Dastgir Engineering presents Bakery Machinery, ice cream freezers, Restaurants and other Fast food setups in all cities of Pakistan. If you are running any commercial bakery setup, bakery or chain of bakeries and Fast food Restaurant in any city of Pakistan, DEC provide you complete support from design of commercial kitchen setup to professional kitchen equipment.
Dastgir Engineering serving for those who want to purchase Kitchen equipment, commercial kitchen equipment, professional kitchen equipment, Restaurant Machinery, fast food setup Machinery, Bakery Freezers and equipment, ice cream machinery, cold storage and coffee machine equipment and accessories.
For newest Machinery pictures and updated prices please feel free to contact us, DEC are available on all online platforms. Prices on this online advertisement is valid only for 10 days, please contact us for new prices. Recognition code of this advertisement is Jul-1002-16.
Dastgir Engineering serving for those who want to purchase Kitchen equipment, commercial kitchen equipment, professional kitchen equipment, Restaurant Machinery, fast food setup Machinery, Bakery Freezers and equipment, ice cream machinery, cold storage and coffee machine equipment and accessories.
For newest Machinery pictures and updated prices please feel free to contact us, DEC are available on all online platforms. Prices on this online advertisement is valid only for 10 days, please contact us for new prices. Recognition code of this advertisement is Jul-1002-16.
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