !
OxfordCadets School & Special Children Skills Recovering Academy Firdos Market J Block Near Jinnah FlyOver
Gulberg iii Lahore Pakistan
Solution For all Facing Problem Parents anywhere !
We' a team of educationist / subjects-Specialist and professional tutors/Teacher are ever alive with a spirit to
serve those children who can not afford
School Colleges Universities Fee
if anyone child anywhere is not going to school and is seeking an institute' may contact us' we all members are here and available for whole the day' in the evening and even for whole the night to serve them freely without any cost.
But if they want to achieve their desired goal in their lives
Get An amazing Result in such beloved child's in Counted Hours ! not in days
Why are we confident in achieving our Goals ?
The reason behind is that..
Before recover any Deficiency
First of all
we research on each child's
Psychological Dealings
General Behaviour
Brain's Mind-Developed habits
iQ Skills' Handwriting Styles
Mental Approach capabilities
Physical memorizing deficiencies
Linguistics / Spoken Dictation Phonics Syllables Understanding Picking Power Capacities
Lost Memory Reason
Epileptic Motor Delay Values
Overage Reasons
Will Power
Spiritual Values
Inner Hidden Thoughts & Interest
Developing Values of Mind
Motivation of Skills
Needy may contact us for more details on
skype id oxfordcadets
u 0 3, 3 3 - 4-3-4 - 9 - 5 - 2 - 2
j a z 0 3 - 0- 7-4 4- 7-7- 9 -9 -0
mail id oxfordcadets at g m a i l dot com
or message your problem to advise you for a proper solution
0342 3725129
with regards'
Oxfordcadets J Block Firdos Market Gulberg iii Lahore
1 reviews