Oxforcadets ! ( Located in Gulberg iii Lahore )
an online educational institute for worldwide students
We don't have any concern where do you live or reside' if you are with some skills, let update us to update you with some new updates.
we offer six to ten students group to a single tutor at their own place to teach them their specific single subject in daily fixed time routine for which we are working online experts and educationist who may come forward to fulfill the dream of those students who are waiting us to continue their studies class and they will have to appear in different online competitive exam or tests in their own countries.
we need males/ females and subject specialists who have some experience in teaching before. We will detail them for the students of different grades subjects to teach them and students are of online schools / online colleges and as well as professional degree program holding worldwide universities.
Oxfordcadets require the services of some professional tutors who are competent and have a grip on their subjects
interested ladies and gents or she males may visit us for more on our web site help line and submit your cv there
we need online professionals for our online educational institute. interested are required to send their cv.
be heard
we need only professional subject specialist for online worldwide universities students studies recovery.
for more information and question visit our web site help
leave your message and we will update you at the same moment there, looking online jobs students having M.Phil degrees with continued in uni may ad us on our skype id mentioned below'
with best regards'
Saba Noor'
Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore
whatsap 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 9 9 0 skype oxfordcadets
an online educational institute for worldwide students
We don't have any concern where do you live or reside' if you are with some skills, let update us to update you with some new updates.
we offer six to ten students group to a single tutor at their own place to teach them their specific single subject in daily fixed time routine for which we are working online experts and educationist who may come forward to fulfill the dream of those students who are waiting us to continue their studies class and they will have to appear in different online competitive exam or tests in their own countries.
we need males/ females and subject specialists who have some experience in teaching before. We will detail them for the students of different grades subjects to teach them and students are of online schools / online colleges and as well as professional degree program holding worldwide universities.
Oxfordcadets require the services of some professional tutors who are competent and have a grip on their subjects
interested ladies and gents or she males may visit us for more on our web site help line and submit your cv there
we need online professionals for our online educational institute. interested are required to send their cv.
be heard
we need only professional subject specialist for online worldwide universities students studies recovery.
for more information and question visit our web site help
leave your message and we will update you at the same moment there, looking online jobs students having M.Phil degrees with continued in uni may ad us on our skype id mentioned below'
with best regards'
Saba Noor'
Oxfordcadets J Block Gulberg iii Lahore
whatsap 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 9 9 0 skype oxfordcadets
1 reviews