get your better career by doing air ticketing & reservation course from a professional and foreign experienced person... after completing this course, one could join the travel & tourism industry in a professional way...! or could start his own travel agency business... = course details = - duration: 1 month (4 weeks) - days: monday to thursday (4 days a week) - period: 1 hour (individual - 1 person at a time) - location: in office / online through skype - gds: amadeus / galileo (basic) = course eligibility = - qualification: intermediate / graduation / masters - age: 18 to 35 years - gender: male and female [*** special classes at your place for dha, lahore area house wives / females and also for those who want to start their own business ***] === description === it's a professional course in a professional and practical way by a professional, unlike academic study. gds is for computerised reservation of the airlines, and of course i do teach it as well. in this course, i teach manual and computerised air ticketing & reservation including fares & taxes calculation, airlines codes, city codes, country and currency codes and many other things according to international air transport association (iata). i teach the person individually according to his / her qualification, experience, mental level, learning and picking power so that one could work properly in travel trade. i strive to make the logic and base to have the piece of mind... so that one could work with his own way by gripping the basic and logical guidance. i teach the different areas and scenarios of ticketing & reservation... i do not teach the person with the books or in that way... but teach the person practically with my experience... short and brief with technicality. i teach the client handling and dealing as well. means after doing this course, you could work as a good travel agent in a travel agency or even could do your own business as well. * contact person: muhammad shiraz * facebook: shiraz